Migrant Annual Performance Report Form

High School Equivalency Program (HEP) Annual Performance Report

HEP APR Form 08-27-07

Migrant High School Equivalency Program(HEP)Annual Performance Report

OMB: 1810-0684

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Migrant High School Equivalency Program

U.S. Department of Education

Annual Performance Report Form for XXXX-XX



The Migrant High School Equivalency Program (HEP) is intended to assist migrant and seasonal farmworker students in obtaining the equivalent of a high school diploma and, subsequently, to begin postsecondary education, enter military service, or obtain employment. The legislation that authorizes the HEP program, the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title IV, Sec. 418A; 20 U.S.C. 1070d-2, and the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 34 CFR 75.253 require each of the funded projects to submit an annual performance report demonstrating that substantial progress has been made towards meeting the approved objectives of the project. In addition, grantees are required to report on their progress toward meeting the performance measures established for the ED grant program. This Annual Performance Report is the tool designated by the Department for reporting.

The HEP GPRA indicators (program performance measures) are listed below:

Objective 1 of 2: An increasing percentage of HEP participants will receive their General Educational Development (GED) diploma.

Measure 1.1 of 1: The percentage of High School Equivalency Program (HEP) program exiters receiving a General Educational Development (GED) diploma. (Desired direction: increase1)

Calculation: This measure is calculated by dividing the number of GED attainers (the number of HEP GED eligible students who received a GED certificate by the end of the budget period) by the total number funded, as per the approved application by OME, MINUS the number of persisters.


Grant Year

Incoming Students

Outgoing Students

GPRA 1.1 (Percent attaining a GED)

Total Funded


Returning from Previous Year

Total Funded

GED Attainers


Persisters (coming back in subsequent year)

Year 1









Year 2









In this example, for grant year 1, the denominator equals 95 (100 total funded minus 5 persisters). The numerator equals 65 (GED attainers), for a “success rate” of 65/95 or 68 percent. For grant year 2, the denominator equals 95 (100 total funded minus 5 persisters). The numerator equals 70 (GED attainers), for a success rate of 70/95 or 74 percent.

Objective 2 of 2: An increasing percentage of HEP recipients of the GED will enter postsecondary education programs, upgraded employment, or the military.

Measure 2.1 of 1: The percentage of HEP GED recipients who enter postsecondary education programs, upgraded employment, or the military. (Desired direction: increase)

Calculation: This measure is calculated by dividing the number of GED attainers who entered postsecondary education programs, upgraded employment, or the military by the total number of GED attainers.


Grant Year

Total GED Attainers

Entered Post-Secondary Education or

Upgraded Employment or Entered the Military

GPRA 2.1 (Percent achieving placement)

Year 1




Year 2




In this example, for grant year 1, data collected in the first quarter of grant year 2 indicates that, of the 65 GED attainers, 60 either entered post-secondary education, upgraded their employment, or entered the military. (Note this is an unduplicated count.) The numerator is 60, the number of GED attainers who entered postsecondary education programs, upgraded employment, or the military. The denominator is 95, (100 funded minus 5 persisters), for a placement of 60/65, or 92 percent. For grant year 2, in which there were 70 GED attainers, the numerator equals 50, for a success rate of 50/70 or 71 percent.

Efficiency Measure 1 of 2: Project success efficiency ratios are calculated as, per budget period, the number of GED attainers divided by the total budget awarded for that budget period.

Efficiency Measure 2 of 2: Project services efficiency ratios are calculated as, per budget period, the number of students served in HEP GED instruction divided by the total budget awarded for that budget period.

Paperwork Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is xxxx-xxxx. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 40 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Migrant HEP program, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651.

Instructions for Migrant HEP Annual Performance Report Form

For Annual Grant Performance Reports: The due date is 90 days following the end of the budget period. This report contains counts that are specific to each budget period.

For Final Grant Performance Reports: The due date is 90 days following the end of the budget period. Complete data on performance measures for the final budget period must be submitted with the final performance report. This report contains counts that are cumulative across all budget periods.

This annual performance report form covers the reporting period from XXX to XXX and must be completed and submitted by XXX. The revised annual performance report (APR) information will be collected via an online form accessible only to grantees.

If you have questions about how to complete this form, contact:


This HEP performance report is divided into a Cover Sheet and the following six sections:

Section A – HEP Project Statistics and Reporting for GPRA

Section B – HEP Project Student Participant Information

Section C – HEP Project Services Information

Section D – HEP Project Goals and Objectives

Section E – HEP Project Budget Information

Section F – Additional Information

Data Utilization

Together, these sections will be used to answer the following evaluation questions decided upon by the program office:

  1. To what extent have program goals been accomplished? (Section A; mandatory GPRA reporting)

  2. What service models had the most positive outcomes? (Sections, B and C)

  3. What service models had the best efficiency ratios? (Sections C and E)

  4. What percentage of project goals was achieved (i.e., met or exceeded)? (Section D)

Findings from aggregated grantee reports, as they pertain to the above stated evaluation questions, will be published for public record and for program and grantee use in better understanding effective service models and strategies.

