NOTE : FORMATTING STILL NOT DONE! Let’s talk substance first.
I (JR) am making these changes from the reviewer…but I aware that the final version we sent to IRB may be different. Once we decide on these changes, we can incorporate into the other version, if it was different.
1. |
Your Name (please print) (first) _____________________________(last) All your answers will remain confidential. We only ask you to identify yourself for follow-up research purposes. |
did not teach Economics this semester (Skip to End) 9th 10th 11th 12th
3. |
How many economics classes did you teach this semester? |
_____ economics classes taught |
4. |
Did you teach an Advanced Placement economics course? |
No Yes |
5. |
How many students were in your largest Economics class? |
____ students |
What other subjects did you teach this semester? Check ALL that apply. None US History World History Government Other, including non-Social Studies (List): __________________________ |
7. |
Have any of these influenced your school or teaching this year? |
Yes |
No |
a. Newly implemented school or district initiatives |
b. Changes in school schedule or structure |
c. I changed schools |
d. I am teaching a subject or grade for the first time |
e. Other (please specify):__________________________ |
Overall, how SATISFIED are you with |
Very Unsatisfied 1 |
Somewhat Unsatisfied 2 |
Somewhat Satisfied 3 |
Very Satisfied 4 |
a. the curriculum materials you have for teaching Economics? |
b. the way you teach Economics using the available curriculum |
During the past semester, how often did you give assignments in Economics that required students to . . . |
Almost Never |
Occasionally |
At Least Weekly |
Twice Per Week |
Almost Daily |
a. |
listen to lectures and take notes? |
b. |
work individually answering questions in the textbook on worksheets?..................................... |
c. |
work on projects that take a week or more?……. |
d. |
write in a journal or write essays? |
e. |
work in small groups? |
f. |
work on “open-ended” problems with no obvious procedure or solution? |
g. |
work on assignments that require computers for word processing ? |
h. |
work on assignments that require computers for making presentations (e.g., powerpoint)) |
i. |
Work on assignments that require uses of computers for online research? |
j. |
Work on assignments that require uses of computers for spreadsheet or data analysis? |
k. |
Work on assignments that require other uses of computers |
10. |
EVERYONE Overall, how encouraged are you by your experience teaching Economics?
It is going great, couldn’t be better It is going great, and I can see ways to improve It could be great, but first I need to figure out how some things I’m not sure I have an approach I like |
11. |
PARTICIPANTS ONLY Overall, how encouraged are you by your experience of using the Problem Based Economics curriculum?
It is going great, couldn’t be better It is going great, and I can see ways to improve It could be great, but first I need to figure out how to incorporate it into my teaching better I’m not sure this is the approach I’d like to use |
12. |
Did any resources help you teach economics this year, besides your textbook? (“….and besides Problem Based Economics?” : Participants only) Yes No ->Skip to 13. If yes, please list the additional resources that were most
important to you:
13. |
14. |
Did you have any professional development this year that improved your teaching of Economics? (“….other than Problem Based Economics”: Participants only) |
Yes No -> Skip to 18 |
15. |
If yes, how many days of professional development did you have? (“….other than Problem Based Economics”: Participants only) |
___ Days
16. |
What was the format
for your professional development? a workshop a course individual professional development (on my own) |
17. |
Which of the following did the professional development offer?
Check ALL that apply. |
Providing content with which I was not already familiar Refreshing my knowledge of content with which I was already familiar A new approach to teaching Economics Ways to improve methods for teaching that I was already using Other – explain below |
18 |
Use the space to clarify any professional development you received. |
19. |
How enthused are you about teaching economics next semester or next year? |
I would prefer to teach other subjects I am willing to teach economics again, if needed I am glad to teach economics again I am enthusiastic about teaching economics again
20. |
To what extent did you meet your economic content objectives for this semester? Please add any additional economic topics among your top teaching objectives for this semester. Note. If this was not an objective, check the first column. |
Not an objective – N/A 0 |
Not at all 1 |
A little 2 |
Some- what 3 |
A lot 4 |
a. |
Tradeoffs |
b. |
Scarcity |
c. |
Opportunity costs |
d. |
Demand |
e. |
Supply |
f. |
Profit (revenue & costs) |
g. |
Fiscal policy |
h. |
Monetary policy |
i. |
Trade |
j. |
Specialization |
k. |
Markets |
l. |
Other economic concepts: ____________________ |
m. |
Other economic concepts: ____________________ |
21. |
How much of a challenge were the following in teaching Economics this year? |
Not a challenge 1 |
A minor challenge 2 |
A moderate challenge 3 |
A major challenge 4 |
a. |
Too much content to cover in the available time |
b. |
Some of the content is difficult, even for me |
c. |
Lack of useful curriculum methods or materials |
e. |
Class sizes are too large |
g. |
Content is too difficult for some students |
h. |
Students lack skills in academic English - reading or writing |
i. |
Students lack skills in math |
k. |
Students lack skills in solving complex problems |
l. |
Students lack motivation or interest in Economics |
m. |
Student absences |
n. |
Student disruptions or behavior problems |
22. |
Describe any other challenges you face in your teaching if economics. Use of the other side of this page, if necessary. |
If you are completed, or were instructed to skip to the end, please
return this survey to:
Thank you for completing this survey!
The formatting of this instrument is awful.
(1) Consistency is critical – and there is little consistency as to whether response options are presented vertically or horizontally.
OK – fix this last…so consistent across all instruments…
(2) The skip instructions should be formatted with an arrow proximal to the response. In items 11 and 13, the human eye will not track from the check box to the skip instruction for a non-trivial number of respondents.
Ok fixed this.
(3) For items 17 and 18, alternate lines must be shaded. Respondents cannot easily track across from the item – some will enter their responses on the wrong line. Formatting can reduce the incidence of this avoidable human error.
Ok, fixed this…
All your answers will remain confidential. We only ask you to identify yourself for follow-up research purposes.
1. |
Your Name (please print) (first) _____________________________(last) School_____________________________________________ City __________________________ State ____ |
2. |
How many years have you been a teacher, in any subject? |
_________ years |
3. |
How many years have you been an Economics teacher? |
_________ years |
4. |
Have any of these influenced your school or teaching in the last year? Yes No |
a. Newly implemented school or district initiatives |
b. Changes in school schedule or structure |
c. I changed schools |
d. I am teaching a grade or subject for the first time |
d. I have other school responsibilities for the first time (e.g., administrative or leadership) |
e. Other (please specify):__________________________ |
5. |
What grade are the students in your Economics classes? Check ALL that apply for at least 5 students per class: |
6. |
When are you most likely to teach economics? For each semester you do teach, indicate how many classes.
