Supporting Statement

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Child Care Survey of Postsecondary Institutions

OMB: 1875-0242

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CONTENTS (continued)

Section Page

Contract No.: ED-04-CO-0112

MPR Reference No.: 6208-500

Request for OMB Clearance of Data Collection for the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program

Revision of Currently Approved Collection (OMB #1875-0242)

Section A

May 15, 2007

Submitted to:

U.S. Department of Education

Policy and Program Studies Service

400 Maryland Ave. SW, Room 6W226

Washington, DC 20202

Project Officer:

Patricia Butler, Ph.D.

Submitted by:

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

600 Maryland Ave. S.W., Suite 550

Washington, DC 20024-2512

Telephone: (202) 484-9220

Facsimile: (202) 863-1763

Project Director:

Wendy Mansfield, Ph.D.

Survey Director

Kirsten Barrett, Ph.D.


Section Page


1. Circumstances Necessitating Collection of Information 1

2. How, By Whom, and for What Purpose Information Is to Be Used 6

3. Use of Automated, Electronic, Mechanical, or Other Technological Collection Techniques 7

4. Efforts to Avoid Duplication of Effort 8

5. Sensitivity to Burden on Small Entities 9

6. Consequences to Federal Program or Policy Activities if the Collection Is Not Conducted or Is Conducted Less Frequently Than Proposed 9

7. Special Circumstances 9

8. Federal Register Announcement and Consultation 10

9. Payment or Gift to Respondents 10

10. Confidentiality of The Data 10

11. Additional Justification for Sensitive Questions 11

12. Estimates of Hour Burden 12

13. Estimate of Total Annual Cost Burden to Respondents or Record-Keepers 12

14. Estimates of Annualized Cost to the Federal Government 12

15. Reasons for Program Changes or Adjustments 13

16. Plan for Tabulation and Publication, and Schedule for Project 13

17. Approval Not to Display the Expiration Date for OMB Approval 17

18. Exception to the Certification Statement 17



appendix C: DetailEd List of Survey Changes C-1




APPENDIX G: Phase I Memo G-1


Table Page

A-1 Schedule of Activities 17


Figure Page




1. Circumstances Necessitating Collection of Information

This submission is a request to revise a currently approved collection under OMB Control Number 1875-0242 for a study of the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) program. That collection—the first of two data collection phases—was designed to use a small sample to determine whether postsecondary institutional respondents could provide Pell Grant data on students using the institution’s child care services. This submission to OMB describes the results of the Phase I data collection with 10 percent of the sample and the proposed changes to the questionnaire for the Phase II data collection with the remaining sample.

The CCAMPIS program, authorized under Title IV, Part A, of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965 (as amended), “supports the participation of low-income parents in postsecondary education through the provision of campus-based child care services” (as stated in HEA, as amended). Authorization to collect the data is provided by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (P.L. 108-447), which provides funds specifically for data collection and evaluation activities for programs under HEA (see Appendix A for the relevant portion of the legislation).

The main goal of the survey is to collect information needed to characterize and compare child care services provided at both CCAMPIS institutions and other eligible but nonparticipating institutions. Postsecondary institutions are eligible for CCAMPIS grants in a fiscal year if the total amount of all federal Pell Grant funds awarded to students enrolled at the institution in the preceding fiscal year was at least $350,000. Institutions may apply CCAMPIS funds to a variety of activities, including supporting or establishing a campus-based child care program primarily serving the needs of low-income postsecondary students enrolled at the institution; establishing or expanding child care programs for infants and toddlers; offering before- and after-school services for older children; subsidizing the costs of child care services for low-income students; presenting parent education programs; engaging in child care faculty, staff, program, or curriculum development; providing travel for professionals; purchasing supplies or equipment; paying personnel costs; and making minor renovations or repairs.

