American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

A9 specs

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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Section # 09

Section Name Back

Section Universe ALL

Parallel Block Name

Specification Date 4/18/2005

Specification Writer

Specification Version 19

Other Information

1. Section Title: Back

Form Panes

Exit screen [ ]

Who refused [ ] Thankyou [ ]

Why refused [ ]

Why refused - specify [ ]

Thankyou [ ]

Interview data quality [ ]

Why questionable data [ ]

Specify [ ]

Notes for coder [ ]

Finished [ ]

Showcaseid.ctrl data [ ]

Showcaseid.hhr data [ ]

Showcaseid.addr data [ ]

American Time Use Survey

Universe All

>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name QEXIT Description Check to make sure

appropriate sections were


>Value/Skip Instructions

[If case = complete, goto THANKYOU]

[If HELLO = 2-5 or INTRO_B = 2-4, goto OTHER_END]

[Else goto EXIT_SCREEN]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If QUEST = 21, sections 2 through 6 must be complete

AND section 8 must be complete if agerng = 2-4

OR section 8 must be complete if[((WK=1) OR (ABS=1)) AND (PUIO1COW does not equal 7, 8) AND

((IODP1 = 2, D, R or blank) OR (IODP2 = 1) OR (IODP3 = 1, D, or R) OR (8500.MLR = 3-7) OR

(8500.PRWERNAL = 1))]

Else just sections 2 through 6 must be complete.

2. If QUEST = 25, sections 2 through 5, 7 and 8 must be complete.

3. If QUEST = 28, then sections 2 through 5 must be complete

AND section 8 must be completeif agerng = 2-4

OR section 8 must be complete if [((WK=1) OR (ABS=1)) AND (PUIO1COW does not equal 7, 8) AND

((IODP1 = 2, D, R or blank) OR (IODP2 = 1) OR (IODP3 = 1, D, or R) OR (8500.MLR = 3-7) OR

(8500.PRWERNAL = 1))]

Else just sections 2 through 5 must be complete

4. If QUEST = 22, then sections 2 through 6 must be completed

AND section 8 must be complete if agerng = 2-4

OR section 8 must be complete if [((WK=1) OR (ABS=1)) AND (PUIO1COW does not equal 7, 8) AND

((IODP1 = 2, D, R or blank) OR (IODP2 = 1) OR (IODP3 = 1, D, or R) OR (8500.MLR = 3-7) OR

(8500.PRWERNAL = 1))]

Else just sections 2 through 6 must be complete

5.If section 4 complete flag = 1, set MARKTWO =02.

American Time Use Survey

Universe (Not complete) AND (HELLO = 1) AND (INTRO = 1, 3, or 4) AND (INTRO_B = 1)

>Question Text

* Are you exiting this case because of a refusal?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name EXIT_SCREEN Description Exit screen

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto S_REFWHO2]

<2> [goto FINISHED]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe EXIT_SCREEN = 1

>Question Text

* Was the refusal BY the respondent or from someone else FOR the respondent?

If necessary ask: May I ask with whom I am speaking?

1. By respondent

2. Parent/guardian for the respondent

3. Someone else

4. Not sure

>Spanish Translation

* Was the refusal BY the respondent or from someone else FOR the respondent?

If necessary ask: ¿Podría decirme con quién estoy hablando?

1. Por el/la participante

2. Padre/Madre/Tutor o guardián por el/la participante

3. Otra persona

4. No está seguro(a)

>Variable Name S_REFWHO2 Description Who refused

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-4> [goto S_REFWHY2]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If REF_CNT = zero or blank,store 1 in REF_CNT


American Time Use Survey

Universe S_REFWHO2 = 1-4

>Question Text

* Record reason for refusal.

If necessary ask: Would you please tell me the main reason you don't want to participate in this survey?

1. Tired of doing CPS

2. Not interested in topic

3. Too busy, survey takes too long

4. Topic is too personal/none of government's business

5. Other - Specify

>Spanish Translation

* Record reason for refusal.

If necessary ask: Por favor, ¿podría decirme cuál es el motivo principal por el cual usted no quiere participar

en la encuesta?

