SV-2005-0003 International Visitor Exchange Experience Survey

Generic Clearance Information Collection for ECA Evaluation Program [DOS Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)]

IVLP Special Initiatives Follow-up Survey

Generic Clearance Information Collection for ECA Evaluation Program [DOS Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)]

OMB: 1405-0158

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An Assessment of the International Visitor Leadership Program

International Visitor Exchange Experience Survey


The U.S. Department of State is conducting an evaluation of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), formerly known as the International Visitor Program (or IV Program). You have been selected to participate in the evaluation because of your participation in the IVLP in 2002. This survey instrument is made up of questions that are designed to provide specific information about your post-program activities and achievements and other changes you have experienced since your IVLP visit to the United States.

We would greatly appreciate your completion of this survey as part of the evaluation. Your feedback is very important to us because it will help the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Embassy in your country, to better understand the value of the IVLP to its participants. In addition, it will make program improvements to ensure the program’s effectiveness for future participants.

Your completion of this survey is voluntary. Your responses will be completely confidential and aggregated with those of all other International Visitor alumni respondents of this survey. Some of your written comments may be included in the final report of this assessment. If your comments are included in the final report, they will not be attributed to you by name, but may include a reference to your country and profession (e.g., “a journalist from Indonesia stated……”).

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey. We expect the completion time to be approximately one hour. In order to verify this estimate, we will ask you at the end of the survey to record the actual completion time.

Thank you for your participation.

This survey will cover the following topics:

Section A – Background Information

Section B – Professional, Institutional and Personal Contacts

Section C – Views of the United States and Americans

Section D – Professional and Personal Impact of Your IVLP Exchange Experience

Section E – Sharing the IVLP Exchange Experience

Section F – Post-program and Alumni Activities

Section G – Demographic Information

Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Statements:

The information solicited on this survey is requested pursuant to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-62) and the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended, also known as the Fulbright-Hays Act (22 U.S.C. 2451, et seq.). In order to ensure that the U.S. Department of State’s international exchange programs meet statutory program requirements (22 U.S.C. 2460(c)), the Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) regularly monitors the programs, gathers data about program accomplishments, and evaluates selected ones. ECA uses the information collected to inform program design, management, and funding. All personal information that is collected through surveys is considered confidential. All responses are coded to ensure the confidentiality of individual responses. Data collected under this study will not be shared, sold, or used for fundraising purposes. Survey data and findings will be used only in an aggregate form for the express purposes of fulfilling the data needs of the outcome assessment. Responses to this survey are voluntary.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average sixty (60) minutes to respond to this survey, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and respondents are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Please send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to: A/RPS/DIR, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. 20520.

NOTE: Please mark your responses to each survey question with an “X” in the appropriate box.

Section A: Background Information

Questions in this section ask about your professional background.

A1. Did you ever visit the United States before your 2002 International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) visit?





A2. What is your current position or title: ______________________________________________________

A3. Which of the following best describes your professional field at the time of your IVLP visit and now?

(Mark an “X” in one box only under Column A and in one box only under Column B.)

Professional Field


Column A

At the time of your IVLP visit


Column B


1. Agriculture

2. Arts and culture

3. Business/finance

4. Government – appointed/elected

5. Government – civil/public service

6. Education

7. Engineering

8. Environment

9. Information technology

10. International relations

11. Judicial

12. Labor/trade union

13. Law

14. Media/communications/journalism

15. Medicine

16. Military service

17. Public administration

18. Public health

19. Religion

20. Science/technology

21. Social science

22. Trade

23. Urban planning and development

24. Student

25. Not working

26. Other, specify:

A4. What type of organization or institution were you working in and/or affiliated with at the time of your IVLP visit? (Mark an “X” in one box only under Column A and in one box only under Column B.)