7. |
How many classes do you typically teach in the Fall? If none, enter “0”. ____
How many classes do you typically teach in the Spring? If none, enter “0”. _____
8. |
How long are your class periods? |
____ minutes per period |
9. |
How many students are in your largest Economics class? |
____ students |
10. |
What other subjects do you teach? Check ALL that apply. None US History World History Government Other, including non-Social Studies (List): _________________________________
11. |
How would you rate your CONTENT knowledge in Economics? |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Excellent |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
How much COLLEGE training did you have in Economics? These are NOT mutually exclusive categories. You are asking about the number of courses, the teacher’s major, the teacher’s minor, and whether they took graduate level economics courses. Each of these should be asked as a separate item. (INot sure I agree – how about….
None |
One Course |
A Few Courses |
Under-graduate Minor |
Under- graduate Major |
Graduate Level |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
How many college or university-level courses have you had in Economics? |
None |
One |
Two |
Three |
Four or more |
Do you have a degree in Economics? |
No |
Undergraduate Minor |
Undergraduate major |
Some graduate level work |
Graduate level degree |
15. |
How SATISFIED are you with
I have not taught yet |
Very Unsatisfied |
Somewhat Unsatisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
a. the curriculum materials you have for teaching Economics? |
b. the way you teach Economics using the available curriculum |
16. |
How often do you give assignments in Economics that require students to . . . |
Almost Never |
Occasionally |
At Least Weekly |
Several Times Per Week |
Almost Daily |
a. |
listen to lectures and take notes? |
b. |
work individually answering questions in the textbook on worksheets?..................................... |
c. |
work on projects that take a week or more?……. |
d. |
write in a journal or write essays? |
e. |
work in small groups? |
f. |
work on “open-ended” problems with no obvious procedure or solution? |
g. |
work on assignments that require computers for word processing ? |
h. |
work on assignments that require computers for making presentations (e.g., powerpoint)) |
i. |
Work on assignments that require uses of computers for online research? |
j. |
Work on assignments that require uses of computers for spreadsheet or data analysis? |
k. |
Work on assignments that require other uses of computers |
17. |
Does your SCHOOL have any of these arrangements? |
Yes |
No |
a. courses that combine Economics with other subjects |
b. block schedule – every day for 9 weeks |
c. block schedule – alternating days |
d. conversion to smaller schools, or school within a school |
e. small school start-up |
f. emphasis on innovative teaching |
f. emphasis on project or problem based learning |
18. |
Do you have instructional leadership responsibilities in your school or district, influencing teachers beyond your own classes? Check ONE. |
20. |
Which of these tends to characterize at least one ECONOMICS class you teach in your current school? |
a. Heterogeneous students – mixed ability classes |
b. Homogeneous students – groups of similar abilities |
c. Minority students (African American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, mixed) |
Check ALL that apply. |
d. Limited English proficient students |
e. Honors/academic prep |
f. AP/college credit |
g. Low-performing or remedial |
h. None of the above/ other _______________________ |
21. |
a. What is your gender? …………… |
Male Female |
b. In what year were you born? …… |
19 __________ |
c. Describe your ethnicity. Check one or more. |
1 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 Asian 3 Black or African American 4 Hispanic or Latino 5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 6 White 7 Other (Specify)
[Insert date]
Dear Teacher,
As you may know, WestEd is conducting a study of a social studies curriculum that uses problem-based instructional approaches to teach high school economics. We wish to determine how this approach affects teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical practice in economics as well as how these changes influence students’ learning economics.
We are now in need of your help to complete the Teacher Background Survey (TBS) and the Test of Economic Literacy (TEL) within the next five days to give us some information about your previous experience in teaching economics, how well you understand the principles of economics and the way our economy works, and other related information. The TBS is available at [URL address1], and the TEL is available at [URL address2]. In order to login to the TEL web site, you will need the following id and password: xxx & xxx2. You can access to both web sites at your convenient time and location. We estimate that the TBS will only take you about 10 minutes to complete, while the TEL will take you less than 45 minutes to complete. We value your time, so as soon as you return the survey, we will provide you with a $25 Amazon.com gift certificate. We want you to answer the survey/test questions as best you can, but there are no stakes associated with your responses.
Your responses to this survey will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes. We want to assure you that the results will never be presented in any way that would permit any response to be associated with a specific individual, and the researchers will have the only access to the individual response form.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important effort. If you have any questions or would like to have further information about the survey, you may contact Neal Finkelstein at (415) 615-3171 or by email at nfinkel@wested.org.
Neal Finkelstein, PhD
[Insert title here]
Thank you, in advance, for responding to the following questions. This instrument is being administered as part of a long-term research project by WestEd to understand strategies for improving high school economics. WestEd, a research, development, and service agency, works with education and other communities to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve learning for children, youth, and adults.
This survey is designed to gather your background information, including prior teaching economics experience, self-ratings of economic content knowledge, and other pedagogy-related information. It will take you about 10 minutes to complete it. All your answers will remain confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.
1. Please generate a unique identification number by following the example, and filling in the blank boxes below:
Month of birth date (November = 11) + Llast 4 digits of home phone (5432) + First letter of last name (S)
Example: |
1 |
1 |
+ |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
+ |
S |
Your Name:
3. Your email address:
All your answers will remain confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.
Please provide the identifying information requested on the next page.
[Describe how to generate the unique id for tracking purpose]
This survey is designed to gather your background information, including prior teaching economics experience, self-ratings of economic content knowledge, and other pedagogy-related information. It will take you about 10 minutes to complete it.
4. Please rRead each question and click on the response choice (see example 1) or the point on the continuumscale (see example 2) that best represents your position. Select only one response (unless otherwise specified) for each statement.
