Application for Tentative Refund

Application for Tentative Refund


Application for Tentative Refund

OMB: 1545-0098

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u g E n5~m - o ~ r n g~ r ItisrRrn

:eadpLt- U%

pA(jER/SGML FIIP~~: D ~ ~ E R S q O y h M d c c m e n 1 5 5 FF,I.s'
3 ~%Fo.n lW5,n~tUIC45
pase 1 st 9 Instructions for For71 1045

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- 5-SEP-2C07

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Deparim~ntof lhe Treasury
Inierna! Revenue Serdice

Instructions for Form 1045

for Tentative Refund

General instructions
Section references aro ta Ihe lhterndl
Re,errnue C ~ d evillc55 -svth6/lu~ia

Purpose of Form

An ehg~blelass uoes mi I ~ T ~ W J PJ
rarmung lose nr A qusl~fiedGO zone

Fntmlng lurr. A ,armimplr'lnq tho
T D rruke :PIS ele:l!on Ivr 4'1 NOL
NUL for lrie rd* year\,
~ncurredin y ur 20uPlax year, attach
C O Zo?o Lacualiy
ru yudr 2UC7?hX rslrlur lited >n or
Luss .dei~ncdbolo*),
belbrp rhb dbe date (ihchudbng
b Mnvl-ry a#,ens% pal? or
+utenshon-,) a sralernmt Itla- you are
urdel sectlon I (2(Lm)[7) to
for !I>- emnloyrnenl of on
IrMludual .uho;e r";rln horn? was l f l
,h emre carryback pe'lod
fcr 11lNyZ w J N c L If
tk,e GO Z w w tpfnf? Pu~l1s1202305,
who Ya5 LndUIe :V rc.llIaln 1 3 that
retulrl on sms wIhouT rnaKlng the
hbme bsrrus* Kblrt M.
* I F . C . . ~ > ~ .cal 5tlll~takethe
elec:ron OII an amended reurn filed
and whosh rnil~n]?h 101:atlon {aitfr
w11h8n6 mOnrhSor [he due dale GI the itin m w e j rs in me GCI r u n ? ,
return (er,.luclnng crlonslons) Att-lch
c . Terrror:rrd houslng s * p e n x s
the aectuqn IG 112 arended return.
pslc or incurred lo nou;e r 11~1uyscs
snd wrltr 'Filed ~ u r s b , mtc
t SEC[~?I>
of !he laxpayer i v h r s e rnalr.~ot
301 6100-2" on the electlor
luc;;ti~8n IS In tho GO ?one.
sislsrnen* Fjlc the nmen06d retlrn a1
6. Derecd.trfin ur ;lrrnrltza:v.n
the sarrle ddules3 yw L I C O ~tc,t p \ l r
allm~ahl*for 3nv qu?lliqed 30 D n r t
mtgoal return h e made,the
prmerty cadan 11y d u Siectbd 1101l o
eltrtlnn is irrev~cable
c l a n the spec1110 0 Zme
04~rlilatlurhdldmr,n:e lor w c n
promrlvl iur th;. v~;lpl3crc! In


Fligible loss Foran ind~jidual.6n
GliGluls 1c.s~IR qny lcss of aropery
arrunq Ir~mlrr-?. 9mrm shpwrack.
Nkel casuallv, or theft.

$ P C

a small (4s def~nedIn
~ !7Z(b)[7
I ~
) / F ) ; I I I )G) I a !afming

husbness (as geflned in secuon
-%3A(e~:sl). a? aCy~bleLor3 15 my
105s rllll~bulabeI- B Pra~dentially
lleclarec disaster (as detined ~n
cartinn In:IRthl('3\j.



9 Re2.w ~ , [ ; e ~ (rn:Iogmj
sxoenses lor tne rerwowal jl detrls)
pad or arrurrr.1 lor anv ddTlayr rrcm
Hurr~can.' lialr~nal o propenv Located
111 Ihc GO Zon I

Scr Pub ,+122. ~dammtlnn

zi #zRBARBA:%K:-E1'O


cmnlles dnd pdrlsb?s hn~luoe4111
GO Zen..

Du#rieJ GO Zooo o r u * V
loss. A qualfied GO Z o w CaSudlty

i M a I S any rneo!al
conramlna son, r r
4 Payment ~.ndmr3r,y ;u:rke~c
cornsensdtlon a:t
Any bas; from

a i e b ~ l ~arlslny

f r m I l ) l k , r n ~ ~ y( P
4 i a30ve

taken lnlo accollnr as


m n bp

tllrougno~tthe ~ e r l a d~n iu?rth rh3 act
(Or'nllUretO er') orrilrred. For
delalls. see jezlloli I f Z ~ f t

When To File
Yau rnus.11le Furm 1345 .%rlhm - year
a11w the 2nd u4111ey-ar In wt~lchsn
NCL, unused crYuIt, B 1111
' ;gctmn
1155 cortrilcts lo?< or ?lam o f ~qhl
aonlstmc-nr arose


&? ;ur+ m ti/+ vogr 2:iOfl
f ~ C O v ctax reloril ,lo ;are.
Ihao l b dare
y u b is!e Form

Ifyou carry back 3ny vortlon ~f an
NOL or all unuseo +eucrc! bust ~ c 3 o
credlt Ir la^ vsars ??lot? 'h9 3 'fears
prlccdbrg tho 2CO7:tar yfar, ycu ma,,

need 10

115s aJdltj~n>JForms

1 >4 5


Page 7 of 9 Instr.~ctionsfor Form 1045




The IypeanO ~vlsd t u v e p la oo ~ ! l ~ r u ornrir~6fng
proos MJST b fernuvpd ~efore


hm?s t

:hrauqh Y and

S r h a a ~ l eA 371 orly

one FOIITI 1045.
Use {his Form l u J s rur uia carhot
preced ng tan yeers Y3u I ~ J sS i ~p
tP~sFa-m lP*g, but do not nesd ' o
$1911fh: olhdr Forms 1035.

Where To File
F~leForm 1345 wltlr Wa Internal
Asvecue Swvrcz CdnIer for ttlr >lace
wnerg you ive d, s h o w 'n !he
iv.lrucrlons tor your 2 3 0 4 i n c h a LdX


Ro nu( ~rdudeForm r o c 5 r
the same env3lope as y;ru,-

200?~omrns!ax r&rurrr

What To Attach
AtTach copies ol lhe 'olloainq. I!
dpplisilblo, ta Fnm '045 ;or \he year
ot !he Mss or ctedll.
If ~ o are
u an Incllv.dudl, pages I
and 2 ol F u r 200Worrr11U40 anu
S.:hedvtes A. D, srrd J [ F x m 1040) ~f
d A l y Fmm 4952. twesmsnf
1nte.est Expenhr Ocduct'on, allachrd
To y3ur 2007 income tax rerurn,
4 AII Sdl adubl K r yo', torervsd
i r o n pannersnlps, S corpo~atMns.
astafce, or tru:if that co~lrrbuleI0 :he