1. Cansado(a) de participar en CPS

2. No le interesa el tema

3. Demasiado ocupado(a), la encuesta toma mucho tiempo

4. Tema es demasiado personal/no es asunto del gobierno

5. Otro - Specify

>Variable Name S_REFWHY2 Description Why refused

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-4> [goto OTH_END]

<5> [goto S_REFSPEC2]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions


American Time Use Survey

Universe S_REFWHY2 = 5

>Question Text

* Specify

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name S_REFSPEC2 Description Why refused - specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<30 characters> [goto OTH_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions


American Time Use Survey

Universe case = complete

>Question Text

Thank you for your time.

[fill: The PIN to activate your ATM debit card is [fill: DIARY_ID]. We have prepaid the ATM access fees for

your card. The card was designed to be used one time only, so please withdraw all the money in one transaction

by [fill: RECDATE].

Finally, the card can only be used withdrawing the approved funds at an ATM -- it can't be used to pay for

things, like at the grocery store or at the gas station pump.

If you have any questions or problems activating the card, the telephone number to call is on the back of the


Again, thank you.]

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Spanish Translation

Gracias por su tiempo.

Fill: El PIN o contraseña para activar su tarjeta de débito ATM es [(fill: DIARY_ID)]. Ya hemos pagado el

costo de acceso al cajero automático para su tarjeta. La tarjeta está programada para usarla una sola vez, así que

por favor retire todo el dinero en una sola transacción antes [fill: RECDATE]..

Finalmente, la tarjeta sólo puede usarse para retirar los fondos aprobados en un cajero automático (ATM). No

puede usarse para pagar cosas como en la tienda de comestible o para comprar gasolina.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o problema para activar la tarjeta, puede llamar al teléfono que aparece en la parte de

atrás de la tarjeta.

Nuevamente, gracias.]

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Variable Name THANKYOU Description Thankyou

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto INTQUAL]

>Fill Instructions

1. If 8500.DIARY_ID is not blank and case is a complete or a sufficient partial then fill:

"The PIN to activate your ATM debit card is [fill: DIARY_ID]. We have prepaid the ATM access fees for your

card. The card was designed to be used one time only, so please withdraw all the money in one transaction by

[fill: RECDATE].

Finally, the card can only be used withdrawing the approved funds at an ATM -- it can't be used to pay for

things, like at the grocery store or at the gas station pump.

If you have any questions or problems activating the card, the telephone number to call is on the back of the


American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

Spanish Fill

“ El PIN o contraseña para activar su tarjeta de débito ATM es 2002. Ya hemos pagado el costo de acceso al

cajero automático para su tarjeta. La tarjeta está programada para usarla una sola vez, así que por favor retire

todo el dinero en una sola transacción antes [fill: RECDATE]..

Finalmente, la tarjeta sólo puede usarse para retirar los fondos aprobados en un cajero automático (ATM). No

puede usarse para pagar cosas como en la tienda de comestible o para comprar gasolina.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o problema para activar la tarjeta, puede llamar al teléfono que aparece en la parte de

atrás de la tarjeta.

Nuevamente, gracias.

>Special Instructions

Again, thank you.

American Time Use Survey

Universe Section 4 Complete Flag Set

>Question Text

* Is there any reason the information from this interview should NOT be used?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name INTDQUAL Description Interview Data Quality

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto DQUAL2]

<2> [goto CODE_NT1]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe INTDQUAL = 1

>Question Text

* Why do you think the data should NOT be used?

1. I feel the respondent was intentionally providing wrong answers.

2. I feel the respondent was trying to provide correct answers, but could not correctly

remember his/her activities on the previous day.

3. I feel the respondent deliberately reported very long duration activities.

4. Other

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name DQUAL2 Description Why questionable data

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2,3,> [goto CODE_NT1]

<4> [goto DQUAL_SP]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe DQUAL2 = 4

>Question Text

* Enter specific reason

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name DQUAL_SP Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters> [goto CODE_NT1]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (INTDUAL = 2) OR (DQUAL2 = 1-3) OR (DQUAL_SP = entry)

>Question Text

* Enter any information that might be helpful for coding.