Example 1:
Never |
A few times a semester |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Almost everyday |
How often do you read the economics-related news……... |
Example 2:
Not At All Very Much
I enjoy teaching economics……………………………….. |
13. |
Gender: |
Male Female |
24. |
Age: |
__________ |
35. |
Ethnicity (check one or
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other (Specify):_____________________ |
472. |
How many years have you been a teacher, in any subject? |
_________ year_________ yearss
583. |
How many years have you been an Economics teacher? |
_________ years
469. |
Which option would best describe your How would you rate your CONTENT knowledge in Economics? |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Excellent |
7105. |
How many college or university-level courses have you had in Economics? |
None |
One |
Two |
Three |
Four or more |
811. |
In the future, |
Yes |
No |
a. |
I would prefer to teach other subjects rather than Economics. |
b. |
I am willing to teach Economics if assigned. |
c. |
I look forward to teaching Economics. |
d. |
I am really enthusiastic about teaching Economics. |
(If you didhave not teachtaught Economics before, please stop here)
6912. |
To what extent are you How SSATISFIED are you with… |
Very Unsatisfied I have not taught yet |
Very Unsatisfied Somewhat Unsatisfied Somewhat Satisfied |
Very Satisfied Very Satisfied |
a. |
the curriculum materials you have for teaching Economics? |
b. |
the way you teach your Economics classmethods you use to teach Economics? |
Last time you taught Economics, how often did you give assignments that required students to do the following? |
Never Almost every day |
A few times a semester Once or twice a week |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week A few times a semester |
Almost every day Never |
a. |
Llisten to lectures and take notes |
b. |
Aanswer questions in the textbook or worksheets |
c. |
Wwork on projects that take a week or more |
d. |
Wwrite in a journal or keep a written account of their thinking |
e. |
Wwork together in small groups |
f. |
Uuse a rubric to help assess and guide their work |
g. |
Oorganize and analyze information or data |
h. |
Come up with solutions to economic problems, like those found in the real world |
iI. |
Consider alternative solutions to an economic problem |
j. |
Orally present their work or ideas to others |
k. |
Use the Internet to get information |
lL. |
Using computers -- besides word processing -- to analyze or present data (e.g., Excel, PowerpointPowerPoint , graphing, concept mapping, etc.) |
1148. |
How confident are do you feel in youterms of r your ability to teach each of the following Economics ese concepts? |
very confident Totally |
Confident Somewhat confident Not very confident |
Totally |
a. |
Tradeoffs |
b. |
Scarcity |
c. |
Opportunity costs |
d. |
Demand |
e. |
Supply |
f. |
Profit (revenue & costs) |
g. |
Fiscal policy |
h. |
Monetary policy |
i. |
Trade |
j. |
Specialization |
k. |
Markets |
Thank you for filling out this survey!
1. |
Your Name (please print) (first) _____________________________(last) All your answers will remain confidential. We only ask you to identify yourself for follow-up research purposes.
How SATISFIED are you with… |
Very Unsatisfied |
Somewhat Unsatisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
a. |
the curriculum materials you have for teaching Economics? |
b. |
the way you teach Economics using the available curriculum? |
3. |
How confident do you feel in your ability to teach each of these concepts? |
Totally confident |
Very Confident |
Somewhat confident |
Not very confident |
Not taught -N/A |
a. |
Tradeoffs |
b. |
Scarcity |
c. |
Opportunity costs |
d. |
Demand |
e. |
Supply |
f. |
Profit (revenue & costs) |
g. |
Fiscal policy |
h. |
Monetary policy |
i. |
Trade |
j. |
Specialization |
k. |
Markets |
4. |
Does each statement reflect how you feel about teaching Economics in the future? |
Yes |
No |
a. |
I would prefer to teach other subjects, not Economic |
b. |
I am willing to teach Economics again, if assigned |
c. |
I look forward to teaching Economics again |
d. |
I am really enthusiastic about teaching Economics again |
During the past semester, how often did you give assignments in Economics that required students to . . . |
Almost every day |
Once or twice a week |
Once or twice a month |
A few times a semester |
Never |
a. |
listen to lectures and take notes |
b. |
answer questions in the textbook or worksheets |
c. |
work on projects that take a week or more |
d. |
write in a journal or keep a written account of their thinking |
e. |
work together in small groups |
f. |
use a rubric to help assess and guide their work |
g. |
organize and analyze information or data |
h. |
Come up with solutions to economic problems, like those found in the real world |
i. |
Consider alternative solutions to an economic problem |
j. |
Orally present their work or ideas to others |
k. |
Use the Internet to get information |
l. |
Use computers -- besides word processing -- to analyze or present data (e.g., Excel, Powerpoint , graphing, concept mapping, etc.) |
6. |
How much of a challenge were the following in teaching Economics this semester? |
Not a challenge |
A minor challenge |
A moderate challenge |
A major challenge |
a. |
There was too much content to cover |
b. |
The content was too difficult |
e. |
I had too many students |
f. |
It was difficult to assess student learning |
h. |
Students lack reading or writing skills |
i. |
Students lack math skills |
j. |
Students lack self-management skills |
k. |
Students have difficulty working together in teams or groups |
l. |
Students do not know how to solve complex real-world problems |
m. |
Students lack motivation or interest in Economics |
n. |
Student absences |
o. |
Disruptive student behavior (besides absences) |
7. |
NOT counting Problem Based Economics -- Did you have any professional development this year that improved your teaching of Economics? |
No (only Problem Based
Economics) -> Skip to 10
8. |
If Yes…How many additional days of professional development did you have -- NOT counting Problem Based Economics?
___ Days ( in addition to Problem Based Economics) |
9. |
What did this additional professional development emphasize?
Check ONE. |
Economic content Ways of teaching economics Both equally |
10. |
Overall, how encouraged are you by your use of the Problem Based Economics curriculum?
Check ONE.
It is going great, couldn’t be better It is going great, and I can see ways to improve It could be great, but first I need to figure out how to incorporate PBE into my teaching I’m not sure Problem Based Economics is the way I’d like to teach |
Thank you for completing this survey!
1. |
Your Name (please print) (first) _____________________________(last) All your answers will remain confidential. We only ask you to identify yourself for follow-up research purposes.
