Form NHTSA1010 Demonstration Project Night Belt Enforcement

Evaluation Surveys for Impaired Driving and Safety Belt Interventions

2127-0646 Demo NHSTA 1010.DOC

Evaluation Surveys for Impaired Driving and Safety Belt Interventions

OMB: 2127-0646

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OMB # 2127-XXXX

Expiration Date: June 2009



State: ____________ County: _____________________ Metro Status: _____

Date: ________________ CATI ID: ____________________


Telephone Number: __________________________________________________________

Time Start: _____________ Time End: _____________ TOTAL TIME: ___________


Hello, I'm __________________ calling for the U.S. Department of Transportation. We are conducting a national study of Americans' driving habits and attitudes. The interview is voluntary and the information you provide us will be used for statistical purposes only. We will not collect any personal information that would allow anyone to identify you. The interview takes about 10 minutes to complete. [Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this information collection is 2127-XXXX] Could we begin now?


Has had the most recent.......1

Will have the next................2

  1. In order to select just one person to interview, could I speak to the person in your household, 16 or older, who (has had the most recent/will have the next) birthday?

Respondent is the person.................1 SKIP TO Q1

Other respondent comes to phone..............2

Respondent is not available..............3 ARRANGE CALLBACK


B. Hello, I'm ______________ calling for the U.S. Department of Transportation. We are conducting a study of Americans' driving habits and attitudes. The interview is voluntary and completely confidential. It only takes about10 minutes to complete. [Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this information collection is 2127-0615]. Could we begin now?


Arrange Callback………….....................2


Q.1 How often do you drive a motor vehicle? Almost every day, a few days

a week, a few days a month, a few days a year, or do you never drive?

Almost every day.................1

Few days a week................….......2

Few days a month................3

Few days a year...…….................4

Never.........................……..5 SKIP TO Q9

Other (SPECIFY) ........................6

(VOL) Don't know...........7

(VOL) Refused.....................….8


Q.1a How often do you drive a motor vehicle at night, after 9:00 pm? Do you drive at night almost every day, a few days a week, a few days a month, a few days a year, or do you never drive after 9:00 at night?

Almost every day.................1

Few days a week.......................2

Few days a month................3

Few days a year.........................4




(VOL) Don't know.............12

(VOL) Refused.......................13

Q.2 Is the vehicle you drive most often a car, van, motorcycle, sport utility vehicle, pickup truck, or other type of truck? (NOTE: IF RESPONDENT DRIVES MORE THAN ONE VEHICLE OFTEN, ASK:) "What kind of vehicle did you LAST drive?"


Van or minivan.........................2

Motorcycle........................3 SKIP TO Q9

Pickup truck...................….….4

Sport Utility Vehicle.........5


Other truck (SPECIFY)....11

(VOL) Don't know......…........12

(VOL) Refused...............13

Q.3 For the next series of questions, please answer only for the

(car/truck/van) you said you usually drive. Do the seat belts in the

front seat of the (car/truck/van) go across your shoulder only, across

your lap only, or across both your shoulder and lap?


Across shoulder......................1

Across lap...................….............2 SKIP TO Q5

Across both....................…....3

Vehicle has no belts.....................4 SKIP TO Q9

(VOL) Don't know...............5 SKIP TO Q6

(VOL) Refused...........................6 SKIP TO Q6

Q.4 When driving this (car/truck/van), how often do you wear your shoulder belt... (READ LIST)

ALL OF THE TIME..................1

MOST OF THE TIME......................2

SOME OF THE TIME..............3

RARELY OR................……............4


(VOL) Don't know................…......6

(VOL) Refused......................…………7


Q.5 When driving this (car/truck/van), how often do you wear your lap belt...(READ LIST)

ALL OF THE TIME..................1

MOST OF THE TIME.....................2

SOME OF THE TIME..............3

RARELY OR.................……..........4


(VOL) Don't know................…….6

(VOL) Refused......................…………7

Q.6 When was the last time you did NOT wear your seat belt when driving?

Within the past day..........………...........1

Within the past week....................………….2

Within the past month.............…………3

Within the past year.....................…………..4

A year or more ago/I always wear it..….5

(VOL) Don't know.......................…………6

(VOL) Refused......................…………7

Q6A When driving at night, are you more likely, less likely, or just as likely to wear your seat belt compared to when driving during the day?

More likely..........................1

Less likely.................................2

Just as likely........................3

Don’t drive at night…………..4

(VOL) Don't know............5

(VOL) Refused................……6

Q.7 In the past 30 days, has your use of seat belts when driving (vehicle driven most often) increased, decreased, or stayed the same?


Decreased..............................2 SKIP TO Q9

Stayed the same.............3 SKIP TO Q9

New driver............................4 SKIP TO Q9

(VOL) Don't know......5 SKIP TO Q9

(VOL) Refused...................6 SKIP TO Q9

Q.8 What caused your use of seat belts to increase?


