PM0708 SAIG Enrollment Form

Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Enrollment Document

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Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Enrollment Document

OMB: 1845-0002

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Student Aid Internet
Gateway (SAIG) Enrollment Form
For Institutions of Higher Education,
Third-Party Servicers, or Lenders and their Servicers

OMB NO: 1845-0002
Expiration Date: 12/31/2007

November 2006
Page 1

Enrollment to Participate in the U.S. Department of Education’s Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG)

About Enrollment
“We” and “us” refer to the U.S. Department of Education (ED, Department) in this form. “You” and “your”
refer to the organization applying to participate.
This enrollment process can enable you to receive, transmit, view, and update student financial aid data
available through ED’s Student Aid Internet Gateway, referred to as SAIG. There are no deadlines for
submitting this application. After you enroll, we will automatically continue your active enrollment from year to
year, unless you tell us otherwise.
The following entities are eligible to enroll in the SAIG:
• postsecondary schools that participate in federal student financial aid programs,
• organizations that provide services to these schools (third-party servicers),
• guaranty agencies for student loans,
• lenders or their servicers for the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, and
• others approved by the U.S. Department of Education.
Through this enrollment process, you also can add and change information about yourself and your
organization. To add and change information, check Step 1, Question 1, Box C on page 7; fill in the information
that has changed for any questions in Steps 1 and 2; complete Steps 3 and 4; and send your application to the
address below.
This form can be completed on-line at
You may photocopy this form, but you must always send us original signatures for Step 3 and Step 4. We will
not accept photocopied or stamped signatures. Expired forms will also not be accepted.
If you have any questions about completing your application, please call CPS/SAIG Technical Support at
1-800-330-5947. To reach a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD/TTY), call 800-511-5806.
Technical support representatives are available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday, excluding federal
holidays. If you prefer, you can e-mail inquiries to A technical support specialist will
respond to your e-mail within one business day.
At the end of this form you will find a glossary that will assist you in understanding many technical terms and
acronyms commonly used in relation to the Title IV student financial aid programs. The first usage of any term
found in the glossary is italicized in this document.
Send your completed enrollment form to:

CPS/SAIG Technical Support
2450 Oakdale Blvd.
Coralville, Iowa 52241

General Information
By enrolling your organization in the SAIG, you will be able to exchange information electronically with the
U.S. Department of Education. Many student financial aid services can be accessed via the SAIG. You must
determine which services are needed by your school or organization and enroll appropriate individuals as
Destination Point Administrators (DPAs) for the specific services that you want them to access. When you
enroll a new DPA, a destination point will be established with an assigned “TG” number that identifies the
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DPA’s destination point on the SAIG. The TG number will be mailed to the Financial Aid Administrator upon
successful processing of the enrollment form.
You may enroll Destination Point Administrators with their own destination points (mailboxes) for each service
or function, or you may combine services and functions through a single Destination Point Administrator (DPA)
with a single Destination Point (DP). Many institutions find a single DPA and DP is sufficient. The number of
destination points allowed is provided in the following table.


Number of
Destination Points

1. Direct Loan (All)


2. CPS, Submit Initial App. Data


3. CPS, All Other Functions/Types


4. Pell Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and
Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant)
Processing/Batch Files


