Expiration Date:
Application for Permanent Employment Certification
ETA Form 9089
Department of Labor
Please read and review the filing instructions carefully before completing the ETA Form 9089. A copy of the instructions can be found at http://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov/.
Important Note: In accordance with Federal Regulations at 20 CFR 656.17(a)(1), incomplete applications will be denied by the Department of Labor. If submitting this form non-electronically, ALL fields/items must be completed. In fields/items for which there is no answer, enter “N/A” or “0” (zero) if the field/item is a number field. If submitting this form electronically, you may leave fields/items for which there is no answer blank, and, at the end of each page, you will be asked to confirm your desire to leave these fields/items blank. When the application is printed, all fields/items intentionally left blank will be automatically pre-populated with “N/A.”
A. Schedule A or Sheepherder Information
1. Is this application in support of a Schedule A or Sheepherder occupation?
of Homeland Security’s United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). |
Yes No |
B. Foreign Worker’s Name
Note: If submitting this form electronically, the data entered in items B.1-B.3 below will pre-populate items J.1-J.3 and K.1-K.3 of this application. If submitting this form non-electronically, you will need to re-enter this information in items J.1-J.3 and K.1-K.3.
1. Foreign worker’s last (family) name
2. First (given) name
3. Full middle name(s)
C. Employer Information
1. Legal business name
2. Trade name/Doing Business As (DBA), if applicable
3. Address 1
4. Address 2
5. City |
6. State
Postal code |
8. Country |
Province |
10. Telephone number |
11. Extension |
12. Number of employees currently on the employer’s payroll in the area of intended employment |
13. Year commenced business (if
household, year issued FEIN) |
14. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN from IRS) |
15. NAICS code (must be at least 4-digits) |
Is the employer a closely held corporation, partnership, or sole
proprietorship in |
Yes No |
Is there a familial relationship between the foreign worker and
the owners, stockholders, |
Yes No |
Employer Point of Contact Information
Note: The information contained in this Section must be that of an employee of the employer who is authorized to act on behalf of the employer in labor certification matters. The employee designated in this Section will be contacted to verify whether the employer is authorizing this application and sponsoring the foreign worker named in the application. The information in this Section must be different from the agent or attorney information listed in Section E, unless the attorney is an employee of the employer.
1. Contact’s last (family) name |
2. First (given) name |
Middle name(s) |
4. Contact’s job title
5. Address 1
6. Address 2
7. City |
8. State
Postal code |
10. Country |
Province |
12. Telephone number |
Extension |
14. E-Mail address |
Attorney or Agent Information (If applicable)
“Yes,” complete the remainder of Section E below. If
submitting this form non-electronically and |
Yes No |
2. Attorney or Agent’s last (family) name |
3. First (given) name |
Middle name(s) |
5. Address 1
6. Address 2 |
7. City |
8. State
Postal code |
10. Country |
Province |
12. Telephone number |
Extension |
14. E-Mail address |
15. Law firm/Business name |
16. Law firm/Business FEIN |
17. State Bar number (only if attorney)
State of the highest court where attorney is in good |
19. Name of the highest court where attorney is in good standing (only if attorney) |
Prevailing Wage Information
Note: This information must be identical to the information on the Prevailing Wage Determination (PWD) provided
by the State Workforce Agency (SWA).
1. State/District/Territory which issued prevailing wage |
2. Prevailing wage tracking number (if provided by SWA) |
3. Wage level I II III IV N/A |
4. SOC (ONET/OES) code (must be at least 6-digits) |
5. SOC (ONET/OES) occupation title
6. Prevailing wage
$ __________ . ____ |
6a. Per: (Choose only one)
Hour Week Bi-Weekly Month Year |
7. Prevailing wage source (Choose only one)
7a. If “Other” in question 7, specify
8. Determination date |
9. Expiration date
Wage Offer Information
$ __________ . ____ From:
$ __________ . ____ To (Optional): |
1a. Per: (Choose only one)
Hour Week Bi-Weekly Month Year |
Job Opportunity Information
Note: It is important for the employer to define the area of intended employment with as much geographic specificity as possible.