  1. Instructions for Cover Sheet

Complete the Cover Sheet with the appropriate information. Instructions for items 1, 3, 4 and 6 are included on the Cover Sheet. Instructions for items 2 and 5 and items 7 through 11 are included in this instruction sheet.

Question 2. Grantee NCES ID Number

-- Annual and Final Performance Reports:

Please enter the current National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) ID number of the grantee. Grantees that are State Educational Agencies (SEA) should enter their state's FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code in item 2. Item 2 only applies to grantees that are Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), SEAs, Local Educational Agencies (LEA), public libraries, and public, charter, and private elementary or secondary schools. Leave blank, if this item is not applicable.

Please go to the applicable website listed below to obtain the grantee’s NCES ID number or FIPS code. Depending on your organization type, this number will range from 2 to 12 numeric digits.

Note: Newly established organizations that do not have an NCES ID number yet should leave item 2 blank. However, once the organization's NCES ID number has been established, it must be entered on all future submissions of this form.

Question 5. Grantee Address

Instructions for Submitting Address Changes

-- Annual and Final Performance Reports:

If the address that is listed in Block 1 of your GAN has changed and you are submitting a paper copy of this form, either submit the new address in the Additional Information section of the Project Status Chart or submit the change through e-Administration (annual performance reports only), the administrative action function of e-Grants.

Question 7. Reporting Period

-- Annual Performance Reports:

Due Date: Annual performance reports are due 90 days after the end date of the current budget period. If you receive a no-cost time extension from ED for the budget period, the final performance report is due 90 days after the revised project period end date. Please follow instructions from the program office regarding the specific due date of the annual performance report for your grant.

This reporting period is aligned with the current budget period. The start date for your current budget period may be found in Block 6 of the GAN. Complete data on all measures are due with this performance report.

-- Final Performance Reports:

Due Date: Final performance reports are due 90 days after the expiration of the grant’s project period. If you receive a no-cost time extension from ED for the fifth year of this grant, the final performance report is due 90 days after the revised project period end date. This final performance report is separate from and in addition to the APR for the fifth year of the project.

Please enter the start and end date for the final budget period of your grant from Block 6 of the GAN. The reporting period for your final performance report covers the entire project period (five year). Complete data on all performance measures are due with this final performance report.

Question 8. Budget Expenditures [Also See Section E]

The budget expenditure information requested in items 8a. – 8c. must be completed by your Business Office.

Note: For the purposes of this report, the term budget expenditures means allowable grant obligations incurred during the periods specified below. (See EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.2; 75.703; 75.707; and 80.3, as applicable.)

For budget expenditures made with Federal grant funds, you must provide an explanation in Section B (Budget Information) of the Project Status Chart, if you have not drawn down funds from the Grant Administration and Payment System (GAPS) to pay for these budget expenditures.

--Annual Performance Reports:

  • Report your actual budget expenditures for the entire previous budget period in item 8a. Please separate expenditures into Federal grant funds and non-Federal funds (match/cost-share) expended for the project during the entire previous budget period.

  • Note: If you are reporting on the first budget period of the project, leave item 8a. blank.

  • Report your actual budget expenditures for the current budget period to date (i.e., through 30 days before the due date of this report) in item 8b. Please separate expenditures into Federal grant funds and non-Federal funds (match/cost-share) expended for the project during the current budget period to date.

--Final Performance Reports:

  • Report your actual budget expenditures for the entire previous budget period in item 8a. Please separate expenditures into Federal grant funds and non-Federal funds (match/cost-share) expended for the project during the entire previous budget period.

  • Report your actual budget expenditures for the entire final budget period in item 8b. Please separate expenditures into Federal grant funds and non-Federal funds (match/cost-share) expended for the project during the entire final budget period.

  • Report your actual budget expenditures for the entire project period (performance period) in item 8c. Please separate expenditures into Federal grant funds and non-Federal funds (match/cost-share) expended for the project during the entire project period. Your project period (performance period) start and end dates are found in Block 6 of the GAN.

Question 9. Indirect Costs

The indirect cost information requested in Items 9a. – 9d. must be completed by your Business Office.

--Annual and Final Performance Reports:

  • Item 9a -- Please check “yes” or “no” in item 9a. to indicate whether or not you are claiming indirect costs under this grant.

  • Item 9b. -- If you checked “yes” in item 9a., please indicate in item 9b. whether or not your organization has an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that was approved by the Federal government.

  • Item 9c. -- If you checked “yes” in item 9b., please indicate in item 9c. the beginning and ending dates covered by the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. In addition, please indicate whether ED or another Federal agency (Other) issued the approved agreement. If you check “Other,” please specify the name of the Federal agency that issued the approved agreement. For final performance reports only, check the appropriate box to indicate

  • The type of indirect cost rate that you have – Provisional, Final, or Other. If you check “Other,” please specify the type of indirect cost rate.

