American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

A3 specs

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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Section # 03

Section Name Employment Status

Section Universe ALL AND NOCONTACT = 0

Parallel Block Name

Specification Date 4/29/2005

Specification Writer

Specification Version WebCati 1

Other Information

1. Section Label: Employment Status

2. Output Block Name:

Form Panes

Introduction [ ] Disability prevent work [ ] Main reason absent

[ ]

Want a job [ ] Specify [ ]

Business or farm [ ] Disability prevent accept work [ ] More than 1 job [ ]

Whose bus/farm [ ] Have disability that prevent wk [ ] Hours usually work [ ]

Work for pay/profit [ ] Have a job [ ] Hours work other job [ ]

Unpaid work [ ] On Layoff [ ] Work 35 hours [ ]

Pay/profit from bus. [ ] Want a job [ ]

Disability prevent accept work [ ]

Still Retired [ ] Have disability that prevent wk [ ]

Spouse work [ ]

Spouse have a job [ ]

Spouse usual hours [ ]

Usually work 35 hours [ ]

American Time Use Survey

Universe ALL

>Question Text

We know that people who work spend their time differently than others.

So before I ask you about what you did yesterday, I need to update your employment status.

The next few questions will sound familiar to you if you were the person in your household

who did the Current Population Survey.

I’m going to ask you about work in the LAST SEVEN DAYS.

By LAST SEVEN DAYS, I mean the days beginning on [fill: date] and ending yesterday.

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Spanish Translation

Sabemos que la gente que trabaja no pasa el tiempo de la misma manera que otras personas. Entonces, antes de

preguntarle qué hizo ayer, necesito actualizar su situación de empleo. Si usted fue la persona en su hogar que

contestó la Encuesta Actual de Población, las siguientes preguntas le resultarán conocidas Voy a hacerle algunas

preguntas sobre actividades relacionadas con el trabajo que usted haya hecho EN LOS ÚLTIMOS 7 DÍAS.

Cuando digo en los ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS me refiero al período de siete días que empezó el [fill date] y

terminó ayer.

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Variable Name LABFOR Description Introduction

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto BUS]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Day and date in the question text should be spelled out, for example, Friday, August 24, 2001.

2. Do not allow D or R

American Time Use Survey

Universe ALL

>Question Text

[fill: Do you/Does anyone in this household] have a business or a farm?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿[fill: Tiene usted/Tiene alguien en este hogar] un negocio o empresa, o una granja o finca?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name BUS Description Business or farm

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If only 1 household member goto FWK] [Else goto BUSL1]

<2, D, R> [goto FWK]

>Fill Instructions

1. If only one household member fill "Do you" Else fill "Does anyone"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If only one household member fill " Tiene usted" Else fill "Tiene alguien en este hogar"

>Special Instructions

1. If only 1 household member then store RESPLINE in BUSOT and store 1 in RELFLG (RESPLINE).

American Time Use Survey

Universe BUS =1 AND (more than 1 household member)

>Question Text

Whose business or farm is it?

* Enter all that apply, separate with commas

>Spanish Translation

¿De quién es el negocio o la granja o finca?

* Enter all that apply, separate with comma

>Variable Name BUSL1 Description Whose bus/farm

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1- 30, D, R> [goto FWK]

>Fill Instructions

1. Display all household members 16+ (HHMEM = 1, LINENO is not blank, AGERNG 3-9,

DELDEC is not 1-3,9)

2. If RRP = 18, 19, fill "(Respondent)"

3. If RRP = 20, fill "(Spouse)"

See example below:

1. John Doe (Respondent)

2. Jan Doe (Spouse)

3. Kid Doe

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions


If RRP(BUSL(x)) = 20, 22-26 AND then store 1 in RELFLG(respline)

If RRP(BUSL(x)) = 18, 22-26 AND there is a spouse (RRP = 20) then store 1 in


If RRP(BUSL(x)) = 21 AND RRP(respline) = 19 then store 1 in RELFLG(respline)

Store 1 in RELFLG (BUSLx)

2. If BUSL on path then store 0 in BUSOT (only want BUSOT set if 1 member household).

3. Only allow to enter valid values household members 16+.

American Time Use Survey

Universe ALL

>Question Text

In the LAST SEVEN DAYS, did you do ANY work for [fill: pay/either pay or profit]?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Retired

4. Disabled

5. Unable to work

>Spanish Translation

En LOS ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS, ¿hizo usted ALGÚN trabajo [fill: algún trabajo por pago o para obtener

ganancias / algún trabajo por pago?"]

