Form FSA-1980-38 Lender's Agreement - Proposed

Guaranteed Farm Loan Programs


Guaranteed Farm Loan Programs

OMB: 0560-0155

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(Proposal 3)

Form Approved - OMB No. 0560-0155
Farm Service Agency

See Page 6 for Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements.
The purpose of this agreement is to establish the lender as an approved participant in the guaranteed loan programs of the Farm
Service Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This agreement provides the terms and conditions for originating and servicing such
loans, including lines of credit. Provide the requested information, read this agreement in its entirety and sign in the space on
the last page. Your signature indicates consent with this agreement.
Part A - Background Information
2. Tax Identification Number

1. Lender's Name and Mailing Address

3. Telephone Number (Include Area Code)
4. This agreement establishes the above lender as a:
Preferred Lender (PLP)

Certified Lender (CLP)

Standard Eligible Lender (SEL)

5. The following branch offices of the lender are covered under this agreement:
All Offices

6. The lender is authorized to submit loan guarantees in the following FSA Offices:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age,
disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal,
or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons
with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's
TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400
Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.

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Part B - Duties and Responsibilities of FSA ("Agency")

Payment of Claims - Agency agrees to make payment on its claims in accordance with the terms of the guarantee and Agency regulations in
7 C.F.R. Part 762. The maximum loss payment may not exceed the amount determined in the guarantee, including the percentage of principal
and any accrued interest, protective advances, and emergency advances. The guarantee is supported by the full faith and credit of the United
States and is incontestable except under the circumstances of fraud or misrepresentation of which the lender has actual knowledge at the
execution of the guarantee or which the lender participates in or condones.


Personnel Available for Consultation - Agency shall make personnel available for consultation on interpretations of Agency regulations and
guidelines. The lender may consult with Agency personnel regarding unusual underwriting, loan closing, and loan liquidation questions.

Part C - General Requirements of the Lender

Eligibility to Participate - The lender must meet the requirements contained in 7 C.F.R. Part 762 and be approved by the Agency to be a
participant in the Guaranteed Loan Program.


Knowledge of Program Requirements - The lender is required to obtain and keep itself informed of all program regulations and guidelines,
including all amendments and revisions. The lender must establish and maintain adequate and written internal policies for loan origination and
servicing to meet these requirements. These policies will be made available to the Agency for review when requested.


Notification - The lender shall immediately notify the Agency in writing if the lender:
a. Becomes insolvent;
b. Has filed for any type of bankruptcy protection, has been forced into involuntary bankruptcy, or has requested an assignment for the
benefit of creditors;
c. Has taken any action to cease operations, or to discontinue servicing or liquidating any or all of its portfolio guaranteed by the
d. Has changed its name, location, address, tax identification number, or corporate structure;
e. Has been debarred, suspended, or sanctioned in connection with its participation in any Federal guaranteed program; or
f. Has been debarred, suspended, or sanctioned by any Federal or State licensing or certification authority.


Employee Qualifications - The lender shall maintain a staff that is well trained and experienced in origination and loan servicing
functions, as necessary to ensure the capability of performing all the acts within its authority.


Conflict of Interest - When the lender submits an application for a guarantee, the lender will inform the Agency in writing of any relationships
which could result in a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. Reportable relationships include:
a. The lender or its officers, directors, principal stockholders (except stockholders in a Farm Credit System institution that have stock
requirements to obtain a loan), or other principal owners having a financial interest in the loan applicant or borrower.
b. The loan applicant or borrower, a relative of the loan applicant or borrower, anyone residing in the household of the loan applicant or
borrower, any officer, director, stockholder or other owner of the loan applicant or borrower holds any stock or other evidence
of ownership in the lender.
c. The loan applicant or borrower, a relative of the loan applicant or borrower, or anyone residing in the household of the loan applicant or
borrower is an Agency employee.
d. The officers, director, principal stockholders (except stockholders in a Farm Credit System institution that have stock requirements to
obtain a loan), or other principal owners of the lender having substantial business dealings (other than in the normal course of business)
with the loan applicant or borrower.
e. The lender or its officers, directors, principal stockholders, or other principal owners have substantial business dealings with an Agency

Part D - Underwriting Requirements

The lender is responsible for originating, servicing, and collecting all guaranteed loans in accordance with Agency regulations.


