for IRS Online Tax Tool Cognitive and Psychological Quantitative
Thank you for your participation in the IRS Online Tax Information Tool research conducted at the end of 2009. Your thoughts and insights made important contributions to the IRS continuous efforts to improve its service to the public. We would like to ask for your assistance once again as we further explore the quality of information you expect and receive from the IRS.
You will not be required to give any personal financial information, nor will you be contacted by the IRS as a result of participating in the research. All responses are completely anonymous and will only be used for research purposes.
SQ1. Let’s begin by thinking back to the 2009 tax season earlier this year. Which, if any, of the following questions did you seek information for while filing your 2009 tax returns? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]
1. How to file taxes/filing req.
2. Who you can claim on your return
3. Money paid/received/saved for education
4. Work related questions
5. Questions around retirement
6. Questions related to being a US citizen with foreign income paying taxes to another country
7. Questions around credits you may be able to take on your return
8. Questions around claiming various types of income, payments, awards
9. What you take as deductions/ expenses
10. Gains/Losses from investments/ property
11. Questions related to being a foreigner who lives or works in the US
12. Questions about spouses/ex-spouses debt
13. None of the above
We would like to walk through your research process for answering tax related questions. Let’s begin with [INSERT TLC CATEGORY SELECTED IN SQ1 WITH THE LOWEST INCIDENCE FOR RESPONDENT’S SEGMENT].
q2_1. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access FIRST to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q3_1. Why was this resource your FIRST choice for this tax question/issue?
q4_1. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q4_1 < 7 ASK Q4A_1, OTHERWISE GO TO Q5_1]
q4A_1. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q5_1. And after reviewing the content from this FIRST resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a second resource?
[if q5_1=1 ask q2_2-q5_2 for the second resource; if q5_1=2 go to next tlc]
q2_2. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
was never resolved
q3_2. Why was this resource your SECOND choice for this tax question/issue?
q4_2. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q4_2 < 7 ASK Q4A_2, OTHERWISE GO TO Q5_2]
q4A_2. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q5_2. And after reviewing the content from this SECOND resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a third resource?
[if q5_2=1 ask q2_3-q5_3 for the THIRD resource; if q5_2=2 go to next tlc]
q2_3. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q3_3. Why was this resource your THIRD choice for this tax question/issue?
q4_3. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q4_3 < 7 ASK Q4A_3, OTHERWISE GO TO Q5_3]
q4A_3. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q5_3. And after reviewing the content from this THIRD resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a fourth resource?
[if q5_3=1 ask q2_4-q4_4 for the FOURTH resource; if q5_3=2 go to next tlc]
q2_4. Which, if any, of the following was your FOURTH resource for answering this tax question or resolving this issue?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
was never resolved
q3_4. Why was this resource your FOURTH choice for this tax question/issue?
q4_4. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
q4A_4. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q6_1. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access FIRST to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q7_1. Why was this resource your FIRST choice for this tax question/issue?
q8_1. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q8_1 < 7 ASK Q8A_1, OTHERWISE GO TO Q9_1]
q8A_1. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q9_1. And after reviewing the content from this FIRST resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a second resource?
[if q9_1=1 ask q6_2-q9_2 for the second resource; if q9_1=2 go to next tlc]
q6_2. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q7_2. Why was this resource your SECOND choice for this tax question/issue?
q8_2. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q8_2 < 7 ASK Q8A_2, OTHERWISE GO TO Q9_2]
q8A_2. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q9_2. And after reviewing the content from this SECOND resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a third resource?
[if q9_2=1 ask q6_3-q9_3 for the THIRD resource; if q5_2=2 go to next tlc]
q6_3. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q7_3. Why was this resource your THIRD choice for this tax question/issue?
q8_3. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q8_3 < 7 ASK Q8A_3, OTHERWISE GO TO Q9_3]
q8A_3. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q9_3. And after reviewing the content from this THIRD resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a fourth resource?
[if q9_3=1 ask q6_4-q8_4a for the FOURTH resource; if q9_3=2 go to next tlc]
q6_4. Which, if any, of the following was your FOURTH resource for answering this tax question or resolving this issue?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q7_4. Why was this resource your FOURTH choice for this tax question/issue?
q8_4. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
q8A_4. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
Let’s review your process for one last question that you researched during your 2009 tax filing process. Consider this question: [INSERT TLC CATEGORY WITH THE NEXT LOWEST INCIDENCE FOR RESPONDENT’S SEGMENT].
q10_1. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access FIRST to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q11_1. Why was this resource your FIRST choice for this tax question/issue?
q12_1. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q12_1 < 7 ASK Q12A_1, OTHERWISE GO TO Q13_1]
q12A_1. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q13_1. And after reviewing the content from this FIRST resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a second resource?
