American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

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American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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American Time Use Survey

Universe All

>Question Text

Now I'd like to find out how you spent your time yesterday, [fill: yesterday's day&date], from 4:00 in the

morning until 4:00 am this morning. I'll need to know where you were and who else was with you.

If an activity is too personal, there's no need to mention it.

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Spanish Translation

Ahora quisiera saber cómo empleó su tiempo ayer, [fill: yesterday’s day of the week] [ day number] de [month],

desde las 4 de la mañana hasta las 4 de la mañana de hoy. Necesito saber dónde estuvo y quién más estaba con

usted. Si una actividad es demasiado personal, no es necesario mencionarla.

1. Enter 1 to Continue

>Variable Name CORE_LEAD Description Intro to time diary

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto ACTIVITY]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Do not allow refuse or don't know

American Time Use Survey

Universe None

>Question Text

Start time of the activity.

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name STARTTIM Description Start

>Value/Skip Instructions


>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. This item should be "show" only. (The interviewer should never land on this item.)

2. Calculate a start time for each activity with the first activity starting at 4:00 AM.

American Time Use Survey

Universe Entry in activity for this row.

>Question Text

*Enter precode to insert or delete.

1. Insert row at the current start time of [Fill: time]

2. Delete row

3. Undo insertion

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name DIARY_STAT Description I/D

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1, 2>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Do not bring this item "on path" until after the activity has been entered for this row.

2. If a row is inserted or deleted recalculate the start and top time starting with the row below the

insert or delete. Recompute times until the end of the diary.

3. The undo insertion hard card becomes active only once an insertion has been made.


American Time Use Survey

Universe CORE_LEAD = 1

>Question Text

[fill: So let's begin. Yesterday, [fill: previous weekday] at 4:00 AM, what were you doing? /What did you do


*Use the slash key (/) for recording separate/simultaneous activities.

*Do not use precodes for secondary activities.

1. Sleeping

2. Grooming (self)

3. Watching TV

4. Working at main job

5. Working at other job

6. Preparing meals or snacks

7. Eating and drinking

8. Cleaning kitchen

9. Laundry

10. Grocery shopping

11. Attending religious service

12. Paying household bills

13. Caring for animals and pets

30. Don't know/Can't remember

31. Refusal/ None of your business

>Spanish Translation

[fill: Empecemos. ¿Qué estaba haciendo ayer, [fill: previous weekday] a las 4 de la mañana?/ ¿Y después qué


*Use the slash key (/) for recording separate/simultaneous activities.

*Do not use precodes for secondary activities.

1. Durmiendo

2. Dedicándose a su cuidado personal

3. Mirando TV

4. Trabajando en su empleo principal

5. Trabajando en otro empleo

6. Preparando la comida o snacks

7. Comiendo y bebiendo

8. Limpiando la cocina

9. Lavando o secando la ropa

10. Comprando comestibles

11. Asistiendo a servicios religiosos

12. Paying household bills

13. Caring for animals and pets

30. Don’t know/Can’t remember

31. Refusal/None of your business

>Variable Name ACTIVITY Description Activity

>Value/Skip Instructions

American Time Use Survey

<100 characters, 1-10> [goto HOURDUR]

>Fill Instructions

1. If current day is Monday, fill "Sunday". If current day is Tuesday, fill "Monday", etc.

2. If on first row, fill, "So let's begin. Yesterday at 4:00 AM, what were you doing?"

Else fill "What did you do next?"

>Spanish Fill Instructions

If current day is Lunes, fill "Domingo".

If current day is Martes, fill "Lunes", etc.

If current day is Miércoles, fill “Martes”.

If current day is Jueves, fill “Miércoles”.

If current day is Viernes, fill “Jueves”.

If current day is Sábado, fill “Viernes”.

If current day is Domingo, fill “Lunes”.

2. If on first row, fill, “: Empecemos. ¿Qué estaba haciendo ayer, a las 4 de la mañana?”

Else fill “¿Y después qué hizo?”

