American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

A8 specs

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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Section # 08

Section Name Earnings

Section Universe ALL

Parallel Block Name

Specification Date 5/6/05

Specification Writer

Specification Version 1

Other Information

1. Section Label: Earnings

2. Output Block Name:

Form Panes

Introduction [ ] # hours per week [ ] Usual weekly earnings [ ]

Estimated hours per week [ ] Total weekly earnings [ ] Wages [ ]

Specify [ ] Calculated weekly earnings [ ] Usual earnings [ ]

Receive overtime [ ] Estimate of earnings [ ]

Hourly rate of pay [ ] Verify information [ ] Confirm earnings [ ]

Est hourly rate of pay [ ] Edit hourly rate [ ] Earnings correction [ ]

# hours per wekk [ ] Edit hours per week [ ]

Edit overtime, tips, comm [ ] Weeks paid per year [ ]

Rate of overtime pay [ ] Edit hourly earnings [ ] Earning rate [ ]

Amt overtime pay [ ] Edit hours per week [ ] Hourly rate [ ]

Estimated weekly overtime [ ]

Enrolled in school [ ]

Type of school [ ]

Full/part-time enrollment [ ]

American Time Use Survey

Universe (QUEST = 25) AND ((IO1INC = 1, BLANK) AND (BUS1 ne 1) AND ((8500.IO1COW

neq 7, 8 or 11) OR (IODP1 ne 1))) AND ((IODP2 ne 2) OR (8500.PRWERNAL = 1))

>Question Text

This month I have a few questions about earnings.

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Spanish Translation

Este mes tengo algunas preguntas sobre ingresos.

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Variable Name ERNP Description Introduction

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto ERNPR]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


Universe ERNP = 1

>Question Text

For your [fill: MAIN] job, what is the easiest way for you to report your total earnings BEFORE taxes or other

deductions: hourly, weekly, annually, or on some other basis?

[fill: * Read if necessary: We use this information to compare the amount that people earn in different types of


1. Hourly

2. Weekly

3. Bi-weekly

4. Twice monthly

5. Monthly

6. Annually

7. Other (specify)

>Spanish Translation

Con respecto a su trabajo [fill: PRINCIPAL], ¿cómo le resulta más fácil darnos el total de sus ingresos SIN

DESCONTAR impuestos u otras deducciones? ¿Por hora, por semana, por año, o de qué otra manera?

[fill: * Read if necessary: Usamos esta información para comparar cuánto ganan las personas que trabajan en

diferentes tipos de empleos.]

1. Por hora

2. Por semana

3. Cada dos semanas

4. Dos veces al mes

5. Por mes

6. Por año

7. Otra manera (specify)

>Variable Name ERNPR Description Wages

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-6,D> [goto ERNUOT]

<7> [goto ERNPRS]

<R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ=1, then fill "* Read if necessary: We use this information to compare the amount that

people earn in different types of jobs. " and "MAIN'.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ=1, then fill "* Read if necessary: Usamos esta información para comparar cuánto ganan las personas

que trabajan en diferentes tipos de empleos. " and " PRINCIPAL .”

>Special Instructions

1. Store ERNPR in ERNPER.

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNPR = 7

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNPRS Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<30 characters, D, R> [goto ERNUOT]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (ERNPR = 1-6, D) OR (Entry in ERNPRS)

>Question Text

Do you usually receive overtime pay, tips, or commissions [fill: at your MAIN job]?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Generalmente le pagan horas extras, le dan propinas, o comisiones [fill: en su trabajo PRINCIPAL]?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name ERNUOT Description Receive overtime

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2,D,R> [If ERNPR = 1, goto ERNHRT]

[If ERNPR= 2-7, or D, goto ERNWK2]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ=1, then fill "at your MAIN job"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1, then fill “en su trabajo PRINCIPAL”

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNPR = 1

>Question Text

[fill: What /EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what] is your hourly rate of pay

on [fill: this /your MAIN] job?

>Spanish Translation

[fill: ¿Cuánto / SIN CONTAR horas extras, propinas y comisiones, ¿cuánto] le pagan por hora en [fill: ese

trabajo/ su trabajo PRINCIPAL]?

>Variable Name ERNHRT Description Hourly rate of pay

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00-99.99> [goto ERNHR]

<D> [goto ERNHRE]

<R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [Else goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT =1, fill "EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what" else fill "What"

2. If MJ=1, fill "your MAIN", else fill " this".

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT =1, fill " SIN CONTAR horas extras, propinas y comisiones, ¿cuánto " else fill " Cuánto "

2. If MJ=1, fill " su trabajo PRINCIPAL ", else fill " ese trabajo ".

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNHRT lt 001.00 or gt 030.00, display ERNRG1.

2. Display a $ in the entry field

3. Store ENRHRT in ERNH1O

4. If ERNHRT is R then store R in ERNX1

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNHRT = D

>Question Text

What is your best estimate of your hourly rate of pay?

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuánto calcula usted que gana por hora, aproximadamente?

>Variable Name ERNHRE Description Est. hourly rate of pay

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00-99.99> [goto ERNHR]

<D,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [Else goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNHRE lt 001.00 or gt 030.00, display ERNRG1.

2. Display $ in the entry field

3. Store ERNHRE in ERNH1O

4. If ERNHRE is D or R then store ERNHRE in ERNX1

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNHRT or ERNHRE is lt 001.00 or gt 030.00

>Question Text

Soft Edit

* Hourly earnings recorded as: [fill: $ERNHRT/ERNHRE] hourly.