Ahy aopli~zthnnlur r'ensioll of
llmz IO t q y o ~ ZOdncorne

3 $?;;Forms

6886. HePvi tdblc



Processing the

Form 1040X or Other


Amended Relurn

Tna IRS WIIIprocess gosr apollca[orr
i ~ ~93
l U
l la p
~ ~


The d a t ~y>u llle (lie onrpote
a p p l l ~ ~ r , ncr
9 The lasl d,?y o l ,he m n t h 'ha+
llle ~ U rate
exlenrhlns) !or f~llngy w r 20,~7$
rrt:orne ?ah r%. wr s~bstan'~al
9 ~ n c m e8 a . ywrnly ha,? 10pw
lanell~oc.n v artrllticral tar alSl wlll
gene,atc Inkrcst cumpounded dairy
TFe IRS mar need lu cqrltaal you
or ywr ~urhorrredrepreierrlal~vs{Iw
e%ample.your accuLw!ant or t o *
rstum pre;rarer) tor nore r,tormsthor,
SO W3 C 3 t P O L 2 5 5 p U I ~phlrallnl) I!
you *an\ to deshgnae a
reprzselilnl~vetor $,G In cnrltnr:
sl!pch a ~ o ( l yul y o ~ ra1r1holhz:linn lo
FOTIII\Od;. Fcr !his pt,fnlSe. 8,)d ':3v
u s e Forw 2H4Y. Power 9'All0 n s y
nt R e u r e r e n t a ! ~ ~ ~

twmb 83C2,Cl>itron~rnepcyl ill

Tax Re'unO (I!$1 Mhllron or fd?Ore.
Disallowance of the
All Dlhor 4r.rrns I n d %h~?d,les lrom
wh~ch2 ca1r)hacX rcsLl\s. s ~ c ha i
j / S c h w d ~ ~Cl ~nr. F Form 1040 F u m
Vodr ap~llcnlonIS not treated as
Gene a l B~wresscwhkFurr chtm fo C~PYII M reluna 11 r ; h $ he
6781.C a m and Losses From
~f ,Ihas matwal an~sslilrls
Secl~on1256 Conffacls d ~ ~ c
or math arrors thaf are nor rorfec!rb
3 : a d d e a c r Forn 8998,Low-lnZome ;r*~.h~n
!ha SF-dau 9orlod It Ire
POllSlna G r ~ d l ldlld
aypl~ra'lon15 disa lowed in whole 3r
All hrrnsor icnadu'ss far 1tt.rr3
In pan, no sblur cnifieng~nyrPt.
~ I I ~ 11)U
lhcI c;lrr\rha?k
E ~
)ears, 5ucP disallowan~t.c a n r j ~
br?uqh' In any
a s Form 3800,Form 625 1,
court. Bul \ICUcan llla A regular c ' a ~ m
Alfem.brrve Minrr-rurn T A X fcr Credl[ or ~ l u r l 68141-:
IbmL1alll;n p4rly.J k-Ypbr? ;. 3 8 "f31i9lle1d
j/ Indhvidual$ Form 6761,Fcrm B 5 b 4
.>rC o w 8 6 4 4 , Enl~uherrnznrZ l r ~ e
later under ;olnl 1 S4Ot o f d!l:el
+rrd Renewal C.~rnmu~~l:y
Smerx&-d T$:Y,-T
j / E m o l ~ y m f nC
t r a ~ k o Form
New 'fork Libefly LO +I: Ub 3;r1=;5
Empbyee Crerit
Excessive Allowarlces
Any amour! a m led. credltad, or
a,t3zh no,Ps of JF




roq,rrro,j ,r,rmB





Fbrrr I Ud 5 !hat apply 10 !'ou
olhewlsd, yovc appl,cof,.>n vtdy be

Additional information
For more detolls ?n NOLs see ruD
516, Nnr Upe~atngLujsr;


tor IrflivlO~alc.=s\aI3$. ;~rldT # u ? t s



IUdlVlUudk ,.a#, yet rcfwld h; fslrnr
Forn lOdOX, krnenjed V S
IuIll~riUuaInca70 Tsx R r t i ~ mrnSfc2J
gf F ~ r m'(155 An ar!;r!srrr !rust c . 3 ~
f ~ l oan arnpnderi Fo-m 1 C n l . U.S.
Income Ta6 R3urn for Eslarei ana
T~IIS~S GeoernLy, bou mufl fl'e ail
arnsnded relurp no larertnaui 3 ymars
after ins dug dale mlf the rolur,r tor ,be
appllcabe !ax Ved!
'Iyou use Form 1040X or Qtner
aiwnde3 Term Icrrow tie
invrucrignsfor lha' relu-n Atlacll ' 3
lhc arnenoed retuni s cgpy or
Smedri~e cl For7 1045 rh>w!ng
tne tun putallDn o! the NO1 and &I
awllcdble, a copy of 5 c n e d ~ l eB d
rcrm 10.14 a m w i n g !he cdmpul,kl.or~
of the Noh, carrycver CQmplete a
rGeArTe Fgfcr. IWUA ur a(har
amendad le-llln lor eacn V?:II IUI
wihch you rcques!an adl:rslp~e~l
Tha procadurls for h r m ImJ41
a ~ Ft,rm
1045 are d ~ l ' a r r n The 1RS
9s no1 ~equlrsdto process YUU1 F ~ r m
l:IJGx wllhr? '30 jays Hoh%'+a+r,
r l we
ck3 no1 DlGc?ss i?wilhli G mon!h,
f-om the dale {ou lile ,I,vau can hlr:
SUIT !TI CI.V,~, ) j 1 h IRS Tl~iallO~iS
claum Jn Fcrm 1340X and ,/nu
ou$agr$o watt?i h ~dalermbratrun
rnbl$t 'ile rLll 110later :hal> 2 y e a s
l f l a r mF? rla:e we dbscllovr I

retunaad odszlr 3n lb 3 rlPPhC.llt,l'
*a! t h 1RS
~ :ale: delrirnlr.?~
$xce:sLve nay Se billeci as lr (I r r r c
lu+ to a math q. c r e l s ~ci m r 3? tPe
r plum

Specific Instructions
P.O. box. h e r ycur 0c.x r18dnlr,er
0171) 11 y m r prsl dfi-i.drsS not
del~dormall l o yndr Ytreet aod'oss
Forelgur addeae. Cnr*r the
tnlcrn>alroo 117 the lbllov~~ng
Cltv, orowinct: or st>:e, a!ld Coun!f\
Foaorr me coJritry's pr. ~ h Icr~ s
n,.,Prnng lhr?c.oSIR\ rod* 03 ?GI
I ~ , B C O U ~ 11~11lltl
I ~

Line 1 b-Unused
General Business Credit
11 {ou claim a tsnimve rehnd based


dIl f t ~ e:arr,,vdz&
an ~,rlu%?ri
gensrar bus~nejscredl: atlsch ;1
dcta~ledrnrnputd-boll shouaflg hun.
,he cred~trarr#t ~ C 0180
rernrnulrtat~mol tho credll 3ltw ibu


Page 2 ot 9 I n s l r ~ l c t i ~ nfor3 Form 1045

upply IFP c t r r y b c k OereraLy, a1
unused gereral busnsss cmalt C ~ I I
be tiarmed back 1 war. Make (he
rs>ornpulabbn u* Fdm 3800 (0,
Fmm P O 4 4 rorm 6478. or Fnrm
8835.Secr,on 6. 11 applicable) 10, the
rar year af lne :elx,l#+e ~ l l o w a ~ c +
If YGU t~lada lolo: rg[Lrn (or
sbparite r6lurr-)tor some bul no! all
o i llqr lax vcsrs ln.,alu~?dIn ' ~ q u r n ~
the unused credht carryback, spec;al
rLles apprf ru I~yurmgthe carwPaik.


