American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

A7 specs

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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Section # 07

Section Name Industry and Occupation

Section Universe QUEST = 25 AND NOCONTACT = 0

Parallel Block Name

Specification Date 5/06/2005

Specification Writer

Specification Version 1

Other Information

1. Output block name:

2. Section label: Industry and Occupation

Form Panes

Introduction [ ]

Still work for? [ ]

Have activities changed? [ ]

Accurate description? [ ]

Job Type [ ]

Type of gov. job [ ]

Bus. incorporated? [ ]

Working for pay? [ ]

Company name [ ]

Gov. company name [ ]

Business name [ ]

Kind of business [ ]

Business type [ ]

Occupation [ ]

Work activities 1 [ ]

Work activities 2 [ ]

American Time Use Survey

Universe QUEST = 25

>Question Text

Now I have a few questions about [fill: your job/your main job/the job from which you are absent].

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Spanish Translation

Ahora tengo algunas preguntas sobre [fill: su trabajo/su trabajo principal/el trabajo del que estuvo ausente]

>Variable Name IO_LEAD Description Introduction

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If 8500.MLR = 3-7 goto IO1INT]

[If 8500.IO1NAM is D, R or blank, goto IO1INT]

[All others goto IODP1]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1 and WK = 1, fill "your main job"

If MJ = 2, and WK=1, fill "your job"

If ABS=1, fill "the job from which you are absent"

If BUS1 = 1, fill "your family farm or business"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1 and WK = 1, fill " su trabajo principal”

If MJ = 2, and WK=1, fill " su trabajo”

If ABS=1, fill " el trabajo del que estuvo ausente”

If BUS1 = 1, fill “la granja o negocio de su familia”

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe QUEST = 25 AND (8500.IO1NAM isn't D, R, blank) AND (8500.MLR does not equal


>Question Text

Last time we talked to someone in this household it was reported that you worked for [fill: 8500.IO1NAM].

Do you still work for [fill: 8500.IO1NAM] [fill: at your main job]?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

La última vez que hablamos con alguien en este hogar nos informaron que usted trabajaba para [fill:


¿Sigue trabajando para [fill: 8500.IO1NAM] [fill: en su trabajo principal]?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name IODP1 Description Still work for?

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If 8500.IO1ICR is 1, goto IO1IND]

[If 8500.IO1OCR is 1, goto IO1OCC]

[else, goto IODP2]

<2, D, R> [goto IO1INT]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ=1 then fill "at your main job"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1 then fill “en su trabajo principal”

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe IODP1 = 1 AND 8500.IO1ICR does not equal 1 AND 8500.IO1OCR does not equal 1

>Question Text

Have the usual activities and duties of your job changed?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Han cambiado sus actividades y responsabilidades habituales en el trabajo desde [fill: 8500.MONTH]?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name IODP2 Description Have activities changed?

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto IO1OCC]

<2, D, R> [If 8500.IO1OCC = D, R or blank goto IO1OCC]

[If 8500.IO1DT1 = D, R or blank goto IO1OCC]

[PRWERNAL = 1 goto S7_END]

[else, goto IODP3]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (IODP2 = 2, D, or R) AND (8500.IO1OCC does not equal D, R, or blank) AND

(8500.IO1DT1 does not equal D, R or blank)

>Question Text

Last time we talked to someone in this household, you were reported as (a/an)

[fill: 8500.IO1OCC] and your usual activities were

[fill: 8500.IO1DT1]

[fill: 8500.IO1DT2].

Is this an accurate description of your current job?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

La última vez que hablamos con alguien en este hogar, nos informaron que usted trabajaba de

[fill I_IO1OCC] y normalmente sus actividades eran

[fill I_IO1DT1]

[fill I_IO1DT2].

¿Es ésta una descripción adecuada de su empleo actual?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name IODP3 Description Accurate description?

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, D, R> [goto S7_END]

<2> [goto IO1OCC]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe QUEST = 25 AND [(8500.MLR = 3-7) OR (8500.IO1NAM = D, R, or blank] OR IODP1

= 2, D, R

>Question Text

Are you employed by government, by a private company, a non-profit organization or are you self employed

[fill: or working in a family business]?