[if q13_1=1 ask q10_2-q13_2 for the second resource; if q13_1=2 go to next tlc]
q10_2. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q11_2. Why was this resource your SECOND choice for this tax question/issue?
q12_2. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q12_2 < 7 ASK Q12A_2, OTHERWISE GO TO Q13_2]
q12A_2. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q13_2. And after reviewing the content from this SECOND resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a third resource?
[if q13_2=1 ask q10_3-q13_3 for the THIRD resource; if q13_2=2 go to next tlc]
q10_3. Which, if any, of the following resources did you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q11_3. Why was this resource your THIRD choice for this tax question/issue?
q12_3. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
[IF Q12_3 < 7 ASK Q12A_3, OTHERWISE GO TO Q13_3]
q12A_3. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
q13_3. And after reviewing the content from this THIRD resource, did you seek out additional information for this tax question from a fourth resource?
[if q13_3=1 ask q10_4-q12_4a for the FOURTH resource; if q13_3=2 go to next tlc]
q10_4. Which, if any, of the following was your FOURTH resource for answering this tax question or resolving this issue?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
Question was never resolved
q11_4. Why was this resource your FOURTH choice for this tax question/issue?
q12_4. Using a scale of 0 to 9 where, 0 means “this resource did not answer my question at all” and 9 means “this resource completely answered my question” how well did this resource answer your tax question/issue?
Did not answer question at all 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Completely answered questions 9 |
How well did this resource answer your tax question? |
q12A_4. Thinking of the content you found important, what was missing from the information provided by this resource?
[all respondents should evaluate three TLc questions; TAKE RESPONDENT THROUGH THE NEXT TLC BASED on lowest incidence category for respondent’s segment; if respondent has less than three tlcs selected in qs1 ask q14; IF RESPONDENT HAs COMPLETED THREE TLCs ask q21]
Q14. Thinking about the 2010 tax season, which, if any, of the following questions do you most likely anticipate seeking assistance with while preparing your 2010 tax returns? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]
1. How to file taxes/filing req.
2. Who you can claim on your return
3. Money paid/received/saved for education
4. Work related questions
5. Questions around retirement
6. Questions related to being a US citizen with foreign income paying taxes to another country
7. Questions around credits you may be able to take on your return
8. Questions around claiming various types of income, payments, awards
9. What you take as deductions/ expenses
10. Gains/Losses from investments/ property
11. Questions related to being a foreigner who lives or works in the US
12. Questions about spouses/ex-spouses debt
13. None of the above
Now think about the research process you will most likely use to answer this question: [INSERT TLC CATEGORY WITH THE NEXT LOWEST INCIDENCE FOR RESPONDENT’S SEGMENT].
q15_1. Which, if any, of the following resources would you access FIRST to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q16_1. Why would this resource be your FIRST choice for this tax question/issue?
q17_1. And after reviewing the content from this FIRST resource, would you seek out additional information for this tax question from a second resource?
[if q17_1=1 ask q15_2-q17_2 for the second resource; if q17_1=2 go to next tlc]
q15_2. Which, if any, of the following resources would you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q16_2. Why would this resource be your SECOND choice for this tax question/issue?
q17_2. And after reviewing the content from this SECOND resource, would you seek out additional information for this tax question from a third resource?
[if q17_2=1 ask q15_3-q17_3 for the THIRD resource; if q17_2=2 go to next tlc]
q15_3. Which, if any, of the following resources would you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q16_3. Why would this resource be your THIRD choice for this tax question/issue?
q17_3. And after reviewing the content from this THIRD resource, would you seek out additional information for this tax question from a fourth resource?
[if q17_3=1 ask q15_4-q16_4 for the FOURTH resource; if q17_3=2 ask q21]
q15_4. Which, if any, of the following would be your FOURTH resource for answering this tax question or resolving this issue?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q16_4. Why would this resource be your FOURTH choice for this tax question/issue?
Let’s review your research process for one last question you anticipate asking during your 2010 tax filing process. Consider this question: [INSERT TLC CATEGORY WITH THE NEXT LOWEST INCIDENCE FOR RESPONDENT’S SEGMENT].
q18_1. Which, if any, of the following resources would you access FIRST to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q19_1. Why would this resource be your FIRST choice for this tax question/issue?
q20_1. And after reviewing the content from this FIRST resource, would you seek out additional information for this tax question from a second resource?
