ACP-7 Monthly Report of Inventory/Shipments

Pistachios Grown in California

ACP-7 Monthly Report of Inventory-Shipments 05-2007.rtf

Pistachios (Mandatory)

OMB: 0581-0215

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OMB NO. 0581-0215

Administrative Committee for Pistachios Form ACP - 7 Monthly Report of Inventory/Shipments


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(1 ) Beginnin Inventory

(2) Grower Deliveries This Month (New Crop)



(3) Current Month's Shipments - Domestic

(4) Export

(5) Current Month's Inter-Handler Transfers

Transfer from:

Transfer to:

(6) Non-Handler Purchases of California Product

(7) Inventory Adjustments (Please Explain)

(9) Endin Inventory





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The undersigned on behalf of the reporting processor certifies to the Administrative Committee for Pistachios that the report represents a complete and accurate record of all shipment and inter-handler transfers during the reporting month.

(If you have any questions, please call the A CP office before completing this form.)

~ Title:


Phone: ( )


Administrative Committee for Pistachios; 1318 East Shaw Ave., Suite 420; Fresno, CA 93710-7912 Phone: (559) 221-8294 - Fax: (559) 221-8044 - E-mail:

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may noc conduct or sponsor, and a person is noc required to respond to a collection of information W1less it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0581-0215. The lime required to complete this

information collection is cstimated to average 12 minutcs per response, including the time ror reviewing instructions, searching existing data sourccs, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis afrace, color. national origin. age. disability. and where applicable. sex, marital Slatus, familial status, parental status, religion. sexual orientation, genetic inrormation. political beliefs. reprisal, or because all or part oran individual's income is derived ftom any public assistance program (not all prohibited bascs apply to all programs). Persons with disabilitics who require alternative means for commW1ication of program information (Braille. large print. audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and lDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights. 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington. DC 20250-9410. or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (lDD). USDA is an equal opportW1ity provider and employer.

Form ACP - 7 (Rev. 5/15/07)


ACP Form 7 - Instructions

All Reports are due by the 10th of each month.


Open InshelI: Naturally open product with unstained or lightly stained shells. Report on an inshell weiEht basis.

Artificially Opened: Closed shell product that has been split by mechanical or other means. ReDort on an inshell

weight basis.

Closed Shell: Product that is closed and does not meet specifications of open inshell. ReDort on an inshell weiEht basis.

Shelling Stock: Dark stain, stick-tights, shell damage, etc. ReDort on an inshell weight basis.

Loose Kernels: Any kernels that are not in the shell. ReDort on a kernel weiEht basis.

Non-Handler Purchases: Purchases of product from an entity other than a processor (first handler). This could be a

broker, rebagger, etc.

First Handler: Processor who initially receives deliveries from a producer (grower) and is responsible for paying the assessment.

Instructions (l2Y...line num~

1) Beginning Inventory - bring forward the ending inventory figure from the prior month's report.

2) Grower Deliveries This Month (New Crop) - report new crop received from grower deliveries during the

month covered by this report. Include product that will be custom processed. Do not report total new crop to date.

3) Current Month's Shipments - Domestic - report all domestic shipments this month. Product that is custom processed should not be reported as a shipment until it leaves your plant.

Do not include:

a. Inter- Handler Sales or Purchases

b. Non-Handler Purchases.

4) Current Month's Shipments - Export - report all export shipments. Attach Export Shipments by Country of Destination (second page of this form).

Do not include Droduct eXDorted for sDlittinE that will be returned to vour inventorv. (See example under Inventory Adjustments).

5) Current Month's Inter-Handler Transfers - report by handler any sale, purchase or transfer of product from another handler. This figure must agree with the respective handler's report and will be verified by Commission staff. Both handlers must report the same category of product. For example: Handler #1 reports a sale to Handler #2 of 10,000 lbs. of inshell and 20,000 lbs. of shelling stock. Handler #2 must report a purchase of 10,000 lbs. of inshell and 20,000 lbs. of shelling stock.

Do not include an non-handler urchases or roduct that will be transferred for custom rocessin and returned to vour inventorv.


(Instructions, continued)

6) Non-Handler Purchases of California Product - report outside purchases of California product onlv from someone other than a handler. For example, a purchase made from a re-bagger or broker should be reported here.

7) Inventory Adjustments - report adjustments to inventory due to splitting, shelling, shrink, loss of product, etc. This could be an adjustment to balance this report to your inventory records. Please give a brief explanation of any adjustment you make. Do not report pounds lost due to further processing of shelling stock or closed shell product.

Below are examples of calculations for some of the inventory adjustments. The reported adjustment should be the sum of all adjustments (splitting, shelling, shrink, etc.).

Example #1 (Splittine: Adiustment): Handler A decides to split 10,000 Ibs. of closed shelL This results in 7,500 Ibs. of artificially opened product and 300 lbs ofloose kernels. He should report a reduction of closed shell inventory of 10,000 Ibs. and an addition to inshell of 7,500 Ibs. and loose kernels of 300 lbs. The 2,200 Ibs. that is lost will not be reported.

Example #2 (Shelline: Adjustment): Handler B decides to shell 10,000 lbs. of shelling stock. This results in 4,100 lbs. of loose kernels. He should report a reduction of shelling stock inventory of 10,000 Ibs. and an addition to loose kernel inventory of 4,100 lbs. The 5,900 lbs. that is lost will not be reported.

Example #3: In October, Handler C exports 10,000 lbs. of closed shell to China for splitting. He will not report the reduction in closed shell inventory until the product returns to his plant. In December the product is returned to Handler C. He receives 7,500 Ibs. of artificially opened product and 300 lbs. of loose kernels. On his December report, Handler C deducts the original 10,000 lbs. from his closed shell inventory and adds 7,500 lbs. to his artificially opened inventory and 300 lbs. to his loose kernel inventory. The 2,200 lbs. that is lost will not be reported.

Artificially OPened Export Adiustments

Product that is exported for splitting should not be reported until it is received back into your inventory. At that time report a reduction in closed shell inventory by the original amount exported and an addition to your artificially opened and loose kernel inventories.

8) Ending Inventory - report ending inventory by calculating additions and subtractions to beginning

inventory as detailed in this report.

Exvort Shinments

Complete the attached Export Shipment by Country of Destination report. All export shipments must be exported

by country, not region. If a shipment is made to a country not listed, report in the other category for the appropriate region, writing in the name of the country.

If you have questions or need assistance to complete any portion of this report please call the Committee office (559) 255-6480. Rev: 08/07

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