(he ~nsfrutrrors17~F V I 3tW

Line 1 c-Net


f 256 Contracts Loss
Ah IndlVldUal can electlo carry back a
s ~ c l ~ c1n
I?SR rnnlractsioss Lo

each oflhe 3 lax years precedhg Ins
b s s fed, A n c . ; t ~ l sor lrrls?is om
~ I ~ g i bto
l emade !his eection f o
mahe the We-:ilv~., choclc box O a! h
' ,:
lop o f Form E X 1 Tne armuall wh~:h
csrr 3e used in an). Dnw Id m 71w
cannnl cxceed I r e nel secilon 1256
contracl galr In t7a1 "ear a n d .;dl~~.ol
Ir?cr?;ls? or Crqai+ an NO!. lor Ihn:
yea,. Refle;' ihecalr+ba~kes a
ieductlur ro your n d l ~ ~ s t e~ h
mcvmb 10Ihe 'Rrer carryback
coiumn un lric 10. k h c t fa F n r r ~
1w5 a :o(r) of Form 6741 ard
S c h @ d ~ lDe l korm 1240) tor iho bear
or Ihn rwt secrtm 1256 colitracts loss
and an arnwded Farm 6181 arlaalr
~ r r a v d a dQhadde D {Form 10-13)
tor enm ca-ryback year. For rnorr
ue:d~ls,scc soct~on12 I?(CJ.

vaars Ses the Insrucl.ons lur!ne 10
page ~ h g u r t?e
e lax years :a
whtch ~ O car
c a q an N L C . U r r the
r a ~ h m i n $psire of r o l l mns lot each

Example. Vcur i:x year is the
2DD7'fpaB~ojr).e;rm s1.d }QU w w
c a r v i n g an NOL back 2 bears Yw
enter '216" and"1L l ~ 1 1 0 8111 llie k f l
column 'warllny !n the spaces
prv)i&d Tke c o l i ~ m oheaduog n o r
redis "2
proc?dung tar uvar emJe0

Note. Y,>u
re& ril (rie
adrl!i!onal Fo'rns 1045 to calry haw
l~n:: 1 thro11fJh4
It i n P i 0 1 nr R E ! s+:f~:il~.rl:%
and ;chsUdle A 5 n only one Form
cr.nird:Is 105s carryback el~m~na'eb
7045. U!e ths twin :04T !or ,hb
3 prlnr yPar tOr31gn lax
earl#=rlnteced~nq13x yeals. Y n u
crsdli, y o ~ c a n r l duse
Form 1U:j to
SIP rh~s
Frnrm 1045 bur do no!
cart y Ilt- r:lcarfi.j ' r ~ r tax
p crpdit:
m?oo-lto ;qn tne gtber Po.rns 104:.
t r ezflpr ;.ears. Also, ifth? released
t c r e ~ gtar
i LITJLIS I C S U ~10~ - h ~
Ger.era' rule. r u u qune.any rnc.6;
release of gewral busmess cr.Hrts.
C a r { b.xk me er(Jtt4:F49L to a70 7r,d
y w 5-)11nn1 use J-rrrr, '04510 cary
taw year b e l ~ r e
t ~ \ass
e bear Anv
ths r ~ I e a $ e d
cenefal hstn:s$ cvedlls loss not usell !n Ihe tricl prvcedlng
to ea'l~eryears. Injteaj. yuu I F I U ~ ~110
yoar i< :h+n carr~eolo !he I s !
Cortr I OSOX qr N h d r ~ a i ~ ~ ~ d e d w ?
p rw~ne d i l g
;.ear Anv ! o ~ no1
s avI:brrl
t3 c ~ a m
~ ~ 1 ~ 1for
x 3 PsPI SF! wars F..>r
In h c 2 prn-~rlrrlgyears c s r be
tLa1.~115 -3c KeU RIII 32-154, i B 8 i - 2
rarneoioward . ~ pl o 20 years. l n c
C 0 3R4
:-)*dl : a r r / c a n prrliorlone: nb1
.ap-lty t.1 the O M t W 07 an N 5 L
atr~bu:aOle' J dn rl~qrlllcl a ~ al
Lines 113
27fanh~nglo- a q u a l ~ h e r l G O Z o ~ ~ a
Computation of
IOSS. or a s e c N
~eo ,~ar,>l;y$ 0 3 3


Use on€ pal- ul iolurlns tn arrt:r
aln,)unts oelorr: and Mtel carrqhark
lor pack yetr Ib ~thldhthe lozs -,c
being Carrie3 Start with me earllest
carynazk p a r . 4 n n zeiriurb 12%
( r a 5~ tb;- rm be carried Ira4 3

page I } , that plrl nt t h Ins$
~ is
carnej bazh rc the 51h :ax )ear
b?lurs t n t mss. Ar )r s ~ hss
h r:nt
msd o Inel ~ ~ i l 3carled
l o the bth
vpcedlnl: yoar an3 1he11
mnrar-rrlrelv f o w a r d :nrough Ihr? Is[
rreccdrog r e i r A q fucn t ~ s srur
applied 11- the 'i nrpceding y e a 6 csl
be carried iornmarrup :o 20 years
O l l y Ihe lerriril q loss p~>,trurtr ~ -hn
Y n L c a r l b e crirrled back 5 years
Erample. i o s o3zinre a Iarrn1r7y
$Sn,nooIOU :no7: $25.000 04 lhe
I n- c N P I ,

Line 10-NOL Deduction
After Carryback

L ~ n e9

Decrease in Tax

In ne s d v.aie,Trng year.
Fbrmmg lorsen. Tb the etlentlke
N3L bs a I j r r n ~ %Ikss
g ldellrmed cn

=or each carrynacx yedl, ar~te.~n
thc column laofled Beiora
cnrrvback" 'W afl,ountS I# !he
L a ivbrc-k >can a t .,ch yr-81r

tllgrble I o l b o ~ . T u I h + rlx'ellt .ht?
NOL 15 iin eligijle ~ J S Sd t ? l ~ l s dIT,
oage ;), II calrlcd o.a.1.k t r t h 3rd
tar vcar Seiorc Ihe loas Any loss r ~ c t
11sCdTI Ihal year is car.~ed:s tnr ?no
a7d Ih-n h e :st p i w a n q yeat >ply
c ~ c h1 ~ 5th3t!$
ncl scplhed In 1 1 1 t ?



pie-eding y earscan be carrica
forward up 12 20 years.
Only r f l r ?11q~bld
ioss nnnron 3f Ihr
NC,L c m be c;rlJied Jack 3 yaars
EwamDie. Y>u have 3 $ ~ . D M I
FlOL af whhch oily 95,OCO is an
elh,yble loss. The 55,UOO ellgale usa
i s ;drrlzil b.hcL 3 yu3r<, 3ul :7c
relnajnlng $1 5,006 oes .s c j r r ~ e d
back mly 2 y a z r s . altho~ghyo11 ?ad
{arable IllCQms ol ~moret h a l

consecutne rrecedins tar year u n l l
ne loss as fully akiorbed. ;n!w tne
ormr.JI rl~lrnbaro l yea-; Ille lor5 is
be!ng ~ a ! r ~ enilc?
89 rhc dat* t h ~
:arr;hacr voar ends 11 lhe Spece5
srovlded In !he heaa~ngsauuvc !in:
10 lor Y P C ~ I cdlr of m,umliS

Use thc l d i u w n q r Iles :o ! # l u r eItte
rax )ears 'u w i t c h yuu rnusl carry 811
F4UL snurrn o~Ssie.)ulsA, h p ? j I f
a1 NDC is not lully absorb4 ln a ~ 6 3
to When I: IS L O T I ~cC
3 r~n, p : ~ t ~
Schsdule 6 LC I l g ~ r erhr arnounc lo



