Public Library Survey instrument

Public Libraries Survey

FY2007 WebPLUS survey instrument_FINAL

Public Library Survey instrument

OMB: 3137-0074

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Survey Instrument (Data Entry Screens and Data Element Definitions)

State Characteristics Page

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year


Reporting Period Start Date (MM/YYYY)




Reporting Period End Date (MM/YYYY)




Official State Total Population Estimate




Total Unduplicated Population of Legal Service Areas



Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year




Structure Status




Library Name


Name Status

Street Address




Address status




ZIP Code



Mailing Address






ZIP Code



Administrative Entity – Name/Addresses

Administrative Entity – Other Identification

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year






Web Address


Interlibrary Relationship Code



Legal Basis Code



Administrative Structure Code



FSCS Public Library Definition



Geographic Code



Legal Service Area Boundary Change



Reporting Period Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)



Reporting Period End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Administrative Entity – Pop/Outlets/Staff

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year


Population of the Legal Service Area

Service Outlets


Number of Centrals


Number of Branches


Number of Bookmobiles

Paid Staff (Full-Time Equivalent)


ALA-MLS Librarians




Total Librarians




All Other Paid Staff




Total Paid Employees



Administrative Entity – Operating Revenue

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year


Local Government Operating Revenue




State Government Operating Revenue




Federal Government Operating Revenue




Other Operating Revenue




Total Operating Revenue



Administrative Entity – Operating Expenditures

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year

Staff Expenditures


Salaries and Wages Expenditures




Employee Benefits




Total Staff Expenditures






Collection Expenditures


Print Materials Expenditures




Electronic Materials Expenditures




Other Materials Expenditures




Total Collection Expenditures







Other Operating Expenditures







Total Operating Expenditures



Administrative Entity – Capital

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year

Capital Revenue


Local Government Capital Revenue




State Government Capital Revenue




Federal Government Capital Revenue




Other Capital Revenue




Total Capital Revenue







Capital Expenditures


Total Capital Expenditures



Administrative Entity – Library Collections

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year


Print Materials




Electronic Books











Licensed Databases






State (state government or state library)


Other cooperative agreements (or consortia) within state or region


Current Print Serial Subscriptions




Current Electronic Serial Subscriptions



Administrative Entity – Service Measures

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year


Public Service Hours Per Year




Library Visits




Reference Transactions




Registered Borrowers


Total Circulation


Children's Circulations


Interlibrary Loans Provided to


Interlibrary Loans Received From

Administrative Entity – Programs/Other Electronic

Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year

Library Programs


Total Library Programs




Children's Programs




Total Program Attendance




Children's Program Attendance



Other Electronic Information


Internet Computers Used by General Public


Users of Public Internet Computers Per Year


Item No.


Current Year

Prior Year














Name Status

Street Address






Address Status






ZIP Code
















Outlet Type Code




Metropolitan Status Code




Square Footage of Outlet




Number of Bookmobiles


Outlets Page

State Characteristics Data Element Definitions

Note: The items below are answered by the state library agency.


Data Element Name

Data Element Definition


Reporting Period Starting Date

This is the earliest date (month and year) for a 12-month peri­od that applies to the state's data being submitted to NCES.

Note: Reporting period means data for the fiscal year that end­ed in the previous calendar year. If data are collect­ed for different local re­porting peri­ods, pro­vide the earliest starting date.


Reporting Period Ending Date

This is the latest date (month and year) for a 12-month peri­od that applies to the state's data being sub­mit­ted to NCES.

Note: Reporting period means data for the fiscal year that end­ed in the previous calendar year. If data are collect­ed for different local re­porting peri­ods, pro­vide the latest ending date.


Official State Total Population Estimate

This is the most re­cent offi­cial total popula­tion figure for your state that match­es the local pop­ula­tion figures that you are submit­ting to NCES. The State Data Coor­di­nator should obtain this figure an­nual­ly from the State Data Center or other offi­cial state sourc­es.


Total Unduplicated Population of Legal Service Areas

This is the total unduplicated popula­tion of those areas in your state that receive library servic­es. The po­pula­tion of unserved areas is not incl­uded in this figure.

Note: A state’s actual total pop­ulation of legal service areas may be differ­ent from the total population of legal ser­vice areas as calculated by WebPLUS. This happens in states where there are over­laps in popu­la­tion of legal service areas served by individual libraries, resulting in the same popula­tion being counted twice in the WebPLUS calcu­lation. For states that have no overlap­ping juris­dic­tions, this num­ber will be identi­cal to your state’s total popula­tion of legal service areas as calcu­lated by WebPLUS. For states that do have overlaps in population of legal ser­vice areas served by individu­al libraries, this num­ber must be calculated sepa­rately.

Use your state’s most recent official state popula­tion figures for jurisdic­tions in your state as the basis for calcu­lating the total unduplicated popu­la­tion of legal service areas.

Administrative Entity Data Element Definitions

Administrative Entity. (This is not a WebPLUS Data Element.) This is the agency that is legally established under local or state law to provide public library service to the population of a local jurisdiction. The administrative entity may have a single outlet, or it may have more than one outlet.


Data Element Name

Data Element Definition


FSCS ID (Automatic Display)

This is the identification code as­signed by NCES to the administra­tive enti­ty.