How SATISFIED are you with… |
Very Unsatisfied |
Somewhat Unsatisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
a. |
the curriculum materials you have for teaching Economics? |
b. |
the way you teach Economics using the available curriculum? |
3. |
How confident do you feel in your ability to teach each of these concepts? |
Totally confident |
Very Confident |
Somewhat confident |
Not very confident |
Not taught -N/A |
a. |
Tradeoffs |
b. |
Scarcity |
c. |
Opportunity costs |
d. |
Demand |
e. |
Supply |
f. |
Profit (revenue & costs) |
g. |
Fiscal policy |
h. |
Monetary policy |
i. |
Trade |
j. |
Specialization |
k. |
Markets |
4. |
Does each statement reflect how you feel about teaching Economics in the future? |
Yes |
No |
a. |
I would prefer to teach other subjects, not Economic |
b. |
I am willing to teach Economics again, if assigned |
c. |
I look forward to teaching Economics again |
d. |
I am really enthusiastic about teaching Economics again |
During the past semester, how often did you give assignments in Economics that required students to . . . |
Almost every day |
Once or twice a week |
Once or twice a month |
A few times a semester |
Never |
a. |
listen to lectures and take notes |
b. |
answer questions in the textbook or worksheets |
c. |
work on projects that take a week or more |
d. |
write in a journal or keep a written account of their thinking |
e. |
work together in small groups |
f. |
use a rubric to help assess and guide their work |
g. |
organize and analyze information or data |
h. |
Come up with solutions to economic problems, like those found in the real world |
i. |
Consider alternative solutions to an economic problem |
j. |
Orally present their work or ideas to others |
k. |
Use the Internet to get information |
l. |
Use computers -- besides word processing -- to analyze or present data (e.g., Excel, Powerpoint , graphing, concept mapping, etc.) |
6. |
How much of a challenge were the following in teaching Economics this semester? |
Not a challenge |
A minor challenge |
A moderate challenge |
A major challenge |
a. |
There was too much content to cover |
b. |
The content was too difficult |
e. |
I had too many students |
f. |
It was difficult to assess student learning |
h. |
Students lack reading or writing skills |
i. |
Students lack math skills |
j. |
Students lack self-management skills |
k. |
Students have difficulty working together in teams or groups |
l. |
Students do not know how to solve complex real-world problems |
m. |
Students lack motivation or interest in Economics |
n. |
Student absences |
o. |
Disruptive student behavior (besides absences) |
7. |
Did you have any professional development this year that improved your teaching of Economics? |
Yes No
-> Skip to end. |
8. |
If yes, how many additional days of professional development?
___ Days |
9. |
What did this additional professional development emphasize?
Check ONE. |
Economic content Ways of teaching economics Both equally |
Thank you for completing this survey!
Student Background Survey – ALL Students
Student Name _________________________ Teacher Name _________________________ Period #__
Grade ________________ Date _______________
This information is for record keeping purposes. Your privacy will be protected.
Please fill in the blanks, or fill in your answers.
Instructions: Please provide us with the requested information about your interests and background..
Student Name _________________________ Teacher Name _________________________Period #__
Grade ________________ Date _______________
Please answer every question below. Check the boxes that best reflect how you feel. There are no right or wrong answers. You will NOT be graded on this -- and your teacher is not being judged either -- so you can answer honestly.
1. |
How much do you LIKE each of the following subjects? |
It’s my favorite |
It’s one of my favorites |
I like it some |
I like it a little |
I don’t like it very much |
a. |
Math |
b. |
Science |
c. |
English |
d. |
Social Studies |
2. |
How often do each of these things happen in your classes at this school? |
About once a week |
Never |
a. |
My friends and I talk outside of class about what we are learning in class |
b. |
I don’t try as hard as I could because I am worried about what my friends may think |
c. |
My friends and I study or work together outside of class |
3. |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Never |
a. |
In this school, getting better grades than others tends to make you less popular |
b. |
In this school, too many students get away with being late and not doing their work |
c. |
I DON’T LIKE to do any more school work than I have to. |
d. |
I could do a lot better in school |
e. |
Studying a lot tends to make you less popular |
4.Instructions: Please answer every question below. Circle the numbers that best reflect how you feel. There are no right or wrong answers. |
On a typical day, hHow interested are you in reading newspaper and/or magazine articles about: |
Very Interested |
Undecided |
Not Interested |
a1. |
unemployment |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b2. |
U.S. government politics |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c3. |
economic issues faced by union workers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
4. |
economic issues faced by students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d5. |
economic issues faced by workers in other countries |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6. |
taxes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
7. |
why businesses chose to make some things and not others |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e8. |
economic issues faced by the poor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f9. |
economic issues faced by the elderly |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
10. |
why businesses hire some workers and not others |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g11. |
why the price of some things is higher than the price of other things. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Please think about the way in which you solve problems and tell us how much you agree with the following statements. |
Strongly Agree |
Undecided |
Strongly Disagree |
I have difficulty solving problems when: |
12. |
I do not have all the information |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
13. |
There is no right answer |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
14. |
Other people have different opinions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
15. |
I have to argue my own point of view |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
16. |
I have to defend my choices |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
17. |
Only some people are helped by my decision |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
How good do you feel you are at each of the following? |
Did NOT Do This- N/A |
Not very good |
a. |
Solving complex real world problems |
b. |
Understanding data, graphs and charts |
c. |
Working effectively in groups |
d. |
Giving presentations in front of the class |
e. |
Writing papers or essays |
Which courses are you taking THIS semester? Check ALL that apply. |
English |
Social Studies |
Foreign Language |
Science |
Math |
a. |
Regular or college-prep course |
b. |
Honors or advanced placement |
c. |
Basic or remedial course |
7. |
How many HOURS PER DAY do you expect to do homework this semester, in all your classes? Check ONE.
No time Half an hour or less 1 hour 2 hours 3-4 hours 5 or more hours |
8. |
How do you think you will do in school this semester, in all your classes? Check ONE.
All A’s Mostly A’s A’s & B’s Mostly B’s B’s & C’s Mostly C’s or lower |
9. |
How many books are there in your home? Check ONE.
0-10 11-24 25-100 100-250 more than 250 |
10. |
What is the highest level that you would like to go to in school? I would like to: Check ONE.
Leave before graduating Finish high school Technical certificate after high school 2-year college degree 4-year college degree 4-year college degree plus some further training Post graduate degree (medical, law, PhD, MBA) Haven’t thought about it |
11. |
What is your gender? |
Male Female |
12. |
What is your ethnicity? (optional) Check one or more.
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other (Specify) |
13. |
What language do you usually speak at home?
English English and another language A language other than English |
14. |
Do people in your family speak another language at home?
No Seldom Half the time Mostly |
15. |
Is reading or writing English ever a problem for you?
Yes -- reading or writing in English is difficult Sometimes reading or writing in English is difficult No -- reading or writing in English is not a problem |
I have concerns about five of the six items in the scale. If someone were to ask a student, “What do you think they mean by ‘I have difficulty solving problems when only some people are helped by my decision?”, I am quite confident that the range and diversity of interpretations would demonstrate that this item is not being interpreted consistently -- a serious flaw. Responses to a more specific follow-up probe, such as, “Can you give me an example of a problem you solve that only helps some people?” would almost certainly give the writers of this item pause.