This information is used for purposes of reviewing any advertising, notice posting, and prevailing wage information in support of this
application. The worksite address listed in questions 2-7 below must be a physical location and cannot be a P.O. Box.
1. Type of worksite location that best describes where work will be performed: (Choose only one) a. Business premises
private household (includes live-in and domestic household worker)
d. No one specific worksite address or physical location
If submitting this form non-electronically and marked “No one specific worksite address or physical location,” enter “N/A” or “0” (zero), as appropriate, in questions 2- 7 below, mark “N/A” in question 8, and continue to Section H.b. |
2. Worksite address 1
3. Address 2
4. City |
5. County |
6. State/District/Territory |
7. Postal code |
8. Will work also be performed in a location(s) other than the address listed in questions
2-7 above? |
Yes No N/A |
Additional Worksite Information
Note: If “No one specific worksite address or physical location” in question 1 or “Yes” in question 8 above, the employer may identify up to 5 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) covering the area(s) of intended employment where work is expected to be performed. For the definition, codes, and alphabetical list of MSA's, visit the Census Bureau's website at http://www.census.gov/population/www/estimates/metroarea.html
If the MSA(s) are not known or the expected area(s) of intended employment are dispersed over a wide geographical area, the employer may complete question 10 instead. If submitting this form non-electronically and not completing questions 9-9i, enter “N/A” in each question and continue to question 10.
Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs)
9. MSA Code
9a. Name of MSA
9b. MSA Code
9c. Name of MSA
9d. MSA Code
9e. Name of MSA
9f. MSA Code
9g. Name of MSA
9h. MSA Code
9i. Name of MSA
H. Job Opportunity Information Continued
Other Definable Geographic Area
Note: Answer question 10 only where the specific MSA(s) are not known or the expected area(s) of intended employment are dispersed over a wide geographical area. If submitting this form non-electronically, and not applicable, enter “N/A” in question 10.
10. Identify the geographic area(s) where work will be performed. For example, this can include a listing of cities or townships/states, counties/states, or states located within a geographic region.
c. Job Description
11. Job title
12. Is this a full-time (35 hours or more) position? |
Yes No |
Job duties. The description MUST begin in this space. If
the employer wishes to continue the description, an attachment may
Other special requirements, specific skills, licenses,
certificates, and certifications. The
description MUST begin in this space.
H. Job Opportunity Information Continued
d. Primary Requirements
15. Education: minimum U.S. diploma/degree required
15a. If “Other degree” in question 15, specify the diploma/degree required
15b. Indicate the major(s) and/or field(s) of study required (May list more than one related major and more than one field)
16. Does the employer require a second U.S. diploma/degree? |
Yes No |
16a. If “Yes” in question 16, indicate the second U.S. diploma/degree and the major(s) and/or field(s) of study required if submitting this form non-electronically and “No” in question 16, enter “N/A.”
17. Is training for the job opportunity required? |
Yes No |
17a. If “Yes” in question 17, specify the number of months of training required |
17b. Indicate the field(s)/name(s) of training required (May list more than one related field/name)
18. Is employment experience required?
Yes No |
18a. If “Yes” in question 18, specify the number of months of experience required |
18b. Indicate the occupation required
e. Alternative Requirements
19. Does the employer have alternative requirements for the job opportunity? |
Yes No |
Note: If “Yes” in question 19, the employer may submit up to 3 sets of alternative requirements (2 in addition to the one below) in addition to the primary requirements entered in Section H.d of this form. If “No” and submitting this form non-electronically, mark “None” in question 20 and “N/A” or “0” (zero), as appropriate, in questions 20a-20j. If “No” and submitting this form electronically, skip questions 20-20j.
The employer must complete every field for each set of alternative requirements. For example, where the employer has an alternative education requirement for the job opportunity, but always requires five years of experience in the same occupation, it must enter the alternative education requirement and then re-enter the five years of experience and related occupation in the same set. If the employer wishes to list a second or third set of alternative requirements, an attachment must be submitted.