Increased awareness of safety....….1

Seat belt law.......................……………...2

Don't want to get a ticket.......…….3

Was in a crash.......................……………4

New car with automatic belt......….5

Influence/pressure from others....……......6

More long distance driving.......…………...7

Remember more/more in the habit……..8

The weather……………………..9

The holidays……………….……..10

Driving faster…………………..11

Other (SPECIFY____)...…………..27

(VOL) Don't know..............………….....28

(VOL) Refused..................……...29

Q.9 Does (RESP’S STATE) have a law requiring seat belt use by adults?


No..............................………….2 SKIP TO Q12

(VOL) Don't know........….3 SKIP TO Q12

(VOL) Refused.................……4 SKIP TO Q12

IF Q1=5 AND Q9=1, SKIP TO Q11

If Q2 = 3 AND Q9 = 1, SKIP TO Q11

Q.10 Assume that you do not use your seat belt AT ALL while driving over the next six months. How likely do you think you will be to receive a ticket for not wearing a seat belt? READ

Very likely........................1

Somewhat likely...........................2

Somewhat unlikely...........3

Very unlikely..................…..........4

(VOL) Don't know.........5

(VOL) Refused...........................6

Q.11 According to your state law, can police stop a vehicle if they observe a seat belt violation or do they have to observe some other offense first in order to stop the vehicle?

Can stop just for seat belt violation..........1

Must observe another offense first……….......2

(VOL) Don't know..................………...3

(VOL) Refused..................………………….4

Q.12 In your opinion, SHOULD police be allowed to stop a vehicle if they observe a seat belt violation when no other traffic laws are being broken?

Should be allowed to stop…...1

Should not...……………………...2

(VOL) Don't know………....3

(VOL) Refused......……………..4

Q.13 Please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements?


a) Seat belts are just as likely to harm you as help you.

b) If I was in an accident, I would want to have my seat belt on.

c) Police in my community generally will not bother to write tickets for seat belt violations.

d) It is important for police to enforce the seat belt laws.

e) Putting on a seat belt makes me worry more about being in an accident.

  1. Police in my community are writing more seat belt tickets now than they were a few months ago.

  1. Police in my community are writing tickets for seat belt violations they see at night.

Q.14 Yes or No--in the past 30 days, have you seen or heard of any special effort by police to ticket drivers in your community for seat belt violations?


No....................……….2 SKIP TO Q24

(Vol) Don’t know...3 SKIP TO Q24

(Vol) Refused.........…..4 SKIP TO Q24

Q.15 Where did you see or hear about that special effort?




Friend/Relative..................3 SKIP TO Q24

Newspaper…………….4 SKIP TO Q24

Personal observation/on the road….5 SKIP TO Q24

Billboard/signs……………..7 SKIP TO Q24

Educational Program…….……..8 SKIP TO Q24

I’m a police officer/judge……..9 SKIP TO Q24

Direct contact by police officer…10 SKIP TO Q24

Other (specify_____)……… 17 SKIP TO Q24

Don’t know.......................18 SKIP TO Q24

Refused.............................…….19 SKIP TO Q24

Q.16 Was the (TV/radio) message a commercial (or advertisement), was it part of a news program, or was it something else? MULTIPLE RECORD


Public Service Announcement....………....1

News story/news program.....................………….2

Something else (specify): _________..……..3

Don’t know..................................………………..4


Q17 Yes or No – in the past 30 days, have you seen or heard of anything about the police setting up seat belt checkpoints where they will stop motor vehicles to check whether drivers and passengers are wearing seat belts?



Don’t know............3


By checkpoint, we mean a systematic effort by police to stop vehicles for the purpose of checking for compliance with existing seat belt laws.

Q18 Let me just confirm, is this the type of checkpoint that you have seen or heard about in the past 30 days?



Don’t know............3


Q19 Where did you see or hear about the police checkpoints for seat belts?




Friend/Relative..................3 SKIP to Q21 Newspaper………………4 SKIP to Q21

Other…………………….5 SKIP to Q21

Don’t know……………...6 SKIP to Q21

Refused…………………..7 SKIP to Q21

Q20 Was the (tv/radio) message a commercial (or advertisement), was it part of a news program, or was it something else?


Commercial / Advertisement/ Public

Service Announcement……………….1

News story / news program…………………...2

Something else (specify)……………………...3

Don’t Know…………………………………..4


Q20a Did the message say that the checkpoint would be conducted during the day, or that it would be conducted at night, or that it would be conducted during both the day and night?



Day and Night…….3

Don’t Know………4


Q21 In the past 30 days, did you personally see any checkpoints where police were stopping motor vehicles to see if drivers and passengers were wearing seat belts?



Don’t know............3


Again, by checkpoint we mean a systematic effort by police to stop vehicles for the purpose of checking for compliance with existing seat belt laws.

Q.22. Let me just confirm, is this the type of checkpoint that you personally saw in the past 30 days?


No...............………2 SKIP to Q24

Don’t know............3 SKIP to Q24

Refused..........…….4 SKIP to Q24

Q22A Did you see the checkpoint during the day, during the night, or both during the day and night.



Day and Night…….3

Don’t Know………4


Q.23. Were you personally stopped by police at a seat belt checkpoint in the past 30 days?



