What Works
survey of customer satisfaction and needs
We’re trying to improve the Internet services of the What Works Clearinghouse and we need your help! Please answer the 11 questions below. It will take you about 10 minutes, but your answers will help guide future development of this website.
How often do you visit the What Works Clearinghouse website on average?
First time visitor
At least once a week
At last once a month
At least once every six months
Less than once every six months
Do you receive the WWC Update email information service? (WWC Update sends subscribers occasional email messages announcing and describing new WWC initiatives and activities.)
Current subscriber
Former subscriber
Not familiar with; how do I subscribe?
Not interested
How did you initially hear about the What Works Clearinghouse website?
Conference or meeting
News report (TV, radio, newspaper, magazine, journal, etc.)
U.S. Department of Education website
Personal referral
Print advertisement or promotional literature
Professional association
Internet search engine (Yahoo, Google)
Web link from another site
Other (specify) ____________________________
During this visit, did you access the site to locate specific information?
No, just browsing
If yes, for what information were you looking? _____________________________________
Did you find what you were looking for?
Not sure (please explain) ______________________________________________
Which of the following sections of the WWC website did you visit today? (Check all that apply)
What’s New
About WWC
Search the WWC databases
Nominations to the WWC
Subscribe to WWC Update
Technical Advisory Group
Standards of Evidence
Related Links
Search the Site
Contact Us
Other: ________________________________
Which of the following databases did you search during this visit? (Check all that apply)
Educational Interventions
Evaluation Studies
Registry of Outcome Evaluators
None of the above
We want What Works Clearinghouse Internet services to meet your needs. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don’t Know/ Not Applicable |
It was easy to find what I was looking for. |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
It was easy to navigate through the site. |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
The information I found was easy to understand. |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
I would recommend this website to a colleague or friend. |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Evidence provided on the WWC website is useful in making decisions about education programs and practices. |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
If you’d like to give us some specific examples of what you like or don’t like about how the site is organized, please do so here. ______________________________________________________
For what purpose do you plan to use the information you obtained from the What Works Clearinghouse website during this visit? (Select all that apply)
K-12 classroom or home instruction
Curriculum development
Research project
School policy decision
District policy decision
State policy decision
Federal policy decision
Other (specify) ______________________________________
Please explain in further detail how you plan to use the WWC information.
How could the WWC website better meet your information needs? Be as specific as possible.
In what capacity are you currently visiting the What Works website? (Check only one)
Administrator (principal, dean, department head, superintendent, etc.)
Community Group Member (includes members of the business community, civic organizations, religious organizations, and volunteer groups)
Local Education Agency (district)
State Education Agency
Other Federal Funds Recipient/Applicant (includes contractor, for- or non-profit organization, and grantee, etc.)
Foundation Staff Member (includes personnel of organizations that fund grants and education venture capitalists)
Librarian (includes academic, federal, public, special, and state librarians and media specialists)
News Media
Parent/Family (includes nuclear and extended family and child caregivers)
Policymaker (board of education member; federal, state, or local public officials; state or local education agency policymakers; legislators, etc.)
Program Developer/Vendor
School Support Staff (includes school guidance counselors and paraprofessional school personnel, including technology coordinators)
Teacher (includes teachers and professors of all levels and types of education)
Technical Assistance Provider (includes staff of for- and non-profit education associations, Regional Educational Laboratories, and Professional Development Centers)
Other (Specify)__________________________________
If you have questions about filling out this form, or would like to submit this information in paper form, please contact us at:
What Works Clearinghouse
Research Boulevard, MS 6M
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 866-WWC-9799
Fax: 301–519–6760
Paperwork Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850–0788. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202–4700. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Susan Sanchez, U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, Room 500G, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, Washington, D.C. 20208.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Teresa Duncan |
Last Modified By | DoED |
File Modified | 2007-06-06 |
File Created | 2007-06-06 |