1. Sí

2. No

3. Retirado(a) o jubilado(a)

4. Discapacitado(a)

5. No podía trabajar

>Variable Name FWK Description Work for pay/profit

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto MJ]

<2-5> [If BUS=1 and RELFLG(respline) eq 1 goto BUS1]

[if 8500.MLR =5 and AGERNG ge 5 AND FWK = 2,4, or 5 goto RET]

[If 8500.MLR =6 goto DIS]

[If FWK= 4 goto DIS1a]

[If FWK = 5 goto DIS2a]

[If FWK=3 AND AGERNG ge 5 goto RET1a]

[All others goto ABS]

<D, R> [goto ABS]

>Fill Instructions

1. If BUS=1 fill "either pay or profit" ELSE fill "pay"

SPANISH: If BUS = 1 fill "algún trabajo por dinero o ganancias?"

else fill "algún trabajo por dinero?"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

If BUS = 1 fill "algún trabajo por pago o para obtener ganancias?"

else fill "algún trabajo por pago?"

>Special Instructions

1. If WK is 3 AND 8500.MLR =5 and AGERNG ge 5, store 1 in RETOT

American Time Use Survey

Universe FWK = 2-5 AND BUS=1 AND RELFLG(respline) = 1

>Question Text

In the LAST SEVEN DAYS, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

En los ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS, ¿trabajó usted gratis en el negocio o en la granja o finca ?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name BUS1 Description Unpaid work

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT goto HRUSL1] [goto BUS2]

<2, D, R> [If 8500.MLR=5 and AGERNG ge 5 AND WK = 2,4, or 5 goto RET]

[If 8500.MLR = 6 goto DIS]

[If WK = 4 goto DIS1a]

[If WK =5 goto DIS2a]

[If WK = 3 AND AGERNG ge 5 goto RET1a]

[all else goto ABS]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If 8500.MLR = 5 AND AGERNG ge 5 AND WK = 3, store 1 in RETOT

2. If BUS1 = 1 AND RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT then store 2 in BUS2OT

American Time Use Survey

Universe BUS1 = 1 AND (RESPLINE is not equal to BUSL and BUSOT)

>Question Text

Do you receive any payments or profits from the business?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Recibe usted algún pago o alguna ganancia del negocio?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name BUS2 Description Pay/profit from bus

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2, D, R> [goto HRUSL1]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Store BUS2 in BUS2OT

American Time Use Survey

Universe (WK = 2, 4, 5 AND 8500.MLR=5 AND AGERNG ge 5) AND (BUS ne 1 OR

RELFLG(respline) ne 1))

OR (BUS1 = 2, D, R AND WK = 2, 4, 5 AND 8500.MLR = 5 AND AGERNG ge 5)

>Question Text

The last time we spoke to someone in this household you were reported to be retired.

Are you still retired?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Was not retired last month/last time

>Spanish Translation

La última vez que hablamos con alguien en este hogar nos informaron que usted estaba jubilado(a) o retirado(a).

¿Sigue jubilado(a) o retirado(a)?