1. Alternative Requirements
20. Education: minimum U.S. diploma/degree required
20a. If “Other degree” in question 20, specify the diploma/degree required |
20b. Indicate the major(s) and/or field(s) of study required (May list more than one related major and more than one field)
Job Opportunity Information Continued
e. Alternative Requirements Continued
20c. Does the employer require a second U.S. diploma/degree? |
Yes No N/A |
If “Yes” in question 20c, indicate the second U.S.
diploma/degree and the major(s) and/or field(s) of study required
20e. Is training for the job opportunity required? |
Yes No N/A |
20f. If “Yes” in question 20e, specify the number of months of training required |
20g. Indicate the field(s)/name(s) of training required (May list more than one related field/name) |
20h. Is employment experience required? |
Yes No N/A |
20i. If “Yes” in question 20h, specify the number of months of experience required |
20j. Indicate the occupation required
f. Other Requirements
21. Will the employer accept a foreign diploma/degree equivalent to the employer’s required U.S. diploma/degree identified in Section H? |
Yes No N/A |
22. Does the job opportunity require the foreign worker to live on the employer’s premises? |
Yes No |
23. Is this application for a live-in household domestic service worker? |
Yes No |
23a. If “Yes” in question 23, have the employer and the foreign worker executed the required employment contract? |
Yes No N/A |
23b. If “Yes” in question 23a, has the employer provided a copy of the contract to the foreign worker? |
Yes No N/A |
24. If “Yes” in question 23, does the foreign worker have one year of paid experience as a live-in household domestic service worker? |
Yes No N/A |
g. Suitable Combination
25. Is the foreign worker currently working for the employer submitting this application? |
Yes No |
25a. If “Yes” in question 25, does the foreign worker only qualify for the job opportunity by virtue of the employer’s alternative requirements identified in Section H.e? |
Yes No N/A |
25b. If “Yes” in questions 25 and 25a, please write the applicable statement below that describes
employer’s willingness to accept any suitable combination of
education, experience, or training. If
this form
Write "I accept" |
Write "I do not accept" |
H. Job Opportunity Information Continued
h. Business Necessity
Note: If “Yes” is marked in any of the following questions (26, 27, or 28), the employer must provide a brief explanation
of business necessity and be prepared to provide documentation demonstrating business necessity. Preferences will be
considered to be the same as requirements for the job opportunity.
26. Is proficiency in a foreign language required or preferred to perform the job duties? |
Yes No |
If “Yes” in question 26, provide a brief explanation
(3-5 sentences). If
submitting this form non-electronically and “No”
Do the job requirements indicated in Section H exceed the
Specific Vocational Preparation |
Yes No N/A |
If “Yes” in question 27, provide a brief explanation
(3-5 sentences). If
submitting this form non-electronically and “No”
28. Does this application involve a job opportunity that includes a combination of occupations? |
Yes No |
If “Yes” in question 28, provide a brief explanation
(3-5 sentences). If
submitting this form non-electronically and “No”
I. Recruitment Information
a. General Information – All must complete this Section.
1. Has the employer received payment of any kind for the submission of this application? |
Yes No |
If “Yes” in question 1, provide a brief explanation
(3-5 sentences). If
submitting this form non-electronically and “No”
2. Has the employer had a layoff in the occupation involved in this application or in a related occupation within the 6 months immediately preceding the filing of this application in the area of intended employment? |
Yes No |
If “Yes” in question 2, provide a brief explanation
(3-5 sentences) describing the nature of the layoff and the
b. Occupation Type – All must complete this Section.
Mark ONE appropriate box below: |
3a. |
This application is for a non-professional occupation and the recruiting was conducted in accordance with 20 CFR 656.17(e)(2). |
3b. |
application is for a professional
as listed in Appendix A on page 23 of the instructions
(which |
3c. |
This application is for a college or university teacher and the candidate was selected using the competitive recruitment process in accordance with 20 CFR 656.18. |
3d. |
None of the above apply because this application is for a Schedule A or sheepherder occupation, a professional athlete, or recruitment was conducted in accordance with a regulatory provision not listed above. |
c. Supervised Recruitment– All must complete this Section.