5. Campus-Based Programs, FISAP


6. Cohort Default Rate Package, Batch


7. NSLDS, Batch Files


8. NSLDS, On-line

No Limit

9. FMS, Lender Reporting System (LaRS)


The Department’s Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) services that can be accessed over the SAIG are:
1. Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan Program): Participation in the Direct Loan Program, application
processing, drawing and disbursing funds, and program reporting will all involve the transmission of data over
the SAIG. Direct Loan schools must be enrolled on the SAIG. To enroll a DPA for a destination point with
Federal Direct Loan Program data capability, complete Step 1; Step 2, Questions 6 and 7; Step 3; and Step 4.
2. & 3. Institution Applicant Data Service (performed by ED’s Central Processing System (CPS)): Student
application data including corrections can be entered and obtained over the SAIG. Student application data is
received via a paper or electronic version of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and reported
to the school via the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). To enroll a Destination Point
Administrator with access to these services, complete Step 1; Step 2, Questions 6 and 8; Step 3; and Step 4.
(Note: Only one destination point can be used to exchange data with each of the CPS applicant data functions,
except in the case of initial FAFSA applicant data, two destination points are permitted.)
4. Federal Pell Grant Program*: The Federal Pell Grant Program payment system allows payment and required
reporting information to be exchanged electronically via the SAIG. All participants in the Federal Pell Grant
Program must transmit payment and reporting data over the SAIG. To enroll for this service complete Step 1;
Step 2, Questions 6 and 14; Step 3; and Step 4. *Note: If your institution is a two or four year, degree-granting
institution, the ACG and the National SMART Grant will be processed under the Pell Grant enrollment. No
enrollment for ACG and National SMART Grant is needed.
5. Campus-Based (CB) Programs: The CB programs, as they are collectively known, include Federal WorkStudy (FWS), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and the Federal Perkins Loan
program. The application method for enrolling and participating in one or all of the CB programs is the FISAP
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(Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate). The annual submission deadline for the FISAP is
October 1. To establish a destination point, please complete Step 1; Step 2, Questions 6 and 9; Step 3; and
Step 4.
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS): The NSLDS is a national database that collects and
maintains individual student data (unit specific) for all federal student loan borrowers with outstanding loan
balances and selected grant data. All institutions that participate in the Title IV federal student financial aid
programs must have at least one destination point for NSLDS services that includes the on-line Enrollment
Reporting (formerly SSCR) function for updating student enrollment data, and overpayment update. Since
January 1, 2003, institutions have received and will continue to receive their cohort default rate (CDR)
notification packages (eligibility letters and loan record detail report) via their SAIG mailbox. Institutions
whose CDR exceeds regulatory thresholds may be subject to loss of program eligibility. Therefore, it is critical
that the appropriate Destination Point Administrator be designated for this service. To enroll a DPA with a
destination point for these services, complete Step 1; Step 2, Questions 6, 10, 11, and 12; Step 3; and Step 4.
If the Department of Education has valid email addresses for the President and Financial Aid Administrators of
your school as provided to FSA’s Postsecondary Education Participant system, the Department will be able to
provide a courtesy alert email message each time we distribute cohort default rate notices. Your school may
provide email address and other school contact information via a simple update to the Application for Approval
to Participate in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs. This application is available on the World Wide Web
at Specific instructions for how to update this application with your school’s e-mail
address and other contact information fields are available at
9. FMS, Lender Reporting System (LaRS): The LaRS allows lender institutions or their servicers the option to
send financial reporting information to Federal Student Aid’s Financial Management System (FMS) via their
SAIG mailbox. To enroll for this service, complete Step 1; Step 2, Questions 6 and 13; Step 3; and Step 4.
Once we receive all necessary signatures from you, we will process your enrollment. If your enrollment was for
a new TG number, we will send your SAIG TG and customer numbers to you.
To participate on the SAIG your organization must use designated electronic processes. For information on
these electronic processing requirements, see the notice published in the Federal Register on September 14,
2004. If you have questions regarding any of these requirements, please contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support
at 800-330-5947 or send email via the Internet to To reach a telecommunications device
for the deaf (TDD/TTY), call 800-511-5806.
To complete this enrollment process, you may need the following information:

Currently enrolled organizations will need their existing TG number(s) of current destination point(s), the
names of Destination Point Administrator(s) (DPAs) or contacts, and the customer number(s). Customer
numbers begin with the letter “Z”.


Postsecondary institutions will need the OPE-ID number. If your school participates in the Pell Grant
Program and/or Direct Loan Program, you will also need the institution’s Pell Grant Code (Federal School
Code) and/or Direct Loan Program numbers. To find these numbers, look at the reports your school has
submitted for these programs in the past, your Eligibility and Certification Report (ECAR), and your
institution’s Program Participation Agreement (PPA). You can call ED’s School Eligibility Channel at


Guaranty agencies will need the guaranty agency (GA) code number assigned by ED. A list of active and
inactive GA codes is contained in the instructions for the Guaranty Agency Financial Report -- Form 2000.

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Lenders will need the lender ID number assigned by ED. Participating lenders will find their lender ID
numbers on the Lender Application Process or LaRS forms accessible via


All individuals completing this form will need the name, address, Social Security Number (SSN), date of
birth, and mother’s maiden name for each Destination Point Administrator, current and new.