As another example, consider: “I have difficulty solving problems when there is no right answer.” Students have been trained to believe that there are correct answers to test problems. If not, how could a teacher grade them? I can hear students saying, “Duh! Of course I have difficulties solving problems when there is no right answer. Everyone does!”
Finally, one should not use an “Agree/disagree” scale for items with a negative stem. The double negatives hinder comprehension. Consider the following answer: “I disagree that I have difficulty solving problems when I do not have all the information.” How many times did you have to read this answer to understand what the response meant?
I AGREE, Problem Solving items are troublesome. JM, are they worth using and/or trying to improve?
18. |
What are you planning to do after high school? (check one)
O Attend a very competitive 4-year college – like UC, Berkeley or Stanford O Attend a less competitive 4-year college, like SFSU or a Cal State school O Attend a community college, or 2-year college O Attend a technical school, getting a license or certificate O Join the armed forces or military service O Get a job (including an internship, voluntary or for pay) O Travel O Do not know yet O None of the above, or other (please specify): _________________ |
19. |
How do you think you will do in school this semester, in all your classes? (Fill in one.)
O All A’s O Mostly A’s O A’s & B’s O Mostly B’s O B’s & C’s O Mostly C’s or lower |
21. |
What is your ethnicity? (optional) Check one or more.
O American Indian or Alaska Native O Asian O Black or African American O Hispanic or Latino O Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander O White O Other (Specify) |
22. |
What language do you usually speak at home?
O English O English and another Language O A language other than English |
23 |
Is reading or writing English ever a problem for you?
O Yes -- reading or writing in English is often difficult O Sometimes reading or writing in English is difficult O No -- reading or writing in English is no problem
Thank you for completing this survey!!
Based Economics Workshop Evaluation
Buck Institute for Education 2005
Teacher: The
Buck Institute for Education would greatly appreciate your candid
evaluation of the summer institute.
All your answers will remain confidential. We only ask you to identify yourself for follow-up research purposes.
Overall Rating
Circle one: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Organization |
Presenters appeared to have no clear agenda, program was confusing and lacked specific goals, significant time was wasted. |
Agenda was provided and mostly held to. Presenter was usually prepared and comfortable with content. Being “comfortable with content” is not normally considered to be a component of “organization.: |
Agenda was clear and held to, but adjustable to participant needs. Presenter was well prepared each day and comfortable with content. Time was well utilized. |
Circle one: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Presenter(s) - Knowledge
Presenters did not appear knowledgeable or able to present information clearly |
Presenters were knowledgeable, and were able to present information clearly. |
Presenters were knowledgeable and experienced in a large range of related topics |
Presenter(s) - Skills
Presenters were rude to participants, or had poor presentation skills. |
Presenters were helpful and friendly |
Presenters were inspirational, helpful and friendly, had strong presentation skills, and worked well with each other. |
Circle one: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Content |
Content was neither relevant nor practical, consisted of almost no new knowledge or new methods. |
Most content was relevant and practical; participants were exposed to new knowledge or new methods, provided some new tools and perspectives for the classroom. |
Content was relevant and practical, consisted of almost entirely new knowledge or new methods, and provided powerful new tools and perspectives for the classroom. |
Circle one: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Materials and Handouts |
Materials were of little use or not relevant to workshop; appearance was unprofessional. |
of the materials were easy to use, provided valuable information
materials were easy to use, provided valuable information |
Circle one: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Facilities and Amenities |
were uncomfortable or unclean and did not provide an effective
working environment. Food and drinks were not provided;
necessary supplies |
were comfortable, clean and provided an effective working
environment. Food and drinks were provided. Necessary supplies
Facilities were comfortable, clean and provided an effective, inspiring working environment. Food and drinks were of suitable quality and quantity. Necessary supplies were readily available. |
Circle one: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Part 2. Tell us more about the benefits of the institute and how it could be improved
1. |
Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about the benefits of the institute for you.
Strongly Agree |
Undecided |
Strongly Disagree |
The institute helped… |
a. provide an understanding of economics content with which I was not already familiar |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. refresh my economics knowledge (providing a better understanding of content with which I was already familiar) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. showed me an approach to teaching economics with which I was not already familiar |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. provided me with a better understanding of an approach to teaching economics—with which I was already familiar |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
JR: I feel C & D could be cleaner!!!
C) showed me an approach to teaching (economics) with which I was not familiar;
D) showed me ways to improve how I teach economics
2. Describe any topics or issues you would like to see presented in future or follow-up workshops.
3. What was the most important or relevant thing you learned during the workshop?
4. What was the least valuable?
Please add any additional comments or suggestions:
Thank You!
Teacher End of Unit Survey The High School Food Court |
Instructions: Thank you for thoughtfully completing this survey about your use of The High School Food Court in your classroom. In addition to your recollections and notes from the unit, please refer to your grade book or lesson plans if needed to complete the questions. There are no correct or incorrect answers. Please feel free to share with us how you have modified and improved the unit to suit your teaching style, student needs and classroom environment. Select the best response or fill in the blanks when they are provided. Please PRINT neatly.
1. |
Your Name (please print) (first) _____________________________(last)________________________________ |
School Name ______________________________________School City ________________________State |
Note. Please provide your contact information for follow-up purposes. All information will remain confidential. |
2. |
Today’s Date (e.g. 9/3/06): _____ / _____ / 06. |
3. |
Date you started THE HIGH SCHOOL FOOD COURT? ____ / ____ / 06 |
4. |
How many class periods did you spend on this unit, including test and debrief? _______ class periods spent. |
5. |
Date you finished THE HIGH SCHOOL FOOD COURT (including test and debrief)? ____ / ____ / 06 |
6. |
How many nights of homework (including weekends) did you require for this unit? ______ nights.