Origination Process
a. General Eligibility. The lender shall make a preliminary determination whether loan applicants meet the general eligibility
requirements in Agency regulations. Agency will make the final determination.

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Part D - Underwriting Requirements (continued)
b. Delinquency on Federal Debt. The lender shall determine whether the loan applicant is delinquent on any Federal debt. The lender
shall use credit reports and any other credit history in making this determination. If the loan applicant is delinquent on or a judgment
debtor on any Federal debt, processing of the application may only continue in accordance with Agency regulations.
c. Appraisals of Collateral. The lender shall ensure that the value of any collateral property or property to be purchased is determined by a
qualified appraiser, including a certified appraiser when required by law or regulation.
d. Change in Borrower's Condition. Before the Agency issues a loan guarantee, the lender will certify that there has been no adverse
change in the borrower's condition, financial or otherwise, since submission of the application for guaranteed loan. For use in this
provision alone, the term "borrower" includes any member, joint operator, partner or stockholder.
e. Limitation on Guarantee. Late charges of any kind including default charges and default interest will not be covered by the guarantee.

Loan Closing - All loans guaranteed by the Agency shall be closed by attorneys, escrow companies, escrow departments of lending
institutions, or other persons, or entities skilled and experienced in conducting loan closings. The lender shall:
a. Ensure funds for the particular loan or line of credit will be used only for the purposes authorized in Agency regulations and as
contained in the conditional commitment;
b. Ensure that documents, including the mortgage and any security agreements, chattel mortgages or equivalent documents relating to it
have been properly signed, are valid and contain terms enforceable by the lender;
c. Ensure that all security with appropriate lien priorities is obtained in accordance with the conditional commitment and Agency
d. Ensure that all closing documents required to be recorded are recorded accurately, in the appropriate offices, and in a timely
and accurate manner;
e. Ensure that security interests are perfected in collateral according to applicable regulatory requirements and procedures;
f. Ensure that all required hazard insurance will be obtained in accordance with Agency regulations or is now in effect;
g. Collect all fees and costs due and payable by the borrower in the course of the loan transaction and disburse payment directly to the
parties for services rendered;
h. Ensure that construction, relocation, repairs, or development are completed in accordance with applicable drawings and
i. Ensure the borrower has marketable title to security property now owned, and will obtain such title to any additional property to be
acquired with loan funds, subject only to the instruments securing the loan to be guaranteed and any other exceptions set forth in
Agency regulations;
j. Secure the entire loan equally with the same security and the same lien priority for both the guaranteed and unguaranteed
portions of the loan, under the assurance that the unguaranteed portion of the loan will not be paid first nor given priority over the
guaranteed portion of the loan;
k. Submit the required guarantee fee with the guaranteed loan closing report.


Restriction and Disclosure of Lobbying Activities - If any funds have been or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to
influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or any employee of a Member of
Congress in connection with this commitment providing for the United States to guarantee a loan, the undersigned shall complete and
submit Standard Form - LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. Submission of this statement is a
prerequisite for making or entering into any transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the
required statement shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure.

Part E - Servicing Requirements

Responsibilities - The lender will service the entire loan as mortgagee and secured party of record in a reasonable and prudent manner,
notwithstanding the fact that another party (holder) may hold a portion of the loan.


Supervision - The lender's responsibilities regarding borrower supervision include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Ensure loan funds are not used for any unauthorized purpose.
b. Ensure borrower compliance with the covenants and provisions provided in the note, loan agreement, security instruments, any other
agreements, and 7 C.F.R. Part 762.
c. Perform an annual analysis of the borrower's financial condition to determine the borrower's progress when required by Agency

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Part E - Servicing Requirements (continued)
d. Account for all collateral.
e. Discuss any observations about the farm business with the borrower.
f. Ensure the borrower and any party liable for the loan is not released from liability for all or any part of the loan, except in accordance
with Agency regulations.