How Student Aid Internet Gateway Enrollment Works
By completing this application, you will be enrolling individuals as Destination Point Administrators (DPAs)
for destination points (mailboxes) on the SAIG. Enrollment is designed to secure the integrity of data that is
exchanged between you and the many services accessed over the SAIG. Before beginning to complete the
application, you should determine the SAIG services that your organization must access, the appropriate people
who need to interact with those systems, and the number of destination points required.
Each destination point must be assigned an individual to serve as its DPA. Except in the case of some NSLDS
services, the DPA can give access to the enrolled services of a destination point to multiple individuals called
SAIG Users (see Attachment B). You should make additional copies of Steps 2-4 to accommodate the total
number of DPAs you seek to enroll or update.
A common enrollment for a school financial aid office that participates in the Pell Grant program, the
campus-based programs, and the Federal Family Education Loan Program includes two Destination Point
Administrators (DPAs) with assigned mailboxes (destination points) that are identified on the network by the
TG numbers. The first DPA (DPA-1) is responsible for nearly all of the electronic transmissions across the
SAIG. DPA-1 and the assigned destination point (mailbox) are set up to send and receive data related to the
FAFSAs and ISIRs (CPS), Pell Grant payments, FISAP reporting, and NSLDS (reporting and on-line
functions). DPA-1 may allow others to access all the services accessible through his/her mailbox, except the
on-line NSLDS functions. Therefore, the school enrolls a second individual as a DPA (DPA-2) with a
second destination point so that a second individual can access NSLDS on-line.

Where permitted, the Destination Point Administrator will determine the SAIG Users allowed access to that
destination point. The DPA must enforce the security requirements as outlined in the SAIG User Statement (see
Attachment B). Your President/CEO/Chancellor, the equivalent, or designee must certify that each DPA has
developed secure procedures in compliance with the security requirements for permitting other people to use
his/her destination point (see Step 4). The DPA also must complete a profile for each SAIG User within the
EDconnect software used to connect to SAIG. See EDconnect Help Text for instructions.
Note: If you want to cancel the enrollment of any DPAs, send a letter on organization letterhead identifying
the TG numbers that you want cancelled. The letter should be mailed to CPS/SAIG Technical Support, 2450
Oakdale Blvd., Coralville, IA 52241. This can also be completed on-line at www.

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Instructions for Completing Enrollment
Before you begin, make copies of Steps 2 through 4 for each Destination Point Administrator (DPA) you are
enrolling or providing new information.
Step One
Step One collects information about your organization.

This enrollment form can be used for multiple purposes. You may use the enrollment form to enroll new
participants on SAIG such as a newly eligible school or a third-party servicer or lender that has never
used SAIG for any reason. You can also use the enrollment form to change or to add information about
an existing Destination Point Administrator (DPA) or Destination Point (DP), and to add destination
points for an already enrolled organization.
Check “A” if you are a first-time participant and your organization does not have a TG number.
Check “B” if your organization is enrolled on SAIG and you want to add a destination point. Provide the
customer number of your organization.
Select “C” if your organization is enrolled on the SAIG and you want to change or add any information
about an existing destination point. Fill in the information that has changed for any questions in Steps 1
and 2; and complete Steps 3 and 4. If you are uncertain of what to complete, call CPS/SAIG Technical
Support at 1-800-330-5947. To reach a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD/TTY), call 800511-5806.


Provide the name of your organization as you would like it to appear on all SAIG correspondence. (The
limit is 40 characters, including letters and spaces.)


Check the appropriate box to indicate the type of organization.


Check the appropriate box to indicate if you will be using a personal computer, a mainframe system, or
both to send and receive transmissions via the SAIG.


Each school must identify a single individual responsible for receiving any correspondence for SAIG
services. If you have provided a customer number in Question 1.B and there are no changes in the
identifying information requested in Question 5 for the individual receiving the information, skip this
question and go to Question 6. If you do not have a customer number, or you need to change any of the
information associated with your current customer number, complete all the information requested in
Question 5.

If you have any questions about completing your application, please call CPS/SAIG Technical Support at
1-800-330-5947. To reach a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD/TTY), call 800-511-5806.

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Step One: Please provide the following information.
1. Is this an initial application or are you changing/adding information to your destination point?

initial application


adding a new user for customer number Z _________________
(Answer all questions.)


change information for existing destination point/mailbox with TG_______________
(Read instructions carefully.)

2. What is the name of your organization?______________________________________________________
(maximum 40 characters)

3. Please indicate your type of organization.
postsecondary school
third-party servicer
guaranty agency for student loans
lender/servicer for the FFEL Program

4. Please indicate if you will use a personal computer, a mainframe, or both to access SAIG.
personal computer

5. Who should receive correspondence? Do not answer this question if you provided a customer number in
Question 1B.
City___________________________ State______________________Zip_________________Country_____________
Area code/phone (_____) ______________________________ Area code/fax (______) __________________________

OMB NO: 1845-0002
Expiration Date: 12/31/2007
November 2006

Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
Page 7

Step Two
In Step Two you will identify the Destination Point Administrator (DPA) you want to enroll or for whom you
are changing or adding information. You should make additional copies of Steps 2-4 for each DPA you are
enrolling or updating information.