This is the state-as­signed iden­tification code for the administrative enti­ty.



This is the legal name of the adminis­trative entity.

Note: Provide the name of the pub­lic library. Do not use acronyms. Do not abbreviate the name unless it exceeds the WebPLUS field length of 60 characters. Avoid abbreviations at the beginning of the name and do not punctuate abbreviations. (See Standard Abbreviations for WebPLUS.)

Street Address


Street Address

This is the complete street ad­dress of the adminis­tra­tive entity.

Note: Do not re­port a post office box or gener­al delivery.


City (of street address)

This is the city or town in which the admin­is­tra­tive entity is located.


ZIP Code (of street address)

This is the standard five-digit postal zip code for the street address of the ad­min­istra­tive enti­ty.


ZIP+4 (of street address)

This is the four-digit post­al ZIP code exten­sion for the street address of the ad­min­istra­tive enti­ty.

Mailing Address


Mailing Address

This is the mailing address of the administrative entity.


City (of mailing address)

This is the city or town of the mailing address for the administrative entity.


ZIP Code (of mailing address)

This is the standard five-digit postal ZIP code for the mailing address of the administrative entity.


ZIP+4 (of mailing address)

This is the four-digit postal ZIP code extension for the mailing address of the administrative entity.


County of the Entity

This is the county in which the admin­istra­tive entity is located.



This is the telephone num­ber of the admin­istrative entity, including area code.

Note: Report tele­phone number with­out spacing or punctuation. If the Administrative Entity has no phone, enter “–3” (for Not Applicable).


Web Address

This is the Web address of the administrative entity.


Note: If the Administrative Entity has no web address, enter “–3” (for Not Applicable).


Interlibrary Relationship Code

Select one of the following:

HQ—Head­quar­ters of a Federa­tion or Co­ope­rative. The library or entity that provides the physical space and staff who manage, coordinate, or administer the programs of the federation or cooperative.

Note: Agencies that serve other libraries rather than the public should not be reported to FSCS.

ME—Member of a Federation or Cooper­ative. An autonomous library joined by formal or informal agree­ment(s) with (a) other autonomous libraries in the same state to perform various services cooperatively, such as resource sharing, communica­tions, etc., and (b) libraries that are part of national, multi-state or statewide library federations or coopera­tives. (Do not include OCLC.) Do not include multiple-outlet ad­ministr­ative entities (e.g., libraries with branches and that have the word "system" in their legal name) if the entity does not have an agreement with another autonomous library.

NO—Not a Member of a Feder­a­tion or Cooperative.


Legal Basis Code

The legal basis is the type of local govern­ment struc­ture within which the entity functions. It reflects the state or local law, which authorizes the library.

Select one of the following:

CC—City/County. A multi-jurisdictional entity that is operated jointly by a county and a city.

CI—Municipal Govern­ment (city, town or vil­lage). A municipal govern­ment is an organized local gov­ernment authorized in a state’s constitution and statutes and established to provide general gov­ernment for a specific concentration of population in a de­fined area.

CO—County/Parish. An organized local gov­ernment authorized in a state’s consti­tution and stat­utes and established to provide gen­eral govern­m­ent.

LD—Library Dis­trict. A library district is a local entity other than a county, municipality, township, or school district that is authorized by state law to establish and operate a public library as defined by FSCS. It has sufficient administrative and fiscal autonomy to qualify as a separate government. Fiscal autonomy requires support from local taxation dedicated to library purposes (e.g., a library tax).

MJ—Multi-jurisdictional. An entity oper­ated joint­ly by two or more units of local govern­ment under an in­tergov­ernmental agree­ment which cre­ates a jointly appoint­ed board or similar means of joint gover­nance; to be distin­guished from a library which contracts to serve other jurisdic­tions and from special library districts.

Note: Please put city/county combinations under ‘CC’, rather than under Multi-jurisdictional.

NL—Native American Tribal Govern­ment. An organized local government authorized and es­tablished to provide general govern­ment to resi­dents of a Native American reserva­tion.

Note: Include native Alaskan villages in this category.

NP—Non-profit Associa­tion or Agency. An entity privately controlled but meeting the stat­u­tory defi­ni­tion of a public library in a given state; in­cludes associa­tion libraries.

SD—School District. An organized local entity provid­ing public elemen­tary, second­ary, and/or higher education which, under state law, has suffi­cient admin­istra­tive and fiscal autonomy to quali­fy as a separate govern­ment. Excludes "dependent public school sys­tems" of coun­ty, municipal, township, or state govern­ments.



Administrative Structure Code

This code iden­ti­fies an au­tono­mous li­brary enti­ty (administrative entity) that has its own gov­er­nance and funding.

An administrative entity is the agency that is legally established under local or state law to provide public library service to the population of a local jurisdiction. The administrative entity may have a single outlet, or it may have more than one outlet.

Select one of the following:

MA—Administrative Entity with Multiple Direct Service Outlets where Administrative Offices are separate. An administrative entity that serves the public di­rectly with two or more service outlets, including some combi­nation of one central library, branch(es), book­mobile(s), and/or books-by-mail only. The administra­tive of­fic­es are sepa­rate from the di­rect service outlets and do not pro­vide di­rect li­brary services.