The survey population encompasses CCAMPIS-eligible Title IV institutions, with student Pell Grant funds totaling $350,000 or more, that offer child care services and assistance to postsecondary students. The services and assistance of primary interest include the direct provision of child care services in on-campus or off-campus centers, child care subsidies, and child care resource and referral services. Data are needed to describe the types and amounts of child care services provided; to compare child care programs at institutions with CCAMPIS grants to those at eligible institutions without CCAMPIS grants; and to determine institutional perceptions (and the source of data, if any, supporting those perceptions) of whether child care services have contributed to persistence and graduation for low-income postsecondary students.

To obtain data for the study, the Program and Policy Studies Services (PPSS) in the U.S. Department of Education (ED) has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (MPR). MPR will ask CCAMPIS and similar non–CCAMPIS institutions to complete a Web-based questionnaire (Appendix B). This clearance request pertains to the Phase II Web-based survey instrument to be administered in fall of the 2007–2008 school year. The previously approved survey has been revised to eliminate or modify items with high missing response rates and/or high response burden. Eliminated items requested data on Pell Grant recipients, off-campus centers, and fees and subsidies (the survey changes are listed in Appendix C.) The OMB clearance package provides a question-by-question justification for each item in the revised survey (Appendix D). No new items have been added. We have also included materials that will be sent to the director of the institution’s child care services—two versions of an advance letter describing the study (one for CCAMPIS grantees and one for nongrantees); the initial email request with the sample member’s login identification and password; a follow-up email prompt; and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (Appendix E). MPR will supplement its survey data analysis with an analysis of secondary data sets, including the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)1 and the National Postsecondary Education Student Aid Survey (NPSAS).2

Low-Income, Post-Secondary Students with Young Children. The importance of earning a postsecondary degree for success in the labor market is well documented. The difference in earnings between high school and college completers is great, even among young workers. For full-time workers ages 25 to 34, median earnings are 65 to 70 percent higher for those with a bachelor’s degree than for those with a high school diploma only. These differences increase with workers’ ages, as earnings also rise more rapidly among college-educated workers with experience (Murphy and Welch 1992). In addition to the economic benefits of a college education, evidence suggests that individuals who complete college generate positive externalities, such as greater civic orientation, higher likelihood of voting, and the tendency to assume leadership roles in the community (Astin 1993; Bowen and Bok 1998).

Low-income individuals are at greatest risk of failing to complete a college degree because they are less likely to enroll in college, particularly a four-year college. Moreover, those who do enroll are less likely to persist in college. Compared with high-income students, low-income students tend to exhibit more of the risk factors associated with dropping out of college, including (1) poorer academic preparation and performance in high school, (2) full-time or part-time employment while in college, and (3) having dependent children (Adelman 1999; Horn and Premo 1995; Astin 1993). Only 62 percent of low-income students who enrolled in a four-year institution in 1995–1996 had completed their degree or were still enrolled five years later, as compared with 80 percent of high-income students.

Low-income students with children face additional obstacles in pursuing and reaching their educational goals. Despite numerous federal, state, and institution-based programs designed to help low-income students overcome the financial and academic barriers to completing a four-year degree, low-income parents face pressures associated with working to support their children and the extra expense of child care while they attend school. Low-income parents, particularly those who receive Pell Grants, likely qualify for subsidized child care through federal and state programs such as Head Start. However, these programs may not be accessible from the parents’ campuses or not available when needed, such as during evening classes or examination periods. In addition, some subsidized child care, such as Child Care Development Block Grants and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, is available only for working parents and not for parents enrolled in postsecondary schooling (CLASP 2003). Thus, the federal, state, and institution-based safety net designed to support low-income students may not offer the extra support needed by low-income parents.

The CCAMPIS Program. Recognizing that difficulty in obtaining affordable, high-quality child care continues to prevent many low-income parents from attending college, Congress established the CCAMPIS program in 1999. CCAMPIS was intended to provide funds for campus-based child care services primarily for low-income students with children. The program’s objective was to remove child care as a barrier for low-income students who usually have to juggle the demands of family, school, and work. By providing access to affordable child care, the CCAMPIS program allows students to maximize their educational opportunities, knowing that their children are safe and receiving high-quality care. Thus, students are likely to persist in college and graduate in fewer years, find jobs, and prepare for a promising future.