All information must be provided for each Destination Point Administrator you wish to enroll for the
organization you identified in Question 2. This information will be used to authenticate a user’s
identification when a password change is requested.


If your organization participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program and the Destination Point
Administrator identified in Question 6 will be assigned to submit and receive Federal Direct Loan
Program data, please identify the years that the DPA in Question 6 will need to access Direct Loan data.
Also, please provide the school’s Direct Loan code. If the DPA is already enrolled and you are only
updating information for that DPA, provide the TG number for that DPA’s destination point.


A. If this DPA will be sending and receiving student applicant data (FAFSAs and ISIRs), complete all
required information including the Federal School Code (formerly called “Title IV Code”).
If this enrollment is for a DPA that will not be involved in any CPS applicant data transmissions, go to
Question 9.

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Step Two: Tell us about each Destination Point Administrator at your organization.
6. Complete the following information for each Destination Point Administrator you wish to designate at your
organization. Each Destination Point Administrator will be assigned a destination point with an identification
number (TG number).
Note: Photocopy Steps Two, Three, and Four BEFORE completing the information if you are designating more than
one Destination Point Administrator and or need more than one destination point.
A. Name____________________________________________________________________________________
Business address___________________________________________________________________________
Business address___________________________________________________________________________
Area code/phone (_______) _______________________ Area code/fax (_______) ______________________
E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
(maximum 70 characters)

Social Security Number_____________________________Date of birth______________ __________ 19____



Mother’s maiden name ______________________________________________________________________
7. A. Do you want this destination point to submit and receive Direct Loan information?
Yes, for 2006-2007
If yes, for which school?

Yes, for 2007-2008


Name of school _____________________________________________________________________
Business Address ____________________________________________________________________
Business Address ____________________________________________________________________
If you are completing this form for an existing DPA, provide the TG Number: _________________________
What is your Direct Loan Code? ______________________________________________________________
B. Do you want this destination point to receive the Direct Loan Borrower Delinquency Report?
Yes 
No, go to Question 8.
If yes, check the appropriate boxes.
Report Format

Data Format


If you are completing this form for an existing DPA, provide the TG Number:__________________________
What is your Direct Loan Code?_________________________
8. Do you want this destination point to submit and/or receive data with the Central Processing System (CPS)?
A. If yes, for which school?

No, go to Question 9

Name of school_____________________________________________________________________________
Federal School Code_________________________________________________________________________
Check if address is same as in Question 6. Go to Question 8-B.
Check if applying for an assigned code (for authorized branch campuses only)
Business address____________________________________________________________________________

Question 8 continues on the next page.

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Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
Page 9


B. Check the boxes for the award years this DPA should receive the applicant data you check in
Question 8- C.
C. Check the boxes for the CPS applicant data function you want this DPA to receive and submit. If you
are completing this form for an enrolled DPA, provide the TG number of the destination point already
assigned to this DPA to which this data will be sent. Remember, one destination point can be used for
each function, and that up to two destination points can be used to submit initial application data.
However, it is not necessary to have multiple destination points. You may choose to have a single
destination point for all SAIG services, including all CPS functions.
D. Choose the delivery option if ISIRs are selected.
E. If your school utilizes a third-party servicer to submit batch services to CPS, yet desire to access CPS
Online tools (such as FAA Access to CPS Online and Return to Title IV), check the Yes box to
designate yourself as a destination point to solely access CPS Online services for the school selected.
Do Not check this box if you also do batch services. If you need access for additional financial aid
professionals, you may enroll them under Enroll FAA Users for Online Services from the Home Page.


If you participate or expect to participate in Federal Work-Study, Federal Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grant, and/or Federal Perkins Loan program(s), and the Destination Point Administrator
for whom you are completing this enrollment form will be administering the destination point for the
FISAP, then complete Question 9. Otherwise, go to Question 10.
If you currently participate in any of the federal campus-based student aid programs, provide your Title
IV OPE-ID number. You will find the OPE-ID number on your most recent FISAP report. Next, provide
the TG number of the destination point you wish to use to exchange FISAP data.
Fill in the name of the school. If the address of the school has not already been provided in Question 6,
provide all the requested address and telephone number information.


A. If you want the Destination Point Administrator you are enrolling to receive any batch file data from
NSLDS, you must complete Question 10.