MO—Admin­istrative Enti­ty with Multiple Direct Service Outlets where Adminis­trative Offices are Not Separate. An administrative enti­ty that serves the public di­rectly with two or more ser­vice outlets, including some com­bina­tion of one central library, branch(­es), book­mobile­(s), and/or books-by-mail only.

SO—Administrative Entity with a Single Direct Service Outlet. An administrative enti­ty that serves the pub­lic di­rect­ly with one central li­brary, books-by-mail only, or one bookmobile.


FSCS Public Library Definition

Answer <Y>es or <N>o to the following question: “Does this public library meet all the criteria of the FSCS public library definition?

A public library is an entity that is established under state enabling laws or regulations to serve a community, district, or region, and that provides at least the following:

  1. An organized collection of printed or other library materials, or a combination thereof;

  2. Paid staff;

  3. An established schedule in which services of the staff are available to the public;

  4. The facilities necessary to support such a collection, staff, and schedule; and

  5. Is supported in whole or in part with public funds.

Note: If the library meets all of the requirements of this definition, respond with a <Y>es. If the library does not meet one or more of the requirements, respond with a <N>o.


Geographic Code

Choose from among the following types of readily available Census geography, one code that either exactly or most nearly describes the geographic area for which the public library has been established to offer services and from which (or on behalf of which) the library derives revenue, plus any areas served under contract for which the library is the primary service provider.

Note: The Population of Legal Service Area (data element #208) should be reflected in the geographic code selected. For further clarification of municipal government, county/parish, and school district, refer to definitions under Legal Basis Code (data element #201). For further clarification of metropolitan area, see Metropolitan Status Code “NC—Metropolitan Area, but Not Within Central City Limits” (data element #710—Outlet Data Element Definitions).

CI1—Municipal Government (city, town or village) (exactly)

CI2—Municipal Government (city, town or village) (most nearly)

CO1—County/Parish (exactly)

CO2—County/Parish (most nearly)

MA1—Metropolitan Area (exactly)

MA2—Metropolitan Area (most nearly)

MC1—Multi-County (exactly)

MC2—Multi-County (most nearly)

SD1—School District (exactly)

SD2—School District (most nearly)



Legal Service Area Boundary Change

Answer <Y>es or <N>o to the following question: “Did the administrative entity’s legal service area boundaries change since last year?” since last year?” Boundary Change administrative entity’s legal service area boundaries change since last year?”

Note: Changes are likely to result, for example, when a municipality annexes land, when one municipality in a county becomes either an independent city or its own county necessitating its exclusion from the first county’s geography, or when an administrative entity contracts to provide public library service for some additional geographic area other than the geographic area for which it was established (e.g., a municipal library contracts to serve county residents).


Reporting Period Starting Date

This is the starting date (month, day, and year) for a 12-month peri­od that applies to the administrative entity’s data being submitted to NCES.

Note: Reporting period means data for the fiscal year that ended in the previous calendar year.


Reporting Period Ending Date

This is the ending date (month, day, and year) for a 12-month peri­od that applies to the administrative entity’s data being submit­ted to NCES.

Note: Reporting period means data for the fiscal year that ended in the previous calendar year.


Population of the Legal Service Area

The number of peo­ple in the geographic area for which a public library has been established to offer services and from which (or on behalf of which) the library derives revenue, plus any areas served under contract for which the library is the primary service provid­er.

Note: The determination of this popu­lation figure shall be the respon­sibili­ty of the state library a­gency. This population figure should be based on the most recent official state popula­tion figures for jurisdic­tions in your state available from the State Data Cen­ter. The State Data Coordinator should ob­tain these figures annually from the State Data Center or other official state sources.


Number of Central Libraries

This is one type of single outlet library (SO) or the library, which is the oper­ational center of a mul­ti­ple-out­let library (MO or MA). Usu­ally all pro­cessing is cen­tralized here and the princi­pal collec­tions are housed here. Synony­mous with main libra­ry.

Note: Each administrative entity may report either no central library or one central library. No administrative entity may report more than one central library. In the administrative entity file, this simply means reporting “0” or “1” for central library. Where two or more libraries are considered “centrals” for state or local purposes, one central library and one or more branch libraries should be reported to FSCS. If you wish to identify a central library in the outlet file, identify the library with the largest collection as the central library for FSCS purposes, and report all others as branches. Where there are several co-equal outlets and no principal collection, report all such outlets as branches, not central libraries.


Number of Branch Libraries

A branch library is an auxilia­ry unit of an ad­minis­trative entity which has at least all of the following:

  1. Separate quar­ters;

  2. An orga­nized collec­tion of library materi­als;

  3. Paid staff; and

  4. Regularly scheduled hours for being open to the public.


Number of Bookmobiles

A book­mobile is a trav­el­ing branch li­brary. It con­sists of at least all of the follow­ing:

  1. A truck or van that car­ries an orga­nized col­lection of library materi­als;

  2. Paid staff; and

  3. Regularly scheduled hours (bookmobile stops) for being open to the public.

Note: Count the number of vehi­cles in use, not the number of stops the vehi­cle makes.


Report figures as of the last day of the fiscal year. Include all positions funded in the library’s budget whether those positions are filled or not. To ensure comparable data, 40 hours per week has been set as the measure of full-time employment (FTE). For example, 60 hours per week of part-time work by employees in a staff category divided by the 40-hour measure equals 1.50 FTEs.