  • Item 9d. – For grants under Restricted Rate Programs (EDGAR, 34 CFR 75.563), please indicate whether you are using a restricted indirect cost rate that is included on your approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement or whether you are using a restricted indirect cost rate that complies with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2). Note: State or Local government agencies may not use the provision for a restricted indirect cost rate specified in EDGAR, 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2). Check only one response. Leave blank, if this item is not applicable.

Question 10. Annual Institutional Review Board (IRB) Certification

--Annual Performance Reports Only:

Annual certification is required if Attachment HS1, Continuing IRB Reviews, was attached to the GAN.

Attach the IRB certification.

Question 11. Certification

--Annual and Final Performance Reports:

The grantee’s authorized representative must sign the certification for this form. The authorized representative is the person who signed the grant application or has been officially designated to sign this performance report. The Office of Migrant Education should receive documentation indicating who the authorized representatives are and whether changes have occurred since signing of the grant application.

If the grantee has any known internal control weaknesses concerning data quality (as disclosed through audits or other reviews), this information must be disclosed under Section F (Additional Information) of the Project Status Chart as well as the remedies taken to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data.

Instructions for Sections A and B

Sections A and B contain columns for years one through five of the project and for the final performance report. Fill in the column that corresponds to the project year that is being reported. In year one, this would be column Y1. In year two, this would be Y2, etc. Note that successive annual performance reports will maintain prior year’s data; this data will be pre-populated by the program office for previous years. Also, the final performance report figures, entered into column F, will be cumulative counts of the prior five years.


In year one of a project funded to serve 100 total students per year, data entry would look like:








a. Number funded to be served


In year two, the APR should take the following format:








a. Number funded to be served



The final performance report should take the following format:








a. Number funded to be served







Instructions for Section A – HEP Project Statistics and Reporting for GPRA




Definition and notes

Period for Compiling Data

Section A – HEP Project Statistics and Reporting for GPRA

Budget Period


12-month period of time beginning on the date found in Block 6 of the GAN.


Number funded to be served


Number of participants officially funded by the HEP grant to be enrolled in GED instruction in your HEP project in this budget period.

Beginning of budget period.

Number served in HEP GED instruction

Cumulative count.

The number of HEP GED eligible students who completed intake and were enrolled and attending HEP GED instruction for at least 12 hours of instructional services in this budget period.

End of budget period

New participant

Cumulative count.

The number of HEP GED eligible students who completed intake and were enrolled and attending HEP GED instruction for at least 12 hours of instructional services in this budget period who were new to the project (i.e., not previously enrolled in HEP GED instruction). (This is a subset of the number served.)

End of budget period.

Returning participant

Cumulative count.

The number of HEP GED eligible students who completed intake in any prior budget period but did not attain a GED at that time, and were enrolled and attending HEP GED instruction for at least 12 hours of instructional services in this budget period. (This is a subset of the number served.)

End of budget period.

GED attainers

Cumulative count.

The number of HEP GED eligible students who received a GED certificate by the end of this budget period.

Note: to best capture this data, the number of students who attained GEDs will be compiled and calculated in the first of quarter of the subsequent budget period. This procedure will apply to all counts for which actual (as opposed to projected) attainment or placement data is necessary.

First quarter of the subsequent budget period for completion of the current report.

For example: To report for the budget period running from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, compile data between July 1, 2007 and September 30, 2007.



The number of HEP GED eligible students who completed intake and were enrolled and attending HEP GED instruction for at least 12 hours of instructional services in this budget period who left the HEP GED program without completing coursework, without attaining a GED, and without returning for instruction in the subsequent budget period. This count also should include students who took the GED test battery without completing coursework, regardless of success or failure on the test battery.

Students that complete the course of study but do not pass the GED and do not re-enroll should be counted in “Course Completers”.

First quarter of the subsequent budget period for completion of the current report.

See example above.



The number of HEP GED eligible students who completed intake and were enrolled and attending HEP GED instruction for at least 12 hours of instructional services in this budget period who did not attain a GED but who re-enrolled for continuing instructional services in support of a GED in the subsequent budget period.

First quarter of the subsequent budget period for completion of the current report.

See example above.

Course Completers


The number of HEP GED eligible students who completed intake and were enrolled and attending HEP GED instruction for at least 12 hours of instructional services in this budget period who completed coursework but did not attain a GED during this budget period. This count also should include students who complete the course of study, but do not attempt the GED test battery or do not pass the GED test battery.

End of budget period

Placement of GED attainers

Unduplicated count.