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Step Two: Tell us about each Destination Point Administrator at your organization
(cont’d) 8. B. For which award years? (Check one or both.)
Yes, for 2006-2007
Yes, for 2007-2008
C. If yes, which destination point (TG number) will be transmitting and receiving data?
all of the following to the same destination point
initial applications* (initial FAFSAs)
TG________ TG________
corrections (FAFSA corrections)
D. If ISIRs are selected, choose delivery option
ISIR Delivery: 2006-2007
By request
By request
E. Do you want this destination point solely to access and administer CPS Online services for the school selected?
Do Not select Yes if you are already enrolled for Batch Services.
Yes (Only select if Batch Services are NOT selected)
No, go to Question 9.
*Data for initial FAFSA applications may come from two different TG numbers. All other CPS data must be exchanged through a
single destination point.

9. Have you participated in or intend to participate in the Campus-Based (FWS, FSEOG, Perkins) Programs?
No, go to Question 10.
If yes, please provide the OPE-ID number. ________________
Provide the name of the school. __________________________________________________________________
Identify the award year(s) that you have participated in or intend to participate in the Campus-Based programs and
the TG number that is responsible for that year.
(If you are a new school, ONLY select the 2007-2008 award year and leave the TG number blank)
2003-2004 TG_______________
2005-2006 TG _____________
2007-2008 TG ______________
2004-2005 TG_______________
2006-2007 TG _____________
Please check this box if the mailing address for Campus-Based material is the same as in Question 6 and skip to
question 10.
If your mailing address for Campus-Based is different from Question 6, please provide...
Business address_______________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________ State_________________________ Zip_______________________
10. A. Do you want this destination point to submit and receive any of the following NSLDS batch files?
-Transfer Student Monitoring
-Loan Processing and Issuance Fee back-up detail
-Perkins Loan data
-Account Maintenance Fee back-up detail
-GA Loan Data
-Annual Reasonability back-up detail
-Enrollment Reporting (formerly SSCR)
 es
No, go to Question 11.
If yes, for which school or guaranty agency (GA)? Name __________________________________________
School OPE-ID _________________________________ GA Code__________________________________
Check if address is same as in Question 6. Go to Question 10-B.
Business address____________________________________________________________________________
City____________________________________ State_________________________ Zip_________________

Question 10 continues on the next page.
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Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
Page 11

B. In Question 10-B, check the boxes for the batch files you want this DPA to receive. If this DPA
already has a destination point, provide the TG number here. Please provide the date on which this DPA
will begin responsibility for the sending or receiving of NSLDS data. Indicate whether this DPA’s
destination point will receive Enrollment Reporting files (formerly SSCRs) and/or Perkins Loan data,
GA Loan data (only GAs enroll for this service), Loan Processing and Issuance Fee (LPIF) back-up
detail, Account Maintenance Fee (AMF) back-up detail, or Annual Reasonability back-up detail over the
SAIG or by mailed magnetic tape. If magnetic tape is used, provide the Contact’s name and complete
telephone number, including area code. Transfer Student Monitoring Batch can only be processed via
the SAIG. Select this option if you want the DPA to send/receive Financial Aid History/Transfer Student
Monitoring data.

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Step Two: Tell us about each Destination Point Administrator at your organization
(cont’d) 10. B. If yes, which information?
Transfer Student Monitoring
(School Transfer Profile must be completed at to begin Transfer
Enrollment Reporting (formerly SSCR)
Effective Date of Action________/________/________
Will this Destination Point Administrator transmit files to and from NSLDS via a SAIG electronic mailbox or on magnetic tape?
SAIG electronic mailbox (required method for schools)
Magnetic tape (specify type)
3480 Cartridge
800 BPI Reel
1600 BPI Reel
6250 BPI Reel
If tape, who should we contact if tape is damaged? Name_______________________ Area code/phone (____)_____________

Perkins Loan data
Effective Date of Action_________/__________/___________
Will this Destination Point Administrator transmit files to and from NSLDS via a SAIG electronic mailbox or on magnetic tape?
SAIG electronic mailbox (required method for schools) TG____________________________
Magnetic tape (specify type)
3480 Cartridge
800 BPI Reel
1600 BPI Reel
6250 BPI Reel
If tape, who should we contact if tape is damaged? Name_______________________ Area code/phone(_____)_____________

Batch GA Loan data
Effective Date of Action_________/__________/___________
Will this Destination Point Administrator transmit files to and from NSLDS via a SAIG electronic mailbox or on magnetic tape?
SAIG electronic mailbox
Magnetic tape (specify type)
3480 Cartridge
800 BPI Reel
1600 BPI Reel
6250 BPI Reel
If tape, who
 should we contact if tape is damaged? Name______________________ Area code/phone (_____)_____________