Is this entry correct?

>Spanish Translation

Soft Edit

* Ganancias por hora anotadas como: [fill: $ERNHRT/ERNHRE] por hora.

¿Es correcta esta anotación?

>Variable Name ERNRG1 Description Soft edit

>Value/Skip Instructions

<Suppressed > [goto ERNHR]

<Goto, Close> [go back to ERNHRE/ERNHRT]

>Fill Instructions

1. If from ERNHRT, fill the amount entered in ERNHRT.

Else, fill the amount entered in ERNHRE.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNHRT = 0.00 - 99.99 OR ERNHRE = 0.00 - 99.99

>Question Text

How many hours do you usually work per week at this rate?

>Spanish Translation

Normalmente, ¿cuántas horas a la semana trabaja a ese salario por hora?

>Variable Name ERNHR Description # hours per week

>Value/Skip Instructions

<01-99> [If ERNUOT = 1, then goto ERNOTP. Else goto ERNVR1]

<D,R> [If HRUSL1 is D, V, or R, then goto ERNWK2]

[Else, if ERNUOT =1, goto ERNOTP]

[Else, goto ERNVR1]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNHR is other than D or R then store ERNHR in ERNHRO

If ERNHR is D or R AND HRUSL1 is D or V then store D in ERNHRO

If ERNHR is D or R AND HRUSL1 is R then store R in ERNHRO

If ERNHR is D or R AND HRUSL1 is not D, R, V then store HRUSL1 in ERNHRO

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNUOT = 1 AND (HRUSL1=1-99 and ERNHR=1-99)

>Question Text

[fill: How/At your MAIN job, how] much do you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions,

before taxes or other deductions?

*Enter periodicity first.

1. Per hour

2. Per day

3. Per week

4. Per month

5. Per year

6. Other

>Spanish Translation

Generalmente, [fill: ¿cuánto/en su trabajo PRINCIPAL, ¿cuánto] le pagan SOLAMENTE por horas extras,

propinas o comisiones, antes de los impuestos y otras deducciones?

*Enter periodicity first.

1. Por hora

2. Por día

3. Por semana

4. Por mes

5. Por año

6. Otro período

>Variable Name ERNOTP Description Rate of overtime pay

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-5> [goto ERNOTA]

<6,D> [goto ERNOTE]

<R> [If AGERNG = 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ is 1, then fill " At your MAIN job, how" , else fill " How".

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ is 1, then fill “en su trabajo PRINCIPAL, ¿cuánto”, else fill “cuánto”.

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNOTP = 1 - 5

>Question Text

* Enter Dollar Amount

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNOTA Description Amt overtime pay

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00-99999.99> [If ERNOTP is 1 goto ERNOH]

[if ERNOTP is 2 goto ERNOTE]

[if ERNOTP is 3, 4, 5 goto ERNVR1]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNOTA is lt 1 or gt 30 and ERNOTP is 1, goto ERNRG2

If ERNOTA is lt 1 or gt 240 and ERNOTP is 2 , goto ERNRG2

If ERNOTA is lt 1 or gt 1500 and ERNOTP is 3, goto ERNRG2

If ERNOTA is lt 1 or gt 6000 and ERNOTP is 4 , goto ERNRG2

If ERNOTA is lt 1 or gt 72000 and ERNOTP is 5 , goto ERNRG2


American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNOTP = 6 or D OR (Entry in ERNOTA and ERNOTP = 2)

>Question Text

What is your best estimate of how much you usually earn weekly, JUST in overtime pay, tips, or commissions,

before taxes or other deductions?

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuánto calcula usted que gana normalmente POR SEMANA, SOLAMENTE por horas extras, propinas, o

comisiones, sin descontar impuestos u otras deducciones?


>Variable Name ERNOTE Description Estimated weekly overtime

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-9999> [goto ERNVR1]

<D,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNOTE is lt 1 or gt 1500, goto ERNRG2


3. Display a $ and comma in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe (ERNOTP = 1 and ERNOTA not eq 1-30) OR (ERNOTP=2 and ERNOTA not eq 1-240)

OR (ERNOTP=3 and ERNOTA not eq 1-1500) OR (ERNOTP=4 and ERNOTA not eq

1-6000) OR (ERNOTP=5 and ERNOTA not eq 1-72000) OR ERNOTE not eq 1-1500

>Question Text

Soft Edit


Usual [fill: rate] earnings in overtime pay, tips or commissions recorded as:


Is this entry correct?

>Spanish Translation

Soft Edit


Ganancias habituales de [fill: rate] como pago por horas extras, propinas o comisiones anotadas como:


¿Es correcta esta anotación?

>Variable Name ERNRG2 Description Soft edit

>Value/Skip Instructions

<Suppressed > [goto ERNVR1]

<Goto, Close> [go back to ERNOTE/ERNOTA]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNOTP is 3 and there is an entry in ERNOTE, fill "weekly" and ERNOTE.

if ERNOTP is 2 , fill " daily"

if ERNOTP is 4, fill "monthly"

if ERNOTP is 5, fill "yearly"

if ERNOTP is 6 and entry in ERNOTE, fill "weekly"

2. If from ERNOTE, fill ERNOTE. Else fill ERNOTA

3. If ERNOTP neq 5 and ERNOTA > 9999 then display hard edit “Not a Valid Entry”

>Spanish Fill Instructions

Spanish Fills

1. If ERNOTP is 3 and there is an entry in ERNOTE, fill "por semana" and ERNOTE.

if ERNOTP is 2 , fill " por día"

if ERNOTP is 4, fill "por mes"

if ERNOTP is 5, fill "por año"

if ERNOTP is 6 and entry in ERNOTE, fill "por semana"

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNOTP = 1 AND Entry in ERNOTA

>Question Text

How many hours do you usually work per week at this rate?