Of those students who attained a GED in this budget period, the number who went on to enter postsecondary education programs, upgraded employment, or the military

In situations where students attain multiple placements, count each student only once for the total in question A3a to report an unduplicated count. The measure should be taken in the first quarter following the program year in which participants received their GEDs, and should be based on actual placement and not on anticipated placement.

First quarter of the subsequent budget period for completion of the current report.

See example above.

Upgraded employment


For a student to have attained upgraded employment, at least one of the following criteria must be met:

  1. Move to a job that is both full-time and salaried, compared to job immediately prior to and/or during instructional services. This may be a job change with the same employer or a job with a new employer.


  1. Move to a job with increased benefits, such as healthcare, worker's compensation, unemployment insurance, social security, and vacation and sick leave, compared to job immediately prior to and/or during instructional services. This may be a job change with the same employer or a job with a new employer.


  1. Position upgrade with same employer, such as a move to a supervisory position, compared to job at that employer immediately prior to and/or during instructional services.


  1. Move to a new job with predefined career ladder, regardless of wage change (e.g.. management trainee, formal apprenticeship), compared to career ladder options at job immediately prior to and/or during instructional services. This may be a job change with the same employer or a job with a new employer.


  1. Move to a job with higher hourly wages compared to hourly wages at job immediately prior to and/or during instructional services. This may be a job change with the same employer or a job with a new employer. This category also accounts for students who obtain a job where they previously had been unemployed.

First quarter of the subsequent budget period for completion of the current report.

See example above.

Instructions for Section B – HEP Project Student Participant Information




Definition and notes

Period for Compiling Data

Section B – HEP Project Student Participant Information

GED instruction

Average (mean) hours and minimum and maximum.

Direct “treatment” services leading toward attainment of a GED.

Report the average hours and range (minimum and maximum) of instructional services attended by students

End of budget period

Support services

Average (mean) hours and minimum and maximum.

Ancillary services provided in support of direct services, such that the full benefit of direct services might be realized.

Report the average hours and range (minimum and maximum) of support services received by students, where applicable and quantifiable.

Examples: coaching, tutoring, transportation.

End of budget period

Adult Basic Education

Cumulative count.

The number of students enrolled and served with at least 12 hours of instructional services during this budget period who required Adult Basic Education instruction (instruction in the basic skills below the high school level).

End of budget period.

Educational Impairments

Cumulative count.

The number of students enrolled and served with at least 12 hours of instructional services during this budget period who had educational impairments, as verified through standardized assessments of special needs or learning disabilities.

End of budget period.

English as a second language

Cumulative count.

The number of students enrolled and served with at least 12 hours of instructional services during this budget period who had English as a second language needs as determined by placement testing.

End of budget period.

Instructions for Section C – HEP Project Services Information




Definition and notes

Period for Compiling Data

Section C – HEP Project Services Information

Open enrollment

Close ended

Projects that are open enrollment allow continuous entry into instructional services (i.e., there is no cut date for student enrollment in order to enter a course).

End of budget period.

Structured enrollment

Close ended

Projects that are structured enrollment allow enrollment for a defined period of time prior to the start of instructional services. After that defined period of time has expired, students must wait until the next semester or series of instructional services begins to participate in services.

End of budget period.

Project proficiency threshold

Close ended

The minimum grade-level proficiency in reading and/or reading comprehension at which new participants must perform in order to enroll and participate in instructional services.

End of budget period.

Number of FTE teaching staff

Full-time equivalent count to one decimal place.

Number of FTE teaching staff (staff who provide direct instruction) funded by the HEP grant. See FTE definition below.

Also report the total number of FTE teaching staff contributing to the project but not funded by the HEP grant.

End of budget period

FTE (full-time equivalent) for teaching staff and instructional support staff

Determine the FTE for each teaching staff person and instructional support staff person. Sum teaching staff and instructional support staff separately.

Full-time equivalent count to one decimal place.

FTE is a measure equal to one staff person working a full-time work schedule for one year.

To calculate the total FTE:

For each teaching staff person and instructional support person, divide the total number of hours that employee works on your HEP project each year by the number of hours your organization considers full time for one year. Sum across all teaching staff persons for the total teaching staff FTE Sum across all instructional support staff persons for the total instructional support FTE.

For example, if your organization considers 1,920 hours to be full time, and teaching staff member Jane Smith works 1,440 hours per year, her FTE is .75 (1,440 divided by 1,920). Sum Jane Smith’s FTE with the FTEs from all other teaching staff to calculate the total FTE for teaching staff.

Number of FTE instructional support staff

Full-time equivalent count to one decimal place.

Number of FTE support staff (staff who provide ancillary, support services) funded by the HEP grant. See FTE definition above.

Also report the total number of FTE support staff contributing to the project, but not funded by the HEP grant.

End of budget period

Instructions for Section D – HEP Project Goals and Objectives

In your approved grant application, you established project objectives stating what you hope to achieve with your funded grant project. Generally, one or more performance measures also were established for each project objective that serve to demonstrate whether you have met or are making progress towards meeting each project objective.