Type of Organization or Institution


Column A

At the time of your IVLP visit


Column B


1. Edu 1. Educational institutions (all schools and universities) or research organization (private or public)

2. Non-governmental institution/organization (NGO)

or nonprofit organization (e.g. Red Cross)

3. Private business

4. State-owned organization or business

5. Government — executive, legislative, or judicial at the regional level

6. Government — executive, legislative, or judicial at the national level

7. Government — executive, legislative, or judicial at the local level

8. Military

9. Media, private or public

10. Religious or charity organization

11. Self-employed, not working in an organization or institution

12. Student

13. Not working

14. Other, specify:

Section B: Professional, Institutional and Personal Contacts

Questions in this section ask about contacts you have maintained with Americans

and/or U.S. institutions/organizations, since your IVLP visit.

B1. Have you remained in contact with people you met during your IVLP exchange program?





B1.1. If you responded “yes” in B1 above, with whom have you remained in contact?





a) U.S. Embassy staff

b) U.S. Department of State personnel (Washington, DC based)

c) Administering organizations (Washington, DC based organizations or Councils for

International Visitors, CIVs, in the U.S. communities you visited)

d) Other participants of your IVLP project

e) American hosts or other Americans you met during your IVLP visit

f) U.S. professional colleagues you met with during your IVLP visit

g) Other U.S. Department of State exchange alumni

h) Registrants on U.S. Department of State’s “State Alumni Website,”

i) Other, specify:

B2. Have you established and continued professional collaborations that grew out of your IVLP exchange experience?





B2.1. If you responded “yes” in B2 above, with whom do you collaborate or consult?





a) Other participants of your IVLP project

b) U.S. colleagues

c) Colleagues from your home country

d) Colleagues from other countries

e) Other, specify:

B3. As a result of your IVLP exchange experience, have you or your organization established a formal, institutional relationship with another organization?





B3.1. If you responded “yes” in B3 above, are the organization(s) located in the United States, within your country and/or outside of your country?





a) U.S. organization(s)

b) Organizations within your home country

c) Organizations outside of your country

B3.2. If you responded “yes” for “U.S. organization(s)” in B3.1 above, please describe the type of U.S. organization (government, private, business, non-profit, etc.) and type of formal relationship that exists between your organizations.






Section C: Views of the United States and Americans

Questions in this section ask about changes in your general views of the United States

and Americans as a result of your IVLP exchange experiences.

C1. Please rate your understanding or knowledge of the following topics related to the United States.


No Knowledge


Less Than Basic


Basic Knowledge


Beyond Basic


Advanced knowledge

C1.1 U.S. democracy

C1.2 U.S. economy

C1.3 U.S. values and culture

C1.4 Religious and ethnic diversity in the United States

C1.5 Freedom of speech and the press in the United States

C1.6 Voluntary community service

C1.7 Daily life in the United States

C1.8 U.S. foreign policies

C1.9 U.S. domestic policies

C1.10 The United States’ bilateral relationship with your country

C2. To what extent did your understanding and knowledge of the topics listed in C1 change as a result of your participation in the IVLP?

How much did your IVLP experience change your

understanding or knowledge of…













C2.1. …U.S. democracy

C2.2. …U.S. economy

C2.3. …U.S. values and culture

C2.4. …religious and ethnic diversity in the United States

C2.5. …freedom of speech and the press in the United States

C2.6. …voluntary community service

C2.7. …daily life in the United States

C2.8 …U.S. foreign policies

C2.9….U.S. domestic policies

C2.10…the United States’ bilateral relationship with your country

C3. How do you view the United States Government and the American people?

(Mark an “X” in one box for each item.)


Strongly Unfavorable


Generally Unfavorable


Neither Favorable nor Unfavorable


Generally Favorable


Strongly Favorable

C3.1 U.S. Government

C3.2 American people

C4. How did your views of the United States Government and the American people change as a result of your participation in the IVLP? (Mark an “X” in one box for each item.)


Much Less Favorable


Less Favorable


No Change


More Favorable


Much More Favorable

C4.1 U.S. Government

C4.2 American people

C5. Do you feel you have a more balanced and knowledgeable understanding of the United States and

Americans as a result of your IVLP experiences and impressions gained during your visit to the United States? If yes, please provide one or two examples. If no, please explain why not?