Reporting Requirements - The lender recognizes that the Agency, as guarantor, has a vital interest in ensuring that all acts performed
by the lender regarding the subject loans are performed in compliance with this agreement and Agency regulations. Information on the status of
guaranteed loans is necessary for this purpose, as well as to satisfy budget and accounting reporting required by the Department of Treasury
and the Office of Management and Budget. The lender agrees to provide Agency with all the data required under Agency regulations and
any additional information necessary to monitor the status of its guaranteed loan portfolio, and to satisfy external reporting requirements.
The lender also agrees to provide to the Agency upon request, copies of audited financial statements, reports on internal controls, copies of
compliance audits, and such other information that may be required of the Agency to monitor the lender's performance.


Negligent Servicing - The guarantee cannot be enforced by the lender to the extent a loss results from a violation of usury laws or negligent
servicing regardless of when the Agency discovers such violation or negligence. Negligent servicing is defined as the failure to perform those
services which would be considered normal industry standards of loan management or failure to comply with any servicing requirement of 7
C.F.R. Part 762 or the lender's agreement or the guarantee. The term includes the concept of a failure to act or failing to act timely consistent
with actions of a reasonable lender in loan making, servicing, and collection.


Payments - Payments from the borrower shall be reviewed by the lender and processed upon receipt according to Agency regulations, and
may include escrow premiums for hazard insurance and real estate taxes. The lender shall promptly disburse to any holder the holder's
pro rata share according to their respective interests in the loan, less only the lender's servicing fee.


a. Insurance. The lender shall ensure that adequate insurance is maintained in accordance with Agency regulations, including
the maintenance of property, casualty, flood, and hazard insurance containing a loss payable clause in favor of the lender as the
mortgagee or secured party.
b. Escrow Accounts. The lender may establish separate escrow accounts. All escrow accounts must meet applicable Federal and State
laws and regulations, and must be fully insured by the FDIC or other Federal or state regulatory agency or cross collateralized with
unencumbered Government securities.
c. Inspection. The lender shall inspect the collateral as often as necessary to properly service the loan and ensure the collateral is being
properly maintained.
d. Taxes. The lender shall ensure that taxes, assessments, or ground rents against or affecting collateral are paid.


Delinquent Accounts
a. A guaranteed loan is in default after 30 days have passed and the borrower has not made a payment as due or has otherwise violated a
loan agreement. The lender is responsible for resolution of the default. The lender will notify the Agency using an FSA default status
report when a borrower is 45 days past due or otherwise in default. This report will be submitted every 60 days thereafter and will
contain a summary of collection, restructuring or liquidation steps taken since the previous report.
b. The lender may take actions to correct the default as provided in 7 C.F.R. Part 762. A loan that has been sold on the secondary market
can only be restructured if the loan is repurchased or upon written concurrence from the holder.
c. The lender will work in good faith with the borrower to allow them to cure the default, where reasonable. The lender must participate
in mandatory farmer-creditor mediation in accordance with 7 C.F.R. Part 762, State law and the rules that govern the mediation program
that operates in the State in which the borrower resides.
d. The lender must consider the borrower for interest assistance as provided in 7 C.F.R. Part 762. If the lender determines that default can
be cured by rescheduling the loan with interest assistance, lender will request a determination of the borrower's eligibility by the
Agency. Liquidation or foreclosure cannot be initiated until 60 days after consideration.


Sales or Participation
a. The guaranteed portion of loans may be sold in accordance with 7 C.F.R. Part 762. Lines of credit cannot be sold, but may be
participated with other lenders.
b. When a loan has been sold, the holder can demand that the lender repurchase the unpaid guaranteed portion of a loan in accordance
with the FSA assignment of guarantee.

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Part E - Servicing Requirements (continued)

c. If the lender is unable to repurchase, the holder may make a demand for repurchase to the Agency. Repurchase by the Agency in no way
alters lender responsibilities to the loan under this agreement or the loan guarantee. A restructuring action may not be executed once
the Agency has repurchased the guaranteed portion of the loan and within 180 days the lender must reimburse the Agency for the
repurchase or liquidate the loan in accordance with Agency regulations. Lender must send the pro rata share of the borrower's
payments directly to the Agency until liquidation is complete.
d. Failure to reimburse the Agency within 180 days for repurchase, if not waived by the Agency, is a violation of this agreement.