3. If a 5 is entered in the diary and PUMJOT = 2 pop up soft error message in black text:

“Tengo anotado que usted tiene sólo un trabajo. ¿Es esta información correcta o tiene usted más de un


>Special Instructions

1. If interviewer enters pre-defined codes, instrument should automatically fill the corresponding words into


2. Only display 40 of the 100 characters in the form pane.

3. If MJ = 2 and ACTIVITY hard code = 5 then display edit "I recorded earlier that you had only one job. Is

this information correct, or do you have more than one job?" Interviewer's instructions: If corect, Press Close

to go to ACTIVITY. Change hard code to 4. If incorrect, Press GoTo to go to MJ screen and Change to MJ =


4. If BUS=2 (R does not own a business or a farm), fWK=2, 3, 4, 5 (R did not do any work for pay in the last

seven days) and ABS=2 (R says no in response to “In the last 7 days, did you have a job either full or part

time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.”) and pre-code 4 or 5 is entered in ACTIVITY

show the following soft edit: "*I need to verify some information with you. I recorded earlier that that you do

not own either a business or a farm, that you did not do any work for pay in the last seven days, and that you

did not have a job, either full or part time, including a job from which you were absent. Is this correct? ¨ No

– Press Goto¨ Yes – Press Suppress

American Time Use Survey

Universe Entry in ACTIVITY

>Question Text

How long did you spend [fill: ACTIVITY]?

*Type 1 to enter duration (hours, minutes).

*Type 2 to enter stop time.

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuánto tiempo estuvo [fill: ACTIVITY]?

*Type 1 to enter duration (hours, minutes).

*Type 2 to enter stop time.

>Variable Name TIME Description Choose time

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> [goto HOURDUR]

<2 [goto STOPTIME]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe Entry in ACTIVITY

>Question Text

Enter Hours

>Spanish Translation

¿Cuánto tiempo le tomó esa activitidad, [fill: ACTIVITY]?

>Variable Name HOURDUR Description Hrs

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0-24, Empty, DK> [Go to MINDUR]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Don’t allow CNTRL+D or CNTRL+R

American Time Use Survey

Universe All

>Question Text

* Enter Minutes

If yes press suppress to confirm entry and if no press goto to change

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name MINDUR Description Mins

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0 - 120, empty, DK> [Go to stoptime]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If entry over 60, recalculate into hours and minutes, adding hours to anything in HOURDUR.

2. If HOURDUR and MINDUR = 0, display edit "Duration for this activity must be entered before moving to

the next activity."

3. 1. Don’t allow CNTRL+D or CNTRL+R

American Time Use Survey

Universe All

>Question Text

Enter A or P with time

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name STOPTIME Description Stop time

>Value/Skip Instructions


>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

In Spanish instructions

2. If the duration for this activity is greater than 2 hours and ACTIVITY is not equal to 12 or 13

(CTRL+D or CTRL+R) display a soft edit message, "* Probe: ¿Paró de [fill: ACTIVITY] para hacer

alguna otra cosa en ese momento?" If yes, press Go To and enter new Stop Time. If no, press supress to

confirm entry.

3. Each row must have a STARTTIM, ACTIVITY and STOPTIME entry before they can move on

to the next row.

4. Create 2 STOPTIME variables. One should automatically store 4AM when respondent is through

reporting previous 24 hours. The other STOPTIME should calculate and store the stop time of the last

activity the respondent reports. This stop time variable can be done behind the scenes and should not

appear on the form pane.

5. If duration is greater than 12 hours and ACTIVITY = 1, display soft edit: "Probe: He calculado que usted

durmió [fill duration]. ¿Correcto?

>Special Instructions

1. Calculate if HOURDUR and MINDUR have entries other than blank or DK.

2. If the duration for this activity is greater than 2 hours and ACTIVITY is not equal to 12 or 13 (CTRL+D

or CTRL+R) display a soft edit message, "* Probe: Did you stop [fill: ACTIVITY] to do anything else at

that time?" If yes, press Go To and enter new Duration. If no, press suppress to confirm entry.

3. Each row must have a STARTTIM, ACTIVITY and STOPTIME entry before they can move on

to the next row.

4. If activity = 4 or 5 AND duration of activity > 4 hours THEN display: "Did you take any breaks of 15

minutes or longer?" INTERVIEWERS INSTRUCTIONS: If yes, Press GoTo and enter new

STOPTIME for work (start time of break). If no, press Suppress

4. Create 2 STOPTIME variables. One should automatically store 4AM when respondent is through reporting

previous 24 hours. The other STOPTIME should calculate and store the stop time of the last activity the

respondent reports. This stop time variable can be done behind the scenes and should not appear on the form


5. If duration is greater than 10 hours and ACTIVITY = 1, display soft edit: "Probe: I have calculated that you

slept [fill duration]. Is that correct?