The study of the CCAMPIS grants program will provide a comprehensive picture of how postsecondary institutions have used their grants to assist students by leveraging institutional and local resources to provide access to child care. Given that provision of child care is an important part of supporting student retention and maximizing chances for success, the proposed study will provide suggestive evidence of whether the CCAMPIS grants are an effective policy tool for improving postsecondary persistence among low-income students.

The proposed study is designed to address the following research questions:

  1. What is the prevalence among Title IV institutions of campus-based child care services? What are the characteristics of institutions offering such services? How frequently do comparable non–CCAMPIS institutions provide child care services for young children of low-income postsecondary students?

  2. What are the characteristics of child care programs offered by both CCAMPIS grantee institutions and nongrantee comparison institutions in terms of:

    1. Types and arrangements of services provided?

    2. Characteristics of child care providers?

    3. Characteristics of postsecondary students who use the services, including the numbers and ages of their children receiving services?

    4. Patterns and levels of use?

    5. Fees paid and subsidies provided for child care services?

  3. Has there been an increase in the number of:

    1. Postsecondary institutions providing campus-based child care services overall among CCAMPIS grantee and comparison institutions?

    2. Low-income students served in CCAMPIS grantee and comparison institutions?

    3. Children of low-income students served by CCAMPIS grantee and comparison institutions?

  4. How do child care providers at CCAMPIS grantee and comparison institutions perceive the effects of campus-based child care services on the persistence and graduation of the postsecondary students who use them?

The conceptual framework underlying our proposed study design illustrates how campus-based child care services may improve the educational outcomes of low-income students with children (Figure A-1).


  • Child Care Needs

  • Institutional Characteristics

  • Community Child Care Resources


New Child Care Services

  • Spaces in Centers

  • Care during Flexible and Nontraditional Hours

  • Subsidies

  • Sick Child Care

  • Improved Attendance

  • Lower Drop-Out Rates

  • Higher Rates of Degree Completion

2. How, By Whom, and for What Purpose Information Is to Be Used

The CCAMPIS study’s data collection will give the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) within ED useful information for monitoring the performance of the CCAMPIS program as ED strives to meet the goals set out in HEA. By developing a thorough synthesis of information on how CCAMPIS grantees used their funds and comparing child care services and assistance at grantee and nongrantee institutions, the study will indicate whether and to what extent grantees are better able to provide critical child care services to low-income students. It will also examine child care directors’ professional views as to whether these services improve postsecondary persistence and graduation for low-income students.

The data will also be useful for policymakers, postsecondary institutions, and child care providers and may serve as a catalyst that induces institutions to offer more child care services for low-income students. The information will support policy decisions about funding child care services at postsecondary institutions. In addition, the data will be a resource that supports additional research on child care services by others interested in improving persistence in and graduation from postsecondary institutions among low-income students with young children. Restricted-use data files from the study—submitted to PPSS and disseminated accordingly—can be used for independent studies by researchers and the policy community.

3. Use of Automated, Electronic, Mechanical, or Other Technological Collection Techniques

The Phase II data collection plan reflects sensitivity to issues of efficiency, accuracy, and respondent burden. Based on estimated completion times from Phase I respondents, highly burdensome questions were eliminated from the Phase II survey.

To conduct the survey, we will use a Web-based data collection method. The Web-based survey will be programmed to accept only valid responses and to check for logical consistency across answers. Respondents will thus be able to correct any errors as they complete the survey, minimizing the need for later contacts to obtain missing data or clarify inconsistent data. An added advantage of Web-based data collection is that respondents are able to complete the survey at their convenience. An initial email sent to respondents will contain a URL link to the Web survey, along with a unique user ID and password.