NOL IS .itt~~bdt;lbo
tuinrcrnp and
Llcd~CtlQnSCt '{D~Irf I'mlnJ bujiness.
$10OlX~4sa tr<;dLl?
1.7 1 frrs 8n ! # f i , ~ r
p ~ r x o n Ares~dence[an ~@q11113
and the retnalnu>g5 19,0001s
ottrbutdhhr! -0 gcur s ~ o u s e ' work
a n +rnp.;.vo? T h e P:S.oou !nr~olvu
loss 1s c?.rr#*rl hark F yparp: the
$1 0,000 e\nqlblel?ss IS mrrleu o.:ck 3
ysdla, and rhs r l n a n i n ~
lass is ;drrwU blck ? i e d r 5 . 4n;l
~ ~ n ~ pr,nlDrl
% e c ~f It'lis tk3L c?n h~
forward LAO Ih 20 yea~s.
You can mahr an IrrEvocablc
elecuurs to tigura !br c,lrryo.izk p ~ r l r l d
lo- a f;ilmmg ITS& :wzho~~!
! syard lo
th? fu-lciml 5-ysur c3rrp;lc rule 70
make ~ h ?rec:lon
~ s
lor >30bat\&h to
your ;UUBln,~:li~d
r a A r.31u.r 11tc.T h v
tM d ~ db ~ r e
~ , ? c l u g m gerl;nslm>s) a
siataasni ihat y3u *re ~ I C C :oL O ~
tmaf ariy 1007 i s r r i ~ n g
louws r%lthuJt
regard 12 .he ~ B 91C5 p a r r.1, +a:x
rulc. If you 1:l-r) , p ~ D.~g!nal
re'urr, ~n
!Ime, you rdn make Ihs electbon on
la!uri IilFll ivl-h~flj
nonms a'rer ifia cite sarr J I lh?
!el~!iIr, 8,cl~m,.og nh!mm>nr*nclAtlarh
Ihe flec!l>n i$h e ar%r,(jfd fe'urn,
,ind ,vrlle "Flled j s ~ s ~ ~12
>[I r 4106.2' ;n Itc eln:r~cn
,!airmen! FJg !he amen!%d r ? i t ~ r nat
I ~ Lam#
a d r l r ~ syo11
~ used tcr vobr
~ r i y n areturi.
lndu?. tn?
yiacrlun ,I ~ r r s u
Qualliied GO Zcne /asses. To t're
extenl the NJL 1; d r.ur~\*l~r?d
Zorn lnsr (cel~ned
o l p a l e II, thal

7:5G - 5-SEP-2007

Page 4 of 9 Instructions for Form 1045
The Iype afw fule above pnnrs on all pfoois sricIuU~rrgdepaemen!al repmduchon proofs MUST bs

part of the loss IS carrled back to the
5th tax year before the loss. Any such
loss not used In that year is carr~edto
the 4th preceding year and then
applied consecutrvely fonvard ltrrough
the 1st precedlng year. Any such loss
not applied In the 5 precedlng years
can be carned toward up lo 20
Only the qualdfied GO Zone loss
portron of the NOL can be carrled
back 5 years

Example. You have a $40,000
NOL of which only $15,000 is a
qualified GO Zone loss. The $15,000
qualli~edGo Zone loss is carrled back
5 years, but the remaining $25,000
loss is canied back only 2 years. Any
unused portion of lhrs NOL can be
carfled forward up to 20 years.
Yilu can make an lrrevocable
electran to figure the carryback perrod
151 a qdlifled GO Zone loss w~thout
regard to me special 5-year carryb ck
rule, To make this Ibctlon lor 2 0 U i
attach to your ~ b ~ i u i c m
laxe return
flled by rhe due dale (lncludlnp
exlenslons) d SlalddnBIbl ' a l y381 are
electing l o treat any ?007&l;allIled
GO Zone losses wllhoul f q a ~ to
d lhs
specral 5-year carryback rule I! you
llled your o r ~ g ~ ~return
l a l or?lrmr, vou
can make the eleclion on an
amended return f~ledwllh111
d Inonlhs
after the due date of Ihe relull1
(including extensions). Attach Iha
election to the amended retlrrn. Jnd
write "Flled pursuant to secllon
301.91 00-2" on the elecllon
statement. File the amended relurn at
the same address you used for you1
or~ginalreturn. Once made, the
electlon IS ~rrevocaole.
Speclfled llabillty losses. To the
exlent an NOL is a specllled Ilabllllv
loss (detined on page 1). lhat parl cl
ihe loss IS csrrted back to the 1Clh
tax year belore the loss. Any such
loss not used In that year is carr~edto
the 9th preced~ngyear and then
applied consecuuvely forward through
the 1st preceding year. Any sllch 105s
that is not applied ln the 10 preceding
years can be carriod forward up to ?@
Irablllly 1053
Only the soec~f~ed
porllon ol the NOL can be carr~od
back 10 years
You can make an lrrevocable
elec!~onto tlgure the carrybacd pe~lod
for a spec~f~ed
liablllty loss Wllhout
regard to Ihe speclal 10-year
cnrrybac rule To make t h ~ s lectlon
tor 200Ja1tach to your m o d n c o m e
rax return llled by Ihe dus dale
(including exlensinn',) a statem?nt

that our are electmg to treat any
Podspecifled habrl~tylosses w~thout
regard to the special lo-year
carryback rule. If you llled your
original return on Ilms, you can make
the @lBCtrOnon an amended return
filed withln 6 monlhs after the due
date of Ihe return (excluding
extensions) Attach lhe elecl~onto tho
amended return. and wtlte 'Filed
pursuant to secrlon 301.9100-2 on
Ihe electlon statement File the
amended return ar the same addross
you used for your or~g~nal
Once made, the elect~onIS
Special rules. Specla4 rules apply ~f
you llled a joint relurn (or a Yeparale
return) lor some but nor all ol the lax
years tnvolved In figur~ngan N3L
carryback. For detalls, see Pub 536.
Attach a computation show~nghow
you tigured rhe carvback.

Line I 1 -Adjusted
Gross Income
Enlei ~nlh9 talumn 13beIe1 'Befare
Tarri3ack *IG-J~ allb;lerl qross

Incorns (AGII fqr l b r -,arrfhdck ,(ear
a; shwdn on yaur orlqunal or
arnsndqd return
Enter In !he -?limn lah~llrrl'Aller
carlyback' f w r adll~slsdr]loLS
IncGrne rellqurqd sfler you cioply the
NDL or net 1255 S?nlr.lclS 1,ss
To relrgure yclrr n31uslcrlgru55
rncornp ll?r Illr year In wh~chan NOC
1s lullv ahwrbed or a #netsection
1256 conlracrs l o w 1s c ~ ~ c ?back.
~rllpuredny drmb ol ~mco~me
an0 army
jrduzllros lhal ar0 b,%red1311 Or
I ~ r n ~ l lrcUa CercenlAgn vt your
adlusled alps:: I r l o m e Alrroul8ls la
relqql.rc In,:IdOr
Thll speclal allowance lo1 38LSl.Ie
JC~IVIIY losses lrpm rrlnldl real k918te
w Tarable soc1,11scr,~~r~ty
IRA ;Jaducl#on';.
The sl~rdrz?tloan Il~leresr
w Tho lultlon and lees rftducllbr~
E - ~ I l ~ d a tsauungs
hLnd mlcresr.
TI,* exrlu;~r,n ui hlnocrlls l e c - ~ d t d
rrl?deran eInplaytr ;ad5plbGn

Line 12-Deductions
Individuals. Enter In the column
labeled "Before carr$backm'
fot each
dppl~caolecarryback year the amourt
shown (or as previously adlus'ed) on
Form 1040.


removed bef~vprr8mldnLi

Line 40 lor 2 0 0 5 - ~ ~
Llne 39 lor 2004,
Llne 37 lor 2003.
Lrne 38 lor 2002.
Line 36 for 1998-2001. or
Llne 35 for 1997.

