Draft Survey

F & ET survey Q's rev to OMB.xls

Career Advancement Survey of Federal Employees

Draft Survey

OMB: 3124-0013

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History Q # Question Sub-elements Scale

GC 13 1 For the items listed below, please indicate the effect you think each has had on your career advancement in the Federal Government.
Helped a lot; Helped a little; No impact; Somewhat hindered; Largely hindered; Not applicable.

Formal educational qualifications (e.g., a college degree).

Completion of specialized or technical training.

Completion of a leadership development program.

Developmental assignments to improve the breadth of my experience.

Taking a lateral transfer (at the same grade) within my agency.

Taking a lateral transfer (at the same grade) to another agency.

The amount of my past work experience.

The quality of my past performance.

Opportunity to act in a position prior to appointment.

Contacts who knew the selecting official and recommended me.

Having a senior person/mentor looking out for my interests.

Networking through a professional association or other formal network.

My availability to work extra hours.

My availability to travel.

My willingness to relocate.

My foreign accent.

My race/national origin/ethnicity.

My sex.

My family responsibilities.

My marital status.

My sexual orientation.

My political affiliation.

My religion.

My age.

My disability.

Other: __________________________
GC14 2 From the list of factors shown in question 1, please mark the one factor that has had the greatest positive/negative impact on your advancement.
greatest positive; greatest negative

3 How many jobs within the Federal Government have you applied for within the past 5 years?
0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6-10; 11-15, more than 15, Not applicable-I've been with the Federal Government for less than 5 years.
GC17 4 How many of these jobs that you applied for in the past 5 years did you not receive?
0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6-10; 11-15, more than 15, Not applicable-I've been with the Federal Government for less than 5 years.
GC18 5 If you answered 1 or more to the previous question, how important do you believe the following factors were in explaining why you did not get the most recent job you applied for but did not receive?
Major importance; Minor Importance; No impact; Don't know/Can't Judge

Another candidate was equally or better qualified.

I did not have enough education.

I did not have enough experience related to the job.

Someone else had already been 'preselected.'

I did not have great references.

I was not a friend or relative of the selecting official.

The selecting official did not like me.

My sex.

My race/national origin.

My marital status.

My responsibility for my family was viewed as interfering with my ability to do the new job.

My sexual orientation.

My political affiliation.

My religion.

My age (too old).

My age (too young).

Other: _________________________

I don't know
GC19 6 From the list of reasons shown in question 18, which do you believe was the one most important reason you did not get the job?
Most important:
WD33 7a In the last 3 years (or since you began working as a Federal civilian employee, if that was less than 3 years ago), did you choose not to apply for any promotion or developmental opportunity (for example, assignment to a high visibility task force or group project) because you thought that someone of your race/national origin had no chance of being selected for the job or assignment?
Yes, No, Don't know/Can't judge, Not applicable-I've been with the Federal Government for less than 3 years.

7b In the last 3 years (or since you began working as a Federal civilian employee, if that was less than 3 years ago), did you choose not to apply for any promotion or developmental opportunity (for example, assignment to a high visibility task force or group project) because you thought that someone of your sex had no chance of being selected for the job or assignment?
Yes, No, Don't know/Can't judge, Not applicable-I've been with the Federal Government for less than 3 years.
WD11 8 How many times have you been temporarily promoted or detailed to a higher graded job for at least 30 days in your Federal Civil Service career?
Never; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 or more times.
WD12 9 How often in your Federal Civil Service career have you voluntarily made a lateral transfer to advance your career; that is, moved from one permanent job to another permanent job without getting a raise in pay?
Never; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 or more times.
WD15 10 How often in your Federal Civil Service career have you voluntarily taken a downgrade to advance your career; that is, moved from one permanent job to another permanent job without getting a raise in pay?
Never; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 or more times.
WD13 11 When your supervisor is away for a short period of time, is the responsibility to serve as the "acting supervisor" always assigned to employees at a higher grade than yourself, or to one particular position (for example, the assistant chief or deputy chief)?
Not applicable - no one acts for my supervisor when he or she is away ; Yes- go to Q13; No go to next Q.
WD14 12 How often are you asked to serve as the "acting supervisor" when your supervisor is away for a short period of time?
Not applicable; Never; Very rarely; Occasionally; Regularly; Almost Always.

The following questions ask about your perceptions about work life in the Federal Government. Based on your experience in your current organization, please mark the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements.
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge

13 My agency has been successful in recruiting a diverse workforce.

GC35 14 People are promoted because of whom they know.

GC35 15 People are promoted based on their competence.

GC35 16 The viewpoint of a woman is often not heard at a meeting until it is repeated by a man.

GC35 17 Women and men are respected equally.

GC35 18 A woman must perform better than a man to be promoted.

19 Minorities and nonminorities are respected equally.

20 A minority must perform better than a nonminority person to be promoted.

WD37 21 In selecting among well-qualified minorities and nonminorities, the selecting official should consider whether minorities are under-represented in the work unit as one of the important factors in making his or her decision.