>Spanish Translation

Normalmente, ¿cuántas horas trabaja por semana a ese salario por hora?


>Variable Name ERNOH Description # Hours per week

>Value/Skip Instructions

<00-99> [goto ERNVR1]

<D> [goto ERNOHE]

<R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNOH = D

>Question Text

What is your best estimate of the number of hours per week you usually work at this rate?

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuántas horas por semana calcula usted que trabaja a ese salario por hora?


>Variable Name ERNOHE Description Estimated hours per week

>Value/Skip Instructions

<00-99> [goto ERNVR1]

<D,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (ERNHR = 01-99 AND ERNUOT is not 1) OR (ERNHR = D, R AND HRUSL1 is not

D, R, V AND ERNUOT is not 1) OR (ERNOTP = 3-5 AND Entry in ERNOTA) OR

(ERNOTE = 0-9999) OR (ERNOH = 00-99) OR (ERNOHE = 00-99)

>Question Text

I have estimated your usual WEEKLY earnings [fill: for your main job] as [fill: $ HWKRN] before

taxes or other deductions.

Does that sound correct?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

Al calcular sus ingresos habituales POR SEMANA [fill: en su trabajo principal] obtengo como resultado [fill:

$ HWKRN] antes de descontar impuestos u otras deducciones.

¿Le parece que ésa es la cantidad correcta?


>Variable Name ERNVR1 Description Calculated weekly earnings

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

<2,D> [goto ERNVR2]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1, fill "for your main job".

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1, fill “en su trabajo principal”.

>Special Instructions

1. Set HWKRN

If (any onpath entry other than D or R in ERNHRO) AND (Onpath entry other than D or R in

ERNH1O) then multiple ERNHRO by ERNH1O and store in HWKRN

2. Set ERNX1 and ERN

a. If Entry other than D or R in ERNOTO then if onpath entry other than D or R in ERNOTE then

store ERNOTO in ERN; add ERN to HWKRN and store HWKRN in ERNX1

ELSE If onpath entry of 1 in ERNOTP then

If onpath entry other than D or R in ERNOH then multiply ERNOH by ERNOTO and store in ERN;

add ERN to HWKRN; store HWKRN in ERNX1

ELSE if onpath entry other then D or R in ERNOHE then multiply ERNOHE by ERNOTO and store in

ERN; add ERN to HWKRN; store HWKRN in ERNX1


ELSE If onpath entry of 3 in ERNOTP then store ERNOTO in ERN; add ERN to HWKRN; store


ELSE If onpath entry of 4 in ERNOTP then divide ERNOTO by 4 and store in ERN; add ERN to

HWKRN; store HWKRN in ERNX1.

ELSE if onpath entry of 5 in ERNOTP then divide ERNOTO by 52 and store in ERN; add ERN to




b. If NO entry in ERNOTO then, store HWKRN in ERNX1 {D or R in ERNOTO would not get here}

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNVR1 = 2, D

>Question Text

I have recorded:

2. [fill: ERNH1O] as your hourly rate of pay.

3. [fill: ERNHRO] as the number of hours you usually worked at this rate.

4. [fill: ERNOTO] as the amount you usually earned [Fill: hourly/monthly/annually/weekly]

in overtime pay, tips + commissions.

5. [fill: ERNOH] as the number of hours per week you usually work at this rate.

Which piece of information does not seem to be correct?

* Enter number(s) corresponding to line(s) requiring correction

1. All information correct and any other choice is not a valid entry

2. Hourly rate

3. Number of hours usually worked

[fill: 4. Amount of overtime pay ]

[fill: 5. Number of overtime hours per week at this rate ]

>Spanish Translation

He anotado:

2. [fill: ERNH1O] como su salario por hora.

3. [fill: ERNHRO] como el número de horas que trabajaba generalmente a ese salario por hora.

4. [fill: ERNOTO] como la cantidad que ganaba normalmente [Fill: por hora/por mes/por año/por semana]

por horas extra, propinas + comisiones.

5. [fill: ERNOH] como el número de horas que trabaja normalmente por semana a ese salario por hora.

¿Qué parte de la información no parece ser correcta?

* Enter number(s) corresponding to line(s) requiring correction

1. Toda la información es correcta

2. Salario por hora

3. Número de horas que trabaja normalmente

[fill: 4. Cantidad de pago por horas extras ]

[fill: 5. Número de horas extra por semana a este salario ]

>Variable Name ERNVR2 Description Verify information

>Value/Skip Instructions

<2-5> [If a 2 was selected goto ERNH1C]

[if a 3 was selected goto ERNHC]

[If a 4 was selected and ERNOTP is not 1 goto ERNOTC]

[if a 4 was selected and ERNOTP is 1 goto ERNOHC]

[If a 5 was selected, goto ERNH2C]

<1,D> [goto ERNWK1]

<R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNOTA offpath AND ERNOTE offpath AND then do not fill precode 4

American Time Use Survey >Spanish Fill Instructions

3. If ERNOTP = 1 fill “por hora”

ERNOTP = 4, fill “por mes”

ERNOTP = 5, fill ‘por año”

ELSE fill “por semana”

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNOTA offpath AND ERNOTE offpath AND then do not allow precode 4 to be selected.