7. |
How much time did you spend teaching any of these concepts PRIOR to introducing The High School Food Court? |
Concepts taught BEFORE the unit started… |
None |
Very little |
A little |
Some |
A lot |
a. |
tradeoffs |
b. |
scarcity |
c. |
opportunity costs |
d. |
demand |
e. |
profit (revenue & costs) |
8. |
Did you give lessons on these topics as part of the unit? |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Lesson on Demand |
b. |
Lesson on Costs & Supply |
c. |
Lesson on Profit |
d. |
Lesson on Graphs and their Meanings, e.g., Demand Curve |
9. |
Did you use these problem logs? |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Problem Log: “Most important issues for the Student Council” |
b. |
Problem Log: “Positive and negative features of each restaurant” |
c. |
Problem Log: “Problems with computations or concepts in the tables” |
d. |
Problem Log: “How to use information in tables to help choose the restaurants” |
e. |
Problem Log: “Impact of constituency groups on selection of restaurants” |
10. |
Did you use these steps from the unit? |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Present the entry document (memo) |
b. |
Develop the problem statement |
c. |
Develop the list of “knows” and “need to knows” |
d. |
Additional memos or tasks included with unit |
e. |
Revise the list of “knows” and “need to knows” using new information |
f. |
Used a rubric to help guide and evaluate student work |
g. |
Students worked in groups to solve or understand the problem |
h. |
Feedback on solutions – before students give final presentation or product |
i. |
Students deliver final products or presentations |
j. |
Students respond to questions about their product or performances |
k. |
Unit test |
l. |
Wrap-up and debrief |
11. |
Did you incorporate any additional assignments, activities, lessons, lectures or discussions into this unit? |
Yes |
No |
a. |
text book reading |
b. |
homework from text book |
c. |
other: __________________________________________________________ |
d. |
other: __________________________________________________________ |
12 |
As they worked to SOLVE THE PROBLEM, how much did you emphasize to your students… |
Not at all |
A little |
Some- what |
A lot |
a. |
they have to stay focused on Economics, not political issues? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. |
they will not be given answers and will have to make their own decisions? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. |
there is no single “correct” answer, but several possibilities? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d. |
it will be difficult (or impossible) to satisfy everyone’s interests? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
e. |
they must try to balance stakeholder interests? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
f. |
they must address the constraints of the problem – they cannot ignore or creatively avoid them? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
13. |
To what extent did you conduct a DEBRIEF of student solutions in a way that was intended to.. |
Not at all |
A little |
Some- what |
A lot |
a. |
correct incorrect knowledge or statement made by students? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. |
provide additional lectures, readings or assignments on unit content? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. |
discuss the underlying tradeoffs and opportunity costs in student solutions? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
14. |
How useful was this unit in helping students gain familiarity with and use these economic concepts? |
Did not teach N/A |
Not at All |
A Little |
Some-what |
A lot |
a. |
tradeoffs |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. |
scarcity |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. |
opportunity costs |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d. |
demand |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
e. |
profit (revenue & costs) |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
f. |
other concept ___________________________________ |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
g. |
other concept ___________________________________ |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
15. |
How much of a challenge were the following in teaching this unit? |
Not a challenge |
A minor challenge |
A moderate challenge |
A major challenge |
a. |
The unit has too much content |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. |
The unit content is difficult, even for me |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. |
The unit takes up too much time to carry out as intended |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d. |
Logistics of the unit were difficult to manage |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
e. |
Class sizes are too large for the unit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
f. |
Student work was difficult to grade or assess for this unit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
g. |
The unit content was too difficult for my students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
h. |
Students lack skills in reading or writing for this unit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
i. |
Students lack skills in math for this unit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
j. |
Students lack self-management or collaboration skills for this unit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
k. |
Students lack skills solving complex problems for this unit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
l. |
Students lack motivation or interest for this unit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Did student absences have an impact on how you taught the unit? |
b. |
Did student disruptions or behavior problems have a negative impact? |
17. |
Please provide any other information about this unit that you feel would be useful. Use the back of the page if necessary.
You For Completing This Survey!Student
End of Semester Survey - High School Economics -- PBE ONLY
Instructions: We only need your responses to this survey and your contact information only for research purposes. Your teacher will NOT be seeing or grading your responses. Please answer all questions as honestly as possible.
Student Name _________________________ 2. Teacher Name _______________________ 3. Period #____
Grade _______ 5. Date ____________________
1. |
How much did each of these class activities help your learning? |
Did NOT Do This- N/A |
No Help |
A Little Help |
Moderate Help |
Much Help |
Very Much Help |
a. |
Reading the textbook |
b. |
Lectures, presentations and class discussions led by the teacher |
c. |
Use of videos, movies, tapes or CDs |
d. |
Presentations that you and your classmates gave in front of the class |
e. |
Working with other students during class |
f.. |
Thinking about how to solve a realistic or real world economic problem |
g. |
Keeping a journal or log of your progress or thinking about Economic issues |
h. |
Keeping a list of what you know and need to know |
i. |
Writing assignments that were graded -- papers, essays, speeches, etc. |
j. |
Getting feedback on your work from the teacher or other students |
k. |
Working on projects that lasted a week or longer |
l. |
Using computers to research information on the Internet |
m. |
Use computers -- besides word processing -- to analyze or present data (e.g., Excel, Powerpoint , graphing, concept mapping, etc.) |
2. |
On a typical day, how interested are you in reading newspaper or magazine articles about: |
Very Interested |
Undecided |
Not Interested |
a. |
unemployment |
b. |
U.S. government politics |
c. |
economic issues faced by union workers |
d. |
economic issues faced by workers in other countries |
e. |
economic issues faced by the poor |
f. |
economic issues faced by the elderly |
g. |
why the price of some things is higher than the price of other things. |
3. |
How much did this class help you: |
Did NOT Do This- N/A |
Not at All |
A Little |
Some- what |
A Lot |
A Great Deal |
a. |
Understand how economics influences current events and real world issues |
b. |
Appreciate economics ideas and concepts |
c. |
Understand the economic concerns of different groups in society |
d. |
Make you more interested in economics |
4. |
To what extend did your teacher |
a. |
Give you assignments that made Economics more interesting? |
b. |
Give lectures or lead discussions that made Economics more interesting? |
5. |
How did this Economics class compare to other classes that you took… |
The most interesting class |
One of the most interesting |
As interesting as others |
Less interesting than others |
One of the least interesting |
a. |
This semester, Economics was…. |
b. |
Compared to ALL other classes I have taken in high school, Economics was…. |
6. |
How much has this class improved your ability in each of the following? |
Did NOT Do This- N/A |
Not at All |
A Little |
Some- what |
A Lot |
A Great Deal |
a. |
Solving complex, real-world problems |
b. |
Understanding data, graphs and charts |
c. |
Working effectively in groups |
d. |
Giving oral presentations |
e. |
Writing papers or essays |
f. |
Discussing economic issues with others |
7. |
How often do each of these things happen in THIS CLASS? |
About once a week |
Never |
a. |
My friends and I talk outside of class about what we are learning in class |
b. |
I don’t try as hard as I could because I am worried about what my friends may think |
c. |
My friends and I studied or worked together outside of class |
8. |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about THIS CLASS? |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
a. |
Too many students got away with being late and not doing their work |
b. |
I DID NOT work any harder than I had to |
c. |
I could have done a lot better in this class |
d. |
Working hard made one less popular in this class |
9. |
To what extent during Economics did you ever feel that… |
Not at all |
A little |
Some- what |
A lot |
a. |
The assignments seemed boring or pointless |
b. |
You didn’t really understand the material |
c. |
The assignments were too long and difficult |
d. |
Class was chaotic and unorganized |
10. |
In a typical WEEK, how many hours did you spend working on ECONOMICS assignments outside of class or as homework? |
No homework or out of class work One hour a week A couple hours a week 3-4 hours per week 5 or more hours per week |
11. |
In a typical DAY, how many hours did you spend working on assignments outside of class or doing homework for ALL your classes? |
No homework or out of class work Half an hour 1 hour 2 hours 3-4 hours 5-7 hours 8+ hours |
12. |
How much effort did you put into Economics compared to your other classes? |
a lot more effort than my other classes about the same as my other classes less effort than my other classes |
Strongly Agree |
Undecided |
Strongly Disagree |
13. Do you agree or disagree that your teacher’s use of Problem Based Economics units did the following? |
a. |
increased his/her teaching effectiveness. |
b. |
created a better learning environment.for you (made it possible for you to learn more) |
c. |
was more effective than “traditional” teaching – only using textbook, lectures and class discussions. |
14. |
Add comments below. |
Thank you for
completing this survey!
