American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

A6 specs

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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Section # 06

Section Name Layoff/Looking

Section Universe QUEST=21 or 22 AND NOCONTACT = 0

Parallel Block Name

Specification Date 5/06/2005

Specification Writer

Specification Version 01

Other Information

1. Section label: Layoff/Looking Series

2. Output Block Name:

Form Panes

Date to return to work [ ] Job search act 1 [ ] How looked for work 1 [ ]

6 month recall [ ] Specify [ ] Specify [ ]

Return if recalled [ ] Job search act 2 [ ] How looked for work 2 [ ]

Why is that [ ] Specify [ ] Specify [ ]

Specify [ ] Job search act 3 [ ] How looked for work 3 [ ]

Specify [ ] Specify [ ]

Looking in the last 4 wks [ ] Job search act 4 [ ] How looked for work 4 [ ]

Anything to find work [ ] Specify [ ] Specify [ ]

Job search act 5 [ ] How look for work 5 [ ]

Prevent from accepting work [ ] Specify [ ] Specify [ ]

Have disability? [ ] Job search sct 6 [ ] How looked for work 6 [ ]

Specify [ ] Specify [ ]

More about search 1 [ ] Could start a job [ ]

Specify [ ] Why is that [ ]

More about search 2 [ ] Specify [ ]

Specify [ ]

More about search 3 [ ]

Specify [ ]

More about search 4 [ ]

Specify [ ]

More about search 5 [ ]

Specify [ ]

More about search 6 [ ]

Specify [ ]

American Time Use Survey

Universe QUEST=21

>Question Text

Now I would like to ask a few more questions about the job you are on layoff from.

Has your employer given you a date to return to work?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

Ahora quisiera hacerle algunas preguntas más sobre el trabajo del cual le dieron “layoff” o lo/la descansaron.

¿Le ha indicado su jefe o la compañía en qué fecha regresará al trabajo?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name LAYDT Description Date to return to work

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [go to LAYAVL]

<2,D,R> [goto LAY6M]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LAYDT = 2, D,or R

>Question Text

Have you been given any indication that you will be recalled to work within the next 6 months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Le han dado alguna indicación de que lo/la reincorporarán a su trabajo en los próximos 6 meses?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name LAY6M Description 6 month recall

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto LAYAVL]

<2,D,R> [goto LK]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LAYDT = 1 OR LAY6M = 1

>Question Text

Could you have started a job in the LAST SEVEN DAYS, if one had been offered?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Podría haber empezado un trabajo en los ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS si se lo hubieran ofrecido?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name LAYAVL Description Return if recalled

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,D,R> [goto LAYLK]

<2> [goto LAYAVR]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LAYAVL = 2

>Question Text

Why is that?

1. Own temporary illness

2. Going to School

3. Other

>Spanish Translation

¿Por qué razón?

1. Estaba enfermo(a) temporalmente

2. Estaba asistiendo a la escuela/college o universidad

3. Otra razón

>Variable Name LAYAVR Description Why is that

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2,D,R> [goto LAYLK]

<3> [goto LAYAVS]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LAYAVR = 3

>Question Text

* Enter specific reason.

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LAYAVS Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LAYLK]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LAY6M = 1 OR LAYDT = 1

>Question Text

Even though you expect to be called back to work, have you been looking for work during

the last 4 weeks?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Ha estado buscando trabajo durante las últimas 4 semanas, a pesar de que espera que lo/la reincorporen a su


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name LAYLK Description Looking in the last 4 wks

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2,D,R> [goto S6_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (LAY6M = 2, D or R) OR (QUEST = 22)

>Question Text

[fill: Now I would like to ask you a few questions about your job search activities.]

Have you been doing anything to find work during the last 4 weeks?

1. Yes

2. No

[fill: 3. Retired

4. Disabled

5. Unable ]

>Spanish Translation

[fill: Ahora quisiera hacerle algunas preguntas sobre sus actividades para buscar trabajo.]

¿Ha hecho algo para conseguir empleo durante las últimas 4 semanas?