22 In selecting among well-qualified men and women, the selecting official should consider whether women are under-represented in the work unit as one of the important factors in making his or her decision.

WD39 23 In my organization, members of some minority groups receive preferential treatment compared to members of other minority groups.

WD39 24 In my organization, nonminorities receive preferential treatment compared to minorities.

WD39 25 Minority women face extra obstacles in their careers because they are both minority and female.

26 The opinions and insights of minority employees are often ignored or devalued.

27 My organization is reluctant to promote women to supervisory or managerial positions.

WD39 28 My organization is reluctant to promote minorities to supervisory or managerial positions.

WD39 29 My organization only pays lip service to actively supporting the goal of equal employment opportunity for all employees.

WD39 30 If a supervisor or manager in my organization were found to have discriminated based on prohibited factors (e.g., race/national origin or sex), management would take appropriate action against that person.

WD39 31 If I filed an action charging discrimination, I am confident that it would be resolved in a fair and just manner by my organization.

WD44 32 In your organization, to what extent do you believe that employees from the following groups are subjected to flagrant or obviously discriminatory practices which hinder their career advancement? (An example of flagrant or obvious discrimination might be a supervisor who based selection decisions on race rather than qualifications.) African Americans, Asian Pacific Islander Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, women, people with disabilities, people over age 40. To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge
WD46 33 In your organization, to what extent do you believe that employees from the following groups experience disadvantages which may not reflect intentional discrimination, but nevertheless hinder their career advancement? (An example of a disadvantage might be a supervisor who shares information more freely with employees who are the same sex or race as the supervisor.) African Americans, Asian Pacific Islander Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, women, people with disabilities, people over age 40. To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge

34 I have experienced flagrant discrimination that has hindered my career advancement. (An example of flagrant or obvious discrimination might be a supervisor who based selection decisions on race rather than qualifications.)
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge

35 I have experienced disadvantages based on non-job related characteristics that have hindered my career advancement. (An example of a non-job related disadvantage might be a supervisor who shares information more freely with employees who are the same sex or race as the supervisor.)
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge
WD32 36 What is your general impression of the amount of progress each of the following groups have made in moving into top-level positions in the Federal Government in the last 10 years? African Americans. Asian Pacific Americans. Hispanics. Native Americans. Minority men. Minority women. Nonminority men. Nonminority women. Individuals with disabilities.
Considerable progress; Some progress; Minimal progress; No progress; Negative progress (Things are worse now.); Don't know/Can't judge.
WD43 37 In your opinion, does discrimination against minorities in the Federal Government occur more or less often than it did 10 years ago?
Not applicable-I wasn't in the Federal Government 10 years ago; Not applicable-discrimination against minorities has not been a problem in the last 10 years; Discrimination occurs more often now; Discrimination occurs with about the same frequency; Discrimination occurs less often now; Don't know/Can't judge.

38 In your opinion, does discrimination against women in the Federal Government occur more or less often than it did 10 years ago?
Not applicable-I wasn't in the Federal Government 10 years ago; Not applicable-discrimination against women has not been a problem in the last 10 years; Discrimination occurs more often now; Discrimination occurs with about the same frequency; Discrimination occurs less often now; Don't know/Can't judge.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge

39 Some supervisors in my agency practice favoritism (giving advantages to friends or favorite employees).

40 Some supervisors in my agency practice nepotism (giving advantages to relatives).

41 Filing a grievance would harm my future career.

42 Filing an equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint would harm my future career.

43 I have been disadvantaged by the emphasis on diversity.

GC35 44 In my organization, it is a disadvantage to have family responsibilities when being considered for a job.

45 A diverse workforce produces better services and products than a workforce that is not diverse.

46 Agencies should ensure that their workforce is representative of the public that they serve.

47 In each of these areas, to what extent are employees in your agency treated differently based on prohibited factors (e.g., sex, race, ) that are NOT related to job performance?
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge


initial hiring

selection for assignments


telework/flexible work schedules

training/developmental opportunities


performance management/appraisals



retention efforts

48 To what extent does your supervisor provide constructive feedback on your job performance?
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge

48 Compared to what I deserved, the performance appraisal rating that I received during my last appraisal was:
Too high; About right; Too low.

50 Do you feel you are usually expected to do work that is above, at, or below your current pay level?
Above; At; Below.

51 Do you feel that you are paid more, about the same, or less compared to other employees in your agency who do similar work?
More; About the same; Less.

52 Did you relocate geographically to take your first job with the Federal civilian service?
GC23 53 How many times have you voluntarily relocated (moved geographically) for the sake of your career since you have been employed as a civilian with the Federal Government?
0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 or more times.
For the following statements, indicate the extent to which each applies to you.