Report on the results to date of your project evaluation as required under EDGAR, 34 CFR 75.590. According to the instructions below, for each project objective included in your approved grant application, provide quantitative and/or qualitative data for each associated performance measure and a description of preliminary findings or outcomes that demonstrate that you have met or are making progress towards meeting the performance measure. You will also explain how your data on your performance measures demonstrate that you have met or are making progress towards meeting each project objective.

Note: Complete data must be submitted for any project-specific performance measures that were included in your approved grant application.

For Annual Performance Reports: The due date is 90 days following the end of the budget period. This report contains counts that are specific to each budget period.

For Final Performance Reports: The due date is 90 days following the end of the budget period. Complete data on performance measures for the final budget period must be submitted with the final performance report. This report contains counts that are cumulative across all budget periods.

Section 1) Project Objective:

Enter each project objective that is included in your approved grant application. Only one project objective should be entered per row. Project objectives should be numbered sequentially, i.e., 1., 2., 3., etc.

Performance Measure:

For each project objective, enter each associated performance measure. There may be multiple performance measures associated with each project objective. Enter only one performance measure per row. Each performance measure that is associated with a particular project objective should be labeled using an alpha indicator. Example: The first performance measure associated with project objective “1” should be labeled “1.a.,” the second performance measure for project objective “1” should be labeled “1.b.,” etc. For each performance measure use the row that corresponds to your project funding year (year 1, 2 3, 4 or 5 OR “F” for final performance report).

Quantitative Data:

Target and Actual Performance Data

Provide the target you established for meeting each performance measure and provide actual performance data demonstrating progress towards meeting or exceeding this target. Only quantitative (numeric) data should be entered in the Target and Actual Performance Data boxes.

The Target and Actual Performance Data boxes are each divided into three columns: Raw Number; Ratio; and Percentage (%).

For performance measures that are stated in terms of a single number (e.g., the number of workshops that will be conducted or the number of students that will be served), the target and actual performance data should be reported as a single number under the Raw Number column (e.g., 10 workshops or 80 students). Please leave the Ratio and Percentage (%) columns blank. For performance measures that are stated in terms of a percentage (e.g., percentage of students that attain proficiency), complete both the Ratio column and the Percentage (%) column. Please leave the Raw Number column blank.

In the Ratio column (e.g., 80/100), the numerator represents the numerical target (e.g., the number of students that are expected to attain proficiency) or actual performance data (e.g., the number of students that attained proficiency), and the denominator represents the number of students funded to be served under each objective. Please enter the corresponding percentage (e.g., 80%) in the Percentage (%) column. Note: the denominator may vary across objectives, depending upon the number of students each objective is designed to reach.

If the collection of quantitative data is not appropriate for a particular performance measure, please leave the Target and Actual Performance Data boxes blank and provide an explanation and any relevant qualitative data for the performance measure in the section entitled, Explanation of Progress (Section 2).

Note: If you are using weighted data, please indicate how the data are weighted in the section entitled, Explanation of Progress (Section 2).

Special instructions for grants in their first budget period: If baseline data for a performance measure were not included in your approved application and targets were not set for the first budget period, then enter either the number 999 under the Raw Number column or the ratio 999/999 under the Ratio column of the Target box, depending on how your data will be reported in the future. The 999 or 999/999 indicates that baseline data are being collected on the measure during the first budget period and targets have not yet been set. Unless otherwise instructed by the program office in the attached “Dear Colleague Letter,” report baseline data collected during the first budget period under either the Raw Number column or the Ratio and Percentage (%) columns of the Actual Performance Data box, as appropriate. After baseline data have been collected during the first budget period, grantees are expected to set targets for the second and any subsequent budget periods and report actual performance data in their annual performance reports.

Section D also requests that data from multiple project years be entered, according to the project year reported. This data will be pre-populated by the program office for previous years. Data entry should follow the process described above for sections A and B. The final performance report should AVERAGE success rates across each of the project years.


In year one of a project funded to serve 100 students per year with a target of awarding financial aid to 100 percent of students, data entry would look like this:

1.a. Performance Measure

Quantitative Data

Award financial aid to 100 percent of students.


Actual Performance Data

Raw Number



Raw Number





Year One







Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five


In year two, the APR should take the following form:

1.a. Performance Measure

Quantitative Data

Award financial aid to 100 percent of students.


Actual Performance Data

Raw Number



Raw Number





Year One







Year Two







Year Three

Year Four

Year Five


The final performance report should take the following form:

1.a. Performance Measure

Quantitative Data

Award financial aid to 100 percent of students.