Individuals who choose not to respond to the survey via the Web will be able to request participation through two other modes: (1) standard mail and (2) telephone. It is crucial to offer these other modes of response in order to make the survey as convenient as possible, thus increasing the response rate. These two modes of survey data collection will also be used as follow-up methods to secure responses from those who do not complete the Web-based version of the survey. Users who have not completed the survey will receive periodic email reminders encouraging them to do so, and hard-to-reach cases will be sent to our calling department. For respondents with substantive or technical questions, the Web application will provide a link to FAQs and another link to an email address for submitting questions. In addition, the advance letter will contain MPR’s electronic mail address and toll-free telephone number as well as FAQs for respondents who may have questions. These procedures are all designed to minimize the burden on respondents and maximize participation.

4. Efforts to Avoid Duplication of Effort

The proposed data collection effort will yield unique data for the CCAMPIS program. While CCAMPIS grantees submit performance reports to ED, the reports do not collect the detailed data requested in this study. For example, the performance report asks for the number of Pell Grant recipients using the institution’s child care services, but it does not request information about the children using those services or the specific services provided. No comparable data have been collected to allow for a comparison of characteristics of CCAMPIS institutions with similar non–CCAMPIS institutions.

No other survey data collection effort has been conducted or planned to collect similar information. Moreover, the data collection plan reflects careful attention to potential sources of information, particularly with respect to the reliability of the information and the efficiency associated with gathering it. When possible, we will obtain information from secondary data sources. The data collection plan avoids unnecessary collection of information from multiple sources.

5. Sensitivity to Burden on Small Entities

The respondents for the study are postsecondary institutions with at least $350,000 in Pell Grant funds awarded to their students. Burden is minimized for all respondents by requesting only the minimum data required to meet the study objectives and carefully specifying information needs, restricting questions to generally available information, providing technical assistance to respondents, and deliberately designing the data collection strategy.

6. Consequences to Federal Program or Policy Activities if the Collection Is Not Conducted or Is Conducted Less Frequently Than Proposed

Absent a survey of CCAMPIS and eligible non–CCAMPIS institutions, policymakers will know little about whether the CCAMPIS program is an appropriate policy response to the problem of postsecondary retention among low-income parents. Without the study, federal resources would be allocated and program decisions made without the benefit of data describing and documenting differences in the child care services provided for low-income parents by CCAMPIS and non–CCAMPIS grantees. In addition, if the data are not collected, policymakers, higher education leaders, and college administrators will be unable to determine whether the safety net provided by the CCAMPIS program should be cast more broadly across the postsecondary sector.

Data collection for the study will use a point-in-time survey whereby information on CCAMPIS and non–CCAMPIS institutions nationwide will be collected only once.

7. Special Circumstances

There are no special circumstances.

8. Federal Register Announcement and Consultation

a. Federal Register Announcement

The 30-day comment period notice for the Phase II collection was published on date, and will end on date. No public comments were received during the comment periods for the Phase I data collection. The Regulatory Information Management Services (RIMS) has not received any comments to date.

b. Consultations Outside the Agency


c. Unresolved Issues


9. Payment or Gift to Respondents

Respondents are directors of child care programs at postsecondary institutions selected for participation in the study. They will not be offered any financial incentives or gifts.

10. Confidentiality of The Data

The data collection efforts that are the focus of this clearance package will be conducted in accordance with all relevant federal regulations and requirements, including the federal common rule or Department final regulations on protection of human research subjects. The questions in the survey focus on the characteristics of child care programs and children using child care services—both at CCAMPIS and non–CCAMPIS institutions. Privacy Act-protected data will not be collected as part of this submission.

Mathematica Policy Research, the contractor conducting the survey, will take appropriate measures, including those specific to Web-based materials, such as establishing firewalls and passwords, to ensure complete confidentiality. Data will be presented in aggregate statistical form only, and the following statement will be included in the advance letters sent to respondents:

Responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific institution or individual. We will not provide information that identifies you or your institution to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.