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name CODE_NT1 Description Notes for Coder

>Value/Skip Instructions

<200 characters> [goto FINISHED]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Allow entry of 200 characters and display 100 characters

American Time Use Survey

Universe (HELLO = 2 - 5) OR (INTRO_B = 2 - 4) OR (INTRO = 2 and MOVED = 1)

>Question Text

* [fill appropriate FR instruction]

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name OTH_END Description Finished

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto FINISHED]

>Fill Instructions

If HELLO = 2 or INTRO_B = 2 fill "Exit to Web-CATI, to set appointment (select option 2 - set appointment

from the Web-CATI menu) "

IF HELLO = 3 and (WRFAM = 1 or RF) then fill "Exit to Web-CATI - outcome automatically set to

"Household unknown at correctly dialed number"

If (HELLO = 3-5) OR (INTRO_B = 3 or 4) OR (INTRO = 2 and MOVED = 1)

then fill "Exit to Web-CATI (select option 1 - problem with call from the Web-CATI menu) "

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ALL

>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name FINISHED Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

[goto SHOW_CTRL]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Set MARK {must set mark before setting outcome}

If (REFWHO = 1-3 or INTRO_B = 3) AND mark lt 9, store 9 in mark

If (REFWHO = 1-4 or INTRO_B = 3) AND mark = 11 or 14, store 15 in mark

If INTRO = R, store 9 in mark

If INTRO = 1-4, store 7 in mark

If you got to the control card, store 11 in mark

If SECTCOMP(2) = 1, store 14 in mark {completed the control card}

If OUTCOME = 001 then set mark = 021

2. If ANY SECTCOMP(3-5) = 1 then set EXITDATE

{If this is a partial interview and the callback is not set for "later today" the next time this case is

contacted all screens in sections 3-8 must be reset and the interview done over - BLS requirement}


Designated person under age 15

If AGE of DPERSON is less than 15 and DP_UNDERAGE = 1

then store 20 in OUTCOME and 11 in OUTCOME_SUBTYPE

Designated person not a household member


then store 20 in OUTCOME and 15 in OUTCOME_SUBTYPE

If CASE = COMPLETE then store 01 in OUTCOME and 1 in OUTCOME_SUBTYPE

If HELLO = 3 AND WRFAM = 1 or R set OUTCOME = 110.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name FINISHED2 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Setting REF_CNT - refusal counter

If OUTCOME = 30-34, Add 1 to REF_CNT

American Time Use Survey

Universe ALL

>Question Text

* Control codes to pass to WebCATI

Wc_case_status.Outcome = [Fill: OUTCOME]

Wc_case_status.outcome_subtype = [Fill: OUTCOME_SUBTYPE]

Wc_case_status_Mark = [Fill: MARK]

Wc_case_status_Marktw = [Fill: MARKTWO]

1. Enter 1 to continue.

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name SHOW_CTRL Description ShowCaseid.ctrl data

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto SHOW_ROS1]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ALL

>Question Text

* HH roster to pass to WebCATI

1. Enter 1 to continue.

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name SHOW_ROS1 Description ShowCaseid.hhr data

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto SHOW_ADDR]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe ALL

>Question Text

* Address Components to pass to WebCATI

Wc_address.House_number = <Fill HNO>

Wc_address.House_number_Suffix = <Fill HNOSUF>

Wc_address.Address_1 = <Fill STRNAME>

Wc_address.Unit_designation = <Fill UNITDES>

Wc_address.Physical_description = <Fill GQUNITINFO>

Wc_address.Physical_description = <Fill NONCITYADD>

Wc_address.Locality_place = <PO>

Wc_address.Zip5code = <Fill ZIP5>

Wc_address.State = <Fill ST>


Wc_address.House_number = <Fill MHNO>

Wc_address.House_number_Suffix = <Fill MHNOSUF>

Wc_address.Address_1 = <Fill MSTRNAME>

Wc_address.Unit_designation = <Fill MUNITDES>

Wc_address.Physical_description = <Fill MGQUNITINFO>

Wc_address.Physical_description = <Fill MNONCITYADD>

Wc_address.Locality_place = <MPO>

Wc_address.Locality_place = <MPO>

Wc_address.Zip5code = <Fill MZIP5>

Wc_address.State = <Fill MST>

1. Enter 1 to Continue.

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name SHOW_ADDR Description ShowCaseid.addr data

>Value/Skip Instructions


>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorBureau of the Census
Last Modified ByBureau of the Census
File Modified2005-04-29
File Created2005-04-29

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