1. Sí

2. No

[fill: 3. Retirado(a) o jubilado(a)

4. Discapacitado(a)

5. No puede trabajar

>Variable Name LK Description Anything to find work

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto LKM1]

<4, 5> [If no entry in DIS1a or DIS1b or DIS1c and LK = 4, then goto DIS1d]

[If no entry in DIS2a or DIS2b or DIS2c and LK = 5, then goto DIS2d]

[goto S6_END]

<2, 3, D, R> [goto S6_END]

>Fill Instructions

1. If QUEST = 22, then fill " Now I would like to ask".

2. If WK is 3, 4, 5 OR ABS is 3, 4, 5 OR LAY is 3, 4, 5 then do not display precodes 3-5.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. If QUEST = 22, then fill "Ahora quisiera hacerle algunas preguntas sobre sus actividades para buscar


>Special Instructions

1. If WK is 3, 4, 5 OR ABS is 3, 4, 5 OR LAY is 3, 4, 5 then do not allow precodes 3-5 to be

entered. Hard edit message " * Not a Valid Entry".

2. List LK first on the hard edit message.

American Time Use Survey

Universe (No entry in DIS1a or DIS2a or DIS1b or DIS2b or DIS1c or DIS2c) and LK =4

>Question Text

Does your disability prevent you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Su discapacidad le impide aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis meses?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS1D Description Prevent from accepting work

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2,D,R> [goto S6_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Store DIS1d in DIS1

American Time Use Survey

Universe (No entry in DIS1a or DIS2a or DIS1b or DIS2b or DIS1c or DIS2c) and LK=5

>Question Text

Do you have a disability that prevents you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

¿Tiene alguna discapacidad que le impida aceptar algún tipo de trabajo durante los próximos seis


1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name DIS2D Description Have disability?

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,2,D,R> [goto S6-END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Store DIS2d in DIS2

American Time Use Survey

Universe LK = 1

>Question Text

What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency 12. Nothing

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho durante las últimas 4 semanas para conseguir empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo 12. Ninguna cosa

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKM1 Description Job search act 1

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKM2]

<9,13> [goto LKMSP1]

<12, D> [goto LKDK1]

<R> [goto S6_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions >Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM1 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter verbatim response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKMSP1 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKM2]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM1 = 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho durante las últimas 4 semanas para conseguir empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKM2 Description Job search act 2

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKM3]

<9,13> [goto LKMSP2]

<97,R> [If LKM1 = 10, 11 or 13 goto LKPS1] [Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "what are all of the things you have dome to find work . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho" in dark gray

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKM2 to equal LKM1 unless LKM1 or LKM2 = 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has

already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKM series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKM1 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM2 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKMSP2 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKM3]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM2 = 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho durante las últimas 4 semanas para conseguir empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKM3 Description Job search act 3

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKM4]

<9,13> [goto LKMSP3]

<97, R> [If LKM1 = 10, 11, 13 AND LKM2 = 10, 11, 13 goto LKPS1] [ELSE goto


>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "What are all of the things you have done to find work . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho" in dark gray

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKM2 to equal LKM1 or LKM2 unless LKM1, LKM2 or LKM3 = 9 or 13. Hard edit

message "* Item has already been selected"

2. List LKM3 as the first jump item on the error screen.

3. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKM series.

4. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKM1 and LKM2 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM3 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKMSP3 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKM4]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM3 = 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho durante las últimas 4 semanas para conseguir empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKM4 Description Job search act 4

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKM5]

<9,13> [goto LKMSP4]

<97,R> [If LKM1 = 10, 11, 13 AND LKM2 = 10, 11 ,13 AND LKM3 = 10, 11, 13 goto


[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKM4 to equal LKM1, LKM2 or LKM3 unless LKM1, LKM2, LKM3 or LKM4 = 9 or 13.

Hard edit message

"* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKM series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

4. Put the text "What are all of the things you have done to find work . . . ." in dark gray.

5. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKM1, LKM2, LKM3 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM4 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKMSP4 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKM5]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM4 = 1 - 11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho durante las últimas 4 semanas para conseguir empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKM5 Description Job search act 5

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKM6]

<9,13> [goto LKMSP5]

<97,R> [[If LKM1 = 10, 11, 13 AND LKM2 = 10, 11 ,13 AND LKM3 = 10, 11, 13 OR

LKM4 = 10, 11, 13 goto LKPS1]

[Elese goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "What are all of the things you have done to find work . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

2. Put the text "Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho" in dark gray

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKM5 to equal LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, or LKM4 unless LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4 or

LKM5 = 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKM series.

3. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

4. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM5 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKMSP5 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKM6]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM5= 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho durante las últimas 4 semanas para conseguir empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKM6 Description Job search act 6

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8> [goto LKAVL]

<10,11,97,R> [If (LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4, LKM5 = 10, 11, 13) , then goto LKPS1

Else goto LKAVL]

<9,13> [goto LKMSP6]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "What are all of the things you have done to find work . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Cuáles son todas las cosas que ha hecho" in dark gray

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKM6 to equal LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4, or LKM5 unless LKM1, LKM2, LKM3,

LKM4, LKM5 or LKM6 = 9 or 13..

Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKM series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4, LKM5 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM6 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKMSP6 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

[If LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4, LKM5 = 10, 11, 13 AND LKM6=13, then goto LKPS1)

Else, goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKM1 = D or 12

>Question Text

You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency 12. Nothing

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

Usted dijo que ha estado tratando de conseguir empleo. ¿Qué cosas ha hecho para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo 12. Ninguna cosa

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKDK1 Description How looked for work 1

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKDK2]

<9,13> [goto LKDKS1]

<12, D,R> [goto S6_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK1 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKDKS1 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKDK2]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK1 = 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna otra cosa? Usted dijo que [fill: usted] ha estado tratando de conseguir empleo. ¿Qué cosas ha hecho

[fill: usted] para buscar empleo?




1. Se comunicó con el lugar de 10. ¿Leyó anuncios en la prensa

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Agencia de empleo pública de adiestramiento

3. Agencia de empleo privada

4. Amigos o parientes 13. Otra cosa pasiva

5. Centro de empleo de una


6. Envió resumé/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Contestó o publicó anuncios en la prensa

8. Consultó registros sindicales/profesionales

9. Otra cosa active

>Variable Name LKDK2 Description How looked for work 2

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKDK3]

<9,13> [goto LKDKS2]

<97,R> [If LKDK1 = 10, 11, 13 goto S6_END]

[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "You said you have been trying . . . ." in dark gray.

2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKDK1 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Usted dijo que ha estado tratando" in dark gray

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKDK2 to equal LKDK1 unless LKDK1 = 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has already

been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKDK series.

3. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK2 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKDKS2 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKDK3]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK2 = 1 -11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

Usted dijo que ha estado tratando de conseguir empleo. ¿Qué cosas ha hecho para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LK Description How looked for work 3

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKDK4]

<9,13> [goto LKDKS3]

<97,R> [If LKDK1 AND LKDK2 = 10, 11, 13 goto S6_END]

[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "You said you have been trying . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Usted dijo que ha estado tratando" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKDK3 to equal LKDK1, LKDK2 unless LKDK1 or LKDK2 is 9 or 13. Hard edit message

"* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKDK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

4. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKDK1, LKDK2 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK3 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKDKS3 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKDK4]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK3 = 1 - 11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

Usted dijo que ha estado tratando de conseguir empleo. ¿Qué cosas ha hecho para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKDK4 Description How looked for work 4

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKDK5]

<9,13> [goto LKDKS4]

<97,R> [If LKDK1,LKDK2 AND LKDK3 = 10, 11, 13 goto S6_END]

[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "You said you have been trying . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Usted dijo que ha estado tratando" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKDK4 to equal LKDK1, LKDK2 AND LKDK3 unless LKDK1, LKDK2 or LKDK3 is 9 or

13. Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKDK series.

3. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKDK1, LKDK2, LKDK3 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK4 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKDKS4 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKDK5]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK4 = 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answers

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

Usted dijo que ha estado tratando de conseguir empleo. ¿Qué cosas ha hecho para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKDK5 Description How looked for work 5

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKDK6]

<9,13> [goto LKDKS5]

<97,R> [If LKDK1,LKDK2 AND LKDK3 = 10, 11, 13 OR LKDK4 = 10, 11, 13 goto


[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Usted dijo que ha estado tratando" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKDK5 to equal LKDK1, LKDK2, LKDK3, LKDK4 unless LKDK1, LKDK2, LKDK3, or

LKDK4 is 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKDK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Put the text "You said you have been trying . . . ." in dark gray.

5. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKDK1, LKDK2, LKDK3, LKDK4 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK5 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKDKS5 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKDK6]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK5 = 1- 11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answers

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

Usted dijo que ha estado tratando de conseguir empleo. ¿Qué cosas ha hecho para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKDK6 Description How looked for work 6

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8> [goto LKAVL]

<9, 13> [ goto LKDKS6]

<10, 11,97,R> [If LKDK1,LKDK2, LKDK3, LKDK4, LKDK5 = 10, 11, 13

Then goto S6_END ELSE goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Usted dijo que ha estado tratando" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKDK6 to equal LKDK1, LKDK2, LKDK3, LKDK4, LKDK5 unless LKDK1, LKDK2,

LKDK3, LKDK4 or LKDK5 is 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be enteredmultiple times in the LKDK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Put the text "You said you have been trying . . . ." in dark gray.

5. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKDK1, LKDK2, LKDK3, LKDK4, LKDK5 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKDK6 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKDKS6 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [If LKDK1, LKDK2, LKDK3, LKDK4, LKDK5 = 10, 11, 13

And LKDK6 = 13 The goto S6_End Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (LKM1=10,11,13 AND LKM2=97,R) OR (LKM1 AND LKM2=10,11,13 AND

LKM3=97,R) OR (LKM1, LKM2, LKM3=10,11,13 AND LKM4=97,R) OR (LKM1,

LKM2, LKM3, AND LKM4 = 97, R) OR (LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4, AND LKM5

= 97, R) OR (LKM1, LKM2, LKM3, LKM4, LKM5 = 10, 11, 13 AND LKM6 = 10, 11,

13, 97, R)

>Question Text

Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency 12. Nothing

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Puede decirme algo más sobre lo que hizo para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo 12. Ninguna cosa

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKPS1 Description More about search 1

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKPS2]

<9,13> [goto LKPSP1]

<97, 12, D,R> [goto S6_END]

>Fill Instructions

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS1 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKPSP1 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKPS2]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS1 = 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Puede decirme algo más sobre lo que hizo para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKPS2 Description More about search 2

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKPS3]

<9,13> [goto LKPSP2]

<97, R> [If LKPS1 = 10, 11, 13 goto S6_END]

[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Can you tell me more about . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Puede decirme algo más sobre" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKPS2 to equal LKPS1 unless LKPS1 is 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has already

been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKPK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKPS1 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS2 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKPSP2 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKPS3]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS2 = 1- 11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Puede decirme algo más sobre lo que hizo para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKPS3 Description More about search 3

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKPS4]

<9,13> [goto LKPSP3]

<97, R> [If LKPS1 AND LKPS2 = 10, 11, 13 goto S6_END]

[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Can you tell me more about . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Puede decirme algo más sobre"” in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKPS3 to equal LKPS1, LKPS2 unless LKPS1 or LKPS2 is 9 or 13. Hard edit message "*

Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKPK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKPS1or LKPS2 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS3 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKPSP3 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKPS4]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS3 = 1-11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Puede decirme algo más sobre lo que hizo para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKPS4 Description More about search 4

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKPS5]

<9,13> [goto LKPSP4]

<97, R> [If LKPS1, LKPS2 AND LKPS3 = 10, 11, 13 goto S6_END]

[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Can you tell me more about . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Puede decirme algo más sobre" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKPS4 to equal LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3 unless LKPS1, LKPS2, or LKPS2 is 9 or 13.

Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKPK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS4 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKPSP4 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKPS5]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS4 = 1- 11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Puede decirme algo más sobre lo que hizo para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKPS5 Description Mora about search 5

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,10,11> [goto LKPS6]

<9,13> [goto LKPSP5]

<97, R> [If LKPS1, LKPS2 AND LKPS3 = 10, 11, 13 OR LKPS4 = 10, 11, 13 goto S6_END]

[Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Can you tell me more about . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Puede decirme algo más sobre" in dark gray.

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKPS5 to equal LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3, LKPS4 unless LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3 or LKPS4

is 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKPK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3, LKPS4 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS5 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKPSP5 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto LKPS6]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS5 = 1- 11, 13

>Question Text

Anything ELSE?

Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Contacted employer directly/interview 10. Looked at ads

2. Contacted public employment agency 11. Attended job training programs/courses

3. Contacted private employment agency

4. Contacted friends or relatives 13. Other passive

5. Contacted school/university/employment center

6. Sent out resumes/filled out applications 97. No additional answer

7. Check union/professional registers

8. Placed or answered ads

9. Other active

>Spanish Translation

¿Alguna OTRA COSA?

¿Puede decirme algo más sobre lo que hizo para buscar empleo?