Hard edit message "* Not a Valid Entry"

2. If ERNVR2 has 1 selected then do no allow 2, 3, 4, or 5 to be selected.

Hard edit message "*All information correct and any other choice is not a valid entry."

2. If ERNOH or ERNOHE = 00 - 99 fill precode 5

3. If ERNOTP = 1 fill "hourly".

ERNOTP = 4, fill "monthly"

ERNOTP = 5, fill "annually"

ELSE fill "weekly"

American Time Use Survey

Universe If 2 selected in ERNVR2

>Question Text

What is your hourly rate of pay on this job, excluding overtime pay, tips or commissions?


>Spanish Translation

¿Cuánto gana por hora en ese empleo, sin contar horas extras, propinas o comisiones?



>Variable Name ERNH1C Description Edit hourly rate

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00-99.99> [if 3 selected in ERNVR2 then goto ERNHC]

[if 4 selected in ERNVR2 AND ERNOTP is not 1, then goto ERNOTC]

[If 4 selected in ERNVR2 AND ERNOTP is 1, goto ERNOHC]

[if 5 selected in ERNVR2, then goto ERNH2C]

[Else, goto ERNVR3]

<D, R> [if AGERNG = 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Display a $ in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe If 3 selected in ERNVR2

>Question Text

How many hours do you usually work per week at the rate of [fill: ERNH1C/ERNH1O]?



>Spanish Translation

Normalmente, ¿cuántas horas trabaja por semana a [fill: ERNH1C/ERNH1O] por hora?



>Variable Name ERNHC Description Edit hours per week

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-99> [if 4 selected in ERNVR2 AND ERNOTP is not 1, then goto ERNOTC]

[If 4 selected in ERNVR2 AND ERNOTP is 1, goto ERNOHC]

[if 5 selected in ERNVR2, then goto ERNH2C]

[Else, goto ERNVR3]

<D, R> [if AGERNG = 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

If ERNH1C is not empty then fill ERNH1C

Else fill ERNH1O

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe If 4 selected in ERNVR2 AND ERNOTP is not 1

>Question Text

How much do you usually earn [fill: weekly/monthly/annually] just in overtime pay, tips or commissions?


>Spanish Translation

Normalmente, ¿cuánto gana [fill: por semana/por mes/por año] solamente en horas extras, propinas o




>Variable Name ERNOTC Description Edit overtime, tips, comm

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00-99999.99> [Goto ERNVR3]

<D, R> [if AGERNG = 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNOTP is 4, fill "monthly"

ERNOTP is 5, fill "annually"

Else fill "weekly"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNOTP is 4, fill "por mes"

ERNOTP is 5, fill " por año "

Else fill "por semana"

>Special Instructions

1. Display $ and comma in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNVR2 = 4 AND ERNOTP = 1

>Question Text

How much do you usually earn hourly just in overtime pay, tips or commissions?


>Spanish Translation

Normalmente, ¿cuánto gana por hora solamente por horas extras, propinas o comisiones?



>Variable Name ERNOHC Description Edit hourly earnings

>Value/Skip Instructions

<00.00 - 99.99> [If ERNVR2 = 5 goto ERNH2C]

[Else goto ERNVR3]

<D, R> [if AGERNG = 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Display a $ in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe If 5 selected in ERNVR2

>Question Text

How many hours do you usually work per week at the rate of [fill: ERNOHC/ERNOTO]?

>Spanish Translation

Generalmente, ¿cuántas horas trabaja por semana a [fill: ERNH1C/ERNH1O] por hora?



>Variable Name ERNH2C Description Edit hours per week

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-99> [goto, ERNVR3]

<D, R> [if AGERNG = 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

If ERNOHC is empty then fill ERNOTO


>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNVR2 = D or 1

>Question Text

Then, including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what are your usual WEEKLY earnings on

[fill: this/your main] job, before taxes or other deductions?

>Spanish Translation

Entonces, incluyendo horas extras, propinas y comisiones, ¿cuánto gana normalmente POR

SEMANA en [fill: ese trabajo/su trabajo principal], sin descontar impuestos u otras deducciones?


>Variable Name ERNWK1 Description Usual weekly earnings

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-9999> [goto ERNVR3]

<D,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1 fill "you main" Else fill "this"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1 fill "su trabajo principal" Else fill "ese trabajo"

>Special Instructions

1. Display a $ and comma in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNVR2 = 1-5, D

>Question Text

I have estimated your total WEEKLY earnings [fill: for your main job, as/as] [fill: ERNX2] WEEKLY

before taxes or other deductions.

Does that sound correct?

1. Yes

2. No (Irreconcilable difference)

>Spanish Translation

Al calcular sus ingresos totales POR SEMANA [fill: en su trabajo principal] obtengo como resultado [fill:

ERNX2] POR SEMANA antes de descontar impuestos u otras deducciones.

¿Le parece que ésa es la cantidad correcta?