Librarians with master’s degrees from programs of library and information studies accredited by the American Library Association.


Total Librarians

Persons with the title of librarian who do paid work that usually requires pro­fessional train­ing and skill in the theoretical or scientific aspects of library work, or both, as dis­tinct from its mechan­ical or clerical as­pect. This data element also includes ALA-MLS (data ele­ment #250).


All Other Paid Staff

This includes all oth­er FTE employees paid from the reporting unit budget, including plant oper­a­tions, secur­ity, and maintenance staff.


Total Paid Employees

This is the sum of Total Librari­ans and All Other Paid Staff (data elements #251 and #252).


Report revenue used for operating expenditures as defined below. Include federal, state, local, or other grants. DO NOT include revenue for major capital expendi­tures, contributions to endowments, revenue passed through to another agency (e.g., fines), or funds unspent in the previous fiscal year (e.g., carryover). (Funds transferred from one public library to another public library should be reported by only one of the public libraries. The State Data Coordinator shall determine which library will report these funds.)


Local Government Revenue

This in­cludes all local government funds des­ignat­ed by the commu­nity, dis­trict, or re­gion and available for ex­pendi­ture by the public li­brary. Do not include the value of any contributed or in-kind services or the value of any gifts and dona­tions, library fines, fees, or grants.

Do not include state, federal, and other funds passed through local government for library use. Report these funds with state government revenue or federal government revenue, as appropriate.


State Government Revenue

These are all funds dis­tributed to public librar­ies by state government for ex­pendi­ture by the public libraries, ex­cept for federal money distribut­ed by the state. This includes funds from such sources as penal fines, li­cense fees, and miner­al rights.

Note: If operating revenue from consolidated taxes is the result of state legislation, the revenue should be reported under state revenue (even though the revenue may be from multiple sources).


Federal Government Revenue

This includes all fed­eral govern­ment funds distrib­ut­ed to public libraries for expen­diture by the public libraries, including federal money distrib­uted by the state.


Other Operating Revenue

This is all operating revenue other than that reported under local, state, and federal (data elements #300, #301, and #302). Include, for ex­am­ple, monetary gifts and dona­tions received in the current year, interest, li­brary fines, fees for library services, or grants. Do not include the value of any contributed or in-kind services or the value of any non-mone­tary gifts and donations.


Total Operating Revenue

This is the sum of Local Government Revenue, State Government Revenue, Federal Govern­ment Revenue, and Other Operating Revenue (data ele­ments #300 through #303).


Operating expenditures are the current and recurrent costs neces­sary to support the provision of library services. Significant costs, especially benefits and salaries, that are paid by other taxing agencies (government agencies with the authority to levy taxes) "on behalf of" the library may be included if the information is available to the reporting agency. Only such funds that are supported by expenditure documents (such as invoices, contracts, payroll records, etc.) at the point of disbursement should be included. Do not report the value of free items as expenditures. Do not report estimated costs as expenditures. Do not report capital expenditures under this category.

Staff Expenditures


Salaries & Wages Expenditures

This includes sala­ries and wag­es for all library staff (including plant opera­tions, se­curity, and mainte­nance staff) for the fiscal year. In­clude sala­ries and wages before de­duc­tions but exclude em­ployee bene­fits.


Employee Benefits Expenditures

These are the bene­fits out­side of salaries and wag­es paid and accruing to employ­ees (including plant opera­tions, securi­ty, and mainte­nance staff), re­gardless of whether the bene­fits or equivalent cash op­tions are avail­able to all employ­ees. In­clude amounts for di­rect paid employee benefits includ­ing Social Security, re­tire­ment, medical insurance, life insur­ance, guaranteed disability in­come protec­tion, unemploy­ment compen­sation, workmen’s compensa­tion, tuition, and housing bene­fits.


Total Staff Expenditures

This is the sum of Sala­ries & Wages Expenditures and Employee Benefits Expenditures (data elements #350 and #351).

Collection Expenditures

This includes all operating expenditures from the library budget for all materials in print, microform, electronic, and other formats considered part of the collection, whether purchased, leased, or licensed. Exclude charges or fees for interlibrary loans and expenditures for document delivery.


Print Materials Expenditures

Report all operating expenditures for the following print materials: books, serial back files, current serial subscriptions, government documents, and any other print acquisitions.


Electronic Materials Expenditures

Report all operating expenditures for electronic (digital) materials. Types of electronic materials include e-books, e-serials (including journals), government documents, databases (including locally mounted, full text or not), electronic files, reference tools, scores, maps, or pictures in electronic or digital format, including materials digitized by the library. Electronic materials can be distributed on magnetic tape, diskettes, computer software, CD-ROM, or other portable digital carrier, and can be accessed via a computer, via access to the Internet, or by using an e-book reader. Include expenditures for materials held locally and for remote materials for which permanent or temporary access rights have been acquired. Include expenditures for database licenses. [Note: Based on ISO 2789 definition.]

Note: Expenditures for computer software used to support library operations or to link to external networks, including the Internet, are reported under Other Operating Expenditures (data element #357).


Other Materials Expenditures

Report all operating expenditures for other materials, such as microform, audio, video, DVD, and materials in new formats.