Upon hiring, all MPR employees are required to sign a confidentiality pledge stating that they will protect the privacy rights of survey respondents (Appendix F). Moreover, access to identifying information is limited to those whose project roles demand it and only for the period of time in which they need it. In addition, MPR will employ physical safeguards, such as use of locked files and cabinets and shredders for discarded materials, to protect the data and prevent unauthorized access.

11. Additional Justification for Sensitive Questions

The questionnaire will include no questions of a highly sensitive nature. The questions focus on information about types of campus-based child care programs offered, the numbers of postsecondary students using various services , characteristics of the children in child care (age, special needs), the types of programs available (before- or after-school programs, hours of operation, age ranges of children served), the usage level by postsecondary students and their children, fees paid and subsidies provided, and factors resulting in improved persistence and graduation rates among postsecondary students.

12. Estimates of Hour Burden

The total reporting burden associated with completing the survey for the Phase II data collection is about 377 hours. This is based on 80 percent of the 628 Phase II sample members completing the survey, giving us 502 Phase II respondents. We are assuming an 80-percent Phase II response rate, since we obtained an 80-percent response rate in Phase I (56 of 70 Phase I sample members completed the Phase I survey). Thus, we are predicting a total of 558 respondents: an estimated 502 completes from Phase II and 56 actual completes from Phase I.

The burden estimate of 377 hours for Phase II is also based on an average of 45 minutes per complete. This estimate is derived from the completion times reported by Phase I respondents who did not answer Pell Grant data questions. (Those questions were very time-consuming and have been removed from the Phase II survey.) It also takes into account the deletion of some questions on off-campus centers and fees and subsidies. (The Appendix G memo summarizing the results of Phase I provides detailed information on respondent burden.) Individual institutions’ burden will vary depending on whether an institution has on-campus centers. Burden will be slightly greater for CCAMPIS grantees, as a small number of survey questions are asked only of CCAMPIS institutions.

13. Estimate of Total Annual Cost Burden to Respondents or Record-Keepers


14. Estimates of Annualized Cost to the Federal Government

The estimated cost to the federal government for both Phase I and Phase II of the CCAMPIS study is $737,244 over a three-year period. Thus, the average annual cost of the institutional survey and analysis is $245,748. Costs include a comprehensive literature review, the analysis of grantees’ performance report data, the analysis of secondary data sets, two phases of data collection, and the study design and instrument development for a survey of low-income postsecondary students with children. The student survey, which will not be implemented as part of the current study, will collect information from students about their child care needs, their levels and patterns of child care use, and their educational outcomes.

15. Reasons for Program Changes or Adjustments

This revised submission includes an increase in the number of respondents from 56 (80 percent of the Phase I sample of 70) to 502 (80 percent of the Phase II sample of 628), for a total of 558 respondents. The revised submission also includes a decrease in the average reporting burden from 2 hours to 45 minutes. The decreased burden estimate is based on actual completion times from Phase I and the elimination of several survey questions. With these changes, we estimate that the total reporting burden will increase from 140 to 377 hours.

This revised submission also includes an increase in the estimated annualized cost to the federal government from $214,768 to $245,748. The higher cost reflects the addition of a comprehensive literature review and the two-phase approach to data collection. To accommodate the additional work, the study timeline has increased by one year.

16. Plan for Tabulation and Publication, and Schedule for Project

The data analysis will be guided by a conceptual framework (Figure A-1) that illustrates how campus-based child care services may improve the educational outcomes of low-income students with children. The analysis will be based largely on descriptive and quantitative analyses of data obtained through the survey of child care program directors, IPEDS, NPSAS, and other secondary data sources. Through analyses of the survey data, we will determine whether the CCAMPIS grants appear to allow institutions to provide more comprehensive child care support tailored to the specific needs of low-income parents. The analyses will include detailed subgroup analyses to determine how the provision of child care services varies across different types of institutions by, for example, size, urbanicity, and percentage of low-income parents enrolled.

