Credit Enhancement Report Spreadsheets

Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program Performance Report (JH)

credit enhancement spreadsheetredesign 2007.xls

Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program Performance Report (KA)

OMB: 1855-0010

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Newly financed schools
Previously financed schools
Leases and facilitating finance

Sheet 1: Newly financed schools

Newly financed schools

A. School Name B. City C. State D. NCES Identification Number E. Phone F. Are there any ongoing construction/facilities projects at this school? G. How were grant funds used to secure or credit-enhance financing? H. Briefly Describe Source and Type of Financing I. Closing date on financing J. Amortization Structure(s) K. Amortization Schedule(s) L. Maturity date(s) M. Conversion Feature(s) N. Amount of Fees Paid By Charter School to Grantee O. Basis for calculating the interest rate(s) P. Amount of grant funds committed to the project Q. Amount of financing leveraged R. Size of the loan benefiting from the credit enhancement S. Interest rate on loan benefiting from the credit enhancement (specify the interest rate on other components if applicable) T. What is the estimated debt-to-collateral ratio for this project? U. Was financing for purchase? V. Was financing for a leasehold improvement? W. Was financing for renovating a facility owned by the charter school? X. Was financing for an addition or a new building? Y. If you answered "yes" to question X, how many seats were created for students?

Sheet 2: Previously financed schools

Previously financed schools

Identifiers Financial
A. School Name B. City C. State D. NCES Identification Number E. Phone F. Financed Amount Outstanding for this School G. Interest Rate on Loan that Directly Benefits from the Credit Enhancement H. Amount of Grant Funds Committed to Project at End of Reporting Period

Sheet 3: Reconciliation

Predicted reserve account balance

200_ 200_ 200_

beginning balance

0 0

plus earnings

less expenses

ending balance
0 0 0

Reserve account investments balance in total as of 9/30/200_

Investment(s) Value(s)

Total (actual balance) 0.00

Difference between predicted balance and actual balance:

0.00 balance

Sheet 4: Budget

Budget Form: Grant Funds Expenditures

Budget categories Project year 1 1 Project year 2 Project year 3 Project year 4 Project year 5 Project year 6 Project year 7 Project year 8 Remaining years Total
Actual amount spent (Y or N) Y

A. Administrative funds (0.25%)

A.1. Indirect costs

A.2. Administrative costs other than indirect costs

A. Total administrative costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B. Reserve account earnings

C. Reserve account (99.75%)
C.1. Grant funds spent on guaranteeing and insuring debt and leases 2
C.1.a. Personnel and fringe benefits

C.1.b. Payments to third parties to guarantee or insure debt

C.1.c. Other payments associated with guaranteeing and insuring debt and leases

C.1. Total Guaranteeing and insuring debt and leases payments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C.2. Grant funds spent on facilitating financing (including facilitating lending and the issuance of bonds) 3
C.2.a. Personnel and fringe benefits

C.2.b. Contractual

C.2.c. Other payments associated with facilitating financing

C.2. Total grant funds spent on facilitating financing (including facilitating lending and the issuance of bonds) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C.3. Total reserve account costs (lines A; C.1.; and C.2.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The purpose of this table is to determine the amount of Federal grant funds that the applicant intends to spend on activities to cover costs associated with the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Grant. The table should include funds from the reserve account only in the year they are spent. The table should not include funds that remain in the reserve account and are used to directly guarantee or insure debt or leases.
1 Project years should coincide with Federal Fiscal Years (October 1 until September 30). In the event a grant is awarded just prior to the beginning of a fiscal year, the grantee may include the preceding few months as part of the following fiscal year.

2 Includes activities in Section 5225(a)(1) and (2).

3 Includes activities in Section 5225(a)(3) and (4).

Sheet 5: Leases and facilitating finance

Schools receiving services through the reserve fund other than guaranteeing or insuring debt

Identifiers Services

A. School Name B. City C. State D. NCES School Identification Number E. Phone F. Was the school served by facilitating lending? G. Was the school served by facilitating bonding? H. Was the school served by guaranteeing or insuring a lease? I. If the answer to H is yes, what is the dollar amount of grant funds committed toward guaranteeing or insuring the lease? J. If the answer to H is yes, for how many years is the guarantee or insurance in place? J. If the answer to H is yes, what is the value of the lease during that period?
File Typeapplication/
Last Modified Byjames.hyler
File Modified2007-06-18
File Created2003-04-28

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