Form 232 Form 232 Domestic Agricultural In-Season Wage Report

Domestic Agricultural In-Season Wage Report

Form 232 and Instructions 4 12 07

Domestic Agricultural In-Season Wage Report

OMB: 1205-0017

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Domestic Agricultural US Department of Labor

In-Season Wage Report ETA 232 Employment and Training Administration

Wage Reporting Area



OMB Approval No. _________

Expires: ________


Survey Period

Beginning: Ending:

Crop and Activity

Date of Finding (month, Day, Year)

1. Prevailing Wage Rate Findings

a. All Workers . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________________________________________________________

b. Instate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .____________________________________________________________________________

c. Interstate (Including Contract P.R.) . . . ._________________________________________________

2. Estimated Number of Employers and Employees in Crop Activity

a. Employers . . …….________________________________

b. Contract Foreign Workers…__________________

c. TOTAL Domestic Hired Workers . . . . ____________________

1. Instate (Local and Intrastate. . . . . . ____________________

2. Interstate (Excl. Cont. P.R. . . . . . . ____________________

3. Contract Puerto Rican . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________

3. Employer Contacted:

a. Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________________ b. Percent of Total in Crop Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . .__________________

4. Number of Domestic Hired Workers in Sample by Piece Rate and/or Hourly Rate


(Amount per Unit)

Number of U.S. Workers











(Amount per Hour)


Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Respondents obligations to reply to these reporting requirements are voluntary (20 CFR 653.500 and 20 CFR 655). Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hrs. per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources , gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workforce Security, Room C-4318, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210 (Paperwork Reduction 1205-0017).

January 2007 Page 1 of 2 ETA 232

5. Productivity and Average Earnings of Piece Rate Workers

Rate and Unit


Total Unit of Production

Average Hourly


Worker Interviews


Avg. Hrly


6. Comments (Use an attachment if more space is needed)

a. Variables affecting rates

b. Prevailing wage rate(s) previous season

c. Other




January 2007 Page 1 of 2 ETA 232


I. Special Instructions- None.

II. Presentation of the Report

All items on the form are to be completed with no change in the format.

However, the report may be supplemented by the inclusion of additional material.

If the space provided on the form for any item is not adequate, complete

information should be given on a separate attached sheet, with the item(s)

numbered to correspond to those on the form. All items should be checked for

completeness and accuracy before transmittal.

  1. Heading of Report

    1. Wage Reporting Area. Enter the area name as assigned by the State agency.

    1. Wage Reporting Area Number. Enter the number as assigned by the National Office.

    1. Crop and Activity. Enter the crop and specific job of workers at the time of the survey, i.e., cotton, 2nd pick.

    1. State. Enter the name of the State.

    1. Survey period. Show the period for which the reported wage rate information in item 4 was obtained.

    1. Date of finding. Enter the date on which the prevailing wage rate finding was made.

  1. Report Items

    1. Item 1, Prevailing wage rate finding. Enter the rate or standard schedule of rates which has been found to be prevailing among the domestic hired workers in each of the categories (all workers, instate and interstate workers) who were employed in the crop activity covered in the survey. Should the number of workers in either the in state or the interstate category be less than 25 percent of the total number of workers in the sample, no wage finding for

the smaller category shall be made. If workers are used interchangeably for more than one activity in a crop, there may be more than one wage finding; i.e., pick, pick-load. Each crop activity should be reported on a separate ETA-232. The prevailing wage rate finding should be a single rate unless an equal number of workers receive two different methods of pay. If this occurs, the prevailing rate for each method should appear in the wage finding. For base rate-bonus combinations, the basis upon which the bonuses are paid (e.g., end-of-season) should be indicated in item 6a of the report.

    1. Item 2, Estimated number of employers and employees in crop activity.

a. Item 2a, Employers. Enter an estimate of the total number

of employers in the reporting area who were engaged in

the crop activity during the survey period.

The objective is to develop employment estimates in terms

of agricultural operations under a single management which performs all of the following functions: hires the workers, establishes the wage level, and pays the wages. Employers may include growers, buyer-shipper-packers, labor contractors, labor or commodity associations, and others.

When local office operating records are used, the estimates will likely be in terms of employers. When other records, such as those available from USDA Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) are used, the data on farm units available from these sources should be adjusted to the extent possible to correspond with the employer concept. (For example, ASCS farms with no employment of hired workers should be excluded; the basis for exclusion may be those farms estimated to be less than a specific minimum of acres.)