1. Sí

2. No

3. No estaba jubilado(a) o retirado(a) el mes pasado/la última vez

>Variable Name RET Description Still Retired

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto RET1a]

<2, 3, D, R> [goto ABS]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Store RET in RETOT

American Time Use Survey

Universe ((WK = 2-5 AND ((BUS ne 1 OR RELFLG(respline) ne 1)) OR (BUS1= 2, D, R)) AND


>Question Text

[fill: Last time we spoke to someone in this household, you were reported to have a disability] Does your

disability continue to prevent you from doing any kind of work for the next 6 months

[fill: including work in the family business or farm]?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Did not have disability last month

>Spanish Translation

[fill: La última vez que hablamos con alguien en este hogar nos informaron que usted estaba discapacitado(a)]

¿Su discapacidad le sigue impidiendo hacer algún tipo de trabajo en los próximos 6 meses

[fill: incluyendo trabajo en el negocio o en la granja o finca de la familia]?

1. Sí

2. No

3. No estaba discapacitado(a) el mes pasado/la última vez

>Variable Name DIS Description Disability prevent work

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 for any household member goto SP1]

[ELSE goto S3_END]

<2, 3, D, R> [If WK is 3 AND AGERNG ge 5 goto RET1a]

[Else goto ABS]

>Fill Instructions

1. If WK is 2 fill "Last time we spoke . . . "

2. If BUS is 1 AND RELFLG(respline) = 1 fill "including work in the family business or farm"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If WK is 2 fill - La última vez que hablamos…

2. If BUS is 1 AND RELFLG (respline) = 1 fill - incluyendo trabajo en el negocio o en la granja o finca de la


>Special Instructions

1. If DIS is 1, store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (WK = 3 AND (BUS ne 1 or RELFLG ne 1) and AGERNG ge 5 and (DIS ne 1)) OR

(BUS1 = 2, D, R and WK = 3 and AGERNG ge 5) OR

(RET = 1) OR

(DIS = 2, 3, D, R AND WK=3 AND AGERNG ge 5)

>Question Text

Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?

1. Yes or Maybe, it depends

2. No

3. Has a job

>Spanish Translation

Actualmente ¿quisiera usted tener un empleo, ya sea de tiempo completo o de tiempo parcial?

1. Sí o tal vez, depende

2. No

3. Tiene un empleo

>Variable Name RET1A Description Want a job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2, D, R> [If RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 for any household member goto SP1] [Else goto S3_END]

<3> [goto ABSRSN]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If RET1a is 1, D, or R store 22 in QUEST

2. If RET1a is 2, store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (WK = 4 AND (8500.MLR ne 5 or AGERNG lt 5) AND 8500.MLR ne 6 AND (BUS ne

1 OR RELFLG(respline) ne 1)) OR

(BUS1 = 2, D, R AND WK = 4 AND (8500.MLR ne 5 or AGERNG lt 5)

AND8500.MLR ne 6)

>Question Text

Does your disability prevent you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Su discapacidad le impide aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis meses?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS1A Description Disability prevent accept


>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 for any household member goto SP1] [Else goto S3_END]

<2, D, R> [goto ABS]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If DIS1a is 1, Store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (WK = 5 AND (8500.MLR ne 5 or agerng lt 5) AND 8500.MLR ne 6 AND (BUS ne 1 or

RELFLG(respline) ne 1)) OR

(BUS1 = 2, D, R AND WK = 5 AND ((8500.MLR ne 5 or agerng lt 5) AND 8500.MLR

ne 6))

>Question Text

Do you have a disability that prevents you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Tiene alguna discapacidad que le impida aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS2A Description Have disability that prevents


>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 goto SP1] [else goto S3_END]

<2, D, R> [goto ABS]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If DIS2a is 1, Store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (RET1a = empty) AND [(WK = 2) AND (BUS ne 1 or relflg(respline) ne 1) AND

((8500.MLR ne 5) or (agerng lt 5)) AND (8500.MLR ne 6)] OR

[(WK = 3) AND (agerng lt 5) AND (BUS ne 1 or relflg(respline) ne 1) AND (8500.MLR

ne 5) AND (8500.MLR ne 6)] OR

[(BUS1 = 2, D, R) AND (WK = 2) AND ((8500.MLR ne 5) or (agerng lt 5)) AND

(8500.MLR ne 6)] OR

[(BUS1 = 2, D, R) AND (WK = 3) AND (AGERNG lt 5) AND (8500.MLR ne 6)] OR

[(RET = 2, 3, D, R AND (WK ne 3 or agerng lt 5)] OR

[(DIS = 2, 3, D, R AND (WK ne 3 or agerng lt 5)] OR

(DIS1a = 2, D, R) OR

(DIS2a = 2, D, R) OR

(WK = D, R)

>Question Text

In the LAST SEVEN DAYS, [fill: in addition to the business,] did you have a job either full or part time?

Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.

1. Yes

2. No

[fill: 3. Retired

4. Disabled

5. Unable ]

>Spanish Translation

En los ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS, [fill: además del negocio o empresa] ¿tuvo un empleo de tiempo completo o

de tiempo parcial? Incluya cualquier empleo del cual haya estado ausente temporalmente.

1. Sí

2. No

fill: 3. Retirado(a) o jubilado(a)

4. Discapacitado(a)

5. No podía trabajar]

>Variable Name FABS Description Have a job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto ABSRSN]

<2> [If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT goto ABSRN] [else goto LAY]

<3> [If AGENRG ge 5 AND no entry in RET1a goto RET1b] [else goto LAY]

<4,5> [If ABS = 4 goto DIS1b] [If ABS = 5 goto DIS2b]

<D, R> [goto LAY]

>Fill Instructions

1. If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT then fill "in addition to the business,"

2. If WK = 3, 4 or 5 then do not fill precodes 3 - 5

3. Store ABS in ABSOT

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT then fill: además del negocio o empresa,

American Time Use Survey

>Special Instructions

1. If WK = 3, 4 or 5 then do not allow precodes 3 -5 to be entered. Hard edit messsage

"* Not a Valid entry"

American Time Use Survey

Universe (No entry in RET1a) AND ABS=3 AND AGERNG ge 5

>Question Text

Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?

1. Yes or Maybe, it depends

2. No

3. Has a job

>Spanish Translation

Actualmente ¿quisiera usted tener un empleo, ya sea de tiempo completo o de tiempo parcial?

1. Sí o tal vez, depende

2. No

3. Tiene un empleo

>Variable Name RET1B Description Want a job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2, D, R> [If RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 for any household member goto SP1]

[Else goto S3_END]

<3> [goto ABSRSN]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If RET1b is 1,D, or R store 22 in QUEST

2. If RET1b is 2, store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe ABS= 4

>Question Text

Does your disability prevent you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Su discapacidad le impide aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS1B Description Disability prevent accept


>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 for any household member goto SP1] [Else goto S3_END]

<2, D, R> [goto LAY]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If DIS1b is 1, Store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe ABS=5

>Question Text

Do you have a disability that prevents you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Tiene alguna discapacidad que le impida aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS2B Description Have disability that prevents


>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [If household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 goto SP1] [else goto S3_END]

<2, D, R> [goto LAY]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If DIS2b is 1, Store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (DIS1b = 2, D, R) OR

(DIS2b = 2, D, R) OR

(ABS = D, R) OR

(ABS = 2 AND (RESPLINE is not eq to BUSL and BUSOT)) OR

(ABS = 3 AND (entry in RET1a or AGERNG = le 4))

>Question Text

During the LAST SEVEN DAYS, were you on layoff from a job?

1. Yes

2. No

[fill: 3. Retired

4. Disabled

5. Unable ]

>Spanish Translation

En los ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS, ¿estuvo usted en “layoff” o lo/la descansaron en su trabajo?

1. Sí

2. No

fill: 3. Retirado(a) o jubilado(a)

4. Discapacitado(a)

5. No podía trabajar]

>Variable Name LAY Description On Layoff

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2, D,R> [If household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31, 32 goto SP1] [Else goto S3_END]

<3> [If AGERNG ge 5 goto RET1c]

[If housheold member with RRP = 20, 21, 31, 32 goto SP1]

[else goto S3_END]

<4,5> [If LAY = 4 goto DIS1c] [If LAY = 5 goto DIS2c]

>Fill Instructions

1. If WK = 3, 4, or 5 OR ABS = 3, 4 or 5 then do not fill precodes 3 - 5.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If LAY is 1 store 21 in QUEST

If LAY is 2, D,R store 22 in Quest

If LAY is 3 AND AGERNG < 5 store 22 in QUEST

2. If WK = 3, 4, or 5 OR ABS = 3, 4 or 5 then do not allow precodes 3-5 to be entered.

Hard edit message, "* Not a Valid Entry"

American Time Use Survey

Universe (No entry in RET1a AND RET1b) AND LAY=3 AND AGERNG ge 5

>Question Text

Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?