1. Sí

2. No (Irreconcilable difference)

>Variable Name ERNVR3 Description Total weekly earnings

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

2. If MJ is 1, fill "as" ELSE fill ", for your main job, as"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

2. If MJ is 1, fill "" ELSE fill ", en su trabajo principal"



>Special Instructions

1. Calculate HWKRN2

If (onpath entry in ERNH1C is not D, R, blank) AND (onpath entry in ERNHC is not D, R) then

store (ERNH1C x ERNHC) in HWKRN2

Else If ERNH1C AND ERNHC are off-path then store HWKRN in HWKRN2

Else If onpath entry in ERNH1C is not D, R, Blank AND ERNHC is off-path then

store (ERNH1C x ERNHRO) in HWKRN2

Else If (onpath entry in ERNHC is not D, R) AND (ERNH1O is not D, R, blank) AND

ERNH1C off-path then

store (ERNH1O x ERNHC) in HWKRN2

2. Calculate ERNX2 and ERN2

a. If (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNOTC) or (onpath entry other than D or R in

ERNOHC) then

- If (onpath entry of 1 in ERNOTP) AND (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNH2C) then

store (ERNOHC x ERNH2C) in ERN2; add ERN to HWKRN2;

store HWKRN2 in ERNX2

- Else If (onpath entry of 1 in ERNOTP) AND (no onpath entry in ERNH2C) then

If onpath entry other than D, R or blank in ERNOH then

store (ERNOHC x ERNOH) in ERN2; Add ERN2 to HWKRN2;

store HWKRN2 in ERNX2

Else If (onpath entry other than D, R or blank in ERNOHE) then


Store HWKRN2 in ERNX2


- Else If (onpath entry or 2 or 3 in ERNOTP) then

Store ERNOTC in ERN2; Add ERN2 to HWKRN2; Store HWKRN2 in ERNX2

- Else If (onpath entry of 4 in ERNOTP) then

Store ERNOTC / 4 in ERN2; Add ERN2 to HWKRN2; Store HWKRN2 in ERNX2

- Else If (onpath entry of 5 in ERNOTP) then

Store ERNOTC / 52 in ERN2; Add ERN2 to HWKRN2; Store HWKRN2 in ERNX2



b. If (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNOTC) AND (no onpath entry in ERNOTP) then

store ERNOTC in ERN2; Store ERN2 in HWKRN2; Add HWKRN2 to ERNX2

c. If (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNOHC) and (no onpath entry in ERNOTP) then

store ERNOHC in ERN2; Store ERN2 in HWKRN2; Add HWKRN2 to ERNX2

d. If (no onpath entry in ERNOHC) AND (onpath entry of 1 in ERNOTP) AND (onpath entry

other than D or R in ERNH2C) AND (ERNOTO is not D, R or blank) then

store (ERNOTO x ERNH2C) in ERN2; Add ERN2 to HWKRN2;

Store HWKRN2 in ERNX2

e.. If no entry of 3 or 4 in ERNVR2(1-4) then

store ERN in ERN2; store (ERN2 + HWKRN2) in ERNX2

f. If onpath entry of 2 in ERNUOT then store HWKRN2 in ERNX2

g. If onpath entry other than D or R in ERNWK1 then store ERNWK1 in ERNX2

American Time Use Survey

Universe (ERNUOT = 1,2,D, or R AND ERNPR = 2,3,4,5,6,7 or D) OR

(ERNHR= D or R AND HRUSL1 = D,R or V)

>Question Text

[fill: Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what], What] are your usual

[fill: weekly/monthly/annual/bi-weekly] earnings on [fill: this/your MAIN] job, before taxes

or other deductions?

>Spanish Translation

[fill: Incluyendo horas extras, propinas y comisiones, ¿cuánto], ¿Cuánto] gana normalmente [fill: por semana/por

mes/por año/cada dos semanas] en [fill: ese trabajo/su trabajo PRINCIPAL], sin descontar impuestos u otras


>Variable Name ERNWK2 Description Usual earnings

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-999999> [goto ERNVR4]

<D> [goto ERNDKP]

<R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT is 1, fill "Including overtime"

2. If MJ is 1, fill "this" . Else fill "your MAIN"

3. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill "weekly"

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill "monthly"

If ERNPR is 6, fill "annual"

If ERNPR is 3, fill "bi-weekly"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT is 1, fill " Incluyendo horas extras propinas y comisiones, ¿ cuanto”

2. If MJ is 1, fill " ese trabajo " . Else fill " su trabajo PRINCIPAL "

3. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill " por semana "

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill " por mes "

If ERNPR is 6, fill " por año "

If ERNPR is 3, fill " cada dos semanas "

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D and ERNWK2 is lt 1 or gt 1500, goto ERNRG3

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, and ERNWK2 is lt 1 or gt 6000, goto ERNRG3

If ERNPR is 6, and ERNWK2 is lt 1 or gt 72000, goto ERNRG3

If ERNPR is 3, and ERNWK2 is lt 1 or gt 3000, goto ERNRG3

2. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, store value in ERNWK

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, store value in ERNMON

If ERNPR is 6, store value in ERNANN

If ERNPR is 3, store value in ERNBWK

3. Store ERNWK2 in ERNAMT

4. If ERNPR not eq 6, do not allow a value gt 9999. Hard edit message "* Not a Valid Entry"

5. Display a $ and comma in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNWK2 = D

>Question Text

What is your best estimate of your usual [fill: weekly/monthly/annual/bi-weekly] earnings before taxes or other


>Spanish Translation

¿Cuánto calcula usted que gana normalmente [fill: por semana/por mes/por año/cada dos semanas], sin descontar

impuestos u otras deducciones?