6. Do not allow to accept DK or R

7. Text in error message box when either stop time or duration fields are empty on prior activity and interviewer

tries to continue and TIME= 1 [fill1:"Duration of this activity must be entered before moving to the next

activity."] When TIME =2 [fill2: "Stop time for this activity must be entered before moving to the next


8. If ACTIVITY = 4 or 5 and duration is > 4 hours then display soft edit "Probe: Did you take any breaks of

15 minutes or longer?" Interviewers Instructions: If yes, press GoTo and enter new STOPTIME for work (start

time of break) If no, press Suppress.

American Time Use Survey

Universe ACTIVITY not equal to 1, 2, 4, 5 ,12 or 13

>Question Text

Who was with you? / Who accompanied you?

On HHRoster NonHH Family Other NonHH

0 . Alone 51. Parents 54. Friends

[fill: persons from roster] 52. Other non-HH family members 55. Co-workers, colleagues, 50.

All household members 53. Other non-HH family members clients

18 and older (Incl. parents-in-law) 56. Neighbors, acquaintances

57. Other non-HH children <


58. Other non-HH adults 18


>Spanish Translation

¿Quién estaba con usted mientras usted estaba [fill: ACTIVITY]?

¿Quién estaba en la habitación con usted? / ¿Quién lo/la acompañaba?

On HH Roster NonHH Family Other NonHH

0 . Solo(a) 51. Padre o madre 54. Amigos

2. 52. Otros parientes menores de 18 años 55. Compañeros de trabajo,

que no viven en el hogar colegas, clientes

3. 53. Otros parientes de 18 años y mayores

que no viven en el hogar (incl. 56. Vecinos, conocidos

4. suegros) 57. Otros hijos que no

viven en el

hogar, menores de 18 años

5. 58. Other

adultos de 18 años y más, que no viven en el hogar






50. Todos los miembros del hogar

>Variable Name WHO1 Description Who

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0 - 10, 50-58, D, R, empty> [goto WHERE]

>Fill Instructions

1. Fill the names of all household members, hhmem = 1 AND non-household children, rrp = 40.

2. Create 3 column headers at the bottom of the info pane, under the question text. The first one should be in

blue and titled "On HHRoster." The second one should be in blue and titled "NonHH Family". The third

column header should be in blue and titled "Other NonHH." Underline all three column headers.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

2. Error Screen - Trigger a hard edit when 0 (alone) and another WHO precode are chosen:

¿Estaba solo(a) durante [fill: ACTIVITY]? Press Close and edit WHO field.

>Special Instructions

1. Line numbers from roster should equal precode numbers

2. Do not allow person whose (hhmem = 2) or DELDEC = 1-3 to be

selected. Also do not allow a value between the number of persons on the roster and 33.

3. Make WHO field 12 characters wide on the form pane; accept up to 30 characters (including commas between

WHO codes).

  1. Do not ask when ACTIVITY hard code = 1,2,4,5,12, or 13

3.Line up precodes 0-10, 50 under the "On HHRoster" column.

4. Line up precodes 51-53 under the "NonHH Family" column.

5. Line up precodes 54-58 under the "Other NonHH" column.

6. Trigger a hard edit when 0 (alone) and another WHO precode are chosen:

Were you alone while [fill: ACTIVITY]? Press Close and edit WHO field.

American Time Use Survey

Universe ACTIVITY not equal to 1, 2 , 4, 5, 12 or 13 and Household roster has more than 10


>Question Text

Anyone else?

0. No one else

[fill: persons #11 and greater from roster]

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO2 Description WHO_2

>Value/Skip Instructions

<0, 11-30, D, R, empty> [goto WHERE]

>Fill Instructions

1. Fill the names of all household members from lines #11 through #30.

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Line numbers from roster should equal precode numbers

2. Do not allow person whose (hhmem = 2) or DELDEC = 1-3 to be

selected. Also do not allow a value between the number of persons on the roster and 33.

3. Make WHO field 12 characters wide on the form pane; accept up to 30 characters (including commas between

WHO codes).

American Time Use Survey

Universe ACTIVITY not equal to 1, 2 , 12 or 13

>Question Text

Where were you while you were [fill: ACTIVITY]?