4. Is the employer required, by notice from a Certifying Officer, to currently undergo supervised recruitment in accordance with 20 CFR 656.21? |
Yes No |
“Yes” only
where the employer received a Notice of Supervised Recruitment from a
Certifying Officer. If submitting this form non-electronically and
“Yes” in question 4, enter “N/A” or “0”
(zero), as appropriate, in the remainder of Section I and continue to
Section J below. If submitting this form electronically and “Yes”
in question 4, continue to Section J below. If “No” in
question 4, complete the remainder of Section I below.
I. Recruitment Information Continued
Professional/Non-Professional Recruitment Information
Note: Complete if recruitment was conducted in accordance with 20 CFR 656.17. If submitting this form non-electronically and not applicable, enter “N/A” or “0” (zero), as appropriate, in questions 5-11.
5. Start date for the SWA job order |
6. End date for the SWA job order |
there a Sunday edition of a newspaper (of general circulation) in
the area of Yes No N/A |
8. Name of newspaper of general circulation in which a print advertisement was placed |
9. Date of advertisement
10. Which of the following did the employer use to place the other advertisement for the job opportunity? (Choose only one)
Newspaper Professional Journal N/A
10a. Name of newspaper or professional journal in which the employer placed the other advertisement |
11. Date of advertisement |
e. Additional Recruitment Steps for Professional Occupations
Note: Complete a minimum of 3 recruitment events if recruitment was conducted in accordance with 20 CFR 656.17(e)(1). If an item below occurred on a single day enter that date in both the “From” and “To” spaces. If submitting this form non-electronically and not applicable, enter “0” (zero) in questions 12-21.
12. Dates advertised at job fair |
13. Dates posted on employer web site |
From: |
To: |
From: |
To: |
14. Dates listed with job search web site |
15. Dates of on-campus recruiting |
From: |
To: |
From: |
To: |
16. Dates advertised with trade or professional organization |
17. Dates listed with private employment firm |
From: |
To: |
From: |
To: |
18. Dates advertised with employee referral program |
19. Dates advertised with campus placement office |
From: |
To: |
From: |
To: |
20. Dates advertised with local or ethnic newspaper |
21. Dates advertised with radio and/or TV ads |
From: |
To: |
From: |
To: |
Recruitment Information Continued
f. Special Recruitment and Documentation Procedures for College and University Teachers
Complete if recruitment was conducted in accordance with 20 CFR
656.18, the competitive recruitment and selection
process. If
submitting this form non-electronically and not applicable, enter
“N/A” in questions 22-24.
22. Date foreign worker selected
23. Name of national professional journal in which advertisement was placed
23a. Start date of advertisement identified in question 23
24. Specify additional recruitment. The description MUST begin in this space. If the employer wishes to continue the description, an attachment may be submitted.
g. General Information- All must complete this Section
Mark ONE appropriate box below: |
25a. |
of this filing has been provided to the bargaining representative
for workers in the occupation in which |
25b. |
There is no bargaining representative, so a notice of this filing has been posted for 10 consecutive business days in a conspicuous location at the place of employment and in all in-house media normally used to inform current
employees of job vacancies at least 30 days before, but not more
than 180 days before, the date the |
25c. |
The domestic employment will be in a private household (not a home office or home business) and the employer does not employ any U.S. workers in the home, so no posting or notification was made. |
25d. |
The employer did not post the notice of filing. |
Foreign Worker Information
Foreign Worker Contact Information
Note: The foreign worker information in this Section should be different from the attorney/agent information listed in Section E, if any. The foreign worker information in this Section must be different from the employer information listed in Section C, unless the position is for a live-in. If submitting this application electronically, items J.1–J.3 will be pre-populated with the information previously entered in items B.1-B.3 of this application. If submitting this form non-electronically, re-enter the information.