1. Yes or Maybe, it depends

2. No

3. Has a job

>Spanish Translation

Actualmente ¿quisiera usted tener un empleo, ya sea de tiempo completo o de tiempo parcial?

1. Sí o tal vez, depende

2. No

3. Tiene un empleo

>Variable Name RET1C Description Want a job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2, D, R> [If RRP = 20 , 21, 31 or 32 for any household member goto SP1]

[Else goto S3_END]

<3> [goto ABSRSN]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If RET1c is 1,D, or R store 22 in QUEST

2. If RET1c is 2, store 28 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (No entry in DIS1a AND DIS2a AND DIS1b AND DIS2b) AND LAY= 4

>Question Text

Does your disability prevent you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Su discapacidad le impide aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS1C Description Disability prevent accept


>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2, D, R> [If RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 for any household member goto SP1]

[Else goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If DIS1c is 1, Store 28 in QUEST

2. If DIS1c is 2, D, R store 22 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (No entry in DIS1a AND DIS2a AND DIS1b AND DIS2b) AND LAY= 5

>Question Text

Do you have a disability that prevents you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Tiene alguna discapacidad que le impida aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS2C Description Have disability that prevents


>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2, D, R> [If household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 goto SP1]

[goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If DIS2c is 1, Store 28 in QUEST

2. If DIS2c is 2, D, R store 22 in QUEST

American Time Use Survey

Universe (ABS = 1) OR

(RET1a = 3) OR

(RET1b = 3) OR

(RET1c=3) OR


>Question Text

What was the main reason you were absent from work during the LAST SEVEN DAYS?

[fill: 1. On layoff (temporary or indefinite)

2. Slack work/business conditions

3. Waiting for new job to begin ]

4. Vacation/personal days

5. Own illness/injury/medical problems

6. Child care problems

7. Other family/personal obligation

8. Maternity/paternity leave

9. Labor dispute

10. Weather affected job

11. School/training

12. Civic/military duty

13. Does not work in the business

14. Other

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuál es la razón principal por la cual estuvo ausente del trabajo en los ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS?

[fill : 1. En layoff o lo/la descansaron (temporal o indefinido)

2. Poco trabajo/situación del negocio

3. Esperando que empiece un trabajo nuevo]

` 4. Vacaciones/días libres personales

5. Por estar enfermo(a), lesionado(a) o con problemas de salud

6. Problemas con el cuidado de niños

7. Otras obligaciones familiares o personales

8. Licencia o permiso por maternidad o paternidad

9. Conflicto laboral

10. Trabajo afectado por condiciones del tiempo

11. Educación/entrenamiento

12. Deber ciudadano/Servicio militar

13. No trabaja en el negocio

14. Otra razón (especifique)

>Variable Name ABSRSN Description Main reason absent

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-3, 13> [If household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 goto SP1] [else goto S3_END]

<4-12, D, R> [If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT AND ABS = 1, 2 goto HRUSL1]

[Else goto MJ]

<14> [goto ABSPC]

American Time Use Survey

1. If ABS = 2 AND (RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT) Do not display the first three response options.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If ABSRSN is 1 or 2, store 21 in QUEST

If ABSRSN is 3 or 13, store 22 in QUEST

2. If ABSRN = 4 - 12 or 14 AND (RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT) AND ABS = 2, store 2 in MJOT

3. If ABS = 2 AND (BUS = 1 AND RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT) then do not allow precodes

1 - 3 to be entered. Hard edit message "* Not a Valid Entry"

