Generic OMB Fruit Crops, Marketing Order Administration Branch

ICR 200706-0581-001

OMB: 0581-0189

Federal Form Document

Forms and Documents
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
Supporting Statement A
IC Document Collections
37029 Modified
180745 New
ICR Details
0581-0189 200706-0581-001
Historical Active 200607-0581-001
Generic OMB Fruit Crops, Marketing Order Administration Branch
Revision of a currently approved collection   No
Approved without change 11/30/2007
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 09/25/2007
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
11/30/2010 36 Months From Approved 11/30/2007
30,828 0 39,071
8,460 0 8,762
0 0 0

Orders/Agreements become effective only after public hearings are held in accordance with formal rulemaking procedures specified by the Act. Orders/Agreements can authorize the issuance of grade, size, quality, maturity, inspection requirements, pack and container requirements, pooling of volume regulations. Some may also provide authority for research and development to be conducted.

US Code: 7 USC 601-674 Name of Law: Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937

Not associated with rulemaking

  72 FR 86 05/04/2007
72 FR 183 09/21/2007

IC Title Form No. Form Name
Generic Fruit Crops (Voluntary) CDGAC-1, CDGAC-5, PIR A-D, FV-161, FV-128, FV-128A, FV-151, FV-21, FV-78, FV-119A, FV-77, FV-96, FV-85, FV-93, FV-71, None, None, None, FV-304-A, FV-304-B, CMC T7, FV-98, FV-118, FV 306-B, FV-208, FV-651, FV-162, FV-81, FV-119, FV-130, FV-263, FV-162A, FV-150B, FV-150, FV-151A, FV-216, None, None, None, None, FV-650, FV-130A, FV-21A, FV-14A, FV-92-A, FV-92-B, FV-305-A, FV-305-B, FV-22, FV-22A, FV-22B, FV-13, FV-13A, FV-70, FV-287, FV-286, FV-306-A, FV-13B, FV-150A, FV-118A, FV-118B, FV-128B, CAC 401, CDGAC-7, Fv-160, FV-83, FV-288, FV-53, FV-98-A 929-Cranberries Certificate of Resolution & Amendatory Co-op Referendum ,   927-Processed Pear producers Referendum Ballot (Amendment & Termination) ,   927-Processed Pear Cooperative Association Referendum Ballot (Amendment & Termination) ,   927-Processed Pear Cooperative Association Certificate of Resolution ,   905 Citrus Grown in FL Grower Tree Run Certificate Application ,   906-TX Citrus Confidential Citrus Crop Questionnaire ,   925-CA Desert Grapes Acreage Report ,   925-CA Desert Grapes Organically Grown ,   925-CA Desert Grapes Experimental Containers ,   915-Avocados Proxy Authorization ,   916-Nectarines Administrative Committee Nomination Ballot ,   917 Peaches Commodity Committee Nomination Ballot ,   916-Nectarines Cooperatives Certified Resolution ,   917-Peaches & Pears Cooperative Certified Resolution ,   920-Kiwifruit Official Producers Referendum Ballot ,   922-Apricots Producers Referendum Ballot (Amendment & Termination) ,   915-Avocados Handler Ballot to Nominate Members & Alternates (Dist. 1 or Dist. 2) ,   915-Avocados Grower Ballot to Nominate Members and Alternates (Dist. 1 or Dist. 2) ,   905 Citrus Grown in FL Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   906-TX Citrus Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   915-Avocados Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   916-Nectarines Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   917-Peaches Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   920-Kiwifruit Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   922-Apricots Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   923-Sweet Cherries Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   925-CA Desert Grapes marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   920-Kiwifruit Official Nomination Form ,   929-Cranberries processor Inventory Report ,   929-Cranberries Allotment transfer & Disposition Agreement ,   920-Kiwifruit Official Ballot ,   929-Cranberry M.O. Member & Alternate Member Ballot ,   929-Cranberry M.O. Member & Alternate Member Nomination Form ,   922-Apricots Cooperative Association Certificate of Resolution ,   923-Sweet Cherries Producer Referendum ,   923-Sweet Cherries Cooperative Association Referendum (Amendment & Termination) ,   923-Sweet Cherries Cooperative Association Certificate of Resolution ,   924-Fresh Prunes Producer Referendum ,   924-Fresh Prunes Cooperative Association Referendum (Amendment & Termination) ,   924-Fresh Prunes Cooperative Association Certificate Resolution ,   925-CA Desert Grapes Producer Referendum ,   927-Fresh Pears Producers Referendum Ballot (Amendment & Termination) ,   927-Fresh Pears Cooperative Association Referendum Ballot (Amendment & Termination) ,   927-Fresh Pears Cooperative Association Certificate of Resolution ,   929-Cranberries Termination (Continuance Referendum Ballot) ,   929-Cranberries Amendatory Grower Referendum Ballot ,   915-Avocados Producer Referendum ,   929-Cranberries Amendatory Processor Referendum Ballot ,   915-Avocados Committee Grower Registration ,   927-Fresh Pears Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   927-Processed Pears Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   929-Cranberries Marketing Agreement/Handler Agreement ,   905 FL. Citrus - Cooperatives Certified Resolution ,   916-Nectarines Certificate of Resolution ,   917-Peaches Certificate of Resolution ,   922-Apricots Certificate of Resolution ,   923-Sweet Cherries Certificate of Resolution ,   924-Fresh Prunes Certificate of Resolution ,   927-Fresh Pears Certificate of Resolution ,   927-Processed Pears Certificate of Resolution ,   905-Citrus Grown in FL Official producer Referendum Ballot ,   922-Apricots Cooperative Association Referendum Ballot (Amendment & Termination) ,   905-Citrus Grown in FL Cooperative Association Producer Ballot ,   906-TX Citrus Producer Referendum ,   915-Avocados Referendum Ballot ,   916-Nectarines Official Producers Referendum Ballot ,   917-Peaches & Pears Official Producers Referendum ,   916-Nectarines Cooperatives Official Ballot ,   917-Peaches & Pears Cooperatives Official Ballot
Generic Fruit Crops (Mandatory) CMC TS-94-2, FV-209, None, CAC 100, CAC 201, CAC 200, FV-212, None, CMC-L1, None, None, CAC 110, 1HTR, CMC GAR-1, HIR-2, FV-163, FV-164, FV-82, FV-97, FV-97-1 , FV-84, FV-76, FV-266, FV-266-1, FV-152, FV-23, FV-15, FV-74, FV-120, FV-129, FV-259, FV-260, FV-260, None, HIR Amended, HIR Supplement, CMC AL-1, FV-210, FV-217, CAC-301, CAC 302, CAC 402, None, None, None, None, FV-210-1, None, FV-215, FV-279, FV-279A, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, Form No. 1, None, CDGAC-3, None, None, GMC GSAR-1, CMC TS-94-1 Citrus Grown in FL. Application for Repacking Certificate of Privilege ,   905 Citrus Grown in FL. Application for Certificate of Privilege by Special Purpose Shipper ,   Report of Shipments under Certificate of Privilege (Repacking) ,   906-TX Citrus Certificate of Privilege ,   923-Sweet Cherries Shippers/Receivers Application for Shipment Certificates ,   905- Citrus Grown in FL Report of Special Purpose Shipment Certified Organic Citrus ,   915-Avocados Report of Special Purpose Shipment ,   923-Sweet Cherries Special Purpose Shipment Report ,   915-Avocados Application for Registered Handler ,   915-Avocados Application for Registered Processor ,   915-Avocados Producer Exemption ,   915-Avocados Certificate of Exemption ,   927-Fresh Pears Handlers Packout Report ,   905-Citrus Grown in FL.-FL. Citrus Crop Prospects ,   905-Citrus Grown in FL. Admin. Regulation-Size 48 & Smaller Sized Red Grapefruit ,   Report of Red Grapefruit Shipments by Day Regulation Week ,   Report of Shipments under Grower Tree Run Certificate ,   906-TX Citrus Diversion Report ,   906-TX Citrus Handler Application ,   920-Kiwifruit Shipment Report ,   920-Kiwifruit Inventory Shipment System (Add, Deduct & Shipment Forms) ,   920-Kiwifruit Return Receipt to Growers ,   920-Kiwifruit Verification Form ,   922-Apricots Application for Waiver of Inspection at Shipment Time ,   922-Apricots Waiver of Inspection Permit ,   924-Fresh Prunes Handler Statement for WA.