Page 3
If you
are requesting a change of status to J-1, your application must be
filed with an original DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for
Exchange Visitor Status. You must also submit your original Form
I-94, as well as the original form I-94 for each person included
in the application.
J-1 exchange visitor whose status is for the purpose of receiving
graduate medical education or training, who has not received the
appropriate waiver, is ineligible for any change of status. Also,
a J-1 subject to the foreign residence requirement, who has not
received a waiver of that requirement, is only eligible for a
change of status to an A or G.
If you
are seeking an extension, contact the responsible officer of your
program for information about this procedure.
If you
are a J-1 exchange visitor seeking reinstatement, you may need to
apply for such approval by the Department of State’s Office
of Education and Cultural Affairs. Contract the responsible
officer at your sponsoring program for information on the
restatement filing procedure.
If you
are requesting a change of status to J-1 nonimmigrant
classification, your application must be filed with an original
DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status.
You must also submit your original Form I-94, as well as the
original Form I-94 for each person included in the application.
If you
are a J-1 exchange visitor seeking an extension of nonimmigrant
status, contact the responsible officer of your
program for information about this procedure.
If you
are a J-1 exchange visitor seeking reinstatement, you may need to
apply to the Department of State’s Office of Education and
Cultural Affairs for such approval. Contract the responsible
officer at your sponsoring program for information on the
restatement filing procedure.
to J Nonimmigrants.
A J-1
exchange visitor whose status is for the purpose of receiving
graduate medical education or training, and who has
not received the appropriate waiver, is ineligible for change of
status except to a nonimmigrant T or U visa. In addition, a J-1
exchange visitor who is subject to the foreign residence
requirement, and who has not received a waiver of that
requirement, is only eligible for a change of status to a
nonimmigrant A, G, T, or U visa.
If a J-1
exchange visitor is subject to the foreign residence requirement,
the J-2 dependant is also subject, as a derivative, to this
requirement. If the J-1 exchange visitor obtains a waiver of the
foreign residence requirement, the J-2 dependant is also exempt
from the requirement. Under certain limited circumstances a J-2
dependant may be independently eligible for a waiver of the
foreign residence requirement.
A former
J nonimmigrant (either a J-1 principal or a J-2 dependant) subject
to the foreign residence requirement, who is currently maintaining
another nonimmigrant visa status, continues to be subject to the
foreign residence requirement. As noted above, the former J
nonimmigrant is ineligible for a change of status until he or she
fulfills the foreign residence requirement or obtains the
appropriate waiver.
If you
are a current
or former J nonimmigrant, you
must provide information about this status, including the dates
you maintained status as a J-1 exchange visitor or a J-2
dependant. Willful failure to disclose this information (or other
relevant information) can result in your application being denied.
Please provide proof of this status along
with your application, such as a copy of Form DS-2019, Certificate
of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status, or a
copy of your passport that includes the J visa stamp.
Page 2,
Part 4:
Are you currently or have you ever been a J-1 exchange visitor or
a J-2 dependent of a J-1 exchange visitor?
□ Yes □
If yes, you
must provide the dates you maintained status
as a J-1 exchange visitor or J-2 dependant. Willful
failure to disclose this information (or other relevant
information) can result in your application being denied.
Also, please provide proof of your J-1 or J-2 status, such as a
copy of Form DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange
Visitor Status or a copy of your passport that includes the J visa
2, Part 4, Question 3,
Have you or any other person, included in this application, ever
been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense since last
entering the U.S.
Have you or any other person, included in this application, ever
been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense since last
entering the U.S.
Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted,
helped with, or otherwise participated in any of the following:
acts involving torture or genocide?
killing any person?
intentionally and severely injuring any person?
(d) engaging in any kind
of sexual contact or relations with any person who was being
forced or threatened ?
(e) limiting or denying
any person's ability to exercise
religious beliefs?
□ Yes □ No
Have you EVER:
served in, been a member of, assisted in, or participated in
any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-defense
unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, militia, or
insurgent organization?
served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor
camp, or any other situation that involved detaining persons?
□ Yes □
Have you EVER been a member of, assisted in, or participated in
any group, unit, or organization of any kind in which you or other
persons used any type of weapon against any person or threatened
to do so?
□ Yes □
Have you EVER assisted or participated in selling or providing
weapons to any person who to your knowledge used them against
another person, or in transporting weapons to any person who to
your knowledge used them against another person?
□ Yes □
Have you ever received any type of military, paramilitary or
weapons training?
Yes □ No
Page 2, Part 4,
Additional Information, Question 3 (very end of this block.
2, Part 5. Signature
certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United
States of America, that this application and the evidence
submitted with it is all true and correct. I authorize the release
of any information from my record that U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services needs to determine eligibility for the
benefit I am seeking.
Page 2,
Part 5. Signature
2, Part 6, Signature of person preparing form, if other than
above. (Sign below).
5. Applicant's Statement and Signature. (Read the information
on penalties in the instructions before completing this section.
You must file this application while in the United States).
Statement (check one):
[ ] I
can read and understand English, and have read and understand each
and every question and instruction on this form, as well as my
answer to each question.
[ ] Each
and every question and instruction on this form, as well as my
answer to each question, has been read to me by the person named
below in _____________, a language in which I am fluent. I
understand each and every question and instruction on this form,
as well as my answer to each question.
certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United
States of America, that this application and the evidence
submitted with it is all true and correct. I authorize the release
of any information from my records that the United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services needs to determine
eligibility for the benefit I am seeking.
6, Interpreter's Statement.
used: _________________________
certify that I am fluent in English and the above-mentioned
further certify that I have read each and every question and
instruction on this form, as well as the answer to each question,
to this applicant in the above-mentioned language, and the
applicant has understood each and every instruction and question
on the form, as well as the answer to each question.
SIGNATURE:__________________________________ DATE:
7, Signature of Person Preparing Form, if Other than Above. (Sign