[if q20_1=1 ask q18_2-q20_2 for the second resource; if q20_1=2 ask Q21]
q18_2. Which, if any, of the following resources would you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q19_2. Why would this resource be your SECOND choice for this tax question/issue?
q20_2. And after reviewing the content from this SECOND resource, would you seek out additional information for this tax question from a third resource?
[if q20_2=1 ask q18_3-q20_3 for the THIRD resource; if q20_2=2 ask q21]
q18_3. Which, if any, of the following resources would you access NEXT to get this tax question answered or issue resolved?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q19_3. Why would this resource be your THIRD choice for this tax question/issue?
q20_3. And after reviewing the content from this THIRD resource, would you seek out additional information for this tax question from a fourth resource?
[if q20_3=1 ask q18_4-q19_4 for the FOURTH resource; if q20_3=2 ask q21]
q18_4. Which, if any, of the following would be your FOURTH resource for answering this tax question or resolving this issue?
IRS by phone
IRS Tax Assistance Center (walk-in site)
IRS Kiosk (similar to an ATM)
A tax professional (such as a certified public accountant, tax attorney, financial planner, or tax preparer)
A volunteer tax preparation walk-in site (such as those sponsored by the VITA program, or AARP)
A non-IRS online resource (i.e. a website(s) other than IRS.gov)
A non-IRS offline resource (such as a local library, friend or family member who is not a tax professional, or tax preparation software)
q19_4. Why would this resource be your FOURTH choice for this tax question/issue?
Q21. Did you visit IRS.Gov for help for your 2009 tax return any time after February 2010?
[if q21=1 go to “rating IRS.Gov” section, otherwise go to CONCLUSION]
The next several questions are about your experience with IRS.gov.
Customer Experience Index 2010
Q21a. Thinking about your recent experience visiting IRS.gov, how easy was it to work with?
[DISPLAY TO ALL: Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 means “very difficult” and 5 means “very easy.”]
Very Difficult 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Very Easy 5 |
Q21b. Thinking about your recent experience visiting IRS.gov, how effective was it at meeting your needs?
[DISPLAY TO ALL: Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 means “didn’t meet any of my needs” and 5 means “met all my needs.”]
Didn’t meet any of my needs 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Met all my needs 5 |
Q21c. Thinking about your recent experience visiting IRS.gov, how enjoyable was it?
[DISPLAY TO ALL: Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 means “not at all enjoyable” and 5 means “very enjoyable.”]
Not at all enjoyable 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Very enjoyable 5 |
IRS.gov – Specifics
Q22. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about your expectations prior to your most recent visit to IRS.gov?
[DISPLAY TO ALL: Please use a 0-9 scale where 0 means “strongly disagree” and 9 means “strongly agree.”]
Strongly disagree 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Strongly agree 9 |
Q23. Now I’d like to ask you to rate IRS.gov on a series of features and qualities you may have used or noticed during your most recent visit.
We’ll use a 1-7 scale where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 7 means “extremely satisfied.” So thinking of that most recent IRS’ customer service experience how satisfied were you…
999. Not applicable
Extremely dissatisfied 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Extremely satisfied 7 |
Ease of Use
How satisfied were you with… |
How satisfied were you with… |
Overall Resolution
How satisfied were you with… |
Q24. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about your feelings after your most recent visit to IRS.gov? Please use a 0-9 scale where 0 means “strongly disagree” and 9 means “strongly agree.”
999. Not applicable
Strongly disagree 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Strongly agree 9 |
IRS.gov – Loyalty
Q25a. How likely are you to consider going to IRS.gov to look for answers to future questions?
[DISPLAY TO ALL: Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 means “not at all likely” and 5 means “very likely.”]
Not at all likely 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Very likely 5 |
Q25b. How likely are you to recommend IRS.gov to a friend or colleague?
[DISPLAY TO ALL: Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 means “not at all likely” and 5 means “very likely.”]
Not at all likely 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Very likely 5 |
[CONCLUSION] Those are all the questions we have for you today. Thank you for your participation in this survey.
Below is an example of a typical survey invitation:
Sender: e-Rewards
Subject: Get Rewarded for Your Time - Study about (General topic to command interest without generating bias.)
Body: Based on your eRewards profile, you are invited to earn eRewards Currency for participating in a research survey. If you qualify and complete the survey:
Full reward amount: XX in eRewards Currency
Full survey length: approximately XX minutes
© 2010, Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. Forrester®, Technographics®, Forrester Wave, RoleView, TechRadar, and Total Economic Impact are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. For additional information, go to www.forrester.com.
The OMB number for this study
is 1545-1432.
If you have any comments regarding this study,
please write to:
Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20224
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Kaitlin McDevitt |
Last Modified By | qhrfb |
File Modified | 2010-07-15 |
File Created | 2010-06-29 |