1. Foreign worker’s last (family) name |
2. First (given) name |
3. Middle name(s)
4. Address 1 (current)
5. Address 2
6. City
7. State
Postal code |
9. Country
Province |
11. Telephone number
Extension |
13. Date of birth |
14. Country of birth
15. Country of citizenship |
16. Class of admission (if applicable)
17. Alien registration number (A#) (if applicable) |
18. Alien admission number (I-94) (if applicable)
b. General Questions
19. Please confirm that the job opportunity described in Section H is being offered to the foreign worker identified above.
Yes No |
c. Foreign Worker Employment and Qualifying Experience
20. Is the foreign worker currently employed by the employer submitting this application? |
Yes No |
If “Yes” in 20, did the foreign worker gain any of
the qualifying experience with the employer in
“Yes” in question 21, the employer must be prepared to
provide documentation demonstrating why |
Yes No N/A |
If “Yes” In 20, did the employer pay for any of the
foreign worker’s education or training |
Yes No N/A |
J. Foreign Worker Information Continued
d. Foreign Worker Education
Note: Identify any relevant diplomas/degrees attained that qualify the foreign worker for the job opportunity for which the employer is seeking certification. List the most recent diploma/degree attained first. Where the foreign worker attained a diploma/degree outside the U.S., mark the U.S. equivalent of the diploma/degree. The employer must complete every field for each set. The employer may submit up to 3 sets of experience (2 in addition to the one below); if the employer wishes to list additional sets, an attachment listing up to 2 sets of the foreign worker’s education may be submitted. If submitting this form non-electronically and the foreign worker does not hold relevant diplomas/degrees, mark “None” in question J.23 and “N/A” or “0” (zero), as appropriate, in questions J.23a – J.23e.
1. Educational Attainment
Education: U.S. diploma/degree attained relevant to the job
opportunity referenced in Section H. |
23a. If “Other degree” in question 23, specify the diploma/degree attained |
Specify major(s) and/or field(s) of study
23c. Name of institution that issued the degree/diploma
23d. Name of country of institution identified in question 23c |
23e. Year attained diploma/degree (YYYY)
e. Foreign Worker Work Experience
Identify any relevant employment experiences (other than training)
that qualify the foreign worker for the job opportunity for which the
employer is seeking certification. List the most recent experience
first. Do
include periods of unemployment. The employer must complete every
field for each set. The employer may submit up to 10
sets of experience
(9 in addition to the one below); if the
employer wishes to list additional sets, an attachment listing up to
9 sets of the foreign worker’s work experience may be
submitted. If submitting this form non-electronically and the
foreign worker does not have work experience, enter “N/A”
or “0” (zero), as appropriate, in question group J.24.
1. Work Experience
24. Employer name
24a. Address 1
24b. Address 2
24c. City |
24d. State
Postal code |
24f. Country |
Province |
2 |
24i. Job title
Start date (mm/yyyy) |
24k. End date (mm/yyyy) |
24l. Number of hours worked per week |
Job details: Specify details of job (duties performed, use of
tools, machines, equipment, etc.) The
description MUST begin
J. Foreign worker Information Continued
f. Foreign Worker Training (relevant to the job opportunity)
Note: Identify any relevant completed training programs, coursework, and/or training experience (other than employment) that qualify the foreign worker for the job opportunity for which the employer is seeking certification. List the most recent training completed first. The employer must complete every field for each set. The employer may submit up to 3 sets of training (2 in addition to the one below); if the employer wishes to list additional sets, an attachment listing up to 2 sets of the foreign worker’s training may be submitted. If submitting this form non-electronically and the foreign worker has no training, enter “N/A” or “0” (zero), as appropriate, in question group J.25.