Actual Performance Data

Raw Number



Raw Number





Year One







Year Two







Year Three







Year Four







Year Five














Section 2) Explanation of Progress (Includes Qualitative Data and Data Collection Information):

  1. For each project objective and associated performance measures, indicate what data (quantitative and/or qualitative) were collected and when they were collected, the evaluation methods that were used, and how the data were analyzed. Clearly identify and explain any deviations from your approved evaluation plan, including changes in design or methodology, or the individual or organization conducting the evaluation.

  2. Based on your data, provide a description of preliminary findings or outcomes, including information to show whether you are making progress towards meeting each performance measure. Further, indicate how your performance measures data show that you have met or are making progress towards meeting the stated project objective. In your discussion, provide a brief description of your activities and accomplishments for the reporting period that are related to each project objective.

  3. If expected data were not attained, expected progress was not made toward meeting a performance measure or project objective, or a planned activity was not conducted as scheduled, provide an explanation. Include a description of the steps and schedules for addressing the problem(s) or issue(s).

  4. Indicate how you used your data and information from your evaluation to monitor the progress of your grant, and if needed, to make improvements to your original project plan (e.g., project activities and milestones) which are consistent with your approved objectives and scope of work.

Section 3) Final Performance Report ONLY: this information covers the entire project report period (five years).

Grantees must answer each of the three questions identified below:

  1. Utilizing your evaluation results, draw conclusions about the success of the project and/or its impact. Describe any unanticipated outcomes or benefits from your project and any barriers that you may have encountered.

  2. What would you recommend as advice to other educators that are interested in your project? How did your original ideas change as a result of conducting the project?

  3. If applicable, describe your plans for continuing the project (sustainability; capacity building) and/or disseminating the project results.

Instructions for Section E – HEP Project Budget Information

-- Annual and Final Performance Reports:

  • Report budget expenditure data in items 8a. – 8c. of the Cover Sheet, as applicable. Please follow the instructions for completing items 8a. – 8c. included in this instruction sheet.

  • For budget expenditures made with Federal grant funds, you must provide an explanation if funds have not been drawn down from GAPS to pay for the budget expenditure amounts reported in items 8a. – 8c of the ED 524B Cover Sheet.

  • Provide an explanation if you did not expend funds at the expected rate during the reporting period.

  • Describe any changes to your budget that affected your ability to achieve your approved project activities and/or project objectives.

  • Describe any significant changes to your budget resulting from modification of project activities.

-- Annual Performance Reports Only:

  • Do you expect to have any unexpended funds at the end of the current budget period? If you do, explain why, provide an estimate, and indicate how you plan to use the unexpended funds (carryover) in the next budget period.

  • Describe any anticipated changes in your budget for the next budget period that require prior approval from the Department (see EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.25 and 80.30, as applicable).

Instructions for Section F – Additional Information

-- Annual Performance Reports Only:

  • If applicable, please provide a list of current partners on your grant and indicate if any partners changed during the reporting period. Please indicate if you anticipate any change in partners during the next budget period. If any of your partners changed during the reporting period, please describe whether this impacted your ability to achieve your approved project objectives and/or project activities.

  • If instructed by the program office, please report on any statutory reporting requirements for this grant program.

  • Describe any changes that you wish to make in the grant’s activities for the next budget period that are consistent with the scope and objectives of your approved application.

  • If you are requesting changes to the approved key personnel listed in Block 4 of your GAN for the next budget period, please indicate the name, title and percentage of time of the requested key personnel. Additionally, please attach a resume or curriculum vitae for the proposed key personnel when you submit your performance report.

  • Note: Do not report on any key personnel changes made during the current or previous budget period(s). Departmental approval must be requested and received prior to making key personnel changes.

  • Provide any other appropriate information about the status of your project including any unanticipated outcomes or benefits from your project.

Cover Sheet – Migrant HEP Annual Performance Report

Check only one box per Program Office instruction.

[ ] Annual Performance Report (check one: Y1 Y2Y3Y4Y5)

[ ] Final Performance Report

General Information

1. PR/ Number: __________ 2. NCES ID#: __________

(Block 5 of the Grant Award Notification - 11 Characters.) (See Instructions - Up to 12 Characters.)

3 Project Title: _________

(Enter the same title as on the approved application.)

4. Grantee Name (Block 1 of the Grant Award Notification): ________

5. Grantee Address (See Instructions.)

6. Project Director Name: __________ Title: __________

Ph #: ( ) ____ - _____ Ext: ( ) Fax # : ( ) _____ - _____

Email Address: __________

Reporting Period Information (See Instructions.)

7. Reporting Period: From: ___/___/___ To: ___/___/___ (mm/dd/yyyy)

Budget Expenditures (To be completed by your Business Office. See instructions. Also see Section B.)

8. Budget Expenditures

Federal Grant Funds

Non-Federal Funds (Match/Cost Share)

a. Previous Budget Period

b. Current Budget Period

c. Entire Project Period

(For Final Performance Reports only)

Indirect Cost Information (To be completed by your Business Office. See instructions.)