Total Collection Expenditures

This is the sum of Print Materials Expenditures, Electronic Materials Expenditures, and Other Materials Expenditures (data elements #353, #354, and #355).


Other Operating Expenditures

This includes all ex­pendi­tures other than those reported for Total Staff Expenditures (da­ta element #352) and Total Collection Expenditures (data ele­ment #356).

Note: Include expenses such as bind­ing, supplies, repair or replace­ment of existing furnish­ings and equip­ment; and costs of computer hardware and software used to support library operations or to link to external networks, including the Internet. Report contracts for services, such as costs of operating and maintaining physical facilities, and fees paid to a consultant, auditor, architect, attorney, etc.


Total Operating Expenditures

This is the sum of Total Staff Expen­di­tures, Total Collection Expendi­tures, and Other Operat­ing Ex­pen­di­tures (data elements #352, #356, and #357).


Report all revenue to be used for major capital expenditures, by source of revenue. Include funds received for (a) site acquisition; (b) new buildings; (c) additions to or renovation of library buildings; (d) furnishings, equipment, and initial collections (print, non-print, and electronic) for new buildings, building additions, or building renovations; (e) computer hardware and software used to support library operations, to link to networks, or to run information products; (f) new vehicles; and (g) other one-time major projects. Exclude revenue to be used for replacement and repair of existing furnishings and equipment, regular purchase of library materials, and investments for capital appreciation. Exclude income passed through to another agency (e.g., fines), or funds unspent in the previous fiscal year (e.g., carryover). Funds transferred from one public library to another public library should be reported by only one of the public libraries. Report federal, state, local, and other revenue to be used for major capital expenditures in the following categories:


Local Government Capital Revenue

Report all governmental funds designated by the community, district, or region and available to the public library for the purpose of major capital expenditures, except for state and/or federal money distributed by the local government.


State Government Capital Revenue

Report all funds distributed to public libraries by state government for expenditure by the public libraries for the purpose of major capital expenditures, except for federal money distributed by the state.


Federal Government Capital Revenue

Report federal governmental funds, including federal funds distributed by the state or locality, and grants and aid received by the library for the purpose of major capital expenditures.


Other Capital Revenue

Report private (non-governmental funds), including grants received by the library for the purpose of major capital expenditures.


Total Capital Revenue

This is the sum of Local Government Capital Revenue, State Government Capital Revenue, Federal Government Capital Revenue, and Other Capital Revenue (data elements #400 through #403).

Note: The amounts reported for Total Capital Revenue and Total Capital Expenditures are not expected to be equal.



Total Capital Expenditures

Report major capital expenditures (the acquisition of or additions to fixed assets). Examples include expenditures for (a) site acquisitions; (b) new buildings; (c) additions to or renovation of library buildings; (d) furnishings, equipment, and initial book stock for new buildings, building additions, or building renovations; (e) library automation systems; (f) new vehicles; and (g) other one-time major projects. Include federal, state, local, or other revenue used for major capital expenditures. Only funds that are supported by expenditure documents (e.g., invoices, contracts, payroll records, etc.) at the point of disbursement should be included. Estimated costs are not included. Exclude expenditures for replacement and repair of existing furnishings and equipment, regular purchase of library materials, and investments for capital appreciation. Exclude contributions to endowments, or revenue passed through to another agency (e.g., fines). Funds transferred from one public library to another public library should be reported by only one of the public libraries.


This section of the survey collects data on selected types of materials. It does not cover all materials (i.e., microform, scores, maps, and pictures) for which expenditures are reported under Print Materials Expenditures, Electronic Materials Expenditures, and Other Materials Expenditures (data elements #353, #354, and #355). Under this category report only items the library has acquired as part of the collection and catalogued, whether purchased, leased, licensed, or donated as gifts.


Print Materials

Report a single figure that includes both of the following:

  1. Books in print. Books are non‑serial printed publica­tions (including music and maps) that are bound in hard or soft cov­ers, or in loose‑leaf format. Include non-serial government documents. Report the number of physical units, including duplicates. For smaller libraries, if volume data are not available, count the number of titles. Books packaged together as a unit (e.g., a 2-volume set) and checked out as a unit are counted as one physical unit.

  1. Serial back files in print. Serials are publi­ca­tions issued in suc­ces­sive parts, usu­al­ly at regular intervals, that are intended to be continued indefi­nitely. Serials in­clude periodicals (magazines); newspapers; annuals (reports, year­books, etc.); journals, memoirs, proceedings, and transactions of societies; and numbered monographic series. Government documents and reference tools are often issued as serials. Except for the current volume, count unbound serials as a volume when the library has at least half of the issues in a publisher’s volume. Report the number of physical units, including duplicates. For smaller libraries, if volume data are not available, count the number of titles. Serials packaged together as a unit (e.g., a 2-volume serial monograph) and checked out as a unit are counted as one physical unit.


Electronic Books (E-Books)

E-books are digital documents (including those digitized by the library), licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a printed book (monograph). Include non-serial government documents. E-books are loaned to users on portable devices (e-book readers) or by transmitting the contents to the user’s personal computer for a limited time. Include e-books held locally and remote e-books for which permanent or temporary access rights have been acquired. Report the number of physical or electronic units, including duplicates, for all outlets. For smaller libraries, if volume data are not available, the number of titles may be counted. E-books packaged together as a unit (e.g., multiple titles on a single e-book reader) and checked out as a unit are counted as one unit.