  1. If ABSRN = 4 - 12 or 14 AND (RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT) AND ABS = 1, store 1 in MJOT

>Fill Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ABSRSN = 14

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ABSPC Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<30 Characters, D, R> [If RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT AND ABS = 1, 2 goto HRUSL1]

[Else goto MJ]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe WK=1 OR

((ABSRSN= 4-12, 14, D or R AND ( RESPLINE does not eq BUSL and BUSOT)) OR

(ABS ne 2)

>Question Text

In the LAST SEVEN DAYS did you have more than one job [fill: or business], including part-time, evening or

weekend work?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿En los ÚLTIMOS 7 SIETE DÍAS tuvo más de un empleo [fill: o negocio], incluyendo trabajos de tiempo

parcial, trabajos de noche o de fines de semana?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name MJ Description More than 1 job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2, D, R> [goto HRUSL1]

>Fill Instructions

1. IF RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT, fill "or business"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. IF RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT, fill “o negocio”

>Special Instructions

1. Store MJ in MJOT

American Time Use Survey


(MJ = 1,2, D, R) OR

(BUS2 = 1, 2, D, R) OR

(ABSRSN = 4-12, 14, D or R AND (RESPLINE = BUSL or BUSOT) AND ABS = 1, 2)

>Question Text

How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your [fill: main] job?

[fill: By main job we mean the one at which you usually work the most hours.]

* Please enter Hours


Enter V if Hours Vary

>Spanish Translation

En su trabajo [fill: principal] ¿cuántas horas a la semana trabaja NORMALMENTE?

[fill: Por trabajo principal nos referimos a aquél en que usted generalmente trabaja la mayor cantidad de horas]

* Please enter Hours


Enter V if Hours Vary

>Variable Name HRUSL1 Description Hours usually work

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-99, D, R, V> [If MJ = 1 goto HRUSL2]

[If (D, R, V) AND (BUS1 = 1 OR MJOT is not 1) goto HRFTPT]

[if household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31 or 32 goto SP1]

[ELSE goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJ is 1, fill: "main" and "by main job we mean.."

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJ is 1, fill: principal and Por trabajo principal nos referimos

>Special Instructions

1. If MJ is not 1 then calculate HRUSLT

If HRULS1 = V then store V in HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 =D, R then store D in HRUSLT

Else store HRUSL1 in HRUSLT

2. Any entry in HRUSL1 store 25 in QUEST.

3. If 0 is entered, display the soft edit: " * 0 usual hours were reported. Verify with the respondent that this is

correct. If this is correct, press suppress to confirm entry."

American Time Use Survey

Universe Entry in HRUSL1 AND (MJ =1 or MJOT = 1)

>Question Text

How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your other job(s)?

* Please enter Hours or Enter V if Hours Vary

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuántas horas a la semana trabaja GENERALMENTE en su(s) otro(s) trabajo(s)?

* Please enter Hours or Enter V if Hours Vary

>Variable Name HRUSL2 Description Hours work other jobs

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-99, V, D, R> [If HRUSL1 = D, R,V, 0-34 and HRUSL2 = D, R, V goto HRFTPT]

[If HRUSL2 = D, R,V, 0-34 and HRUSL1 = D, R, V goto HRFTPT]

[If household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31, 32 goto SP1]

[ELSE goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Calculate HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 = D, R AND HRUSL2 = D, R then store D in HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 = V AND HRUSL2 = V then store V in HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 is D, R AND HRUSL2 is V then store V in HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 = V AND HRUSL2 - D, R then store V in HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 = D, R, V AND 0-99 in HRUSL2 then store HRUSL2 in HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 = 0-99 AND HRUSL2 = D, R, V then store HRUSL1 in HRUSLT

If HRUSL1 = 0-99 AND HRUSL2 = 0-99 then store (HRUSL1 + HRUSL2) in HRUSLT

2. If 0 is entered, display the soft edit: " * 0 usual hours were reported. Verify with the respondent that this is

correct. If this is correct, press suppress to confirm entry."