1. Training
25. Name of school/training provider |
Dates of Training (mm/yyyy format) |
25a. From: |
25b. To: |
25c. Name of training, coursework, experience received
25d. Licenses/Certificates/Certifications attained (if applicable) |
g. Foreign Worker Skills, Abilities, and Proficiencies
26. Other specific skills, abilities, and/or proficiencies the foreign worker possesses which help establish whether the
worker meets the requirements identified for the job opportunity.
description MUST begin in this space. If the employer
Declaration of Foreign Worker
Note: If submitting this form electronically, the information entered in items B.1 to B.3 will pre-populate items J.1 to J.3, and K.1 to K.3 of the form. If submitting this form non-electronically, re-enter the information in questions 1 to 3 below.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in Sections J and K are true and correct. I understand that to knowingly furnish false information in the preparation of this form and any supplement hereto or to aid, abet, or counsel another to do so is a Federal offense punishable by a fine or imprisonment up to five years or both under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1001. Other penalties apply as well to fraud or misuse of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) immigration documents and to perjury with respect to such documents under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1546 and 1621.
In addition, I further declare under penalty of perjury that I intend to accept the position offered in Section H of this application if a labor certification is approved and I am granted a visa or an adjustment of status based on this application.
1. Foreign worker’s last (family) name |
2. First (given) name |
Full middle name |
4. Signature
5. Date signed |
Declaration of Attorney/Agent
The name and e-mail address in this Section must be the same as the
attorney or agent information listed in Section E. If submitting
this form non-electronically and the employer is not being
represented by an attorney or agent in the filing of this
application, enter “N’A” or “0” (zero),
as appropriate, in items L.1 to L.7.
I hereby certify that I am an employee of, or hired by, the employer listed in Section C, and that I have been designated by that employer to act on its behalf in connection with this application. I also certify that to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and correct. I understand that to knowingly furnish false information in the preparation of this form and any supplement hereto or to aid, abet, or counsel another to do so is a felony punishable by a $250,000 fine or 5 years in a Federal penitentiary or both (18 U.S.C. 1001).
1. Attorney or Agent’s last (family) name |
2. First (given) name |
Middle initial |
4. Firm/Business name
5. E-Mail address
6. Signature
7. Date signed |
Substitute Attorney/Agent Signature
Note: The following fields should ONLY be completed if the original signer (attorney/agent identified above) is no longer available or authorized to sign the ETA Form 9089, and any such substitution must be supported by a letter from the employer to the appropriate agency (Department of Labor and/or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) explaining the circumstances for the new signature. Please read the complete application prior to signing.
I hereby certify that I have read and reviewed this application at the direct request of the employer listed in Section C and that to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and correct. I understand that to knowingly furnish false information in the preparation of this form and any supplement hereto or to aid, abet, or counsel another to do so is a felony punishable by a $250,000 fine or five (5) years in a Federal penitentiary or both (18 U.S.C. 1001).
8. Attorney or Agent’s (family) name |
9. First (given) name |
10. Middle initial |
11. Firm/Business name
12. E-Mail address
13. Signature
14. Date signed |
M. Declaration of Employer
By virtue of my signature below, I HEREBY CERTIFY the following conditions of employment:
The offered wage equals or exceeds the prevailing wage and the employer will pay the prevailing wage from the time permanent residency is granted based on the approval of a labor certification or from the time the foreign worker is admitted to take up the certified employment.
wage is not based on commissions, bonuses or other incentives,
unless the employer guarantees a wage paid on a weekly,
or monthly basis that equals or exceeds the prevailing wage.
The employer’s job opportunity does not involve unlawful discrimination, by race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, handicap, or citizenship.
The employer’s job opportunity is not:
Vacant because the former occupant is on strike or is being locked out in the course of a labor dispute involving a work stoppage; or
At issue in a labor dispute involving a work stoppage.
The employer’s job opportunity’s terms, conditions, and occupational environment are not contrary to Federal, State or local law.
The job opportunity has been and is clearly open to any U.S. worker.
The U.S. workers who applied for the job opportunity were rejected for lawful, job-related reasons.
The job opportunity is for full-time, permanent employment.