9. Indirect Costs

a. Are you claiming indirect costs under this grant? ___Yes ___No

b. If yes, do you have an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement approved by the Federal Government? ___Yes ___No

c. If yes, provide the following information:

Period Covered by the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement: From: ___/ ___/___ To: ___/___/___ (mm/dd/yyyy)

Approving Federal agency: ___ED ___Other (Please specify): __________

Type of Rate (For Final Performance Reports Only): ___ Provisional ___ Final ___ Other (Please specify) ____

d. For Restricted Rate Programs (check one) -- Are you using a restricted indirect cost rate that:

___ Is included in your approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement?

___ Complies with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2)?

Human Subjects (See Instructions.)

10. Annual Certification of Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval? ­___Yes ___No ___N/A

Performance Measures Status and Certification (See Instructions.)

11. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this performance report are true and correct and the report fully discloses all known weaknesses concerning the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data.

_____________________________ Title: _____________

Name of Authorized Representative:

_____________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/____


A. HEP Project Statistics and Reporting for GPRA

A1. Number of students served during budget period.







  1. Number funded to be served

  1. Number served in HEP GED instruction (note: A1c + A1d should sum to equal A1b)

  1. Number served who were new participants (first year in HEP) (subset of A1b)

  1. Number served who were returning participants (not first year in HEP) (subset of A1b)

A2. Status at the end of budget period. (note: A2a-d should sum to equal the number reported in A1b).







  1. Number of GED attainers

  1. Number of withdrawals

  1. Number of persisters (coming back to continue in the subsequent budget period; persisters were enrolled in instructional services in the budget period reported but did not yet achieve a GED and have returned in the subsequent budget period to continue instructional services)

  1. Number of completers

A3. Placement of GED attainers from question A2a above at the end of budget period.







  1. Unduplicated number of GED attainers who entered postsecondary education programs, upgraded employment, or the military (count each participant only once for this row for an unduplicated count)

    1. Number of GED attainers who entered postsecondary education programs

    1. Number of GED attainers who obtained upgraded employment

    1. Number of GED attainers who entered the military

A4. Time to completion for GED attainers from question A2a above. (note: A4a-c should sum to equal the number reported in A2a.)







  1. Number of GED attainers who got their GED within one year in your project

  1. Number of GED attainers who got their GED after more than one, but within two years in your project

  1. Number of GED attainers who got their GED after more than two years in your project

B. HEP Project Student Participant Information

B1. Instruction and services received by HEP GED enrolled students during the budget period.







a. Total GED instruction hours received by all enrollees.

b. Total GED instruction hours received by GED recipients.

c. Total instructional support services received by all enrollees. (Please calculate the number of hours received across all services for all students.)

d. Total instructional support services received by GED recipients. (Please calculate the number of hours received across all services for all students.)

e. Total number of students receiving the following types of services:

Instructional Support Services (services provided by staff in support of attainment of a GED and/or placement in post-secondary education, upgraded employment or a career in the military.) Please indicate the number of students receiving instructional support services; calculation of total hours received or visits received, etc. is not necessary.

1. Tutoring (services provided in support of a specific curriculum, course or course of study)

2. Mentoring or coaching (services provided in support of general academic career and post-GED placement)

3. College transition services

4. Work training services

5. Job placement services

6. Counseling or guidance services (services provided in support of work-life balance and other psycho-social aspects of GED attainment and post-GED placement)

Other Support Services (non-staff services provided in support of attainment of a GED and/or placement in post-secondary education, upgraded employment or a career in the military)

7. Transportation services or financial support

8. Child care

9. Financial support for tuition

10. Financial support for books and materials

11. Other: ______________________________

12. Other: ______________________________

  1. Number of students receiving referrals to other services

  1. Total number of referrals to other services

B2. Characteristics of the HEP GED enrolled students during this budget period. (note: [B2a and B2b] and [B2c and B2d] should sum to equal the number reported in A1b).







  1. Number of students who are male

  1. Number of students who are female

  1. Number of students who are 25 years old or younger

  1. Number of students who are over 25 years old

  1. Number of students who moved their primary residence one or more times during the budget period

  1. Number of students who travel 20 miles or more to attend GED classes. Please count all students who attend the program whose home or permanent address is 20 or more miles away.

  1. Number of students who enrolled during the budget period and required Adult Basic Education instruction

  1. Number of students who enrolled during the budget period and had verifiable educational impairments.

  1. Does your project screen students for English language proficiency? If “No”, skip to question C1. Mark Y for yes, or N for no.