American Time Use Survey

Universe (HRUSL1 = D, R, V AND (BUS = 1 or MJOT ne 1)) OR

(HRUSL2 = D, R, V AND HRUSL1 = D, R, V, 0-34) OR

(HRUSL1 = D, R, V AND HRUSL2 = D, R, V, 0-34)

>Question Text

Do you USUALLY work 35 hours or more per week [fill: at all your jobs combined/in the family business or

farm/ at your job ]?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Hours vary

>Spanish Translation

¿Trabaja NORMALMENTE 35 o más horas a la semana [fill: en todos sus empleos combinados/en el negocio o

en la granja o finca de su familia / en su empleo]?

1. Sí

2. No

3. Varían las horas

>Variable Name HRFTPT Description Work 35 hours

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-3, D, R> [If household member with RRP = 20, 21, 31, 32 goto SP1] [else goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

1. If MJOT = 1, fill "at all your jobs combined",

2. If BUS1 =1 AND RELFLG(respline) = 1 AND MJOT = 2, D, R fill " in the family business or farm"

3. All others, fill "at your job".

4. If BUS = 1 and RELFLG = 1 AND MJOT = 2, D, R fill, "in the family business or farm".

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If MJOT = 1, fill: en todos sus empleos combinados”

2 If BUS1 =1 AND RELFLG(respline) = 1 AND MJOT = 2, D, R fill” en el negocio o en la granja o finca de

su familia”

3. All others, fill: en su empleo.

4. If BUS = 1 and RELFLG = 1 AND MJOT = 2, D, R fill, en el negocio o en la granja o finca de su familia.

>Special Instructions

1. Store 25 in Quest

American Time Use Survey

Universe Household member with RRP = 20 , 21, 31 or 32 AND DELDEC ne 1, 2, or 3

>Question Text

In the LAST SEVEN DAYS, did [fill: spouse’s name] do ANY work for [fill: pay/ either pay or profit]?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Retired

4. Disabled

5. Unable to Work

>Spanish Translation

En los ÚLTIMOS 7 DÍAS, ¿hizo [fill: spouse’s name] ALGÚN trabajo [fill: por pago/ por pago o para obtener


1. Sí

2. No

3. Retirado(a) o Jubilado(a)

4. Discapacitado(a)

5. No podía trabajar

>Variable Name SP1 Description Spouse Work

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto SP3]

<2, D, R> [goto SP2]

<3, 4, 5> [goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

1. If RRP = 20 fill, name of RRP = 20.

2. If BUS =1 AND RELFLG(spouse) = 1 fill "either pay or profit", else fill "pay"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

2. If BUS = 1 AND RELFLG (spouse) = 1 fill:por pago o para obtener ganancias, else fill por pago

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe SP1 = 2, D, R

>Question Text

In the LAST SEVEN DAYS, [fill:in addition to the business,] did [fill:spouse’s name] have a job either full or

part time? Include any job from which [fill: he/she] was temporarily absent.

1. Yes

2. No

3. Retired

4. Disabled

5. Unable

>Spanish Translation

En los ÚLTIMOS 7 DÍAS, [fill: además del negocio,] ¿tuvo [fill: spouse’s name] un trabajo ya sea de tiempo

completo o parcial? Incluya cualquier trabajo del cual haya estado temporalmente ausente.

1. Sí

2. No

3. Retirado(a) o Jubilado(a)

4. Discapacitado(a)

5. No podía trabajar

>Variable Name SP2 Description Spouse have a job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto SP3]

<2-5, D, R> [goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

1. If BUS is 1 and Spouse lineno = BUSL, fill "in addition to the business"

2. If RRP = 20 fill, name of RRP = 20.

3. If SEX = 1 fill , "he", if SEX = 2, fill "she".

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If BUS is 1 and Spouse lineno = BUSL, fill”:además del negocio

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe SP2 = 1

>Question Text

How many hours per week does [fill: spouse's name] USUALLY work?