* Do not read answer categories


1. Se puso en contacto con el lugar de 10. Miró los anuncios de trabajo

empleo directamente/entrevista 11. Asistió a cursos/programas

2. Se puso en contacto con una agencia de entrenamiento para trabajos

pública de empleo

3. Se puso en contacto con una agencia 13. Otra cosa pasiva

privada de empleo

4. Se puso en contacto con amigos o parientes 97. No additional answer

5. Se puso en contacto con un centro de

empleo de una escuela/college o universidad

6. Envió résumés o currículums/llenó solicitudes de empleo

7. Consultó listas de trabajos disponibles en sindicatos/uniones/asociaciones profesionales

8. Publicó o contestó anuncios de trabajo

9. Otra cosa activa

>Variable Name LKPS6 Description More about search 6

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-8,> [goto LKAVL]

<9, 13> [goto LKPSP6]

<10, 11, 97, R> [If LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3, LKPS4, LKPS5 = 10, 11, 13 Then goto S6_END

Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Can you tell me more about . . . ." in dark gray.

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

1. Put the text "Puede decirme algo más sobre" in dark gray

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow LKPS6 to equal LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3, LKPS4, LKPS5 unless LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3,

LKPS4 or LKPS4 is 9 or 13. Hard edit message "* Item has already been selected"

2. Only allow 9 or 13 to be entered multiple times in the LKPK series.

  1. Do not allow entry of D. Error message "This is not a valid entry"

  2. Highlight the precode that was entered in LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3, LKPS4, LKPS5 in bright blue.

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKPS6 = 9 or 13

>Question Text

* Enter Verbatim Response

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKPSP6 Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [If LKPS1, LKPS2, LKPS3, LKPS4, LKPS5 = 10, 11, 13 And

LKPS6 = 13 Then goto S6 END Else goto LKAVL]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (LKM2=97,R AND LKM1=1-9) OR

(LKM3=97,R AND (LKM1=1-9 OR LKM2=1-9)) OR

(LKM4=97,R AND (LKM1=1-9 OR LKM2=1-9 OR LKM3=1-9)) OR

(LKM5=97,R AND (LKM1=1-9 OR LKM2=1-9 OR LKM3=1-9 OR LKM4=1-9))


(LKM6=97, R AND (LKM1=1-9 OR LKM2=1-9 OR LKM3=1-9 OR LKM4=1-9

OR LKM5=1-9)) OR

(LKM1=1-9 OR LKM2=1-9 OR LKM3=1-9 OR LKM4=1-9 OR LKM5=1-9 OR

LKM6=1-9) OR

(LKDK2=97,R AND LKDK1=1-9) OR

(LKDK3=97,R AND (LKDK1=1-9 OR LKDK2=1-9)) OR

(LKDK4=97,R AND (LKDK1=1-9 OR LKDK2=1-9 OR LKDK3=1-9)) OR

(LKDK5=97,R AND (LKDK1=1-9 OR LKDK2=1-9 OR LKDK3=1-9 OR

LKDK4=1-9)) OR

(LKDK6=97, R AND (LKDK1=1-9 OR LKDK2=1-9 OR LKDK3=1-9 OR

LKDK4=1-9 OR LKDK5=1-9)) OR

(LKDK1=1-9 OR LKDK2=1-9 OR LKDK3=1-9 OR LKDK4=1-9 OR LKDK5=1-9

OR LKDK6=1-9) OR

(LKPS2=97,R AND LKPS1=1-9) OR

(LKPS3=97,R AND (LKPS1=1-9 OR LKPS2=1-9)) OR

(LKPS4=97,R AND (LKPS1=1-9 OR LKPS2=1-9 OR LKPS3=1-9)) OR

(LKPS5=97,R AND (LKPS1=1-9 OR LKPS2=1-9 OR LKPS3=1-9 OR

LKPS4=1-9)) OR

(LKPS6=97, R AND (LKPS1=1-9 OR LKPS2=1-9 OR LKPS3=1-9 OR LKPS4=1-9

OR LKPS5=1-9)) OR

(LKPS1=1-9 OR LKPS2=1-9 OR LKPS3=1-9 OR LKPS4=1-9 OR LKPS5=1-9 OR


>Question Text

LAST WEEK, could you have started a job if one had been offered?

1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

LA SEMANA PASADA, ¿podría haber empezado un trabajo si se lo hubieran ofrecido?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name LKAVL Description Could start a job

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1,D,R> [goto S6_END]

<2> [goto LKAVR]

>Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LAYAVL = 2

>Question Text

Why is that?

1. Waiting for new job to begin

2. Own temporary illness

3. Going to school

4. Other (Specify)

>Spanish Translation

¿Por qué razón?