1. Number of students who enrolled during the budget period and had English as a second language needs

C. HEP Project Services Information

C1. Project Model Characteristics

  1. Is this project a commuter or residential project or a combination of both?

□ Commuter

□ Residential

□ Combination of commuter and residential

  1. Does this project provide open enrollment or structured enrollment?

□ Open

□ Structured

  1. In what languages are project services provided? (Check all that apply.)

□ English

□ Spanish

□ Other

C2. Project Personnel Characteristics

  1. Number of FTE teaching staff funded by the HEP grant

  1. Number of FTE teaching staff contributing to the project’s GED instruction, not funded by the HEP grant

  1. Number of FTE instructional support staff (tutors, coaches, mentors) funded by the HEP grant

  1. Number of FTE instructional support staff contributing to the project’s GED instruction, not funded by the HEP grant

C3. Project HEP GED Instructional Services Offered

  1. How frequently are GED instructional services provided? Check only one option; check the option that best describes the frequency of instructional services. If your program has both part time and full time options, please check the box that bests describes the majority of your program’s students.

□ Daily

□ Weekly

□ Monthly

  1. Average length of instructional service per individual instructional session, in hours. (Provide the average length of instructional service that best describes the majority of your students.)

___ hours

  1. Average length of instructional service per semester, in days. (Provide the average length of instructional service that best describes the majority of your students.)


C4. Project Student Assessment Information

  1. Does your project screen students prior to enrollment in HEP GED instructional services to establish whether they are above or below a proficiency threshold? (Check one.)

If “No,” skip to question C4b.



  1. If your project uses a screening or intake assessment to establish a proficiency threshold, what is your project proficiency threshold for accepting students into HEP GED instructional services (check only one response; please check “no assessment” if the intake or screening process does not measures proficiency threshold)?

□ At or above 7th grade

□ At or above 3rd grade

□ Other: _____________

□ No assessment

  1. What kind of screening or intake assessment is used? (If a published assessment, please provide the title. If not a published assessment, please provide the program office with a copy of the assessment used.)

  1. What was the average screening or intake assessment score for this budget period? If a separate assessment is used for Spanish speaking and English speaking students, scores should be reported separately for Spanish and English students in the space provided. Scores should not be combined. Only include scores for students accepted into the project (i.e., do not include scores for students who did not screen above proficiency thresholds or who otherwise were not accepted into the project.)

  1. What was the range of screening or intake assessment scores for this budget period? If a separate assessment is used for Spanish speaking and English speaking students, scores should be reported separately for Spanish and English students in the space provided. Scores should not be combined. Only include scores for students accepted into the project (i.e., do not include scores for students who did not screen above proficiency thresholds or who otherwise were not accepted into the project.)



  1. Does your project use a student assessment of gains? (check one)

If “No,” skip to question C5.



  1. What kind of gains assessment is used? (If a published assessment, please provide the title. If not a published assessment, please provide the program office with a copy of the assessment used.)

  1. What was the average number of grade levels gained by students in this budget period? If a separate assessment is used for Spanish speaking and English speaking students, scores should be reported separately for Spanish and English students in the space provided. Scores should not be combined.

  1. What was the range of grade level gains by students in this budget period? If a separate assessment is used for Spanish speaking and English speaking students, scores should be reported separately for Spanish and English students in the space provided. Scores should not be combined.



  1. How many weeks or months elapse between the pre and post assessments for the gains assessment scores?

C5. Please describe, in a paragraph not to exceed 300 words, the nature of project services with regard to a) curricular approach, b) locus of services (e.g., at a community college, at a community center, at a high school), c) learning format (e.g., traditional class format, seminar, workshop), d) major collaborators (e.g., partners whose collaboration is necessary project implementation and success) and any other aspect of project design that is a strong influence on service delivery and success.

D. HEP Project Goals and Objectives

Project Name:

Award Number:

Project Performance Objectives Information

(Use as many pages as necessary.)

Project Year: (check one: Y1 Y2 Y3Y4Y5 F)

Section 1. Project Objective

1.a. Performance Measure

Quantitative Data


Actual Performance Data

Raw Number



Raw Number





Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five


1.b. Performance Measure

Quantitative Data


Actual Performance Data

Raw Number



Raw Number





Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five


Section 2: Explanation of Progress (Include Qualitative Data, Data Resulting from Experimental or Quasi-Experimental Design, and Data Collection Information)

Section 3: FINAL PERFORMANCE REPORT ONLY (This information covers the entire project period, or five years).

Grantees must answer each of the three questions identified below and in the attached reporting document, 

  1. Utilizing your evaluation results, draw conclusions about the success of the project and its impact. Describe any unanticipated outcomes or benefits from your project and any barriers that you may have encountered.

  1. What would you recommend as advice to other educators that are interested in your project? How did your original ideas change as a result of conducting the project?

  1. If applicable, describe your plans for continuing the project (sustainability; capacity building) and/or disseminating the project results.

E. HEP Project Budget Information (see instructions)

F. Additional Information (see instructions)

1 Note: increasing percentages of HEP participants receiving GED and placement in post secondary education, upgraded employment or military is the goal for the program office at the national level. Projects will be assessed individually, on an annual basis, as to their capacity to increase these measures.


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