Ifyou filed Form tO40NR. elTlel
the amount shown (or as prerrlouslv
adjusted) on
9 Llne 37 for 2005-ZOW,
= L~ne36 lor 2004,
Llne 35 for 20C3,
L ~ n s36 for 2002,
L ~ n s35 for 1938-2001, r r
Line 3 4 lor 1997.
If you flled Form 1040A. anter the
nmounl shown (or as pravlously
Llne 24 lor 2002 -zed@
Llne 22 for Z O V I -?0\11,
Line 2 1 Igr 1936- 1949, or
Llne 19 lor 191;
r\ If you f ~ l wFarm
1040EZ and
,:hecked Ihe " Y r s ' @dx 317 Form
1040EZ lhie 5 , (far 1005 and 2any t a x ao Ihrle 51. erwr the amount
3hown lcr as ~ L T V I ~ L I S adjusted1
hng E [line 0 lor


104OEZ It vdu cnrcwes the "No" box
llor 2005 2nd 2006, vou did not
cnrck 3nv 00x1, emer
4 $k16Q far 2~
($1 0 w d

m a M ,

d 55.000 lor 2005 1510 000 nt
4 $4.85(1 l ~ 230-1
(53.:00 if marrred),
d 54.750 Isr 2003 ($3.500 if marrlotl),
4 54,700 lor
1j7,d3011 married),
54.55ator d l 1 15: Gd0 ~f marrre3),
54,400 tar 2aocl IS: -150 ~f nurrlegj,
54 300 tor 1399 ( j : 2i10 I' marrled).
4 5.1 ?5C 141 I W H ( 3 ,
, l < W11 r n ~ r r ~ d d ) .





199: (ii. 9311 n t mirr~r.ill

11 you u s a j T G ~ O F I Itar
~ v3ur

+rbqlr8alf ~ l ~and
~ r j,>#lleofle
C'JUIIrlnlrr, ybu 8s d 02pCnil+flf 3rl
lhelr rris~r~r,
see Forn 104dE: for rne
year 411 yueLlron an0 r8,lnplar the
10111sr~eti >n lhe r,.,c~ bl Irsa: lorm
Nerl, er~leriho etnounl 'ram Ihna E 01
ir~al,i,orksr,oc-i on Form 1045, llrle 1 1
,PI inc C ~ I L M letelcg
~arryback lor 'he .,p:>l~catl+yror I'
yo11 as s
no o,rf could cl:i~ti~
depenoent snirr the smounl I15l~cl
above for that year
After carryback. If you rtemfzed
deductions In the carryb(1r.k year.
enrer In the calumn laaelcd "Afler
carryback the tolal of yodr
deductions al'er retlgurlriq dny that
are based on. nr Ilml:ed to ;I
percentage ilf, your adlusled gross
Income. Use y3ur adjusted gross


Page 5 of 9

Instructions for Form 1045

7.56 - 5-SEP-2007

The Ivoe and rule a h v e pnnrs on sa omofs fflcludlng d8panmen:al rPPOClirCRon pruols MUST be remow w aerk3m

Income delarmlned after you apply
Ihe NOL or net section 1256
conlracts loss carryback. Amovnlr
you may have to refrgure 7nt:ude'
Medical expenses.
Personal casualty and lheft losses,
Mlscel~ansousdeductions subject
to the 2% 1111111.
ltem~readsducllons sublecl to the
overall Ilm:l of section 68.
Do nor rel~gureyaur charilable
CCnlVlbUtlOflS deduction
H you have an NOL, PFP Pub. 536
fur more lnlormatlon and eaarnplcs
If you d ~ not
d ltem~zeGeduct~onsIn
Ihe carryback year, enler your
standard deductioc far thsl year.

Llne 14-Exemptions
Indiv~duals. f nter In Ihe column
labeled "Belois carryback" for each
applrcdble Larryback year, the
amount shown (or as previous:?
adjusted) on Farm 1 D10.
~ ~ 42n fore 2 0 0 5 - 2 d
9 L~ne
41 for 2004.
L ~ n e39 for 21>03
Llne 40 for 20Cl'l
I l n ? 38 fur 1990-200 I , 3r
11npO7 lor 1997
If y r ) ~fllqd Form I04ONR, el>irl
!he amount shown (or as prevauusly
adlusttrdj an.

Line 39 fur 2005-2W8,J
Llne 38 for 2004.
Line 37 for 2003,
9 Line 38 for 2007.
Line 37 lo! 19% -2rl01, or
Line 38 lor 1947
Ifyou tiled Form 1U40A. enler the
a m u ~ nshown
lor as prer~ously
LI~I.: itj for Z O O ~ - Z U D ~ :
L ~ r l r24 for 2C00-2001
L ~ n e2'1 for 1998-1YS;


-.. . -



If you I~leclF ~ r m1040EZ and
checked the "*es" box on Form
1040EZ, Ihne 5 itor 2005 a@-j
the -'YoL,''box on lhne j ) ,enter zero
(01 f l 7 ~amount :rot11 line F (I~ne
E for
iOOS1 of the 1040EZ worksheel ~f
rnarr7ed). It you checked the "NJ" box
(for 2005 and 2 m y o u .lid MI
Lnerk any box), enler

If you used TeleFlle lor your
orlglnal return and someme alhe
could cla~myou as a d+pafldeni on
their return. v i e r rero 11 you were
single. If you were married, see Form
1040EZ lor l n r w a r in quesllon and
complele :he *orksheet on the back
of that lorni. Nrxt, enter the amount
lrom Ilne F 01 that worksheet on Form
'045, line 15, in lhe mlurnn I41bsled
'Mefore carvback" for !he appl~cable
year I1no one could clam y ? as
~ a
dependent, enter Iha amaL#nllhsteu
abov? for thal year
Afler carryback. If your
deducl~onlor usrsonal exemptions In
the chlrykack year was limited bascd
on your aillusted gross Income. enler
In lhs COlulnfl labeled "Atter
carryback" the asductlon for personal
4xemptlons refigured uslng lhe
Adjusted gross lncorne d ~ ! r r m ~ n e d
after you apply the t4OC or net
rectlon 1256 contracts 1055
Eslates end trusts. Enrer ~qthe
columns tibeled -Before carryhark"
and 'A!fer carryback-' for each
app8~c;inlccarrybaca yedr the b ~ n w n l
5llown (or as p r ~ v ~ ~ uadIu5ledl
Form 1041. I~oe20 (Irne 21 lor lQ3:l




carrybacks arla Larrytorwards to the
tax year almouraale lo NOLs other
than aualllled GO Zone losses. or
0 90% of AMT1 for Ihe lax year
(fiqursd w~thoutregard lo l h e
.4rNOLD and any domesllc
2 The smaller 01
a. The su177c' lhe ATNOL
carryb.lckr to :ns !ax year attrlbutahlr
to qual~trcaG q Zz,ne losses, or
b AMTl lor The tax year (ligurhd
wlthout regard la rhe ATNOCD ansi
a.iy domesuc prodl~cuonactivit~es
dsducuonl reduce0 by lhe a m u n t
dntorm~nedunder I1 I , a b n ~ e