The CCAMPIS study will address research questions pertaining to the following:

  1. Prevalence and characteristics of postsecondary institutions that offer campus-based child care services

  2. Characteristics of campus-based child care programs and students/children who use them, in CCAMPIS and non–CCAMPIS institutions

  3. Change over time in prevalence and characteristics of postsecondary institutions that offer campus-based child care services

  4. Perceived effectiveness of campus-based child care services

Analysis plans are described more fully below.

a. Tabulation Plans

Descriptive Analyses and Comparisons. Descriptive analyses will address the research questions on the characteristics of postsecondary institutions offering child care services to low-income students and the characteristics of child care programs at those institutions. The analyses will also respond to research questions on the prevalence over time of such programs. Weighted means and distributions will be estimated for individual variables as appropriate.

Group Comparisons. We will compare data between CCAMPIS and matched non–CCAMPIS institutions to obtain suggestive evidence of the effectiveness of the CCAMPIS grants in enhancing campus-based child care services and in promoting greater persistence and degree completion. Several factors may influence differences in educational outcomes between CCAMPIS and similar non–CCAMPIS institutions, services, and students. Some of the differences in other factors will be minimized through the Propensity Score Matching conducted in selecting the sample of non–CCAMPIS institutions. Multivariate analyses that control for other differences among the institutions and their students that may influence services and outcomes also will be estimated to isolate, to the extent possible, the role of CCAMPIS. The group comparisons will focus on weighted comparisons between CCAMPIS grantee and similar nongrantee institutions. (An example of a comparison item is the general availability of child care for students on campus.)

We will make statistical comparisons between CCAMPIS and matched non–CCAMPIS institutions, services, and students by using t-tests when comparing means of specific characteristics and by using chi-squared tests when comparing differences in the distribution of characteristics.

Subgroup Analyses. We will conduct descriptive analyses to examine the characteristics of key subgroups of CCAMPIS and similar non–CCAMPIS institutions offering campus-based child care services. We will compare data from the subgroups to explore whether CCAMPIS grants appear to be more effective with certain types of institutions. We will examine subgroups with the following characteristics, among others:

  • Institutional location (rural, suburban, or urban location; geographic region)

  • Type of institution (less than two-year, two-year, and four-year institutions)

  • Institutional control (public, private)

  • Institution size (number of students enrolled, annual number of graduates, or number of faculty members)

  • Levels of expenditure (educational and general expenditures per student)

b. Publication Plans

The final report is scheduled to be completed in August 2008, following the completion of data collection and analysis. The report will describe the extent and nature of child care services offered by Title IV institutions (both CCAMPIS and non–CCAMPIS grantees) and will present the study findings. Findings will include a description of services available, perceived and measured impacts for students and subgroups, and the characteristics of child care services at CCAMPIS and comparable non–CCAMPIS institutions.

c. Schedule

Table A-1 shows the overall schedule for the Web-based survey, including the beginning and ending dates for data collection and the deliverable dates.

Schedule of Activities



Study design

October 2005–January 2006

Sample selection

February 2006–October 2006

Preparation of Web-based application

February 2006–September 2006

Phase I data collection

January 2007–March 2007

Phase II (full implementation) data collection

September 2007 – November 2007

Data analysis

December 2007–February 2008


March 2008–August r 2008

17. Approval Not to Display the Expiration Date for OMB Approval

Approval not to display the expiration date for OMB approval is not requested.

18. Exception to the Certification Statement

No exceptions to the certification statement are being sought.

1 IPEDS is a single, comprehensive database designed to encompass all institutions and educational organizations whose primary purpose is to provide postsecondary education. It contains institution-level data in areas such as enrollment, program completions, faculty, staff, and finances.

2 NPSAS provides data on the costs of postsecondary education, the distribution of financial aid, the characteristics of aided and non-aided students and their families, and the number and ages of students’ dependent children.


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorDonna Smith
Last Modified BySheila.Carey
File Modified2007-06-07
File Created2007-06-07

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