Form N-600 Application for Certificate of Citizenship

Application for Certificate of Citizenship

N-600 Form with New-Revised Fee (7-5-07)

Application for Certificate of Citizenship

OMB: 1615-0057

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OMB No. 1615-0057; Expires 10/31/07

N-600, Application for
Certificate of Citizenship

Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Print clearly or type your answers, using CAPITAL letters in black ink. Failure to print clearly may delay processing of your application.

Part I. Information About You. (Provide information about yourself, if you are
a person applying for the Certificate of Citizenship. If you are a U.S. citizen parent
applying for a Certificate of Citizenship for your minor child, provide information
about your child).

If your child has an "A" Number,
write it here:

For USCIS Use Only

1. Current legal name
Family Name (Last Name)



Given Name (First Name)

Full Middle Name (If applicable)

2. Name exactly as it appears on your Permanent Resident Card (If applicable).
Family Name (Last Name)


Given Name (First Name)

Full Middle Name (If applicable)

Reloc Sent

3. Other names used since birth
Family Name (Last Name)


Given Name (First Name)

Middle Name (If applicable)

Reloc Rec'd

4. U.S. Social Security # (If applicable)

5. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

6. Country of Birth

7. Country of Prior Nationality

8. Gender

9. Height




Part 2. Information About Your Eligibility. (Check only one).

Action Block

A. I am claiming U.S. citizenship through:
A U.S. citizen father or a U.S. citizen mother.
Both U.S. citizen parents.
A U.S. citizen adoptive parent(s).
An alien parent(s) who naturalized.


I am a U.S. citizen parent applying for a certificate of citizenship on
behalf of my minor (under 18 years) BIOLOGICAL child.
I am a U.S. citizen parent applying for a certificate of citizenship on
behalf of my minor (less than 18 years) ADOPTED child.
Other (Please explain fully)

To Be Completed by
Attorney or Representative, if any.
Fill in box if G-28 is attached to
represent the applicant.
ATTY State License #

Form N-600 (Rev. 07/30/07)Y

Part 3. Additional Information About You. (Provide additional information about yourself, if you are the person
applying for the Certificate of Citizenship. If you are a U.S. citizen parent applying for a Certificate of Citizenship
for your minor child, provide the additional information about your minor child).
Apartment Number

1. Home Address - Street Number and Name (Do not write a P.O. Box in this space)





Zip/Postal Code

Apartment Number

2. Mailing Address - Street Number and Name (If different from home address)






Daytime Phone Number (If any)

Evening Phone Number (If any)




Zip/Postal Code


E-Mail Address (If any)


Marital Status
Single, Never Married




Marriage Annulled or Other (Explain)


Information about entry into the United States and current immigration status
A. I arrived in the following manner:
Port of Entry (City/State)

Date of Entry (mm/dd/yyyy)

Exact Name Used at Time of Entry:

B. I used the following travel document to enter:
Passport Number

Country Issuing Passport

Date Passport Issued (mm/dd/yyyy)

Other (Please Specify Name of Document and Dates of Issuance)

C. I entered as:
An immigrant (lawful permanent resident) using an immigrant visa
A nonimmigrant
A refugee
Other (Explain)
D. I obtained lawful permanent resident status through adjustment of status (If applicable):
Date you became a Permanent Resident (mm/dd/yyyy)

USCIS Office where granted adjustment of status

6. Have you previously applied for a certificate of citizenship or U.S. passport?


Yes (Attach Explanation)

Form N-600 (Rev. 07/30/07)Y Page 2

Part 3. Additional Information About You. (Provide additional information about yourself, if you are the person applying for
the Certificate of Citizenship. If you are a U.S. citizen parent applying for a Certificate of Citizenship for your minor child, provide
the additional information about your minor child). Continued.
7. Were you adopted?


