Telephone Interview Protocol for Manufactured Housing Project
Interviewer: Marilyn Cavell, Assistant Director for the Center for Housing Research will be the designated interviewer (231-3993, The Virginia Tech person in charge of the project is Casey Dawkins (540 231-3993, The telephone interview is estimated to take approximately 30 minutes.
Casey Dawkins: Casey Dawkins is the contact person provided on the questionnaire for those who have questions or want to respond to the questionnaire by telephone. Make certain anyone in the office that may answer the telephone (540 231-3993) is aware of the manufactured housing project and that Casey Dawkins or Marilyn Cavell should receive phone calls regarding that project.
For any receiver of a call regarding the manufactured housing project: If a someone calls to say that they have forwarded the manufactured housing questionnaire to another person better able to answer questions, please write down the caller’s name, the name and title of the person to whom they forwarded the questionnaire, a return phone number, the name of their community and, if possible, the ID control number from the upper right hand corner of their questionnaire. Thank them for calling.
If someone calls to say that the person to whom the questionnaire was mailed no longer works for the locality, ask for the name of the person in question and the community name. Encourage the caller to pass on the questionnaire to a person who would have knowledge of the regulations regarding manufactured homes (what is important is knowledge, not who answers) and ask for a name so that any further communication can be sent to that person. Let them know we would be happy to answer further questions and thank them for calling.
If someone calls there is no person available to answer the questions in the survey, suggest someone who works with zoning or community development or building. Otherwise, encourage the caller to pass on the questionnaire to a person who would have knowledge of the regulations regarding manufactured homes (what is important is knowledge, not who answers). Let them know we would be happy to answer further questions. If the caller insists there is no one to answer the questions, ask for the name of the community and address on the envelope they received from us so that we will not send any additional request for information. Thank them for calling.
Receiver of initial phone call from a potential respondent: The caller will ask to speak to Casey Dawkins. If Dr. Dawkins is available, transfer the call to Dr. Dawkins. If Dr. Dawkins is not available, transfer the call directly to Marilyn Cavell (let the caller know to whom they will be speaking). If neither Dr. Dawkins nor Marilyn Cavell is available, say to the caller, “I am sorry but Dr. Dawkins is not in, could you please tell me what this call concerns?” and write down their answer. If the caller indicates the call is regarding the manufactured housing project, tell the caller, “You may call back (in case they want to remain anonymous) or I would be happy to have Dr. Dawkins or Marilyn Cavell return your call.” If they choose to call back, thank them for calling. If they choose for Dr. Dawkins or Marilyn Cavell to return their call, ask the caller to please give their name, a return phone number, the name of their community and, if possible, the ID control number from the upper right hand corner of their questionnaire. Tell the caller that Dr. Dawkins or Marilyn Cavell will return their call as soon as possible and thank them for calling.
Casey Dawkins: Answer questions about the project. If you determine the respondent wants to complete the questionnaire over the telephone, transfer the call to Marilyn Cavell. If Marilyn Cavell is not available, tell the caller, “You may call back (in case they want to remain anonymous) or I would be happy to have Marilyn Cavell return your call.” If they choose to call back, thank them for calling. If they want a return call, write down the caller’s name, their community, a return phone number, and if they can provide it, the ID control number from the upper right hand corner of their questionnaire. Tell the caller that Marilyn Cavell will return their call as soon as possible and thank them for calling.
Marilyn Cavell: Keep master list, a cover letter and blank copies of the survey accessible at all times in anticipation of a call. Only return calls when prepared to conduct an interview at that time. When a call comes in, thank the caller for their interest in the project. Answer questions about the project and if the caller wants to complete the questionnaire over the telephone, determine whether it is a good time or if you need to set up a time convenient to both parties. If the caller wants to complete the survey immediately, only ask to reschedule if there is no other choice. If it is impossible to complete the survey immediately tell the caller, “I am sorry that I have a commitment that makes it impossible for me do a telephone interview at this time. My schedule is generally open, is there another time that would be good for you?” Open Outlook calendar and enter an agreed upon time for the interview. Tell the respondent, “If you want to remain anonymous, you can call me at the designated time, however, I will need the ID control number that is on your questionnaire so that I can mark your community as having responded. Or, if it suits you, I would be happy to call you at the designated time if you give me your name and phone number.” If the caller wants to remain anonymous, give the respondent your name and phone number, repeat the agreed upon interview date and time, and ask that they have their cover letter and a copy of the questionnaire in front of them when they call. Tell the caller, “Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study and helping to provide better knowledge of regulations regarding manufactured homes. Talk to you soon.” If the respondent asks that you call them, write down the caller’s name, their community, a return phone number, and if they can provide it, the ID control number from the upper right hand corner of their questionnaire. Repeat the agreed upon interview date and time and ask that they have their copy of their cover letter and questionnaire in front of them when you call. Tell the caller, “Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study and helping to provide better knowledge of regulations regarding manufactured homes. Talk to you soon.”
If the caller requests a telephone interview and Marilyn Cavell is available to conduct the interview at the time of the request, thank the respondent for calling to provide answers to our survey. Before beginning the interview, make sure to get the respondent’s ID control number (the respondent can find this number in the upper right hand corner of their questionnaire). Write the ID control number on a blank questionnaire in the upper right hand corner. Read the cover letter to the respondent if the respondent has not already read it. If the respondent has completed the questionnaire and just wants to read their answers, document those answers on a blank survey. If the respondent has not completed the questionnaire, read each question slowly to the respondent and record their answers. Tell the caller, “Thank you for participating in our study and helping to provide better knowledge of regulations regarding manufactured homes.” Write on the top of the questionnaire the date and time of the telephone interview.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | “Hello, Mr |
Last Modified By | Alex Hunt |
File Modified | 2007-03-30 |
File Created | 2007-03-30 |