1. Government

2. Private for-profit company

3. Non-profit organization

4. Self-employed

[fill: 5. Working in family business]

>Spanish Translation

¿Es empleado(a) del gobierno, de una compañía privada, de una organización benéfica o sin fines de lucro, o

trabaja por su cuenta [fill: o está trabajando en un negocio de su familia]?

1. Gobierno

2. Compañía privada con fines de lucro

3. Organización benéfica o sin fines de lucro

4. Trabaja por cuenta propia

[fill: 5. Trabaja en un negocio de la familia]

>Variable Name IO1INT Description Job type

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto IO1GVT]

<2, 3, D, R> [goto IO1NMP]

<4, 5> [goto IO1INC]

>Fill Instructions

1. If BUS = 1 AND RELFLG(respline) = 1 fill "or working in a family business" and response category 5 and

allow all entries.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If BUS = 1 AND RELFLG(respline) = 1 fill ", o está trabajando en un negocio de su familia " and response

category 5 and allow all entries.

>Special Instructions

1. If BUS and RELFLG does not equal 1 then do not display precode 5 and do not allow an entry of 5.

American Time Use Survey

Universe IO1INT = 1

>Question Text

Would that be the federal, state or local government?

1. Federal

2. State

3. Local (county, city, township)

>Spanish Translation

¿Para qué tipo de gobierno: federal, estatal o local?

1. Federal

2. Estatal

3. Local (del condado, ciudad, municipalidad)

>Variable Name IO1GVT Description Type gov. job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-3, D, R> [goto IO1NMG]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe IO1INT = 4 or 5

>Question Text

Is this business incorporated?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Ese negocio es una corporación?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name IO1INC Description Bus. Incorporated?

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto IO1NMB]

<2, D, R> [If BUS2 = 2, D or R goto IO1NMB]

[If BUS = 1 AND RESPLINE does not equal BUSL AND RESPLINE does not equal BUSOT

AND BUS2 = 1 AND RELFLG(respline = 1) goto IO1NMB]

[If BUS = 1 and RESPLINE does not equal BUSL AND RESPLINE does not equal BUSOT

AND BUS2 ne 1 AND RELFLG(respline) = 1 goto IO1WP]

[ELSE goto IO1NMB]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If 2, D, or R and BUS2 = 2, D or R store 2 in IO1WPO.

2. If 2, D or R and RESPLINE does not equal BUSL or BUSOT AND BUS2 = 1 AND

RELFLG(respline) = 1 store 1 in IO1WPO.

American Time Use Survey

Universe IO1INC = 2, D, or R AND (BUS = 1 AND RESPLINE does not equal BUSL AND

RESPLINE does not equal BUSOT AND RELFLG(respline) = 1(and (BUS2 is not on the

current path))

>Question Text

Were you working for pay?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Le pagaban en ese trabajo?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name IO1WP Description Working for pay?

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2, D, R> [goto IO1NMB]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Store entry in IO1WPO.

American Time Use Survey

Universe IO1INT = 2, 3, D or R

>Question Text

What is the name of the [fill: company/non profit organization] for which you work [fill: at your main job]?

* (name of company, business, organization or other employer)

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuál es el nombre de la [fill: compañía /organización benéfica o sin fines de lucro] para la cual trabaja [fill: en

su trabajo principal]?

* (name of company, business, organization or other employer)

>Variable Name IO1NMP Description Company name

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters, D, R> [goto IO1IND]

>Fill Instructions

1. If IO1INT = 3 fill "non profit organization" else fill "company"

2. If MJ = 1 fill "at your main job"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If IO1INT = 3 fill "organización benéfica o sin fines de lucro " else fill " compañía "

2. If MJ = 1 fill " en su trabajo principal "

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe IO1GVT = 1-3, D, or R

>Question Text

What is the name of the government agency for which you work [fill: at your MAIN job]?

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuál es el nombre de la agencia de gobierno para la cual usted trabaja [fill: en su empleo PRINCIPAL]

>Variable Name IO1NMG Description Gov. comp. Name

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters, D, R> [goto IO1IND]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ=1 fill "at your MAIN job."

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ = 1 fill “en su empleo PRINCIPAL.”

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe IO1INC = 1, 2, D, R

>Question Text

[fill: What is the name of your business/What is the name of the business for which you work]?