In any case, the rationale on which employers are excluded should be consistent for all ETA 232 reports for a reporting area within a season.

  1. Item 2d, Contract Foreign Workers. Enter the number of

foreign national legally contracted for temporary work in the crop activity.

  1. Total domestic Hired Workers. Enter an estimate of the total

number of domestic hired workers in the reporting area who were

employed in the crop activity covered by the survey. Distribute

this number in sub-items (1), (2), and (3) according to the type of


    1. Item 3, Employers contacted. Enter the actual number of employers from whom information about rates was obtained, and the percent this number is of all employers (item 2a) who had domestic hired workers in the crop activity during the survey period.

    1. Item 4, Number of domestic hired workers in sample, by rate.

a. Rate (Amount per Unit) – Column 1. Enter all wage rates,

including schedules, being paid during the survey period.

  1. List each different rate paid to hired workers covered in the survey in descending order and grouped by method of pay.

  1. When a standard schedule is found to be paid by an employer, enter the word “schedule” on a single line in Column 1 just as if it were a separate rate. A copy of the schedule should be attached and a cross reference “see attached schedule” should be entered in this item.

  1. Rates with earnings guarantee represent a different method of payment from piece rates without earnings guarantee, and should be listed separately.

  1. Base rates with bonuses should also be shown separately from rates without bonuses. Piece rates should not be converted into hourly rates; likewise, hourly rates should not be converted into piece rates. Units of payment should not be expressed in the form of a range or scale, even when the same rates are shown

for different unit. For Example, if workers are receiving the same rates for different units, such as .25 for a 40 pound box and .25 for a 50 pound box of apples, the rates for each weight unit should be listed separately. However, it is permissible to show a range or scale of units of payment when, and only when, the data cannot be obtained from the original source in any other manner; e.g., when an employer states that a single rate is paid for varying size containers.

  1. When shift, daily, weekly or monthly wages are paid, show the approximate number of hours worked in the time for which the rate is paid.

b. Number of U.S. workers – (Columns II, III and IV)

  1. Enter on the appropriate lines in Column II the number

of domestic hired workers reported by employers to whom each rate in Column I is applicable. Avoid double counting. On the first line, enter the total for this column.

  1. Distribute in Columns III and IV the numbers of

workers listed in Column II who meet the ETA

GLOSSARY definition of the type of farm worker

specified in the heading of each column. Workers

whose origin is not known should be included in

Column III. On the first line enter the total for each

column. The sum of these two columns should equal

the total in Column II.

    1. Item 5, Productivity and average hourly earnings of piece rate

workers. Do not include in this section information pertaining to youth under 16 years of age.

      1. Enter in Column I all wage rates being paid to piece rate

workers during the survey period.

      1. Enter in Column II the number of workers in each

category in Column I.

      1. Enter in Column III the total number of hours worked by

the workers in Column II.

      1. Enter in Column IV the total number of units (specified

in Column I) produced by the workers in Column II

during the total hours worked (Column III).

      1. Enter in Column V average hourly earnings based on production.

      1. Enter in Column VI the number of workers personally interviewed.

      1. Enter in Column VII the average hourly earnings reported by the workers personally interviewed.

    1. Item 6, Comments

      1. Variables affecting rates. If a variation in wage rates is reported in Item 4, explain the factors responsible for the variation, such as differences in yield and field conditions. Also discuss variations in the methods or units of payment. Unexplained statements are of no value.

      1. Prevailing wage rate(s) previous season. List the rate found prevailing in the previous season. Where wage survey data are not available, supply the best possible estimates based on ETA-223 reports. If a standard schedule of rates applied, attach a copy of the schedule or cross reference to the schedule if previously submitted.

      1. Other. Use for any pertinent explanation of developments during the survey or reporting period which require clarification, e.g.:

        1. Why no wage finding is made.

        1. Increase or decrease in prevailing rate from comparable period of previous year.

        1. Factors which will aid the national office in its interpretation of data.

        1. Deviations from standard operating procedures or instructions.

        1. Use of weighting procedure to arrive at a prevailing wage finding.

        1. Description of perquisite arrangements included in work agreements. Perquisites are not counted as part of wages and should not be included in Item 4 of Form ETA – 232.

    1. Item 7, Signature, Title and Date. Enter the signature and

title of the officer responsible for the report and the date it was prepared.

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Last Modified Bynaradzay.bonnie
File Modified2007-04-12
File Created2007-04-12

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