Note: Under this category report only items the library has selected as part of the collection and made accessible through the library’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC).



These are materials on which sounds (only) are stored (recorded) and that can be repro­duced (played back) mechanical­ly, electronically, or both. Include re­cords, audiocassettes, audio cartridges, audio discs (including audio-CD-ROMs), audio-reels, talk­ing books, and other sound recordings.

Report the number of physical units, including duplicates. For smaller libraries, if physical unit data are not available, count the number of titles. Items packaged together as a unit (e.g., two audiocassettes for one recorded book) and checked out as a unit are counted as one physical unit.



These are materials on which moving pictures are recorded, with or with­out sound. Elec­tron­ic play­back repro­duces pictures, with or without sound, using a television re­ceiv­er or moni­tor. Video formats may include tape, DVD, CD-ROM, etc.

Report the number of physical units, including duplicates. For smaller libraries, if physical unit data are not available, count the number of titles. Items packaged together as a unit (e.g., two video cassettes for one movie) and checked out as a unit are counted as one physical unit.



Licensed Databases

Report the number of licensed databases (including locally mounted or remote, full-text or not) for which temporary or permanent access rights have been acquired through payment by the library, or by formal agreement with the State Library or a cooperative agreement within the state or region. A database is a collection of electronically stored data or unit records (facts, bibliographic data, abstracts, texts) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data.

Note: The data or records are usually collected with a particular intent and relate to a defined topic. A database may be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or via the Internet. Subscriptions to individual electronic serial titles are reported under Current Electronic Serial Subscriptions (data element #456). Each database is counted individually even if access to several databases is supported through the same vendor interface.

Report the number of licensed databases acquired through payment or formal agreement, by source of access:


454b—State (state government or state library)

454c—Other cooperative agreements (or consortia) within

state or region

Current Serial Subscriptions

Current serial subscriptions are arrange­ments by which, in re­turn for a sum paid in advance, serials are provided for a specified number of issues. Include current serial subscriptions in print, electronic, and digital formats.


Current Print Serial Subscriptions

Report the number of current print serial subscriptions, including duplicates, for all outlets. Examples of serials are periodicals (magazines), newspapers, annuals, some government documents, some reference tools, and numbered monographic series.


Current Electronic Serial Subscriptions

Report the number of current electronic, electronic and other format, and digital serial subscriptions (e-serials, e-journals), including duplicates, for all outlets. Examples include periodicals (magazines), news-papers, annuals, some government documents, some reference tools, and numbered monographic series distributed in the following ways: (a) via the Internet (e.g., HTML, PDF, JPEG, or compressed file formats such as zipped files), (b) on CD-ROM or other portable digital carrier, (c) on databases (including locally mounted databases), and (d) on diskettes or magnetic tapes. Electronic serial subscriptions include serials held locally or remote resources that the library has authorization to access, including those available through statewide or consortia agreements. Do not include subscriptions to indexing and abstracting databases that include full-text serial content (e.g., EBSCO Host, ProQuest, OCLC FirstSearch).



Public Service Hours Per Year

This is the sum of annual public service hours for outlets.

Note: Include the hours open for public service for Centrals (data ele­ment #209), Branches (data element #210), Bookmobiles (data element #211), and Books-by-Mail Only. For each bookmo­bile, count only the hours during which the book­mo­bile is open to the pub­lic. For adminis­trative entities that offer ONLY books-by-mail service, count the hours that the outlet is staffed for service. Minor vari­a­tions in scheduled public service hours need not be included, however, extensive hours closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events should be excluded even if the staff is scheduled to work.


Library Visits

This is the total num­ber of per­sons entering the li­brary for whatever purpose dur­ing the year.

Note: If an actual count of vis­its is unavail­able, determine an annual esti­mate by counting visits during a typi­cal week in October and multiply­ing the count by 52. A “typical week” is a time that is neither unusual­ly busy nor unusually slow. Avoid holiday times, vacation periods for key staff, or days when unusual events are taking place in the commu­nity or the library. Choose a week in which the library is open its regular hours. Include seven con­secu­tive calendar days, from Sun­day through Saturday (or whenever the library is usually open).


Reference Transactions

A refer­ence transac­tion is an information con­tact which involves the knowledge, use, recom­menda­tions, interpretation, or instruction in the use of one or more information sources by a member of the li­brary staff. It includes infor­ma­tion and re­fer­ral servic­es. Informa­tion sourc­es in­clude printed and non‑printed mate­ri­als, machine‑readable databas­es, cata­logs and other holdings records, and, through commu­nica­tion or re­fer­ral, other libraries and institutions and people inside and outside the library. The request may come in person, by phone, by fax, or by mail, electronic mail, or through live or networked electronic reference service from an adult, a young adult, or a child.

Do not count directional trans­actions or questions of rules or policies. Ex­amples of direction­al transactions are “Where are the children’s books?” and “I’m looking for a book with the call number 811.2G.” An example of a question of rules or policies is “Are you open until 9:00 to­night?