Date of Adoption (mm/dd/yyyy)

Yes (Please complete the following information):
Place of Final Adoption (City/State or Country)

Date Physical Custody Began (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date Legal Custody Began (mm/dd/yyyy)

8. Did you have to be re-adopted in the United States?


Yes (Please complete the following information):

Date of Final Adoption (mm/dd/yyyy)

Place of Final Adoption (City/State)

Date Legal Custody Began (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date Physical Custody Began (mm/dd/yyyy)

9. Were your parents married to each other when you were born (or adopted)?





10. Have you been absent from the United States since you first arrived? (Only for persons born before
October 10, 1952, who are claiming U.S. citizenship at time of birth; otherwise, do not complete this section.)

If yes, complete the following information about all absences, beginning with your most recent trip. If you need more space, use a separate
sheet of paper.
Date You Left the United States

Date You Returned to the United States

Place of Entry Upon Return to
the United States

Part 4. Information About U.S. Citizen Father (or Adoptive Father). (Complete this section if you are claiming
citizenship through a U.S. citizen father. If you are a U.S. citizen father applying for a Certificate of Citizenship on
behalf of your minor biological or adopted child, provide information about yourself below.)
1. Current legal name of U.S. citizen father.
Family Name (Last Name)

2. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

Given Name (First Name)

Full Middle Name (If applicable)

3. Country of Birth

4. Country of Nationality

5. Home Address - Street Number and Name (If deceased, so state and enter date of death)



Apartment Number


Zip/Postal Code

Form N-600 (Rev. 07/30/07)Y Page 3

Part 4. Information About U.S. Citizen Father (or Adoptive Father). (Complete this section if you are claiming
citizenship through a U.S. citizen father. If you are a U.S. citizen father applying for a Certificate of Citizenship on
behalf of your minor biological or adopted child, provide information about yourself below.) Continued.
6. U.S. citizen by:
Birth in the United States
Birth abroad to U.S. citizen parent(s)
Acquisition after birth through naturalization of alien parent(s)
Date of Naturalization (mm/dd/yyyy)

Place of Naturalization (Name of Court and City/State or USCIS or Former INS Office Location)

Certificate of Naturalization Number

Former ''A'' Number (If known)

7. Has your father ever lost U.S. citizenship or taken any action that would cause loss of U.S. citizenship?
Yes (Provide full explanation on a separate sheet(s) of paper.)


8. Dates of Residence and/or Physical Presence in the United States (Complete this only if you are an applicant claiming U.S.
citizenship at time of birth abroad)
Provide the dates your U.S. citizen father resided in or was physically present in the United States. If you need more space, use a separate
sheet(s) of paper.


9. Marital History
A. How many times has your U.S. citizen father been married (including annulled marriages)?

Information about U.S. citizen father's current spouse:
Family Name (Last Name)

Given Name (First Name)

Full Middle Name (If applicable)

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

Country of Birth

Country of Nationality

Home Address - Street Number and Name


Apartment Number

State or Province


Date of Marriage (mm/dd/yyyy)

Zip/Postal Code


Place of Marriage (City/State or Country)

Spouse's Immigration Status:
U.S. Citizen

Lawful Permanent Resident

C. Is your U.S. citizen father's current spouse also your mother?

Other (Explain)


Form N-600 (Rev. 07/30/07)Y Page 4

Part 5. Information About Your U.S. Citizen Mother (or Adoptive Mother). (Complete this section if you are claiming
citizenship through a U.S. citizen mother (or adoptive mother). If you are a U.S. citizen mother applying for a Certificate of
Citizenship on behalf of your minor biological or adopted child, provide information about yourself below).
1. Current legal name of U.S. citizen mother.
Family Name (Last Name)

2. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

Given Name (First Name)

Full Middle Name (If applicable)

3. Country of Birth

4. Country of Nationality

Apartment Number

5. Home Address - Street Number and Name (If deceased, so state and enter date of death)




Zip/Postal Code

6. U.S. citizen by:
Birth in the United States
Birth abroad to U.S. citizen parent(s)
Acquisition after birth through naturalization of alien parent(s)
Date of Naturalization (mm/dd/yyyy)

Place of Naturalization (Name of Court and City/State or USCIS)

Certificate of Naturalization Number

Former ''A'' Number (If known)

7. Has your mother ever lost U.S. citizenship or taken any action that would cause loss of U.S. citizenship?

Yes (Provide full explanation on a separate sheet(s) of paper.)