>Variable Name ERNDKP Description Estimate of earnings

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-999999> [goto ERNVR4]

<D,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill "weekly"

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill "monthly"

If ERNPR is 6, fill "annual"

If ERNPR is 3, fill "bi-weekly"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill "por semana"

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill "por mes"

If ERNPR is 6, fill " por año

If ERNPR is 3, fill "cada dos semanas"

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D and ERNDKP is lt 1 or gt 1500, goto ERNRG3

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, and ERNDKP is lt 1 or gt 6000, goto ERNRG3

If ERNPR is 6, and ERNDKP is gt 72000, goto ERNRG3

If ERNPR is 3, and ERNDKP is lt 1 or gt 3000, goto ERNRG3

2. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, store value in ERNWK

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, store value in ERNMON

If ERNPR is 6, store value in ERNANN

If ERNPR is 3, store value in ERNBWK


4. Display "$" and " , " in the entry field

5. If ERNPR neq 6 then ERNDKP should not equal more than 9999. Display hard edit "invalid entry".

American Time Use Survey

Universe (ERNPR = 1, 2, 7, or D and ERNWK2 or ERNDKP is lt 1 or gt 1500) OR

(ERNPR = 4 or 5, and ERNWK2 or ERNDKP is lt 1 or gt 6000), OR

(ERNPR = 6 and ERNWK2 or ERNDKP is gt 72000) OR

(ERNPR = 3 and ERNWK2 or ERNDKP is lt 1 or gt 3000)

>Question Text

Soft edit


* [fill: Weekly/Monthly/Annual/Bi-weekly] earnings recorded as: [fill: ERNWK2/ERNDKP ] [fill:

weekly/monthly/annual/bi-weekly] is this entry correct?

>Spanish Translation

Soft edit


*Ganancias [fill: por hora/por mes/por año/cada dos semanas] anotadas como: [fill: ERNWK2/ERNDKP ]


por semana/por mes/por año/cada dos semanas] ¿Es correcta esta anotación?

>Variable Name ERNRG3 Description Soft Edit

>Value/Skip Instructions

<Suppressed> [goto ERNVR4]

<Goto, Close> [go back to ERNWK2/ERNDKP]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill "Weekly"

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill "Monthly"

If ERNPR is 6, fill "Annually"

If ERNPR is 3, fill "Bi-weekly"

2. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill "weekly"

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill "monthly"

If ERNPR is 6, fill "annually"

If ERNPR is 3, fill "bi-weekly"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill “semanal”

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill “mensual”

If ERNPR is 6, fill “anualmente”

If ERNPR is 3, fill "cada dos semanas"

2. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill “semanal”

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill “mensual”

If ERNPR is 6, fill “anualmente”

If ERNPR is 3, fill "cada dos semanas"

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNWK2 = 0-999999 OR ERNDKP = 0-999999

>Question Text

I have recorded your total earnings [fill: for your main job] as $ [fill: ERNAMT]

[fill: weekly/monthly/annually/bi-weekly] before taxes or other deductions.

Is that correct?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

He anotado que el total de sus ingresos [fill: de su trabajo principal] son $ [fill ERNAMT] [fill: por semana/por

mes/por año/cada dos semanas] sin descontar impuestos u otras deducciones.

¿Le parece que ésa es la cantidad correcta?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name ERNVR4 Description Confirm earnings

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,D,R> [If ERNPR is 1 and AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR]

[If ERNPR is 1 AND AGERNG not eq 2-4 goto ENDMID]

[If ERNPR = 6 goto ERNWKP]

[Else, goto ERNRT]

<2> [goto ERNCOR]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill "weekly"

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill "monthly"

If ERNPR is 6, fill "annually"

If ERNPR is 3, fill "bi-weekly"

2. If MJ = 1, fill "for your main job"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill " por semana "

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill " por mes”

If ERNPR is 6, fill " por año”

If ERNPR is 3, fill " cada dos semanas”

2. If MJ = 1, fill "de su trabajo principal

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNVR4 = 2

>Question Text

[fill: What /INCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what] are your usual [fill:

weekly/monthly/annual/bi-weekly] earnings on [fill: this/your main] job, before taxes or other deductions?

>Spanish Translation

[fill: ¿Cuánto/INCLUYENDO horas extras, propinas y comisiones, ¿cuánto] gana normalmente [fill: por

semana/por mes/por año/cada dos semanas] en [fill: ese trabajo/su trabajo principal], sin descontar impuestos u

otras deducciones?



>Variable Name ERNCOR Description Earnings correction

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-999999> [If ERNPR is 1 and AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR]

[If ERNPR is 1 AND AGERNG not eq 2-4 goto ENDMID]

[if ERNPR is 6, goto ERNWKP]

[Else, goto ERNRT]

<D,R> [If ERNPR = 1 AND AGERNG = 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR]

[If ERNPR = 1 AND AGERNG is not 2-4 goto ENDMID]

[goto ERNRT]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT is 1, then fill "INCLUDING overtime pay" ELSE fill "What"

2. If MJ is 1, then fill "your main". Else, fill "this".

3. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill "weekly"

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill "monthly"

If ERNPR is 6, fill "annual"

If ERNPR is 3, fill "bi-weekly"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT is 1, then fill " INCLUYENDO horas extras propinas y comisiones, ¿ cuánto?" ELSE fill "

Cuánto "