I hereby designate the agent or attorney (if any) identified in Sections E and M to represent me for the purpose of labor certification and, declare that pursuant to 20 CFR 656.12(b) I have not sought or received any payment of any kind for any activity related to this application, including payment of fees for any attorney designated in Sections E and M, whether as an incentive or inducement to filing, or reimbursement of costs incurred, except in such circumstances when work to be performed by the foreign worker in connection with the job opportunity has benefited or accrued to the person or entity who has made the payment and that third party has an established business relationship with me, as the employer. I take full responsibility for the accuracy of any representations made by the agent or attorney listed on the application.
under penalty of perjury that I have not and shall not offer this
labor certification for sale, barter, or purchase in accordance with
20 CFR 656.12.
under penalty of perjury that this is a legitimate and permissible
application, i.e., one filed on behalf of the foreign worker
identified in the application who may be required by the Immigration
and Nationality Act to have such a certification in order to obtain
permanent resident status in the United States; that I have read and
reviewed this application; and that to the best of my knowledge the
information contained herein is true and accurate. I
understand that to knowingly furnish false
in the preparation of this form and any supplement hereto or to aid,
abet, or counsel another to do so is a felony punishable by a
$250,000 fine or five (5) years in the Federal penitentiary or both
(18 U.S.C. 1001).
1. Employer’s last (family) name |
2. First (given) name |
Middle initial |
Title |
5. Signature
6. Date signed |
Substitute Employer Signature
Note: The following fields should ONLY be completed if the original signer (employer identified above) is no longer available or authorized to sign the ETA Form 9089, and any such substitution must be supported by a letter from the employer to the appropriate agency (Department of Labor and/ or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) explaining the circumstances for the new signature. Please read the complete application prior to signing.
I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read and reviewed this application and that to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that to knowingly furnish false information in the preparation of this form and any supplement hereto or to aid, abet, or counsel another to do so is a felony punishable by a $250,000 fine or 5 years in the Federal penitentiary or both (18 U.S.C. 1001).
7. Employer’s last (family) name |
8. First (given) name |
Middle initial |
10. Title
11. Signature |
12. Date signed
N. U.S. Government Agency Use (ONLY)
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 212 (A)(14) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (now at Section 212(a)(5)). I hereby certify that there are not sufficient U.S. workers available and the employment of the above will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the U.S. similarly employed.
This certification is valid from _______________________ to _______________________.
______________________________________________ ______________________________
Department of Labor, Office of Foreign Labor Certification Certification Date (date signed)
______________________________________________ ______________________________
Case number Priority Date
O. Signature Notification
The signatures and dates signed on this form will not be filled out when electronically submitting to DOL for processing, but MUST be complete when submitting non-electronically. If the application is submitted electronically, any resulting certification MUST be signed immediately upon receipt from DOL before it can be submitted to USCIS for final processing.
P. OMB Paperwork Reduction Act (1205-0451)
Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Respondent’s reply to these reporting requirements is mandatory to obtain the benefits of permanent employment certification (Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 212(a)(5)). Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to the Office of Foreign Labor Certification, U.S. Department of Labor, Room C-4312, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210 Do NOT send the completed application to this address.
Privacy Statement Information
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a), you are hereby notified that the information provided herein is protected under the Privacy Act. The Department of Labor (Department) maintains a System of Records titled Employer Application and Attestation File for Permanent and Temporary Alien Workers (DOL/ETA-7) that includes this record.
Under routine uses for this system of records, case files developed in processing labor certification applications, labor condition applications, or labor attestations may be released as follows: in connection with appeals of denials before the DOL Office of Administrative Law Judges and Federal courts, records may be released to the employers that filed such applications, their representatives, to named foreign workers or their representatives, and to the DOL Office of Administrative Law Judges and Federal courts; and in connection with administering and enforcing immigration laws and regulations, records may be released to such agencies as the DOL Office of Inspector General, Employment Standards Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of State.
Further relevant disclosures may be made in accordance with the Privacy Act. To obtain information on further relevant disclosures of this record, please visit the DOL website at http://www.dol.gov.
ETA Form 9089 FOR
Case Number:___________________ Case Status: ________________ Validity period: _________________ to __________________
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Melanie Shay |
Last Modified By | ordynsky.eugenia |
File Modified | 2008-03-25 |
File Created | 2008-03-24 |