Line 19-General
Business Credit
Enler In Ihe column labeled "Aller
car9nscW for each affected
ca.TbACh vear the total of :he
recompute6 General Suslriess CreUltS
using Form 3800 g a d 4 ?r 6478, or
Form 8835, S e c t ~ oa ~ ~

tf an NOL or nel srcrlqn 1256
contracts 1055 C~IP+O~CK
qllmlnl>tes or
croddl In
reduces a apncral buS##lrss
Line 16-Income Tax
an earl~rrtear, yoil mav oc dole to
Refigure your la* i ~ each
1 vear
year alter tak~nylrllo a:count the
( 3 years IT lhe credlt arose In a la&
NOL or net Sezllon 1156 contracts
year berl~nnlngbefore 19981 S4e
loss carryhack Include any tax lrom
sscllon 3E1 and tho lnstrucrlons tor
Form JY 70. Tax on Accurnulallon
Form 3800 inr more details an
of Trusts. and Far1174972, general bus~npss:re41t carrybacks.
Tax on h m p - S u m Distr~bul~q~rr
Attach any schedule used t q /#+re

Line 20-Other
necessary a < r l i ~ l n ..:o~mp,~tatlon
For exarnpl?. ?rrnls "Tax
C o m p u t a t ~ aW3r'r;Peel
2 i l u d lt thla
IS the me!hr>J used tor year. You
do not need lo at!acn a dela~led
sompurlatlon of the t.hx In t h ~ sr a w

Line 17-Alternative
Minimum Tax

The carryhacK of av NOL or rlzt
section I2 s l j srn:r.lcls loss may
allqrn 111veInll'lmum tax
lndrv udls u,? F-rrm 6251 :o 'lqllrt
affec#$3.200 for 2005 66,400 i l married). this tax Estsle5 ir'd trh;!S J s l
S3.100 131LW4 (S6,ZOD ~fmarr~ed).
SchMule I ;Forn~ 1041)
$3,050 'or 2rlI13 ($6,100 11 marrl?dl,
The gv, llmlt 3n lhz allgrn,rl:vc:
$3 000 for 7002 (16 000 11 married!.
{gj.800 marrreor. I A X ner optratlng lo>, .Ieuuc!~qn
S2.dUO for 9000 (55.800 ~fmarrqedl. IATNOLD) does no1 ap1'1) '3 'he
m $2.750 lor 1999 ($5,500 ~fmarr~edJ. pqrllon ol an ATNOLQ :lflr~turableto
52,700 lor 1998 195.100 11 marr~ed). qu,rlilled GO Znnt. lo4;es Irsslead,
rhe ATNOLD for Ire tax y d r IS
$2,G50 for 1997 ( $ 5 ,iarl 11 marr~ed) IlrntlPd lo lhp bhlr7 of


1. The sm.lller TI,.
a. The sum u f (he ATNOL


Ses yaur tax ,etL,rn frrr !he carryb~irk
vrar ' r r erly adoillonal cred~tssuch as
lhe earned Income c r o o ~ cred~t
~ h # !And
d depzndent care ~ * p e n % e 5 .
cn~ldlax credlt, educal16ntrod#!..
fureqn tar crcdll. retlrem-nt sd+nqs
credlt, etc . ItlAl ~ v ~ l l
apply In lhal year, If y o u I1:sV.a ,In
entry on Inlc- Ilne. ~rl~ntlty
the creU111s)
After carryback. Religure any
credlls ~ n c l u w oon th15lhne that nre
basedon or llmlted by your tax
I!abllbty Use your la? lhabllltv
.Jelcrm~nedafter yo(. apply Ill* t l U t
31 nC1 section 1256 cr,,,lrjc:-, lo;s

Line 23Self-Employment Tax
Do n~,t aYluht ;?If-~rn3loyrnerit l a A
becairjs 31 drly zarrgback.

Page 6 af 9

7156 - 5-SEP-2007

lnstruct~onsfor Form 1045

TAU r).ps and rule aho%yormrr

Line 24-Other

m all prools ~ncludrngdeparrmentalrsproduclronp m f s MUST be removed before pr~nfmg.


See your tax relurn lor the carryback
year for any olher raxes not
mentioned above, such as recapture
taxes, tax on an IRA, etc.. that will
apply in that year. If you make an
entry on this line, identrly the taxes
that apply.

Line 28-Overpayment
of Tax Under Section
If you apply tor a tentat~vsrefund
based on an overpayment of tax
under sectlon 13Ul(b)(l),enter it on
thrs line Also. attach a cornputallon
showlng the mformalion requrred hy
Regulations sectlon 5.641 1-1(dl.

Indlvlduals. Sign and date F o ~ m
1045. 11 Form 1045 is filed jo~ntly,
bolh spouses musr slgn.
Estates. ,All executors or
adrnlnistra!orr must slgn an4 gale
Form 1045.
Trusts. The fiduciary or An
authorized represeqtallwc mu51 51gn
and date Form 1045

Schedule A-NOL
Cornplelp and tile tnls schedule to
determine 1 k amount ol the NOL that
IS avatl&~e lat carryback or

Line 2-Nonbusiness


Do not Include on th~sIlne any secrlon
1202 exclusion arnounls (even lf
entqred as losses on Schedule D
(Form 1040) or Schedule D (Form

Line 6-Nonbusiness
Enter as a positive number
deducuons Ihat are not connecled
wilh a trade or buSlneSs. Th%y
IRA deductdons.
Health savlnqs account deduction.
Archer MSA deduction.
Deduct~onsfor payments on behall
of a self-employed Individual to a
SEP, SIMPLE, or qualifrsd olan.
a Most ltem~zeddeduct~ons(except
for slate Income lax on buslneSS
prof~ls,casually dnd thelt losses, and
any employee busine~sexpenses),
w The standard deduct~on.

Do not enter business deductions

on line 8. These am deductions that
are connected wlth a lrade or
b u ~ ~ n e sThey
$lala Income tax on busmess
Educalor expenfec.
Movrnp exvense~.
The cleductqon lor ore-hall ol
Domes~lcp r o d ~ ~ c ! ~aclrv~l~es
Rental lassas.
C ~ S Pon me sale or ekchango 31
BuSlneSS reel erlale or d~cr!rl,~Dlr
Your snale oi a h u s ~ ~ ? rIDSS
s s 110m
a pnnnwsnlp or an s corporarlon.
Oralnary loss on ths sale pr
exchange of sscllnn 1 2 4 4 (sniall
Ord~naryIhss on Ine sale p i
exchange of slock in a small bus~ness
mvesrmenr compai~yoperatang undqr
ihe Small BuclnesS Investrn~n1ACI 91
Loss Iron: tne 531s a1 sczount,
r9cb1'~abla11 suih 3Ciour1t5 alas0

under the dCCIU31 IllilhOd ill
4 If you ~lem~.!ed
y3ur fleflur'tmns.
casualty and tt'ert losae5 12b2n 11 may
~nvnluendrlnuslness arcosnvl drld
employee bus~rlzssai;p&sc, iiuch
as on~orldues, unlforrni. i(>:iI3, soil
educat~ondlr x p r n s e s j

Line 7-Nonbusiness
Income Other Than Capital

Schedule B-NOL
Complete and f ~ l e1h1sschedule to
determine the NOL dsduclion for
each carryback year and the amount
to be carried forward, IIno1 fully
If an NOL IS more than the
rnod~lrrdlaxable Income for the
earlle5t vPar [O wll~cl?~t rs carrled, y211
must lllp S c h ~ d t h e0 10 llgure l,%s
arnolrnl ol !he NOL lo b r cwr#crrf a
lhe n e i l tax ypar Tho nrnOSlnl 01 the
calwover 15lhe excsss. 11any, of the
NOL carryback ~ v q ths
laxable rpwrne lor that sart~nryear
h l o d ~ f lagahls
lncomn 1s 1he
amrll~nlI~qurerlon lhne 9 o f
Schnduk B

I / ~ o cdwy
Iwo or more NOLs
lo a lar year. 1,yure your
moddl~edra*able mcome b y
lhe NOLs ~ r rthe order In
whfch thsv were ,ocurred Flrst
dedc~clthe NOC Imm the earliest
year. Ihen Zhs NOL from the nexl
earl~esryear. 4tc Alter you deduct
each NOL, thsre w)N be a new.
smatkr, rn?d~l,edfdnable rocome lo
comg.rre lo d n y rerna1(1111g
Make the 5amg entries In each
cdlumn hs4,1nl 3s on page

Form I045 (544 the lnslructlons tor
f u rhmugh 27on page 3).