C6. How do you view the United States Government and its relationship with your home country?

(Mark an “X” in one box.)


Strongly Disagree




Neither Agree

nor Disagree




Strongly Agree

The United States government is a trustworthy partner for my country.

C7. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements as a result of your participation in the IVLP and your first-hand impressions gained of Americans.







Neither Agree nor Disagree




Strongly Agree


Not Sure/

Do Not Know

C7.1 Americans and people from your country share many of the same values and concerns.

C7.2 Americans are generally trustworthy.

C7.3 Americans are generally religious.

C7.4 Americans are generally tolerant of religions other than their own.

C8. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements as a result of your participation in the IVLP and your first-hand impressions gained of the United States.







Neither Agree nor Disagree




Strongly Agree


Not Sure/

Do Not Know

C8.1 The United States is a well-functioning democracy.

C8.2 The policies of the U.S. government reflect the desires of the American people.

C8.3 The United States imposes its views on other countries.

C8.4 The United States is concerned with the needs and welfare of the Islamic world.

C8.5 The United States is a country that believes in and wants peace in the world.

C9. Consider your views of the following aspects of the United States. Are your views of these aspects of the United States less favorable or more favorable now than at the time of your IVLP visit in 2002?


Much Less


View Now



Favorable View Now


No Change

in Views



Favorable View Now


Much More

Favorable View Now

C9.1 The role of the United States in the world

C9.2 The United States as a responsible actor in dealing with world problems

C9.3 The United States as a promoter of civil and human rights in the world

C9.4 The United States as a promoter of freedom and democracy in the world

C9.5 The United States as a diverse and tolerant society

C10. If you rated your views “Much Less Favorable Now” or “Less Favorable Now” in C9 above, please explain why.





C11. Do you get news and information from any of the following media sources based in the United States and/or in your home country and region?





C11.1 From U.S. private (or commercial) media sources

C11.2 From U.S. Government media sources

C11.3 From the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your country

C11.4 From international media sources in your country or region

C11.5 From regional media sources in your country or region

C11.6 From national media sources in your country

C11.7 From local media sources in your country

C12. If you marked “yes” for any of the items in C11 above, how would you rate the general trustworthiness of the news and information you receive from the media sources you marked “yes” for in C11?


Not At All Trustworthy







Very Trustworthy


Not Sure/

Do Not Use

C12.1 From U.S. private (or commercial) media sources

C12.2 From U.S. Government media sources

C12.3 From the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your country

C12.4 From international media sources in your country or region

C12.5 From regional media sources in your country or region

C12.6 From national media sources in your country

C12.7 From local media sources in your country

C13. Which of the following types of media sources do you use to get your news and information about the United States? (Mark an “X” in one box for each item.)





Television channels based in…



C13.1 …the United States

C13.2 …your region

C13.3 …your country

C13.4 …your city or community

Newspapers based in….



C13.5 …the United States

C13.6 …your region

C13.7 …your country

C13.8 …your city or community

Radio stations based in…



C13.9 …the United States

C13.10 …your region

C13.11 …your country

C13.12 …your city or community

C14. If you marked “yes” for any of the items in C13 above, how often do you use the news and information media sources? (Mark an “X” in one box for each item.)







Television channels based in…




C14.1 …the United States

C14.2 …your region

C14.3 …your country

C14.4 …your city or community

Newspapers based in….




C14.5 …the United States

C14.6 …your region

C14.7 …your country

C14.8 …your city or community

Radio stations based in…




C14.9 …the United States

C14.10 …your region

C14.11 …your country

C14.12 …your city or community

C15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements below?







Neither Agree nor Disagree




Strongly Agree

C15.1 Voting is important because real decisions are made in elections.

C15.2 Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of democracy.

C15.3 An independent media is important to the free flow of information.

C15.4 All citizens in a country should have equal rights and protections under the law, regardless of circumstances.

C15.5 The Rule of Law is fundamental to a functioning democracy.