Student End of Semester Survey - High School Economics -- COMPARISON ONLY
Instructions: We only need your responses to this survey and your contact information only for research purposes. Your teacher will NOT be seeing or grading your responses. Please answer all questions as honestly as possible.
Student Name _________________________ 2. Teacher Name _______________________ 3. Period #____
Grade _______ 5. Date ____________________
1. |
How much did each of these class activities help your learning? |
Did NOT Do This- N/A |
No Help |
A Little Help |
Moderate Help |
Much Help |
Very Much Help |
a. |
Reading the textbook |
b. |
Lectures, presentations and class discussions led by the teacher |
c. |
Use of videos, movies, tapes or CDs |
d. |
Presentations that you and your classmates gave in front of the class |
e. |
Working with other students during class |
f.. |
Thinking about how to solve a realistic or real world economic problem |
g. |
Keeping a journal or log of your progress or thinking about Economic issues |
h. |
Keeping a list of what you know and need to know |
i. |
Writing assignments that were graded -- papers, essays, speeches, etc. |
j. |
Getting feedback on your work from the teacher or other students |
k. |
Working on projects that lasted a week or longer |
l. |
Using computers to research information on the Internet |
m. |
Use computers -- besides word processing -- to analyze or present data (e.g., Excel, Powerpoint , graphing, concept mapping, etc.) |
2. |
On a typical day, how interested are you in reading newspaper or magazine articles about: |
Very Interested |
Undecided |
Not Interested |
a. |
unemployment |
b. |
U.S. government politics |
c. |
economic issues faced by union workers |
d. |
economic issues faced by workers in other countries |
e. |
economic issues faced by the poor |
f. |
economic issues faced by the elderly |
g. |
why the price of some things is higher than the price of other things. |
3. |
How much did this class help you: |
Did NOT Do This- N/A |
Not at All |
A Little |
Some- what |
A Lot |
A Great Deal |
a. |
Understand how economics influences current events and real world issues |
b. |
Appreciate economics ideas and concepts |
c. |
Understand the economic concerns of different groups in society |
d. |
Make you more interested in economics |
4. |
To what extend did your teacher |
a. |
Give you assignments that made Economics more interesting? |
b. |
Give lectures or lead discussions that made Economics more interesting? |
5. |
How did this Economics class compare to other classes that you took… |
The most interesting class |
One of the most interesting |
As interesting as others |
Less interesting than others |
One of the least interesting |
a. |
This semester, Economics was…. |
b. |
Compared to ALL other classes I have taken in high school, Economics was…. |
6. |
How much has this class improved your ability in each of the following? |
Did NOT Do This- N/A |
Not at All |
A Little |
Some- what |
A Lot |
A Great Deal |
a. |
Solving complex, real-world problems |
b. |
Understanding data, graphs and charts |
c. |
Working effectively in groups |
d. |
Giving oral presentations |
e. |
Writing papers or essays |
f. |
Discussing economic issues with others |
7. |
How often do each of these things happen in THIS CLASS? |
About once a week |
Never |
a. |
My friends and I talk outside of class about what we are learning in class |
b. |
I don’t try as hard as I could because I am worried about what my friends may think |
c. |
My friends and I studied or worked together outside of class |
8. |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about THIS CLASS? |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
a. |
Too many students got away with being late and not doing their work |
b. |
I DID NOT work any harder than I had to |
c. |
I could have done a lot better in this class |
d. |
Working hard made one less popular in this class |
9. |
To what extent during Economics did you ever feel that… |
Not at all |
A little |
Some- what |
A lot |
a. |
The assignments seemed boring or pointless |
b. |
You didn’t really understand the material |
c. |
The assignments were too long and difficult |
d. |
Class was chaotic and unorganized |
10. |
In a typical WEEK, how many hours did you spend working on ECONOMICS assignments outside of class or as homework? |
No homework or out of class work One hour a week A couple hours a week 3-4 hours per week 5 or more hours per week |
11. |
In a typical DAY, how many hours did you spend working on assignments outside of class or doing homework for ALL your classes? |
No homework or out of class work Half an hour 1 hour 2 hours 3-4 hours 5-7 hours 8+ hours |
12. |
How much effort did you put into Economics compared to your other classes? |
a lot more effort than my other classes about the same as my other classes less effort than my other classes |
Thank you for completing this survey!
Problem Based Economics Summer Institute Evaluation
PART ONE: Please rate each aspect of the workshop – give us your thoughtful feedback by filling in the appropriate response for each of the statements below.