Loan Processing and Issuance Fee (LPIF) back-up detail Effective Date of Action______/______/______
Will this Destination Point Administrator transmit files to and from NSLDS via a SAIG electronic mailbox or on magnetic tape?
SAIG electronic mailbox
Magnetic tape (specify type)
3480 Cartridge
800 BPI Reel
1600 BPI Reel
6250 BPI Reel
If tape, who should we contact if tape is damaged? Name______________________ Area code/phone (_____)_____________

Account Maintenance Fee (AMF) back-up detail
Effective Date of Action______/______/______
Will this Destination Point Administrator transmit files to and from NSLDS via a SAIG electronic mailbox or on magnetic tape?
SAIG electronic mailbox
Magnetic tape (specify type)
3480 Cartridge
800 BPI Reel
1600 BPI Reel
6250 BPI Reel
If tape, who should we contact if tape is damaged? Name______________________ Area code/phone (_____)_____________

Annual Reasonability back-up detail, quarterly and annual calculations
Effective Date of Action______/______/_____
Will this Destination Point Administrator transmit files to and from NSLDS via a SAIG electronic mailbox or on magnetic tape?
SAIG electronic mailbox
Magnetic tape (specify type)
3480 Cartridge
800 BPI Reel
1600 BPI Reel
6250 BPI Reel
If tape, who should we contact if tape is damaged? Name______________________ Area code/phone (_____)_____________

Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
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Identify the Destination Point Administrator you are enrolling to receive Cohort Default Rate
Notification packages (eligibility letter and loan record detail report) from NSLDS. Your main campus
(OPE-ID ending in ‘00’) must sign up for this service.


If this Destination Point Administrator will have on-line access to student data available on NSLDS,
check the boxes to indicate the specific information type(s) you want this DPA to access.
On-line Default Services automatically given to users are:
Loan History
Pell Grant
Enrollment History
Overpayment History
Organization Contacts

Enrollment Reporting
Data Provider Schedule
Various Online Reports
Transfer Student Monitoring

If this DPA will access information for a school as its third-party servicer, provide the school’s name
and OPE-ID number.
If this DPA will access NSLDS as a guarantor or lender, provide the numeric, three-digit GA code or the
numeric six-digit lender ID number, as appropriate.

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Step Two: Tell us about each Destination Point Administrator at your organization
11. Destination Point for receipt of Cohort Default Rate Notification Package
Name of school_____________________________________________________________________________
School OPE-ID______________________________________________________________________________

Check if address is same as in Question 6.
Business address____________________________________________________________________________
Business address____________________________________________________________________________
Effective Date of action__________________________________
Which TG number will be receiving the CDR Notification Package? TG_________________________________
If the destination point is a third-party servicer, provide servicer name:___________________________________

12. IMPORTANT: Only the Destination Point Administrator is permitted to use his or her destination point for access to
the on-line National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) information listed in this question. Permission to use this
destination point for on-line NSLDS CANNOT be granted to anyone else.
NSLDS offers a variety of on-line functions which are automatically given to all users. These functions are listed in
the instructions for Question 12.
If you want this Destination Point Administrator to update online any of the following NSLDS information, indicate
below which NSLDS information you want this DPA to access. (NSLDS will send the DPA a separate ID and

Default Services (automatically given to users)
Enrollment Update
Overpayment Update
GA Loan Online Update
If no, go to Question 13.
Which TG number will be accessing on-line data? TG______________________________________________

If you are a school, what is your OPE-ID number? _________________________________________________
If you are a guaranty agency, what is your GA Code? _______________________________________________
If you are a FFEL Program lender, what is your lender ID number? ____________________________________
If you are a third-party servicer, for which school (include OPE-ID) do you need on-line NSLDS access?

(School name)

(School OPE-ID number)

Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
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Page 15


If you want this destination point to send/receive data from the quarterly Lender Reporting System, then
complete Question 13. (Initial applicants will not need to answer Question 13-B.). Otherwise, go to
Question 14.


If you want this destination point to receive and submit Pell Grant, ACG, and the National SMART
Grant* Payment data, then complete Question 14. Otherwise, go to Step 3. *Note: If your institution is
a two or four year, degree-granting institution, you will submit and receive payment data under the Pell
Grant enrollment. No separate enrollment for ACG and the National SMART Grant is needed.