Note: If an annual count of ref­erence trans­actions is unavailable, determine an annual esti­mate by counting reference transactions during a typical week in October and multiply the count by 52. A "typical week" is a time that is neither unusual­ly busy nor unusually slow. Avoid holiday times, vacation periods for key staff, or days when un­usual events are taking place in the commu­nity or in the library. Choose a week in which the library is open its regular hours. In­clude seven consecu­tive calendar days, from Sun­day through Saturday (or whenever the library is usually open).


Number of Registered Borrowers

A registered borrower is a library user who has applied for and received an identification number or card from the public library that has established conditions under which the user may borrow library materials and gain access to other library resources. (Output Measures for Public Libraries, 2nd edition).

Note: Files should have been purged within the past three (3) years.


Total Circulation

The total annual cir­cula­tion of all library materials of all types, including renew­als.

Note: Count all materials in all for­mats that are charged out for use outside the library. Interli­brary loan transac­tions included are only items borrowed for users. Do not include items checked out to another library.


Circulation of Children’s Materials

The total annual cir­cu­lation of all children’s mate­ri­als in all formats to all users, including renew­als.



Provided To

These are library materi­als, or copies of the mate­rials, provided by one autonomous library to another upon re­quest. The libraries involved in inter­library loans are not under the same library adminis­tration. These data are report­ed as annual figures.


Received From

These are library materi­als, or copies of the mate­rials, received by one autonomous library from another upon request. The libraries involved in inter­li­brary loans are not under the same library administra­tion. These data are report­ed as annual figure.



Total Number of Library Programs

A program is any planned event which introduces the group attending to any of the broad range of library services or activities or which directly provides information to participants. Programs may cover use of the library, library services, or library tours. Programs may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information, often designed to meet a specific social need. Examples of these types of programs include film showings; lectures; story hours; literacy, English as a second language, and citizenship classes; and book discussions.

Count all programs, whether held on- or off-site, that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the library. Exclude programs sponsored by other groups that use library facilities.

If programs are offered as a series, count each program in the series. For example, a film series offered once a week for eight weeks should be counted as eight programs.

Note: Exclude library activities delivered on a one-to-one basis, rather than to a group, such as one-to-one literacy tutoring, services to homebound, resume writing assistance, homework assistance, and mentoring activities.


Number of Children’s Programs

A children’s program is any planned event for which the primary audience is children and which introduces the group of children attending to any of the broad range of library services or activities for children or which directly provides information to participants. Children’s programs may cover use of the library, library services, or library tours. Children’s programs may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information, often designed to meet a specific social need. Examples of these types of programs include story hours and summer reading events.

Count all children’s programs, whether held on- or off-site, that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the library. Do not include children’s programs sponsored by other groups that use library facilities. If children’s programs are offered as a series, count each program in the series. For example, a story hour offered once a week, 48 weeks a year, should be counted as 48 programs. Exclude library activities for children delivered on a one-to-one basis, rather than to a group, such as one-to-one literacy tutoring, services to homebound, homework assistance, and mentoring activities. This figure is a subset of the Total Number of Library Programs (data element #600).

Note: Output Measures for Public Library Services to Children: A Manual of Standardized Procedures (ALA, 1992) defines children as persons age 14 and under.


Total Attendance at Library Programs

This is a total count of the audience at all library programs during the reporting period. (See Total Number of Library Programs, data element #600, for the definition of a library program.)


Children’s Program Attendance

The count of the au­dience at all pro­grams for which the primary audi­ence is chil­dren 14 years and under. Include adults who attend pro­grams intended primar­ily for children.

Note: Do not count attendance at library activities for children that are delivered on a one-to-one basis, rather than to a group, such as one-to-one literacy tutoring, services to homebound, homework assistance, and mentoring activities. (See Number of Children’s Programs, data element #601, for the definition of a children’s library program.)



Number of Internet Computers Used by General Public

Report the number of the library’s Internet computers [personal computers (PCs) and laptops], whether purchased, leased, or donated, used by the general public in the library.


Number of Users of Public Internet Computers Per Year

Report the total number of individuals that have used Internet computers in the library during the last year. If the computer is used for multiple purposes (Internet access, word-processing, OPAC, etc.) and Internet users cannot be isolated, report all usage. A typical week or other reliable estimate may be used to determine the annual number. Sign-up forms or Web-log tracking software also may provide a reliable count of users.

Outlet Data Element Definitions


Data Element Name

Data Element Definition


FSCS ID (Automatic Display)

This is the identifi­cation cod­e as­signed by NCES. Outlets are as­signed the same FSCS ID as the ad­min­is­trative entity to which they be­long, with a unique three-digit suffix added to dis­tin­guish each outlet.


LIB ID (Optional)

This is the state-as­signed identifica­tion code for the outlet.



This is the name of the out­let.

Note: Provide the name of the outlet. Do not use acronyms. Do not abbreviate the name unless it exceeds the WebPLUS field length of 60 characters. Avoid abbreviations at the beginning of the name and do not punctuate abbreviations. (See Standard Abbreviations for WebPLUS.)


Street Address

This is the complete street address of the outlet.

Note: Do not report a post office box or general delivery. For a bookmobile that operates from an administrative entity, branch, or central library, report the address of the administrative entity, branch or central li­brary from which it operates. For a book­mobile that is itself the administrative entity, report the address where the bookmobile is parked at night.