8. Dates of Residence and/or Physical Presence in the United States (Complete this only if you are an applicant claiming U.S.
citizenship at time of birth abroad)
Provide the dates your U.S. citizen father resided in or was physically present in the United States. If you need more space, use a separate
sheet(s) of paper.


9. Marital History
A. How many times has your U.S. citizen mother been married (including annulled marriages)?

Information about U.S. citizen mother's current spouse:
Family Name (Last Name)

Given Name (First Name)

Full Middle Name (If applicable)

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

Country of Birth

Country of Nationality

Form N-600 (Rev. 07/30/07)Y Page 5

Part 5. Information About Your U.S. Citizen Mother (or Adoptive Mother). (Complete this section if you are claiming
citizenship through a U.S. citizen mother (or adoptive mother). If you are a U.S. citizen mother applying for a Certificate of
Citizenship on behalf of your minor biological or adopted child, provide information about yourself below). Continued.
C. Information about U.S. citizen mother's current spouse: (Continued.)
Home Address - Street Number and Name


Apartment Number

State or Province


Date of Marriage (mm/dd/yyyy)

Zip/Postal Code


Place of Marriage (City/State or Country)

Spouse's Immigration Status:
U.S. Citizen

Other (Explain)

Lawful Permanent Resident

D. Is your U.S. citizen mother's current spouse also your father?



Part 6. Information About Military Service of U. S. Citizen Parent(s). (Complete this only if you are an applicant claiming
U.S. citizenship at time of birth abroad)

Has your U. S. citizen parent(s) served in the armed forces?


If "Yes," which parent?


Dates of Service. (If time of service fulfills any of required physical presence, submit evidence of service.)
From (mm/dd/yyyy)


Type of discharge.


U.S. Citizen Father
To (mm/dd/yyyy)



U.S. Citizen Mother
From (mm/dd/yyyy)

Other than Honorable

To (mm/dd/yyyy)


Part 7. Signature.
I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States, that this application and the evidence submitted with it is all true
and correct. I authorize the release of any information from my records, or my minor child's records, that U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services needs to determine eligibility for the benefit I am seeking.
Applicant's Signature
Printed Name
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Part 8. Signature of Person Preparing This Form, If Other Than Applicant.
I declare that I prepared this application at the request of the above person. The answers provided are based on information of which I
have personal knowledge and/or were provided to me by the above-named person in response to the questions contained on this form.
Preparer's Signature

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Preparer's Printed Name

Name of Business/Organization (If applicable)

Preparer's Daytime Phone Number



Preparer's Address - Street Number and Name




Zip Code

Form N-600 (Rev. 07/30/07)Y Page 6

NOTE: Do not complete the following parts unless a USCIS officer instructs you to do so at the interview.
Part 9. Affidavit.
I, the (applicant, parent or legal guardian)

do swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury laws of the

United States, that I know and understand the contents of this application signed by me, and the attached supplementary pages number (

) inclusive, that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that corrections number (

) to (

) to

) were made by me or

at my request.
Signature of parent, guardian or applicant

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Subscribed and sworn or affirmed before me upon examination of the applicant (parent, guardian) on



Signature of Interviewing Officer


Part 10. Officer Report and Recommendation on Application for Certificate of Citizenship.
On the basis of the documents, records and the testimony of persons examined, and the identification upon personal appearance of the underage
beneficiary, I find that all the facts and conclusions set forth under oath in this application are
derive or acquire U.S. citizenship on

(mm/dd/yyyy), through (mark "X" in appropriate section of law or, if

section of law not reflected, insert applicable section of law in "Other" block):
section 320 of the INA
and that (s)he
A or


section 321 of the INA

section 301 of the INA

section 309 of the INA


has not been expatriated since that time. I recommend that this application be


denied and that

AA Certificate of Citizenship be issued in the name of

District Adjudication Officer's Name and Title

I do

true and correct; that the applicant did

do not

District Adjudication Officer's Signature

concur in recommendation of the application.

District Director or Officer-in-Charge Signature

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Form N-600 (Rev. 07/30/07)Y Page 7

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2007-07-06
File Created2007-07-05

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