November 2006

Page 16

13. Do you want this destination point to send/receive data from the quarterly Lender Reporting System (LaRS)?
No, go to Question 14
A. If yes, for which lender/servicer?
Name of lender/servicer______________________________________________________________________
Lender/Servicer Code_____________________________________________________________________
Check if address is same as in Question 6.
Business address___________________________________________________________________________
Business address___________________________________________________________________________
B. Which destination point (TG number) will be submitting the data?
TG _____________________________
14. Do you want this destination point to submit and/or receive Pell Grant, ACG, and the National SMART Grant
payment data?

No, go to Question 15

A. If yes, for which school?
Name of school____________________________________________________________________________
Federal School Code________________________________________________________________________
Check if address is same as in Question 6.
Business address___________________________________________________________________________
Business address___________________________________________________________________________
B. For which award year? (Check when you want services to begin)



C. Which destination point (TG number) will be transmitting and receiving data?
TG _____________

Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
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Page 17

Step Three
Step Three collects the required agreements from the Destination Point Administrator identified in Step Two.
Each Destination Point Administrator must read and sign this statement. The original signature form must be
attached to your completed enrollment form and submitted to CPS/SAIG Technical Support, 2450 Oakdale
Blvd., Coralville, Iowa 52241. A copy of each signed and dated statement must be maintained by your
organization. Once we receive all necessary signatures from you, we will process your enrollment. If your
enrollment was for a new TG number, we will send your SAIG TG and customer numbers to you.

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Page 18

Step Three: Responsibilities of the Destination Point Administrator.
Each SAIG Destination Point Administrator must read and sign this statement and keep a copy on file.

Responsibilities of the Destination Point Administrator.




Appropriate use consists of the following:


Using SAIG computing resources for official government business. (Any other use must first be approved by the U.S.
Department of Education.)
Protecting all SAIG information from access by or disclosure to unauthorized personnel.
Prohibiting password sharing and the sharing of system access and any tools that allow access to SAIG. (These tools are
called “authenticators.”)
Accessing only systems, networks, data, control information, and software for which the Destination Point Administrator
is authorized.
Knowing procedures for sanitizing stored information (for example, overwriting disks that contain sensitive information
before reuse).
Informing SAIG management when the Destination Point Administrator no longer needs access to a SAIG resource,
such as when the Destination Point Administrator changes jobs or leaves employment.



The Destination Point Administrator must maintain a profile within the EDconnect software and a SAIG User Statement
for anyone who has permission to use his or her destination points. (See the EDconnect Help Text for instructions about
how to create and maintain these profiles. See Attachment B of the SAIG enrollment document for the user statement.)
IMPORTANT: Only the Destination Point Administrator himself or herself is permitted to use the National Student
Loan Data System (NSLDS) destination point that has the information listed in Question 12 on page 15. Permission to
use this destination point for NSLDS CANNOT be granted to anyone else.
The Destination Point Administrator will use software provided by ED to monitor his or her SAIG destination point.
This software will keep track of who is using the destination point, what information is being used, the date and time,
and the batch number (if applicable).
Use of SAIG is subject to monitoring, recording, and periodic auditing to ensure that resources are functioning properly
and to protect against unauthorized use. By using SAIG, the Destination Point Administrator is expressing consent for
such monitoring, recording, and auditing, and is acknowledging that information gained in this manner may be disclosed
to an appropriate third party (for example, law-enforcement personnel).

The Destination Point Administrator understands that if he or she intentionally submits false or misleading information
to the U.S. Department of Education, he or she will be subject to a fine up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to five years,
or both, under provisions of the United States Criminal Code (including 18 U.S.C. 1001). The Destination Point
Administrator also agrees to comply with all provisions of Section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as

Privacy Act Statement

The information provided to the Destination Point Administrator by the U.S. Department of Education is protected by
the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Protecting this information, once it is entrusted to the Destination Point
Administrator, becomes his or her responsibility. Therefore, the Destination Point Administrator agrees to protect the
privacy of all information that has been provided to the Destination Point Administrator by the U.S. Department of
Education. The Destination Point Administrator understands that any person, including himself or herself, who
knowingly and willfully requests or obtains any record concerning an individual from an agency under false pretenses
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be fined not more than $5,000.