1. Estaba esperando que empiece un trabajo nuevo

2. Estaba enfermo(a) temporalmente

3. Estaba asistiendo a la escuela/college o universidad

4. Otra razón

>Variable Name LKAVR Description Why is that

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-3,D,R> [goto S6_END]

<4> [goto LKAVRS]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe LKAVR = 4

>Question Text

* Enter verbatim response.

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name LKAVS Description Specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<65 characters,D,R> [goto S6_END]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe (LAYLK = 1, 2, D, R) OR

(LK = 4 or 5 AND (entry in DIS1a or DIS1b or DIS1c or DIS2a or DIS2b or DIS2c))


(LK = 2, 3, D, R) OR

(DIS1d = 1, 2, D, R) OR

(DIS2d = 1, 2, D, R) OR

(LKM1 = R) OR

(LKDK1=12,D,R) OR

(LKDK2=97,R and LKDK1=10,11,13) OR

(LKDK3=97,R and LKDK1=10,11,13 and LKDK2=10,11,13) OR

(LKDK4=97,R and LKDK1=10,11,13 and LKDK2=10,11,13 and LKDK3=10,11,13) OR

(LKDK5=97,R and LKDK1=10,11,13 and LKDK2=10,11,13 and LKDK3=10,11,13 and

LKDK4=10,11,13) OR

(LKDK6=97,R and LKDK1=10,11,13 and LKDK2=10,11,13 and LKDK3=10,11,13 and

LKDK4=10,11,13 and LKDK5=10,11,13) OR

(LKDK1=10,11,13 and LKDK2=10,11,13 and LKDK3=10,11,13 and LKDK4=10,11,13

and LKDK5=10,11,13 and LKDK6=10,11,13) OR

(LKPS1=97,12,D,R) OR

(LKPS2=97,R and LKPS1=10,11,13) OR

(LKPS3=97,R and LKPS1=10,11,13 and LKPS2=10,11,13) OR

(LKPS4=97,R and LKPS1=10,11,13 and LKPS2=10,11,13 and LKPS3=10,11,13) OR

(LKPS5=97,R and LKPS1=10,11,13 and LKPS2=10,11,13 and LKPS3=10,11,13 and

LKPS4=10,11,13) OR

(LKPS6=97,R and LKPS1=10,11,13 and LKPS2=10,11,13 and LKPS3=10,11,13 and

LKPS4=10,11,13 and LKPS5=10,11,13) OR

(LKPS1=10,11,13 and LKPS2=10,11,13 and LKPS3=10,11,13 and LKPS4=10,11,13

and LKPS5=10,11,13 and LKPS6=10,11,13) OR


(LKAVR=1-3,D,R) OR

(entry in LKAVS)

>Question Text

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name S6_END Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

Goto Section 8

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Store "Yes" in sectcomp (6) - set section complete flag. As follows:

2. If LAYLK = 1,2,D,or R set section complete flag.

3. If (LK = 4 and entry in DIS1a or DIS1b or DIS1c) OR (LK = 5 and entry in DIS2a, DIS2b, or DIS2c) then

set section complete flag.

4. If LK = 2, 3, D, or R then set section complete flag.

5. If DIS1d = 1,2,D, or R then set section complete flag.

6. If DIS2d = 1,2,D, or R then set section complete flag.

7. If LKM1 = R then set section complete flag.

8. If LKDK1 = 12, D or R set section complete flag.

9. If LKDK2 = 97, or R and LKDK1 = 10, 11, or 13 then set section complete flag.

10. If LKDK3 = 97,or R and (LKDK1 AND LKDK2 = 10, 11, or 13) then set section complete flag.

11. If LKDK4 = 97,or R and (LKDK1,LKDK2 AND LKDK3 = 10, 11, 13) then set section complete flag.

12. If LKPS1 = 97, 12, D, or R then set section complete flag.

13. If LKPS2 = 97, or R and (LKPS1 = 10, 11, 13) then set section complete flag.

14. If LKPS3 = 97, or R and (LKPS1 AND LKPS2 = 10, 11, 13) then set section complete flag.

15. If LKPS4 = 97, or R and (LKPS1, LKPS2 AND LKPS3 = 10, 11, 13) then set section complete flag.

16. If LKAVL = 1,D,or R then set section complete flag.

17. If LKAVR = 1-3,D,or R then set section complete flag.

  1. If LKAVS = 65 characters,D, or R then set section complete flag.

>Fill Instructions

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorBureau of the Census
Last Modified ByBureau of the Census
File Modified2005-05-06
File Created2005-05-06

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