Caregivers |
Total |
Age of Primary Caregiver |
Estimated Years of Caregiving |
Of total caregivers, estimated number receiving any services through Title III of the Older Americans Act. |
Under 60 |
60-74 |
75-84 |
85+ |
0-2 |
3-5 |
6+ |
Years Missing |
# of Individuals |
Total Caregivers |
Gender |
Female |
Male |
Gender Missing |
Geographic Location* |
Urban |
Rural |
Frontier |
Geographic Location Missing |
Relationship to Person with Dementia |
Husband |
Wife |
Significant Other |
Son/Son-in-Law |
Daughter/Daughter-in-Law |
Sibling |
Parent |
Other Relative |
Non-Relative |
Relationship Missing |
Primary Caregiver by Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Ethnicity Missing |
Primary Caregiver by Race |
White (Alone) -- Non-Hispanic |
Total Minorities** |
White (Alone) -- Hispanic |
American Indian or Alaska Native (Alone) |
Asian (Alone) |
Black or African-American (Alone) |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Alone) |
Persons Reporting Some Other Race |
Persons Reporting 2 or More Races |
Race Missing |
Gray boxes are not to be filled out. |
* Geographic Location |
Urban: A central place and its adjacent densely settled territories with a combined mimimum population of 50,000 |
Rural: not Urban or Frontier |
Frontier: Determined by population density and distance in miles and travel time from a market service area ( |
** Total Minorities - this will be calculated by AoA sponsored software - will exclude White(Alone) -- Non-Hispanic and Not Reported. |
Persons with Dementia |
Total |
Age of Person with Dementia |
Of total persons with dementia, estimated number receiving any services through Title III of the Older Americans Act. |
Under 60 |
60-74 |
75-84 |
85+ |
# of Individuals |
Total Persons with Dementia |
Gender |
Female |
Male |
Gender Missing |
Geographic Location* |
Urban |
Rural |
Frontier |
Geographic Location Missing |
Person with Dementia by Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Ethnicity Missing |
Person with Dementia by Race |
White (Alone) -- Non-Hispanic |
Total Minorities** |
White (Alone) -- Hispanic |
American Indian or Alaska Native (Alone) |
Asian (Alone) |
Black or African-American (Alone) |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Alone) |
Persons Reporting Some Other Race |
Persons Reporting 2 or More Races |
Race Missing |
Gray boxes are not to be filled out. |
* Geographic Location |
Frontier: Determined by population density and distance in miles and travel time from a market service area ( |
Rural: not Urban or Frontier |
Urban: A central place and its adjacent densely settled territories with a combined mimimum population of 50,000 |
** Total Minorities - this will be calculated by AoA sponsored software - will exclude White(Alone) -- Non-Hispanic and Not Reported. |
Direct Services |
Units of Service |
Unduplicated Persons Served |
ADDGS Expenditures |
Total Service Expenditures |
Program Income Received |
Number of Providers (unduplicated) |
Service Modes - Choose all that apply |
Service Mode Types |
Adult Day Care |
Aging & Disability Resource Center |
1 |
Companion Services |
Alzheimer's Association |
2 |
Home Health Care |
Area Agency on Aging |
3 |
Personal Care |
Consumer-Directed Care/Vouchers |
4 |
Respite "Other" (as approved) |
Faith Based Organization |
5 |
Short-term Care in Health Facility |
Government (Federal) |
6 |
Government (State or Local) |
7 |
Long-Term Care Facility |
8 |
National Family Caregiver Support Program |
9 |
Service Provider |
10 |
University or School |
11 |
Volunteers |
12 |
Other (please specify) |
13 |
This is OPTIONAL data that you may have collected. |
Other ADDGS Services |
Check Box(es) of Service(s) Provided |
Units of Service |
Unduplicated Persons Served |
ADDGS Expenditures |
Total Service Expenditures |
Program Income Received |
Number of Providers (unduplicated) |
Service Modes - Choose all that apply |
Case Management |
Information & Referral Services/Helpline |
Mental Health Services |
Outreach - Participant/Client |
Outreach - Professional/Provider |
Training - Participant/Client |
Training - Professional/Provider |
Support Groups |
Transportation |
Other Service – Not Above (Please Define) |
Accomplishments & Collaborations |
(Enter Accomplishment Here) |
Accomplishment & Collaboration Types |
Collaboration (Federal) |
1 |
Collaboration (Non-federal) |
2 |
Materials Development |
3 |
Policy Development |
4 |
Public Education/Awareness |
5 |
Service (Direct Service defined by ADDGS statute) |
6 |
Service (Other ADDGS) |
7 |
Sustainability |
8 |
Training/Education |
9 |
Other - Please Specify |
10 |
Accomplishment (Required). Please type narrative in the space above. |
Enter Code: |
(Enter Collaboration Here) |
Collaboration (Required). Please type narrative in the space above. |
Enter Code (1 or 2): |
(Enter an Optional Accomplishment or Collaboration Here) |
Other Accomplishment or Collaboration (Optional). Please type narrative in the space above. |
Enter Code: |