C15.6 Individuals and organizations have the right to free speech and to voice opposition.

C15.7 Democratic principles enhance the workplace.

C16. Please describe your most vivid or profound memory of your IVLP visit to the United States.






Section D: Professional and Personal Impact of

Your IVLP Exchange Experience

Questions in this section ask about the general impact of your IVLP experience

and how you have applied new information, knowledge, and impressions you gained

during your visit to the United States.

D1. Please rate your satisfaction with the following components of the IVLP.


Very Dissatisfied








Very Satisfied

D1.1 Administration

D1.2 Content

D1.3 Variety of experiences

D1.4 Relevance of program to professional or educational development

D1.5 Overall satisfaction

D2. How valuable has your overall IVLP exchange experience been to you since returning to your home country?


Not at all














D2.1 Professionally

D2.2 Personally

D3. Please briefly describe one or two examples of ways in which your IVLP exchange experiences and/or impressions gained during your IVLP exchange have affected your professional life, if at all.

(Please be specific.)






D4. How much of what you learned in the IVLP have you tried to apply in the following areas?




Some or

A Little


A Moderate Amount


Almost Everything


Not Applicable

D4.1 In your academic studies

D4.2 In your community

D4.3 In your professional life

D5. How much of what you learned in the IVLP have you been able to apply in the following areas?




Some or

A Little


A Moderate Amount


Almost Everything


Not Applicable

D5.1 In your academic studies

D5.2 In your community

D5.3 In your professional life

D6. When were you able to apply what you learned in the following areas?


1 to 3 months after IVLP


4 to 12 months after IVLP


1 to 3


after IVLP


More than

3 years

after IVLP


I have not yet

applied what

I learned in IVLP


Not Applicable

D6.1 In your academic studies

D6.2 In your community

D6.3 In your professional life

D7. If you have not applied what you learned, please indicate why not by marking an “X” for each item?





D7.1 Lack of time

D7.2 Lack of money or other resources

D7.3 Lack of opportunities

D7.4 Lack of support from within my organization

D7.5 Lack of support from government institutions

D7.6 My new knowledge and skills are not relevant or practical

D7.7 Other priorities

D7.8 Other, specify:

D8. As a direct result of your participation in the IVLP, have you done or received any of the following

at work?





D8.1 Higher level of responsibilities or leadership in the same job

D8.2 Organized or initiated new activities or projects in the same job

D8.3 New, more responsible job

D8.4 Increased salary/wages

D9. As a direct result of your participation in the IVLP, have you done or received any of the following

at school or university (if applicable)?





D9.1 Higher level of responsibilities or leadership at school/university

D9.2 Organized or initiated new activities or projects at school/university

D9.3 Established a new organization at school/university

D10. As a direct result of your participation in the IVLP, have you done or received any of the following

in your community?





D10.1 Assumed a leadership role or position in your community

D10.2 Organized or initiated new activities or projects in your community

D10.3 Established a new organization in your community

D11. Have you used the knowledge or experience gained in the IVLP to initiate any of these formal or informal changes in your organization, work or community?





D11.1 Increased volunteer activities/community service

D11.2 Founded an NGO or new organization

D11.3 Introduced new ideas and knowledge

D11.4 Introduced initiatives, new ways of doing things

D11.5 Established new exchanges

D11.6 Tried to influence public opinion about the United States through the media

D11.7 Established joint ventures, organizational partnerships, or linkages

D11.8 Introduced new policies or procedures

D11.9 Introduced new curricula, pedagogical methods, or educational standards

D11.10 Became elected or appointed to a local, regional or national government position

D11.11 Proposed, wrote, and/or passed a new law or treaty

D11.12 Tried to influence public opinion about issues in your country through the media

D12. For any of the items checked “yes” in D11 above, please specify the change you have made (indicate the new idea, policy, law, exchange, etc.) and share some of the details and results of your changes.






D13. Based on your IVLP experiences, how much do you agree or disagree that your IVLP exchange experience has helped to achieve the following statements.