a. Protective Advances. Protective advances must constitute a debt of the borrower to the lender and be secured by the security
instrument. Agency written authorization is required for protective advances in accordance with the terms and amounts specified by
7 C.F.R. Part 762. Terms and amounts for PLP lenders are included in the lender's Credit Management System.
b. Additional Loan or Advances. In cases of a line of credit, the lender may make an emergency advance when a line of credit has
reached its ceiling and additional funds are needed to prevent an imminent loss of crops or livestock that would take place if the
emergency advance were not made. The lender must provide Agency with an analysis as required by Agency regulations.
c. Future Recovery. After a loan has been liquidated and a final loss claim has been paid by the Agency, any future funds which may be
recovered from the borrower by the lender, will be pro-rated between the Agency and the lender.
d. Bankruptcy. The lender is responsible for protecting the guaranteed loan debt and all collateral securing the loan in bankruptcy
proceedings. Loss payments on bankruptcy cases will be processed according to the terms described in Agency regulations.
e. Liquidation. Liquidations must receive prior Agency concurrence when required by regulations.
f. Loss Claims. The lender will submit an estimated loss claim to the Agency in the event liquidation will exceed 90 days. Estimated and
final claims will be processed in accordance with the terms described in Agency regulations.

10. Servicer - If the lender contracts for servicing of guaranteed loans, the lender is not relieved of responsibility for proper servicing of the
Part F - Agency Reviews of Lender's Operations
The Agency may conduct reviews, including on-site reviews, of the lender's operations and the operations of any agent of the lender, for the purpose
of verifying compliance with this agreement and Agency regulations and guidelines. These reviews may include, but are not limited to, audits of
case files; interviews with owners, managers, and staff; audits of collateral; and inspections of the lender's and its agents underwriting, servicing, and
liquidation guidelines. The lender and its agents shall provide access to all pertinent information to allow the Agency, or any party authorized by the
Agency, to conduct such reviews.
Part G - Conformance to Standards

The lender shall conform to the standards outlined in this agreement and Agency regulations for participation in the Agency's guaranteed
loan program. CLP and PLP must maintain compliance with the criteria set forth in 7 C.F.R. Part 762. The Agency shall determine lender
adherence to the standards based on:
a. Adequacy in meeting requirements for origination, servicing, and liquidation of loans and lines of credit, including protection of collateral;
b. Satisfaction of the reporting requirements of the Agency;
c. Success in operating in a sound, prudent and businesslike manner;
d. Portfolio performance compared to overall performance of the Agency's guaranteed loan program; and
e. Results of on-site reviews of the underwriting and servicing performed by the lender.


Determination of Non-Conformance - The Agency shall carefully consider the circumstances and available facts in determining whether
there is a pattern of lender non-conformance with applicable standards. The Agency shall determine the propriety of any decision made by
the lender based on facts available at the time the specific action was taken. It is understood by the Agency and intended by this agreement
that the lender has the authority to exercise reasonable judgement in performing acts within its authority. However, the Agency reserves the
right to question any act performed or conclusion drawn that is inconsistent with this agreement or Agency regulations or prudent lending


Agency Action - If the lender is determined to be in non-conformance with any Federal law, State law, Agency regulation, guideline, or
the terms of this agreement, the Agency may take action in accordance with appropriate/governing laws and regulations.


Lender Right of Appeal - The Agency will provide the lender an opportunity to appeal adverse Agency actions in accordance with Agency

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Part H - List of Agency Regulations and Guidelines and Designation of Lender Authority to Perform Certain Acts

List of Agency Regulations - The guaranteed loan program is administered under 7 C.F.R. Part 762. The lender is required to comply
with these regulations as well as any future amendments not inconsistent with this agreement.


Authority to Perform Certain Acts a.

Agency regulations describe the authorities and responsibilities for lenders. In addition, PLP lenders will process and service loans as
described in their application for PLP status approved by the Agency. This application is described in the Credit Management System
attached to this agreement. The lender further agrees to inform the Agency and obtain approval on changes to any policy or process
described in the application for PLP status.