GC33 54 I am willing to relocate to advance my career.
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge
GC33 55 I am willing to devote whatever time is necessary to my job in order to advance in my career.
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge

56 I am willing to develop myself professionally (e.g., attend classes/training) on my own time.
To a great extent; To a moderate extent; To a minimal extent; To no extent; Don't know/Can't judge
GC15 57 How many days per month, on average, have you spent on Government travel in the past 2 years?
0 days; 1-5 days; 6-10 days; 11-15 days; 16-20 days; more than 20 days/month.
GC16 58 How many hours, on average, have you worked each week during the past 2 years?
Less than 20 hours; 21-40; 41-45; 46-50; 51-60; More than 60 hours/week.

59 How frequently do you telecommute from an office within your home or from a telecommuting center?
Never. Once a week. Once a pay period. Once a month. Twice a year.

60 Have you done any of the following to help balance work and life/family responsibilities?

Used flexible work schedules. Yes/No.

Used flexi-place (telework) options. Yes/No.

Took leave intermittently (as needed). Yes/No.

Took leave for more than 4 consecutive weeks. Yes/No.

Switched to a less than full-time schedule (<40 hours/week). Yes/No.

Quit Federal job, but returned after break in service. Yes/No.

Changed jobs within my agency. Yes/No.

Changed jobs-went to another agency. Yes/No.

My spouse adjusted his/her schedule. Yes/No.

Other: Yes/No.

61 What impact did this have on your subsequent career?
Very positive, somewhat positive, no impact, somewhat negative, very negative.

62 If you were to be promoted, how many hours would you be willing to work in your new job?
40 hours or less, 41-45, 46-50, 51-55, 56-60, 60+
GC52 63 Has caring for children significantly impacted your availability for work? If so, for how many years?
Yes/No. Less than 1 year; 2-3; 4-5; 6-7, 8-9, 10-15, 15 or more.
GC53 64 Have you had children living with you at any time during your Federal career?
Yes/No. Less than 1 year; 2-3; 4-5; 6-7, 8-9, 10-15, 15 or more.
GC53 65 If yes, what was the greatest number of children you had living with your during your Federal career?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more

66 Has caring for sick or elderly family members (excluding children) significantly impacted your availability for work? If so, for how many years?
Yes/No. Less than 1 year; 2-3; 4-5; 6-7, 8-9, 10-15, 15 or more.
GC58 67 If you have/had dependents requiring care, would you say that you have/had primary responsibility for their care on a day-to-day basis?
I have/had no dependents to care for; I have/had primary responsibility; Responsibility was/is split 50/50 between another adult and myself; No-my spouse or another adult had/had the primary responsibility.

68 Are you Hispanic/Latino?

69 What race do you consider yourself to be?
American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; White.

70 What is your sex?
Male; Female.
GC40 71 Is your immediate supervisor the same sex as you?
Yes, No

72 In your immediate work group, what percent of your colleagues are the same sex as you?
0-10; 11-20; 21-30; 31-40; 41-50; 51-60; 61-70; 71-80; 81-90; 91-100.

73 Does your immediate supervisor belong to the same race/national origin group as you?
Yes, No, Don't know/Can't judge.

74 In your immediate work group, what percent of your colleagues are the same race/ethnic origin as you?
0-10; 11-20; 21-30; 31-40; 41-50; 51-60; 61-70; 71-80; 81-90; 91-100.
GC12 75 What was the highest level of education that you had completed (a) at the time you got your first full-time, permanent, civilian job with the Government, and (b) that you have completed now?
High school, GED, or equivalent; Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree; Master's degree; Doctorate or equivalent; None of the above.

How many years of employment experience do you have in your current profession with the Federal Government?
Less than 2, 3-5; 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, more than 20.
GC46 76 How many years of employment experience do you have in your current profession outside of the Federal Government?
Less than 2, 3-5; 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, more than 20.

77 What does the Federal Government need to do to better recruit and hire a diverse workforce? (open-ended)

78 What does the Federal Government need to do to better retain a diverse workforce? (open-ended)

79 Please provide any additional comments that you have on the topics of employment with the Federal Government and fair treatment or workforce diversity.

New Q If your supervisor had a critical project, how likely would it be assigned to you? Very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, very unlikely.
New Q
I try to get along with my supervisors and managers even if I don't agree with their decisions.

New Q
I speak up whenever I suspect that I've been treated unfairly.

New Q
I "tell it like it is" even if my supervisor doesn't like what I have to say.

New Q
If I work hard, I will succeed in my organization.

New Q
I volunteer for difficult assignments.

New Q
To be successful in my organization, it's important to maintain a physical appearance (e.g., dress, hairstyle) that is similar to others.

If I want to advance my career, I will have to play down my own ethnic or cultural customs.

New Q
I find time to keep in touch with my friends and/or family while I'm at work.

New Q
What ages are the children who currently live with you? (Check all that apply.) 0-4 years; 5-12 years; 13-18 years, Not applicable.
New Q
What advice would you offer to someone from a similar background as you who is interested in a career with the Federal Government?

New Q
Please provide any additional comments that you have regarding fairness of employment practices within the Federal Government.

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Last Modified ByUS MSPB
File Modified2007-01-23
File Created2006-11-06

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