Your IVLP experience has helped to:







Neither Agree nor Disagree




Strongly Agree

D13.1 Promote closer relations between the United States and your country or region.

D13.2 Strengthen ties between people of the United States and people of your country.

D13.3 Promote mutual understanding and mutual respect among peoples of the world.

D13.4 Provide you with a more informed and broader view of the United States.

D13.5 Enhance your understanding of diversity of ideas and opinions in the United States.

D13.6 Enhance your understanding of international issues in general.

D13.7 Develop professional collaborations with people you met in the United States.

D13.8 Develop you professionally.

Section E: Sharing the IVLP Exchange Experience

Questions in this section ask about how you have shared new information, knowledge, and impressions gained during your IVLP visit with people in your home country.

E1. To what extent have you shared new information, knowledge, and impressions gained during your IVLP visit to the United States with the following groups of people?


Not At All


To a

Small Extent


To a Moderate Extent


To a

Great Extent

E1.1 Professional colleagues in your home country

E1.2 Family and friends

E1.3 People in your community

E1.4 Other people in your home country

(for example: the general public, the media, etc.)

E2. Have you shared your IVLP experience or the knowledge you gained during your program in any of the following ways?





E2.1 Participated in media interviews (newspaper, television, radio, internet)

E2.2 Gave presentations to community, neighborhood, school, or university groups

E2.4 Wrote newspaper articles, including editorials and opinion pieces

E2.5 Wrote academic books

E2.6 Wrote non-academic books

E2.7 Wrote academic articles – for journals or academic publications

E3. For any of the checked items in E2 above, please specify what you have shared (the type of information, presentation, interview, publication, etc.) and describe some of the details and results.







Section F: Post-program and Alumni Activities

Questions in this section ask about your participation in alumni activities for

alumni of the IVLP and other State Department exchange programs.

F1. Have you participated in an alumni association or any alumni activities related to the International Visitor Leadership Program?





F2. Have you participated in an alumni association or any alumni activities related to other State Department

or U.S. Government exchange programs?





F3. Have you registered for the State Department’s State Alumni website,, for State Department exchange program alumni?





NOTE: If you are not aware of this website, please note the address. The State Department encourages you to register for this website. The website provides information about alumni activities and helps alumni of State Department exchange programs to stay in contact with one another and with the State Department.

F4. Have you viewed and used any of the U.S. informational services or products available on the State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs’ website,





NOTE: If you are not aware of this website, please note the address. The State Department encourages you to view this website and use its services and products.

Section G: Demographic Information

Questions in this final section ask about your demographic information. The information collected in this section will be used for some data analysis related to this study.

G1. What is your current age? _______ (years)

G2. What is your sex?





G3. What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? (Mark an “X” in one box only.)

G3.1 Secondary education

G3.2 Technical

G3.3 University – first degree (e.g., Bachelor’s or equivalent)

G3.4 University – postgraduate degree (e.g., Master’s, Ph.D. or equivalent)

G3.5 Other, specify:

G4. Please indicate how well you speak English? (Mark an “X” in one box only.)

G4.1 Not at all, or only a few words

G4.2 Well enough to ask directions, shop and make simple conversation

G4.3 Well enough to hold professional discussions with colleagues on a few topics

G4.4 Well enough to lecture or make presentations in public

G4.5 I am fluent (but not native) speaker

G4.6 I am a native speaker

G5. Which language do you consider to be your native language/mother tongue? _______________________

G6. What is your ethnic background? (Optional) ___________________________

G7. What religious group do you consider yourself a member of or feel closest to? (Optional) _______________

G8. Where do you currently live in your home country? (Mark an “X” in one box only.)

G8.1 Capital city or surrounding area

G8.2 Other major city

G8.3 Small city, town or rural location

G9. Which of the following do you have in your home?





G9.1 Television

G9.2 Radio

G9.3 Telephone

G9.4 Mobile/cellular telephone

G9.5 Computer

G9.6 Internet access





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Last Modified ByMARTINTL
File Modified2005-08-22
File Created2005-08-18

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