1. Respondent's home or yard 12. Car, truck, or motorcycle (driver)

2. Respondent's workplace 13. Car, truck, or motorcycle (passenger)

3. Someone else's home 14. Walking

4. Restaurant/Bar 15. Bus

5. Place of worship 16. Subway/Train

6. Grocery store 17. Bicycle

7. Other store/Mall 18. Boat/Ferry

8. School 19. Taxi/Limousine Service

9. Outdoors away from home 20. Airplane

10. Library 21. Other (specify)

11. Other place (specify)

30. Bank

31. Gym/Health club

32. Post office

>Spanish Translation

¿Dónde se encontraba usted cuando estaba [fill: ACTIVITY]?


1. Hogar, jardín o patio del participante 12. Automóvil, camión o troca, o motocicleta (conductor)

2. Lugar de trabajo del participante 13. Automóvil, camión o troca, o motocicleta

(pasajero) 3. Hogar de otra persona 14. A pie

4. Restaurante/Bar 15. Autobús

5. Iglesia, templo, mezquita 16. Subterráneo/Metro/Tren

6. Tienda de comestibles 17. Bicicleta

7. Otra tienda/Mall 18. Barco/bote/ferry

8. Escuela, college o universidad 19. Taxi/Servicio de Limousine

9. Al aire libre, fuera de casa 20. Avión

10. Biblioteca 21. Otro (specify)

11. Otro lugar (specify)

30. Bank

31. Gym/Health club

32. Post office

>Variable Name WHERE Description Where

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1-11, 12-21, D, R> [if STOPTIME ge 4 AM go to S4_END]

<11, 21> [goto WHERE_SP]

[else go to next row]

>Fill Instructions

American Time Use Survey

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. If precode 1 -10 or 12- 20 is entered pre-fill and gray WHERE_SP with the precode description

2. Allow for the F12 copy down function feature.

American Time Use Survey

Universe WHERE = 11 or 21

>Question Text

* Specify

>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHERE_SP Description Where specify

>Value/Skip Instructions

<30 characters, empty> [If STOPTIME ge 4 AM goto S4_END]

[else go to next row]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. When an entry of 11 or 21 is made, please allow for a response change.

American Time Use Survey

Universe ACTIVITY not equal to 7

>Question Text

You did not report any eating or drinking yesterday. Did you do any eating or drinking yesterday as your main


1. Yes

2. No

>Spanish Translation

1) Usted no reportó si comió o bebió durante el día de ayer. ¿Ayer fue el comer o beber una actividad principal?

1. Sí

2. No

>Variable Name EATCK Description Checking reports of eating

>Value/Skip Instructions

<1> pop up message "Please Press GoTo to enter diary and insert eating and drinking"

<2> goto S4_END

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey

Universe STOPTIME ge 4 AM

>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name S4_END Description section 4 end flag

>Value/Skip Instructions

[goto Section 5]

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Set section complete flag = 1 when all appropriate fields in the diary are answered for a 24 hour period.

2. Before exiting the diary, make sure there is an entry in WHO and WHERE for all rows where ACTIVITY ne

to 1,2,7 or 8. Apply to all exits from the diary, including revisits to diary section after beginning summary

questions or other sections.

3. Create a hard edit at the end of this section that will require interviewers to fill in missing information.

4. Store INTID for the first interviewer to complete section 4 and store in CINTID.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ROWNUM Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name CINTID Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

<5 characters>

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

1. Copy the INTID for the first interviewer to complete section 4 and give this ID for the CINTID. For

example: The INTID for the first interviewer to complete the diary for case # 0001 was 0ID23. The CINTID for

case #0001 will then be 0ID23.

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name NUMDKCR Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name TOTACTNO Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name AVGDUR Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO1 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO2 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO3 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO4 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO5 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO6 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO7 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO8 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO9 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO10 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO11 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO12 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO13 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO14 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO15 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO16 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO17 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO18 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO19 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO221 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO21 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO22 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO23 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO24 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO25 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO26 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO27 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO28 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO29 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO210 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO211 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO212 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO213 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO214 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO215 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO216 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO217 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO218 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO219 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name WHO220 Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

American Time Use Survey


>Question Text


>Spanish Translation

>Variable Name ACTIVITYCODE Description

>Value/Skip Instructions

>Fill Instructions

>Spanish Fill Instructions

>Special Instructions

Note: Precode for sleeping, eating, grooming (ACTIVITY = 1,2,4,5,9, 10) is stored here.

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorBureau of the Census
Last Modified ByBureau of the Census
File Modified2005-04-29
File Created2005-04-29

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