Don’t know............3


Q31 Thinking about everything you have heard, how important do you think it is for [respondent’s STATE] to enforce seat belt laws for ADULTS more strictly . . . . very important, fairly important, just somewhat important, or not that important?

Very important..................……..1

Fairly important..........………………2

Just somewhat important............3

Not that important.........…………….4

Don’t know.......................……..5


Q32 Do you recall hearing or seeing the following slogans in the past 30 days? READ LIST AND MULTIPLE RECORD YESES


1. Friends don't let friends drive drunk (PUNCH "1") (All)

2. Click it or ticket (PUNCH "2") (All)

3. Buckle Up America (PUNCH "3") (All)

5. You Drink and Drive. You Lose. (PUNCH "5") (All)

6. Didn't see it coming? No one ever does (PUNCH "6") (All)

7. Get the keys (PUNCH "7") (All)

13. Click it or ticket [+stlst+] (PUNCH "13") (All)

14. Buckle Up [+stlst+] (PUNCH "14") (All)

15 [HOLD]

16 [HOLD]

71. (VOL) None of these

72. (VOL) Don't know

73. (VOL) Refused

Q9a. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions about alcohol use. During the past 30 days have you had at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage, including liquor, beer, wine or wine coolers?


No............................2 SKIP TO Q14

(VOL) Don’t Know.........3 SKIP TO Q14

(VOL) Refused...............4 SKIP TO Q14

Q10a. During the past 30 days, have you driven a motor vehicle within two hours after drinking any alcoholic beverages, even if you had only a little?


No............................2 SKIP TO Q14

(VOL) Don’t Know.........3 SKIP TO Q14

(VOL) Refused...............4 SKIP TO Q14

Q10b. How many days out of the past 30 days did you drive within two hours after drinking any alcoholic beverages?

__________ (Range=01-30) DON’T KNOW =31 REFUSED=32

IF Q10b = 31 OR 32, THEN SKIP TO Q14

Q11. On the most recent occasion when you drove within two hours after drinking alcoholic beverages, how many drinks (of beer, wine, liquor) did you have?

ENTER NUMBER of DRINKS _____ (01-90)

Don't know....................98


Q12a. In the past 30 days, did you drive when you thought you had too much to drink?


No............................2 SKIP TO Q14

(VOL) Don’t Know.........3 SKIP TO Q14

(VOL) Refused...............4 SKIP TO Q14

Q12b. About how many times in the past 30 days did you drive when you thought you had too much to drink?

ENTER NUMBER: _____ (01 - 30)


Don't know..................98


Q13. Compared to other months during the past year, would you say that the number of days you drove after drinking alcohol was (lower/higher than usual, lower) than usual or the same as usual during the past 30 days? [IF Q10b = 0 THEN SAY "LOWER"; IF Q10b > 0 THEN SAY "HIGHER THAN USUAL, LOWER"]

Higher Than Usual......1

Lower Than Usual..........2

Same as Usual..........3

(VOL) Don’t Know.......4

(VOL) Refused........5

Q14. In the past 30 days, have you seen police on the roads you normally drive [READ LIST]

More often than usual.........1

Less often the usual.............2

About the same................3


(vol)Don't know...............5


Q15. Suppose you drove a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, and the amount of alcohol in your body was more than what the law allows for drivers. How likely is it that the police would stop you? Would the police be...........?

Very Likely To Stop You,...............1

Somewhat Likely To Stop You, or...........2

Not Likely To Stop.....................3

(VOL) Don’t Know........................4

(VOL) Refused........................5


Now, I need to ask you some basic information about you and your household.

Q.33 What is your age?

__________ AGE REFUSED=99

Q.34 Including yourself, how many persons, age 16 or older, are living in your household at least half of the time or consider it their primary residence?

____________ REFUSED=99

Q35 How many children age 15 or younger are living in your household

at least half of the time or consider it their primary residence?

____________ NONE=0 REFUSED=99

Q.36 Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?



(VOL) Not sure..........3

(VOL) Refused................4

Q.37 Which of the following racial categories describes you? You may select more than one. [READ LIST--MULTIPLE RECORD]

American Indian or Alaskan Native............1


Black or African American.............…….....3

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander……........4




(VOL) Refused.................................…….9

Q.38 What is the highest grade or year of school you completed?

8th grade or less....……….....9

9th grade.....................………..…..10

10th grade.............……….....11

11th grade....................………..….12

12th grade/GED...........……..13

Some college..................………....14

College graduate or higher….15

(VOL) Refused...………..............16

Q.39 Do you have more than one telephone number in your household?


No..........……………2 SKIP TO Q41

Don’t know....……...3 SKIP TO Q41

(VOL) Refused....…..4 SKIP TO Q41

Q.40 Not including cells phones, and phones used primarily for fax or computer lines,

how many different telephone numbers do you have in your household?

___________ 10 OR MORE=10 DON'T KNOW=11 REFUSED=12




That completes the survey.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorKevin B. Sharp
Last Modified ByNHTSA-LAPTOP
File Modified2007-01-10
File Created2007-01-10

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