This is the city or town in which the outlet is located.


ZIP Code

This is the standard five-digit postal ZIP code for the street address of the outlet.



This is the four-digit postal ZIP code exten­sion for the street ad­dress of the outlet.


County of the Outlet

This is the county in which the outlet is located.



This is the telephone num­ber of the outlet, including area code.

Note: Report tele­phone number with­out spacing or punctuation. If the outlet has no phone, enter “–3” (for Not Applicable).


Outlet Type Code

An outlet is a unit of an ad­minis­tra­tive entity that provides direct public library service.

Select one of the following:

BM—Books-by-Mail Only. A direct mail order service which provides books and other library materials. Books-by-mail typically serves rural resi­dents, the disabled, the home­b­ound, and others without access to another type of public lib­rary outlet. Requests for materials are usually rece­ived by mail and by telephone only. Only books-by-mail servic­es that are housed sep­a­rate­ly from any other type of direct pub­lic service outlet (that is, cen­tral library, branches, or bookmo­biles) should be coded here.

BR—Branch Library. A branch library is an auxil­iary unit of an ad­min­is­tra­tive entity which has at least all of the fol­low­ing:

  1. Separate quarters;

  2. An orga­nized col­lection of library ma­teri­als;

  3. Paid staff; and

  4. Regularly scheduled hours for being open to the pub­lic.

BS—Bookmobile(s). A book­mo­bile is a trav­eling branch library. It con­sists of at least all of the fol­low­ing:

  1. A truck or van that carries an or­ganized collec­tion of library mate­ri­als;

  2. A paid staff; and

  3. Regu­larly sched­uled hours (book­mobile stops) for being open to the pub­lic.

Note: A separate outlet record may be created for each bookmobile. You may wish to create sep­arate outlet records for individual bookmobiles if (1) they have differ­ent addresses and/or (2) they have different Metro­politan Status Codes (see outlet data element #710). Alternatively, a book­mo­bile outlet re­cord may include more than one book­mobile.

CE—Central Library. This is one type of single outlet library (SO) or the library which is the operational center of a multiple-out­let li­brary (MO or MA). Usu­ally all processing is cen­tralized here and the princi­pal collec­tions are housed here. Synony­mous with main library.

Note: Each administrative entity may report either no central library or one central library. No administrative entity may report more than one central library. If you wish to identify a central library in the outlet file, identify the library with the largest collection as the central library for FSCS purposes, and report all others as branches. Where there are several co-equal outlets and no principal collection, report all such outlets as branches, not central libraries.


Metropolitan Status Code

Select one of the follow­ing. Book­mob­iles should report the code which best de­scribes their prima­ry ser­vice area.

Note: Contact the State Data Cen­ter for specific informa­tion about Metro­poli­tan Areas in your state.

CC—Central City. The largest cen­tral city and, in some cases, up to two addi­tional central cities are includ­ed in the title of the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Area; there also are central cities that are not included in a Metro­politan Area title. A Metro­pol­itan Area cen­tral city does not include any part of that city that extends out­side the Metropolitan Area boundary.

NC—Metropolitan Ar­ea, but Not With­in Cen­tral City Limits. A large popula­tion nucleus, together with adjacent communities that have a high degree of econom­ic and social integration with that nucle­us. Some Metropoli­tan Areas are de­fined around two or more nuclei. Each Metro­politan Area must contain a place with a mini­mum pop­ula­tion of 50,000 or a Census Bureau-de­fined urban­ized area and a total Metropoli­tan Area pop­ula­tion of at least 100,000 (75,000 in New Eng­land). A Metro­pol­itan Area com­pr­ises one or more cen­tral coun­ties. (I­ndepen­dent cities are considered coun­ty equiv­a­lents.) A Metro­politan Area may also include one or more outly­ing coun­ties that have close econom­ic and social rela­tion­ships with the central coun­ty. An outlying coun­ty must have a spec­ified level of com­mut­ing to the central counties and also must meet cer­tain stan­dards re­garding metro­poli­tan character, such as popula­tion density, ur­ban population, and popula­tion growth. In New Eng­land, Metropolitan Areas are com­posed of cities and towns rath­er than whole counties.

NO—Not in a Metro­poli­tan Area.


Square Footage of Outlet

Provide the area, in square feet, of the public library outlet (central library or branch). Report the total area in square feet for each library outlet (central library or branch) separately. This is the area on all floors enclosed by the outer walls of the library outlet. Include all areas occupied by the library outlet, including those areas off-limits to the public. Include any areas shared with another agency or agencies if the outlet has use of that area.


Number of Bookmobiles in the Bookmobile Outlet Record

The number of bookmo­biles in the bookmobile outlet record.

Note: A bookmobile outlet record may include one or more bookmo­biles. Complete this data ele­ment only if the outlet record is of the type BS—Book­mobile(s) (see outlet data element #709). A book­mo­bile is a traveling bra­nch libra­ry. It con­sists of at least all of the following:

  1. A truck or van that carries an orga­nized collec­tion of library mate­rials;

  2. A paid staff; and

  3. Regu­larly sched­uled hours (boo­kmobile stops) for being open to the public. Count vehi­cles in use, not the num­ber of stops the vehicle makes.


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByBarbara Smith
File Modified2007-09-06
File Created2007-09-06

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