2. If MJ is 1, then fill " su trabajo principal ". Else, fill " ese trabajo ".

3. If ERNPR is 1,2,7, or D, fill " por semana”

If ERNPR is 4 or 5, fill " por mes”

If ERNPR is 6, fill " por año”

If ERNPR is 3, fill " cada dos semanas”

American Time Use Survey

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNPR = 1,2, 7, D AND ERNCOR lt 1 or gt 1500 display soft edit message

if ERNPR = 3 AND ERNCOR lt 1 or gt 3000 display soft edit message

If ERNPR = 4, 5 AND ERNCOR lt 1 or gt 6000 display soft edit message

If ERNPR = 6 and ERNCOR lt 1 or gt 72000 display soft edit message

soft edit message

"* [fill: weekly/monthly/annual/bi-weekly] earnings recorded as [fill: ERNAMT].

Is this entry correct?

1. If entry other than D, R in ERNCOR then Store amount in ERNAMT

2. Display a $ and comma in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNPR = 6 AND (ERNVR4 = 1, D, R OR ERNCOR is not D, R)

>Question Text

How many weeks a year do you get paid?

>Spanish Translation

¿Por cuántas semanas al año le pagan?


>Variable Name ERNWKP Description Weeks paid per year

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-52,D,R> [goto ERNRT]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (ERNVR4 = 1, D, R AND ERNPR is not 1, 6) OR (ERNCOR is not D, R AND

ERNPR is not 1, 6) OR (ERNCOR = D, R AND ERNPR is not 1) OR (Entry in


>Question Text

[fill: Are/Even though you told me it is easier to report your earnings [fill:

weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annually], are] you PAID AT AN HOURLY RATE on [fill: this/your MAIN] job?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

[fill: ¿Le PAGAN/Aunque usted me dijo que le resulta más fácil decirnos sus ingresos [fill:

por semana/cada dos semanas/por mes/por año, ¿le PAGAN] POR HORA en [fill: ese trabajo/su trabajo


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name ERNRT Description Earnings rate

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto ERNH2]

<2,D,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is D, 7, fill "Are". Else fill "Even though you told me".

2. If MJ is 1, fill "you MAIN". Else fill "this"

3. If ERNPR is 3, fill "bi-weekly"

ERNPR is 4, 5, fill "monthly"

ERNPR is 6, fill "annually"

Else fill "weekly"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNPR is D, 7, fill " Le PAGAN ". Else fill " Aunque usted me dijo que le resulta más fácil decirnos

sus ingresos [fill: por semana/cada dos semanas/por mes/por año, ¿le PAGAN] POR HORA en [fill: ese

trabajo/su trabajo PRINCIPAL]?


2. If MJ is 1, fill " su trabajo PRINCIPAL ". Else fill ": ese trabajo "

3. If ERNPR is 3, fill " cada dos semanas”

ERNPR is 4, 5, fill " por mes”

ERNPR is 6, fill " por año”

Else fill " por semana”

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ERNRT = 1

>Question Text

[fill: What/EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what] is your hourly rate of pay on

[fill: this/your MAIN] job?

>Spanish Translation

[fill: ¿Cuánto/EXCLUYENDO horas extras, propinas y comisiones, ¿cuánto] le pagan por hora en [fill: ese

trabajo/su trabajo PRINCIPAL]?

>Variable Name ERNH2 Description Hourly rate

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00-99.99,D,R> [If AGERNG eq 2-4, D, R goto SCHENR] [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT IS 1, fill "EXCLUDING overtime pay". Else, fill "What"

2. If MJ is 1, fill "your MAIN". Else, fill "this".

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If ERNUOT IS 1, fill " EXCLUYENDO horas extras, propinas y comisiones, ¿cuánto] le pagan por hora en

[fill: ese trabajo/su trabajo PRINCIPAL]?

". Else, fill " Cuánto

2. If MJ is 1, fill " su trabajo PRINCIPAL ". Else, fill " ese trabajo ".

>Special Instructions

1. If ERNH2 is lt 1 or gt 30, display soft edit message

"* Hourly earnings recorded as [fill: ERNH2] hourly.

Is this entry correct?

2. Display $ and comma in the entry field

American Time Use Survey

Universe (AGERNG = 2-4, 8, 9)

>Question Text

I just have a few more questions.

In the last seven days, were you enrolled in a high school, college, or university?

* Enter "1" if currently on holiday or spring break

Enter "2" for summer vacation from school

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

Tengo unas pocas preguntas más.

¿Está matriculado(a) o inscrito(a) en un “high school”, “college” o universidad?

* Enter "1" if currently on holiday or seasonal vacation.

* Enter "2" for summer vacation.

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name SCHENR Description Enrolled in School

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto SCHLVL]

<2,D,R> [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe SCHENR = 1

>Question Text

* Ask only if necessary

Would that be high school, college, or university?

1. High school

2. College or university

>Spanish Translation


¿En cuál de las dos, en un “high school”, o en un “college” o universidad?

1. High school

2. College o Universidad

>Variable Name SCHLVL Description Type of school

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2,D,R> [goto SCHFT]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe SCHLVL = 1, 2, D or R

>Question Text

Are you enrolled in school as a full-time or part-time student?

1. Full-time

2. Part-time

>Spanish Translation

¿Está matriculado(a) o inscrito(a) como estudiante de tiempo completo o de tiempo parcial?