Line 2
DO r13t lake Into account on th' ling

Enter income that IS no1 from a trade
or busrnsss Examples are ordrnaty
annullles. and lilterest on

any N Q L ~ s r r i b 3 c kfrom 2 0 0 A i

Do not enter buslnrss Irlcoune on
Ilne 7 . T h ~ sIS Incomo lrorn a trade or
busbnnss and nncludos
Salarlpc and wages
9 Rental Income.
Galn on tho sale or exchange of
buslness real estate or dopreclable
propeny, and
Your share of buslness Income
from a partnersh~por an S


For more derarls on ouslness and
nonbuslrlass Income a:ld deductlor,$.
see Pub 536

Line 17-Section


Enler as 3 pos111venumber Any qaln
excluded under section '2U2 on the
sale or exchange uf qualrtled 5rndll
buslness stock.

later Hoaeuer, d? take Into account

Note. If your laxatle Income 1s
shown d s zero on your i , i x #aturn(or
as pruvlously adlusted, lor J I ~
carryback year. ref~yure11 i ~ ~ r h c u l
limitlng the result to zero, and a # l l r l11
on lhne 2 as a negalbvs numlla~

Line 3-Net

Capital Loss

Individuals. Enter as n pbs~llve
numbcr the amount. 11 an9 shorn ! ~ r u
as srev~ouslyadluslalj or, ScheOule
D (Farm 1040) llno 2 t llrne I t ? tar
1 9 9 7 - 2 0 0 3 w )
Estates and trusI5. Entci as s
poslt~venurnber ine ar~,~l~t)r,
I! er~y.
shown (or as prev~oush$d8jl~~6rKIl
Schauule D [Form 100r 1 . I~rrc1 t !me
17 for 1997-200' j


Page 7 of 9
T 4 type and ~

7.56- 5-SEP-2007

Instructions for Form 1035

~ ab3ve
1 s pnnts

Line 4-Section


on all pndfs lnclud~ng~1ep~rlmenIal
repmduct~anproofs. MUS I be removeU

You 4 1 1no! itsnl~:? d0du2tions. or
The amounls on Schedub B, lines

helore prmfdng

inswuct~onsfor line 6 of
Schedule 8 on thls paga.

3 through 5, are rertl
II you cannol use the amount from
Enter as a p ~ rv el nLrnorr any go11
Othenwe. compltre lrnes 11 th~ouuh ltrlc 21 as your adlusted qrqss
erc1-Jed Lnoer sect on 120: on I I O ~35 and erll?r on lane 7 the amount
Income, figure your adlusrsd gross
56le or eicnanqe of qualul~edsmall
from lrne 35 (or, lf appllcabls, llrre I?'
income as follows,
nuslness stock
of the worksheet on page 01
1 Figure iha adhstmenl to each
Estates and trusts. Reconpule the
Line 5-Domestic
ilem of incnme or dpducr!cbn m !he
same rnanncr as erpla~nedIn the
Production Activities
shown {or 3s prevlourly ad,usrad~on
lnr'rucflons lor llne 3 of Schedule B
Form 1041, line l5n, and a?y
on this page, except do not take unto
Enter the amount 3f any domesllc
casually or theft losses shcwn for as
account any t4OL cxrrybacks when
pfoduCtlOn acltvltles deducuurl
previouw adlustrul UII FCJMT~
llgirrrrlg ddjuslall g r ~ s 581>c9m9
cla~medon your return
Casuall~esand Thells. lwts 78 (/me 20 Athch a conlpuldtlon showlng how
lor 2005
by substrluicng
y3u figured tha ad]Lstmenr;.
tine 6-Adjustments to
modllleo d3]tiIfiuurlrlq m~scellaneous
by any odjuPtmonl to
Taxable smial jecuntv henellis
~temizeddeducllons sublect to the 2"6
charitable contr~bullons
IRA deducl~ons,
Ihmit, figur? rnodlfieo ddlus-ed gloss
m Excludable saulngs bond interest.
income b i addlng I r ~ u'ollowinr)
Line 35
4 The exclus~onol arnoullls recelved
a m a ~ ~ f ra
l l sIhe adjusted g-05s
Completc rhe ,:iorksheel on page 8 lf
~nm-ltrran arnpiuyrr's ddo0:lon
Income urev~ously.~sedlo ligurs
l~ne19, Schedule 0 , IS rnore than:
assistance progrsm,
these Oemctlons
Tho studonl loan Inlprp*r
Thc tot11 01 tho snlounls frnm lhn~s a 3121.200 for 1997 (S6D 800 11
m3rrl?(JTltlnIJ Sepsillelr I.
deduction, ahd
3 through 6 31 Foam 1045,
S124.500 Idr 1338 1582.230 11
T u ~ t ~ oand
n lees deducllorj
Schatrul? 8
u r r ~ e dtiling ,spararely).
The rxemptlon .mount shown (or
For purposes ot figur~nglhe
$126,600 lor 1939 (56'3.300 lf
o r Form
as p r e v ~ o ~ sadjusled)
ddtustmenl to each of rhaze Iterna,
marr~edflllnq seoaratelyl.
1041, line 20 (Ilne 21 lor 1997)
your adbustea gross income 1s
Ths ~ncolnsdi slr~bul~ondelurt~on $128.950tot 2030 ( 5 6 4 , 3 7 5rl
inr~eassdby the, lotal 01 Ihe amoufit5
sliown (or as prrvlously a3]u51FmJl
u ~ i rrarrled fllung +-naratsl$l.
on Ihne 3 and lhne 4. Do no%lake m!o
$1 32,950 for 2031 {$66,475if
1Oc I, line 18
~ c c o u nanv
NOL carryback from
rnarrled 1111ng sepsralely),
For purposes of lrgur~ngcasualhl
$137,300 fnn 2C02 (5E8.650 !f
Generally, figure the adjustmslll to
or theit Icsses. t~gurernoclfied
lrarrred fillnp sevirnrelyl,
aach item of incc-meor deduction In
for ZCOO (569,750 11
ad)usleU gmss rrrCWnq by A M ~ f l ythe
:he o ~ d e hsaed
above and whnn
totol ul fry dmounls l r D m Lines 3
marriod f ~ l ~ n;epsratelvl.
Ihqurlng the adlustmenl lo oach
rhrougn s nr F ~ I I I1043,
Schedulc tr,
$1 42.700 ICr 2 5 0 4 :871 350 If
subsequent Item, lncrease or
to the ad usled gross Incclne
married tiling s?~rrately)
dwrease adlusted gross InCDme by
61.15.g5i) !c., i005 1372 975 if
prevln4:V used to I~girre:he>+
total adjustrents you rlgured fur
Ing Q T ~ W U U Sit.r.lj,
Ha>vever a
Line 10-NOL Carryover
specla1 rule applles 11 yet1 received
aucuol securbly h=ht?htsand deducled
Alter cnmpl-t?ng all ioolicflble
Only complala n -oll~rrhnInr each
IRA contributrons. Use the
column;: carry forddld tc 2 0 r n l l e
) B a l !hat meels l h s aL,oLe
worksheets 590. Indivldu31
smph~or.~l .my, on ltng 1 L U l tile
Relnem&cl A ~ r v g e r n e n f sllflAs, fa
columtl h r the 1si Urecedlnq [Ax year
refqure your taxable Sckllal SBCU'LV
Disclosure. Pr~vecyAct, and
nsnellts and IRA deductlons uvcer
Line 23-Refigured
PhperWbrk Reducllon Act Notlce.
the speclal rLrls.
W e nsk tor me b n urm,rr~w~
7" !his
C h a n t a b l e Contributions
Enter on Ihne 6 the rolal
Reflqur? your cndrllaole :on!r~U~ll~uals form l o car? .,ut !he InlArr,il
adluslmenis mzde to the lhsted IWmS.
qwenue ldwe 31 tne Unl:sd States
using lhr? 21 as ydur adjlstsd gross
f o u may use Folm 1045 to spply
i\~tdcha cotn~utatlonshorrlng h,w
income ~nless.!or any precetllng tdx
mder ssction 841 1 lor a au~ckrelund
you figured the adlustments.
3t l a q for b prlt>) 1e-11S H f i L ' l d l Py
Yo,, ~,~-,lercd
a n w>ouir mner lhan
Line 7-Adjustmen1 to
ZCrtaln ca~rynqqt,sI: yo,, llle Form
zers irn 1111420,;in4
Itemized Oeductionr
lQ45. yotr ar+ rejulred to glve us the
Y ~ had
Y s r y #ternsnl Incnnls or
requesled 1ohrna:lon Wr: r~eccl8; lu
deductlons uased on ad:usted qrOSS
Individuals. ~ k th~s
~ I p~ n eif, f w the
that + r \3re
~ :oW~plvlng wl;h
~ n c o n i,wPrch
are l~slcdIn tne
appl~cablec ~ r w o a c kyeor