*Enter V for "Hours Vary"

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuántas horas a la semana trabaja [fill: spouse’s name] NORMALMENTE?

*Enter V for “Hours Vary”

>Variable Name SP3 Description Spouse usual hours

>Value/Skip Instructions

<00-99> [goto S3_END]

<D, R,V> [goto SP4]

>Fill Instructions

1. If RRP = 20 fill, name of RRP = 20.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe SP3 = V, D, R

>Question Text

Does [fill: he/she] USUALLY work 35 hours or more per week?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Hours vary

4. No longer has a job

>Spanish Translation

¿NORMALMENTE trabaja [fill: él/ella] 35 horas o más a la semana?

1. Sí

2. No

3. Varían las horas

4. No trabaja más

>Variable Name SP4 Description Usually work 35 hours

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-4, D, R> [goto S3_END]

>Fill Instructions

1. If RRP = 20 and SEX = 1, fill "he".

2. If RRP = 20 and SEX = 2, fill "she".

>Spanish Fill Instructions

Spanish Fill

1. If RRP = 20 and SEX = 1, fill: él.

2. If RRP = 20 and SEX = 2, fill: ella.

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe All

>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name S3_END Description Section 3 end flag

>Value/Skip Instructions

[go to CORE_LEAD]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Set section complete flag (Store "yes" in sectcomp (3)). As follows:

2. If DIS = 1 and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31, or 32 set section complete flag.

3. If RET1a = 1,2, D, or R and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

4. If DIS1a = 1 and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

5. If DIS2a = 1 and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

6. If RET1b = 1,2, D,or R and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

7. If DIS1b = 1 and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

8. If DIS2b = 1 and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

9. If LAY = 1,2, D, or R and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31, or 32 set section complete flag.

10. If LAY = 3 and (AGERNG le 5 OR entry in RET1a OR RET1b) and no RRP eq 20, or 21 set section

complete flag.

11. If LAY = 4, or 5 and entry in DIS1a,b or DIS2a,b AND no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete


12. If RET1c = 1,2, D,or R and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

13. If DIS1c = 1,2, D,or R and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

14. If DIS2c = 1,2, D,or R and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

15. If ABSRSN = 1-3, or 13 and no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

16. If (HRUSL1 = 0-99, D, R, or V and MJ neq 1) OR ((BUS1 neq 1 OR MJOT is = 1) AND

HRUSL1 = D, R, V) AND no RRP eq 20, 21, 31 or 32 set section complete flag.

17. (HRUSL1 = D, R, V AND HRUSL2 = 35-99 AND BUS1 neq 1 AND no RRP eq 20, 21) OR

(HRUSL1 = 0-99 AND HRUSL2 = 0-99 AND no RRP eq 20, 21) OR

(HRUSL1 = 35-99 AND HRUSL2 = D, R, V, 0-34 AND no RRP eq 20, 21)

18. If HRFTPT = 1-3, D or R AND no RRP eq 20, 21, 31, or 32 set section complete flag.

19. If SP1 = 3, 4, or 5 set section complete flag.

20. If SP2 = 2-5, D or R set section complete flag.

21. If SP3 = 0-99 set section complete flag.

22. If SP4 = 1-4, D or R set section complete flag.

23. If (ABS = 4, 5) AND (DIS1C or DIS2C = DK or RF) and no RRP = 20, 21, 31, or 32 then section

complete flag.

24. If (((RRP = 20, 21) or (RRP = 20, 21, 31, 32)) and DELDEC = 1, 2, 3) then set section complete flag.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name BUSOT Description

>Value/Skip Instructions


>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If respondent is the only household member and that he is a business owner then respline is stored

is this variable

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name RETOT Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-3, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name BUS2OT Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name MJOT Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2, D, R>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name RELFLG Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0,1 >

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

NOTE: This is a person level variable.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name QUEST Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<21, 22, 25, 28,>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ABSOT Description

>Value/Skip Instructions


>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name HRUSLT Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<3 characters>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorBureau of the Census
Last Modified ByBureau of the Census
File Modified2005-04-29
File Created2005-04-29

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