1. De tiempo completo

2. De tiempo parcial

>Variable Name SCHFT Description Full/Part-time enrollment

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2,D,R> [goto ENDMID]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe All

>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name S8_END Description Section 8 end flag

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Set section complete flag (Store "yes" in sectcomp (8)). As follows:

2. If ERNPR = R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

3. If ERNHRT = R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

4. If ERNHRE = D, or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

5. If ERNOTP = R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

6. If ERNOTE = D,or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

7. If ERNOH = R and AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

8. If ERNOHE = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

9. If ERNVR1 = 1 or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

10. If ERNVR2 = R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

11. If ERNH1C = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

12. If ERNHC = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

13. If ERNOHC = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

14. If ERNOTC = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

15. If ERNH2C = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

16. If ERNWK1 = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

17. If ERNVR3 = 1, or 2 AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

18. If ERNWK2 = R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

19. If ERNDKP = D or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

20. If ERNVR4 = 1, D, or R AND (ERNPR is 1 AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9) set section complete flag.

21. If ERNCOR = 0-999999 AND (ERNPR is 1 AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9) set section complete flag.

22. If ERNCOR = D, or R AND (ERNPR = 1 AND AGERNG is neq 2-4, 8, 9) set section complete flag.

23. If ERNRT = 1 AND (ERNWK2 is R OR ERNDKP is D, R) AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section

complete flag.

24. If ERNRT = 2, D, or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

25. If ERNH2 = 0.00-99.99, D, or R AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 set section complete flag.

26. If SCHENR = 2, D, or R set section complete flag.

27. If SCHFT = 1, 2, D, or R set section complete flag.

28: If [(IO1INC = 1 AND MLR = 3-7) or (IODP2 = 2 AND MLR = 1,2)] AND AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 then

set section complete flag.

29. If AGERNG neq 2-4, 8, 9 AND (BUS or BUS1 = 2) AND IO1INT = 4 AND IO1INC = 2 then set section

complete flag.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNPER Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-6, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNH1O Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00-99.99, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNX1 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 999999.99>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNHRO Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<01-99, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNOTO Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 99999.99, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name HWKRN Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 999999.99>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERN Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 999999.99>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNX2 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 999999.99>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

If (onpath entry other than D, R or Blank in ERNH1C) and (onpath

entry other than D or R in ERNHC) then multiply ERNH1C by ERNHC and store in HWKRN2

ELSE If (no onpath entry in ERNH1C) and (no onpath entry in ERNHC) then

store HWKRN in HWKRN2

ELSE If (onpath entry other D, R or blank in ERNH1C) and (no onpath entry in ERNHC) then

multiply ERNH1C by ERNHRO and store in HWKRN2

ELSE If (no onpath entry in ERNH1C) and (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNHC) AND (ERNH1O is not

D, R or Blank) then multiply ERNH1O by ERNHC and store in HWKRN2


If (onpath entry other then D or R in ERNOTC) OR (onpath entry other then D or R in ERNOHC) then

If (onpath entry of 1 in ERNOTP) and (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNH2C) then

multiply ERNOHC by ERNH2C and store in ERN2; Add ERN2

to HWKRN2 and store in ERNX2

If (onpath entry of 1 in ERNOTP) and (no onpath entry in ERNH2C) then

If onpath entry other than D, R or Blank in EROH then

multiply ERNOHC by ERNOH and store in ERN2; add ERN2 to HWKRN2 and store in ERNX2

If onpath entry other than D, R or blank in EROHE then multiply ERNOHC by ERNOHE and store in ERN2;

add ERN2 to HWKRN2 and store in ERNX2

If (onpath entry of 2 or 3 in ERNOTP) then store ERNOTC in ERN2; add ERN2 to HWKRN2 and store in

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERN2 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 999999.99>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions


If (onpath entry of 4 in ERNOTP) AND (ERNOTC is not D, R or Blank) then divide ERNOTC by 4 and store

in ERN2; add Ern2 to HWKRN2 and store in ERNX2

If (onpath entry of 5 in ERNOTP) AND (ERNOTC is not D, R or blank) then divide ERNOTC by 52 and store

in ERN2; ADD Ern2 to HWKRN2 and store in ERNX2.

If (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNOTC) and (no onpath entry in ERNOTP) then

store ERNOTC in ERN2; store ERN2 in ERNX2; Add HWKRN2 to ERNX2

If (onpath entry other than D or R in ERNOHC) and (no onpath entry in ERNOTP) then

store ERNOHC in ERN2; store ERN2 in ERNX2; Add HWKRN2 to ERNX2

If (no onpath entry in ERNOHC) and (onpath entry of 1 in ERNOTP) and (onpath entry other than D or R in

ERNH2C) AND (ERNOTO is not D, R or blank) then multiply ERNOTO by ERNH2C and store in ERN2;

add ERN2 to HWKRN2 and store in ERNX2

If a 3 or 4 is not entered in any of ERNVR2(1-4) then store ERN in ERN2 and store (HWKRN + ERN2) in


If onpath entry of 2 in ERNUOT then store HWKRN2 in ERNX2

If onpath entry other then D or R in ERNWK1 then store ERNWK1 in ERNX2.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name HWKRN2 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 999999.99>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNWK Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-999.99, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNMON Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-9999.99, D,R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNANN Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0.00 - 999999.99, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNBWK Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-9999.99, D,R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ERNAMT Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-9999.99, D,R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorBureau of the Census
Last Modified ByBureau of the Census
File Modified2005-05-06
File Created2005-05-06

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