Page 8 of 9


756 - 5-SEP-2007

lor Form 1045

me rype d I . d , U t U aouvs ~rrrrtcon sbrrook

ueparlnenlat wmducfon prom NUS; be rem?vedheare Dnn'mg

Iliesa l a w s ond l o allow u s I n t i f l . ~ r ~
YOL are not roquirzd ro plrvide t t e
a d collect lhe rlqhf arncunl ol lax
on a torrvr Itra.
Section 61dQ requires that you
I S subsct to the Papemork Reducr~on
dlscluse your t o x l a y o r icerrlllicmhnn
Act urless the torm nusplays a valid
rkrnber (SSN. InN. or EIN). If p u d
OM6 sontml iumnsr, tlookk UI
not prov~oeIhe ~rlormatisn
rscorcs relatiig lo a ' o r ~ nor 11s
rqua3lcd, wo may be 11nah1~
Inslructwns must he rerdlned as lory
process thls app9cation.
as their conlent5 mat becurnt.


narnlzd OeduOmons Ilmltr*lw W o r r s h e e t - h



yesr .


me awmouna rrom rorm 7rr5,
b l 8w.1 I 1 2 3 . 2; lrd A3 ,a
a n ~ u n l si r ~ m
ScrMul#8X #Form1 3 > 1
Ihes 5 11. 4-d ! I ur :he arnou~lxl o r n
~ C I I A~I<-~ C1O.Vlnl. lunc7 J ar- Id.

lnr r= Jrevwu*lv a d i u 3 d l

. .

1 hod

',m Twm 9?II.
%%I$ 8. 1hng5 1 I qnn :B. Gcne0.b A
d o r m iW31 he13 1h-e 155 b r 2DOb an0

ny p.",",,,,"






k n m l g A

(Fom 'O40N% hRs *E !or

2 0 B . 101 a5

PmlmSlr adl.4tadl



3. idnrr.,;c I,,>* ,m I,", 7 ,I In* m. ,I, ,<
z m nr Ikn rmp hmra:comolne Ins

rrne,rlr horn :mm 704: T-rhwu~D
Ihnm s . 2 d . L ~rnd34,ancvnmler tnr,sa.n

35 a d 11na 7

S ~ h h m ~WI v

~f F



Ine lnatrr~llorafor lane 15


material ir the adnlnls!rauon of any
lnhmo/ Rdvonur law
Generally, tax relurns 6nd rmurn
~nhrrnalirma m mntldenhal. as ;laled
in section 6103 However. secllcn
6103 aflawr or reqlrlrss rtle Inr2.nal
3nrvlce to disclow or glve
:h?fnlwrr?lion showm on yuur 1-1x
r e u m to olhers as dcscrrbad In the

on page I (krep #or y L r recorori




Page 9 of 9 Instructions for Form i 0 4 5




The type a,,,? rule above prlnls on sflpr~rl/s
fncluong dwpadmental ~dpwr(uctfonproofs. MUST bq removed before sn.#nr,

Internal Re?~cnue
Code. Fvr sraniple.

we m s y U ~ s ~ l o your
s e tax 1nfo:mation
to ma Oep~rtmentof Juttlce. 13
snlorce the tau laws, bcm clv~land
crimmal, and lo cil~es,states, the
Olstrict of Columbia. U.S.
commonw%allhsor possessions, and
ccoain fore~gnyovernmsnls to carw
oul rhelr lax laws. We mav dbsclose
your lax ~nformatlon
to the
Depa~trnqntof Treasury and
contractors for tax admm~strallon
purposes, and 10 other p8fSOnS as
necessary l u obleln ~ntorrnal~oli
we cannol qe! In any olher way In
order to detrrnm~nolhe amount Dl or
the lax you owe W e mav
Ursclirse your lax inlprmatlon ro the
Corn~trollerGeneral 111 The bJn~lod
States to permlt the C~mptroller
General to review lna Inlernal
Revenus Sewlce. We may disclose
your lax ~nlormat~on
to Committeos of
Congress, ledsral, srate, and local

cnlld support aQrrlc#es and to olher
federal aoencies for tne purposes ol
determ~nllyentitlement ~ Lbenefllr
the el~ghllltyfor and the repapwnt of
loans. We may also dlsclosr lhls
~rrlormationlo other coun!rla5 under a
lax trealy, lo lederal and State
agencies to entorce federal nOntak
criminal law$, or lo federal law
enforcement aria Intelligence
agencres !a combat terrorism.
The llme needed to cornplels and
file tnls form wrll vay Uepenrllng on
clrcumstanctr The
est~maledburden for ~nrYlvrdu;rl
taxpayers hlrng fhfs form is appr~ued
under OM0 co~irrolnumber
1545-0074 and ;I included In tne
rsllmates sho*rl In The InStruCllb~S
lor rhelr lndlv~duallnroms tax rarurn
Trmc est~matedburden lor a:l olher
fdups.fsrs who tile thrf lilirn IS shown

Learnmg about ltlt law
or lhelorm . ,
Prepar~ngthe form .

21 hr., 12 min.


B hr..41 mln
11 nr

and renO#ngthe lorm t o






h~. 3 min

If you have comments cancttning
the accuracy ol lhese t8meestbmales
or suggestions lo1 rraklng thls lorm
s~mpler,we would be happy to hear
from you. Yo11CAI wnte ro Ihe
lnler~ialRevenue Service, Tax
Pmaucis Coordlnaung Ccmmlttee.
SE.W CAFI,MP.T.T:SP, 1 I 1 1
Conuurufbon Ave., NW, IR->$
Washington, DC 20224
Do not send the form to this
address, Instead ;eo Where To rr:e
on page 2

9 hr., 06
12 hr., 01 min.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2007-11-02
File Created2007-11-02

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