Lenders participating in electronic data interchange (EDI) with the Agency shall designate a Security Administrator to access the Agency's
Guaranteed Loan System (GLS). The lender's Security Administrator will be certified to delegate access to other lender employees. The
Security Administrator and all other lender employees who access must have completed the Agency's login requirements by obtaining an
eAuthentication account with Level 2 Access. The lender agrees to immediately notify the Agency of such employees who have met these
requirements and when any such employees terminate employment . The lender also agrees to notify the Agency in the event of any loss,
theft or unauthorized disclosure or use of any user identification number or password. Individual user identification number and passwords
may not be transferred between employees.
The lender will ensure that all supporting documentation required by the Agency be submitted to the appropriate offices, in a timely and
accurate manner. All forms of data transmitted through EDI are considered received on the date they are submitted. If, in the Agency's
judgment, standard business cannot be conducted by EDI, the Agency will, at its discretion and upon notice to the lender, return to
paper-based systems.

Part I - Duration and Modification

Duration and Termination
a. Duration of Agreement - For CLP and PLP, the agreement is valid for five years unless terminated by the lender or the Agency as
described below or revoked according to Agency regulations. For SELs, this agreement will be valid indefinitely unless terminated by
the lender or Agency as described below.
b. Modification of Agreement - This agreement may be modified or extended only in writing and by consent of all parties.
c. Termination by Agency - This agreement may be terminated by the Agency in accordance with Agency regulations.
d. Termination by the Lender - This agreement may be terminated by the lender by providing 30 days written notice to the Agency.
e. Effect of Termination on Responsibilities and Liabilities - Responsibilities or liabilities that existed before the termination of the
agreement with regard to outstanding guarantees will continue to exist after termination unless the Agency expressly releases the lender
from such responsibilities or liabilities in writing. The lender shall remain obligated to service and liquidate the guaranteed loans
remaining in the portfolio unless and until the Agency or the lender transfers the loans. These requirements concerning loan
management by the lender and rights of the Agency under this agreement shall remain in effect whether the agreement is terminated by
the lender or Agency.
f. Revocation of CLP or PLP status - If the Agency revokes CLP or PLP status, loans made while the lender held this status must
continue to be serviced under this agreement and according to Agency regulations applying to SELs or CLP, whichever status the lender
then holds.


Entire Agreement - This agreement, Parts A through K inclusive along with any attachments, and any regulations or guidelines
incorporated by reference, shall constitute the entire agreement. There are no other agreements, written or oral, regarding the terms in this
agreement which are or shall be binding on the parties.

Part J - Certification

I certify that I have read and understand the requirements in 7 C.F.R. Part 762, and agree to the participation
requirements and other provisions of this agreement.
1. Name and Title of Lender Representative

2. Authorized Lender Representative Signature 3. Date (MM-DD-YYYY)

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Part K - FSA Use Only

1. Name and Title of FSA Representative

2. FSA Representative Signature

3. Date (MM-DD-YYYY)

4. Effective Date of Agreement (MM-DD-YYYY)

5. Agreement Expiration Date (CLP and PLP only) (MM-DD-YYYY)

NOTE: The following statements are made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a): the Farm Service Agency (FSA) is authorized
by the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 USC 1921 et seq.) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, to solicit the
information requested on this agreement. The information requested is necessary for FSA to determine eligibility for guarantee or other
financial assistance, service your guarantee, and conduct statistical analyses. Supplied information may be furnished to other Department
of Agriculture agencies, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Justice or other law enforcement agencies, the Department of
Defense, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Labor, the United States Postal Service, or other Federal,
State, or local agencies as required or permitted by law. In addition, information may be referred to interested parties under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), to financial consultants, advisors, lending institutions, packagers, agents, and private or commercial credit sources,
to collection or servicing contractors, to credit reporting agencies, to private attorneys under contract with FSA or the Department of Justice,
to business firms in the trade area that buy chattel or crops or sell them for commission, to Members of Congress or Congressional staff
members, or to courts or adjudicative bodies. Disclosure of the information requested is voluntary. However, failure to disclose certain
items of information requested, including your Social Security Number or Federal Tax Identification Number, may result in a delay in the
processing of an application or its rejection.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is
0560-0155. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the

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File Modified2007-01-31
File Created2007-01-31

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