-OR. Fresh Prunes ,   925-CA Desert Grapes End of Season Shipment Rept. ,   927-Pears Grown in OR. & WA. (Fresh Pears) Handler Statement of Shipment ,   927-Pears Grown in OR. & WA. (Fresh Pears) Size & Grade Storage Rept. ,   927-Pears Grown in OR. & WA. (Processed Pears) Assessment Report ,   929-Cranberries Grower Sales & Acreage Rept. ,   929-Cranberries Leased Acreage Form ,   929-Cranberries Acreage & Sales History Transfer (Seller) ,   929-Cranberries Acreage & Sales History Transfer (Buyer) ,   929-Cranberries Interhandler Transfer ,   929-Cranberries Grower Acquisition Listing ,   929-Cranberries Handler Inventory Rept. ,   929-Cranberries Handler Inventory Rept. (amended) ,   929-Cranberries Handler Inventory Rept. (Supplement) ,   929-Cranberries Growers Notice of Intent to Produce & Qualifying for Annual Allotment ,   906-TX Citrus Seller/Buyer Certificate ,   906-TX Citrus application & Certification Citrus By-Products Purchase Agreement ,   906-TX Citrus Information Data Sheet on Citrus Processor ,   915-Avocados Handlers Weekly Report Form (Reptng. Suspended) ,   916-Nectarines Producer List for Referendum ,   917-Peaches Producers List for Referendum (Peaches Shipped) ,   920-Kiwifruit Application for Inspection (Waiver) ,   905-Citrus Grown in FL. Confidential Background Statement for Administrative Cmte. ,   905-Citrus Grown in FL. Confidential Background Statement for Admin. Cmte. Public Member ,   906-TX Citrus Confidential Background/Questionnaire/Statement ,   915-Avocados Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   915-Avocados (Public Member & Alternates) Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   916-Nectarines Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   917- Peaches Confidential CA Tree Fruit Agreement Peach Producer Nominee Questionnaire ,   920-Kiwifruit (Producer) Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   920-Kiwifruit (Public Member & Alternate) Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   922-Apricots Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   923-Sweet Cherries Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   924-Fresh Prunes Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   924-Fresh Prunes Confidential Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   927-Fresh Pear/Processed Pear Public Member Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   927-Fresh Pear/Processed Pear Public Member Background Questionnaire/Statement ,   929-Cranberries Qualification Statement public Member/Alternate ,   929-Cranberries Qualification Statement Grower Member ,   929-Cranberries Qualification Statement Grower Alternate Member

  Total Approved Previously Approved Change Due to New Statute Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA
Annual Number of Responses 30,828 39,071 0 -2,920 -5,323 0
Annual Time Burden (Hours) 8,460 8,762 0 -630 328 0
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Miscellaneous Actions
Miscellaneous Actions
The change in burden is a combination of program and adjustment changes. Since the last submission the Fresh Bartlett Pear Marketing Order 931 has been terminated. The adjustments reflect the discontinuation of forms and industry increases/decreases in respondents for the various commodities. These changes resulted in an overall reduction of -302 burden hours.

Valerie Emmer 202 205-2829


On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3).
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information, that the certification covers:
    (i) Why the information is being collected;
    (ii) Use of information;
    (iii) Burden estimate;
    (iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a benefit, or mandatory);
    (v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
    (vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control number;
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.

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