1. The content of the institute: |
Strongly Agree |
Agree Somewhat |
Undecided |
Disagree Somewhat |
Strongly Disagree |
a. Was relevant and practical |
b. Met its stated objectives |
c. Improved my understanding of economics |
d. Provided me with useful new ways to teach economics |
2. The agenda for the institute: |
Strongly Agree |
Agree Somewhat |
Undecided |
Disagree Somewhat |
Strongly Disagree |
a. Contained clearly stated goals |
b. Was designed to meet its goals |
c. Was followed but adjusted if necessary |
d. Was appropriately paced |
3. The presenters of the institute: |
Strongly Agree |
Agree Somewhat |
Undecided |
Disagree Somewhat |
Strongly Disagree |
a. Had sufficient knowledge of |
b. Had sufficient knowledge of |
c. Were engaging and helpful |
d. Used effective presentation skills |
4. The facilities and amenities of the institute: |
Strongly Agree |
Agree Somewhat |
Undecided |
Disagree Somewhat |
Strongly Disagree |
a. Were comfortable and conducive to working |
b. Included adequate supplies of materials and tools |
Comments: |
Strongly Agree |
Agree Somewhat |
Undecided |
Disagree Somewhat |
Strongly Disagree |
a. Was valuable to me |
b. Was well organized |
c. Was the right length of time |
d. Included high-quality materials |
e. Prepared me well enough to implement the units in my classroom |
f. Was a good start, but I will need further training and/or coaching |
Part II. Please tell us more about the workshop and how it could be improved.
1. Describe any topics or issues that should be included in future workshops and/or coaching.
2. What was the most important or relevant thing you learned during the workshop?
3. What was the least valuable part of the workshop?
4. Any additional comments, questions or suggestions:
Thank you for filling out this form!
Teacher End of Unit Survey The High School Food Court |
Instructions: Thank you for thoughtfully completing this survey about your use of The High School Food Court in your classroom. In addition to your recollections and notes from the unit, please refer to your grade book or lesson plans if needed to complete the questions. There are no correct or incorrect answers. Please feel free to share with us how you have modified and improved the unit to suit your teaching style, student needs and classroom environment. Select the best response or fill in the blanks when they are provided. Please PRINT neatly. |
Your Name (please print) (first) _____________________________(last)________________________________ All information will remain confidential. Please provide your contact information for follow-up purposes.
1. |
Today’s Date (e.g. 9/3/06): _____ / _____ / 06. |
2. |
How many class periods did you spend on this unit, including test and debrief? ____ class periods spent. |
3. |
How many nights did you assign homework (including weekends) for this unit? ____ night
4. |
How much did you focus on the following concepts during the HS Food Court unit? |
Did not cover |
Mentioned briefly |
Minor focus |
Major focus |
a. |
Tradeoffs |
b. |
Scarcity |
c. |
Opportunity Costs |
d. |
Demand |
e. |
Supply |
f. |
Profit (revenue & costs) |
g. |
Markets |
5. |
How much time did you spend using these benchmark lessons provided in the HS Food Court booklet? Check ONE for each. |
Did not teach |
15 minutes or less |
About ½ an hour |
Almost an hour |
More than an hour |
a. |
Lesson on Demand |
b. |
Lesson on Costs & Supply |
c. |
Lesson on Profit (revenue & costs) |
d. |
Lesson on Graphs and their Meanings, e.g., Demand Curve |
I used with students and I…. |
6. |
How did you or students use the following problem logs suggested in the HS Food court booklet?
Did not use with students |
Checked for completion only -- did not read |
Read and gave feedback |
Read and graded |
a. |
Problem Log: “Most important issues for the Student Council” |
b. |
Problem Log: “Positive and negative features of each restaurant” |
c. |
Problem Log: “Problems with computations or concepts in the tables” |
d. |
Problem Log: “How to use information in tables to help choose the restaurants” |
e. |
Problem Log: “Impact of constituency groups on selection of restaurants” |
7. |
How much did you emphasize each of the following in the HS Food Court unit? |
Did not use |
Used, but did not emphasize |
Emphasized a little |
Emphasized a lot |
a. |
Reviewing the entry document (memo) |
b. |
Develop the problem statement |
c. |
Develop the list of “knows” and “need to knows” |
d. |
Use additional memos or tasks included with unit |
e. |
Calculate costs, revenue and profit for the restaurants |
f. |
Revise the list of “knows” and “need to knows” using new information |
g. |
Used a rubric to help guide and evaluate student work |
h. |
Students worked in groups to solve or understand the problem |
i. |
Feedback on solutions – before students give final presentation or product |
j. |
Students deliver final products or presentations |
k. |
Students respond to questions about their product or performances |
l. |
Unit test |
m. |
Wrap-up and debrief |
n. |
Textbook or other reading assignments |
o. |
Homework |
8. |
As students worked to select restaurants for the HS food court, how much did you emphasize…. |
Not at all |
A little |
Some- what |
A lot |
a. |
they have to stay focused on Economics, not political issues |
b. |
they will not be given answers and will have to make their own decisions |
c. |
there is no single “correct” answer, but several possibilities |
d. |
it will impossible to fully satisfy everyone’s interests |
e. |
they have to deal with the situation as defined in the unit and cannot make up easier scenarios for themselves |
9.. |
To what extent did your DEBRIEF of student solutions… |
Not at all |
A little |
Some- what |
A lot |
a. |
correct incorrect knowledge or statements |
b. |
provide additional lectures, readings or assignments |
c. |
discuss the underlying tradeoffs and opportunity costs of the solutions |
d. |
discuss the process by which students worked together as a group |
e. |
discuss the skills students exhibited in making their presentations |
10. |
How much of a challenge were the following in teaching the High School Food Court unit? |
Not a challenge |
A minor challenge |
A moderate challenge |
A major challenge |
a. |
The unit has too much content |
b. |
The unit content is difficult |
c. |
The unit takes up too much time |
d. |
The unit is difficult to manage |
e. |
Too many students in my class(es) |
f. |
Difficult to grade or assess |
h. |
Students lack skills in reading or writing |
i. |
Students lack skills in math |
j. |
Students lack self-management skills |
k. |
Students have difficulty working together |
l. |
Students have difficult solving complex problems |
m. |
Students lack motivation or interest in the problem |
n. |
Student absences |
o. |
Disruptive student behavior (besides absences) |
11. |
Please provide any other information about this unit that you feel would be useful. Use the back of the page if necessary.
Thank You For Completing This Survey!
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Teacher Background Survey |
Author | Kevin Huang |
Last Modified By | Sheila.Carey |
File Modified | 2007-01-25 |
File Created | 2007-01-25 |