>Spanish Translation

[fill: ¿Cómo se llama su negocio/¿Cómo se llama el negocio para el cual usted trabaja]?

>Variable Name IO1NMB Description Business name

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters, D, R> [goto IO1IND]

>Fill Instructions

1. If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT fill "What is the name of your business" else fill "What is the name of

the business…"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT fill "Cómo se llama su negocio " else fill "¿ Cómo se llama el negocio

para el cual usted trabaja…?”

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (IODP1 = 1 AND 8500.IO1ICR = 1) OR entry in IO1NMP OR entry in IO1NMG OR

entry in IO1NMB

>Question Text

What kind of business or industry is this?

* Read if necessary: What do they make or do where you work?

[fill: * This case was referred. Please provide more detailed information for the coders ]

>Spanish Translation

¿Qué tipo de negocio o industria es?

* Read if necessary: ¿Qué fabrican o hacen donde usted trabaja?

[fill: * This is was referred. Please provide more detailed information for the coders]

>Variable Name IO1IND Description Kind of business

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters> [goto IO1MFG]

<D, R> [goto IO1OCC]

>Fill Instructions

1. If 8500.IO1ICR=1 and IODP1 = 1 fill "* This case was referred. Please provide more detailed information

for the coders."

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe Entry other than D or R in IO1IND

>Question Text

* Ask if necessary

Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?

1. Manufacturing

2. Retail trade

3. Wholesale trade

4. Something else

>Spanish Translation

* Ask if necessary

¿Es este negocio u organización principalmente una fábrica, un comercio al por menor, un comercio al por

mayor, o de algún otro tipo?

1. Fábrica

2. Comercio al por menor

3. Comercio al por mayor

4. De otro tipo

>Variable Name IO1MFG Description Business type

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-4, D, R> [goto IO1OCC]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe entry in IO1OCC

>Question Text

What are your usual activities or duties at this job?

(For example: types, keeps account books, files, sells cars, operates printing press, lays bricks)

[fill: This case was referred. Please provide more detailed information for the coders ]

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuáles son sus actividades o responsabilidades habituales en este trabajo?

(Por ejemplo: mecanografía, lleva la contabilidad, archiva, vende carros, opera una imprenta, pone ladrillos)

[fill: This case was referred. Please provide more detailed information for the coders ]

>Variable Name IO1DT1 Description Work activities 1

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters> [goto IO1DT2]

<D, R> [goto S7_END]

>Fill Instructions

1. If 8500.IO1OCR=1 and IODP1 = 1 fill "* This case was referred. Please provide more detailed information


the coders"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe Entry other than D or R in IO1DT1

>Question Text

* Enter second line of usual activities or duties

If None, Press Enter

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1DT2 Description Work activities 2

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters, empty> [goto S7_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe IODP3=1, D, R OR IO1DT1=D, R OR Entry in IO1DT2

>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name S7_END Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

Goto Section 8

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Set section complete flag. (Store "Yes" in SECTCOMP (7)). As follows:

2. If IODP3 = 1, D, or R then set section complete flag.

3. If IO1DT1 = D, or R then set section complete flag.

4. If IO1DT2 = answered then set section complete flag.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1WPO Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1ELO Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

1 = Eligible for Occupation Coding

2 = Not Eligible

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1ELI Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

1 = Eligible for Industry Coding

2 = Not eligible

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IODELI Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

1 = Eligible for Dependent Industry Coding

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IODELO Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

1 = Eligible for Dependent Occupation Coding

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1COW Description

>Value/Skip Instructions


>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1 = Government - Federal

2 = Government - State

3 = Government - Local

4 = Private for profit

5 = Private - nonprofit

6 = Self employed, incorporated

7 = Self-employed, unincorporated

8 = Working without pay

9 = Class of worker unknown

10 = Government - level unknown

11 = Self employed, incorporated status unknown.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1NAM Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1ICD Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<Blank, 3 digits>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name IO1OCD Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<Blank, 3 digits>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name MLR Description

>Value/Skip Instructions


>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

NOTE: 1 = At work

2 = With a job, but not at work

3 = unemployed, layoff

4 = Unemployed - looking

5 = Retired

6 = Unable to work

7 = Not in the labor force - Other

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorBureau of the Census
Last Modified ByBureau of the Census
File Modified2005-05-06
File Created2005-05-06

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