Destination Point Administrator’s name__________________________________________________________________
(printed name)

(must match name in Question 6 - original signature must be submitted)

Name of school, agency, or third-party servicer_____________________________________________________________

OMB NO: 1845-0002
Expiration Date: 12/31/2007
November 2006

Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
Page 19

Step Four
Step Four collects the required authorization from your organization to process the enrollment information for
the Destination Point Administrator you’ve identified in Step 2.
If the President, CEO, Chancellor or equivalent person wishes to designate another person to be the responsible
authorizing official, then Section 1 must be completed. This designation needs to be completed only once.
For each destination point, the chief officer of the organization (President, CEO, Chancellor, equivalent person,
or Designee) must sign Section 2, the responsibility statement. If your organization is a third-party servicer
acting on a school’s behalf, both the school’s chief officer and your organization’s chief officer must sign. The
original signature form must be attached to your completed form and submitted to the SAIG at the address on
page 2. A copy of each signed and dated statement must be maintained by your organization.

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Page 20

Step Four: Certification of the President/CEO/Chancellor, or equivalent position, or
1. Designation of Authorizing Official

You hereby designate _____________________________-Title ________________, to be your responsible
authorizing official for all future SAIG Enrollment forms. All responsibilities of the President/CEO/Chancellor, or
equivalent position shall be carried out by this designee. You agree to assume the responsibility for such actions
associated with this and future enrollment agreements. This designation is effective as of the date signed below. If
you wish to designate to have someone other than your President, CEO, or Chancellor to sign your SAIG
Enrollment forms, you may do so by having the President, CEO, or Chancellor complete and sign Box 1 and have
the person that they have appointed to be the designee complete and sign Box 2.
Box 1

School President/CEO/Chancellor, or equivalent position________________________________________________________
(printed name of President/CEO/Chancellor or equivalent person)

Title __________________________________________________
(printed title - Required)

Signature ______________________________________________ Date _________________________________________
(original signature must be submitted)


Responsibilities of the President/CEO/Chancellor, or Equivalent Person or Designee.
As the President/CEO/Chancellor, equivalent person, or designee, you further certify that:

the name of every person who is a SAIG Destination Point Administrator is included in this application (or is
already on file with SAIG),


you will immediately notify the CPS/SAIG technical support in writing when any person no longer serves as a
SAIG Destination Point Administrator or as the designated authorized official,


you will not permit unauthorized use or sharing of SAIG passwords or codes that have been issued to your or to
anyone else in your organization,
each person who is a SAIG Destination Point Administrator for your school, agency, or organization has read and
understood the responsibilities in Step Three,
each person who is a SAIG Destination Point Administrator for your school, agency, or organization has signed a
copy of “Step Three: Responsibilities of the Destination Point Administrator” and that a copy of Step Three with
an original signature has been sent to us, and
each person who is a SAIG Destination Point Administrator for your school, agency, or organization has made a
copy of the signed Step Three document for his or her own files.


Box 2

Authorized Official__________________________________ Title _____________________________________________
(printed name of Authorized Official)

(printed title - Required)

Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________________________________________
(original signature must be submitted)

Name of school or agency _______________________________________________________________________

If you are a third-party servicer acting on a school’s behalf, you must read and sign this certification.
Box 3

Authorized Official__________________________________ Title _____________________________________________
(printed name of Authorized Official)

(printed title - Required)

Signature _______________________________________________ Date ________________________________________
(original signature must be submitted)

Name of Third-Party Servicer_____________________________________________________________________________

U.S. Department of Education authorizing Signature:
Signature _____________________________________________________________
OMB NO: 1845-0002
Expiration Date: 12/31/2007
November 2006

Office Use Only
Customer number________________________
TG number_____________________________
Page 21

Attachment A: Glossary Attachment A: Glossary
Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG). The Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 (the HERA), Pub.
L. 109-171, created the Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), a new grant program for full-time
students at degree-granting institutions who are Federal Pell Grant recipients and are U.S. citizens. The
ACG is available starting with the 2006-2007 award year.
Award Year. Spans from July 1 of a year through June 30 of the next year. For the Federal Pell, ACG, and the
National SMART Grant and campus-based programs, eligible students are paid out of funds designated
for a particular award year, such as the 2006-2007 award year (July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007).
Campus-based Programs. The Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work-Study (FWS), and Federal Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs are often collectively referred to as the campusbased programs because the funds for these programs are awarded directly to the school for awarding
and administration.
Central Processing System (CPS). ED’s application data processing facility. The CPS uses student information
from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to calculate the student’s official Expected
Family Contribution (EFC), creates and transmits to schools the Institutional Student Information
Record (ISIR), and prints and mails to the student the (ISIR), and prints and mails to the student the
Student Aid Report (SAR).
Common Origination Disbursement (COD). Processes Direct Loan and Pell, ACG, and the National SMART
Grant data.
Destination Point. An electronic mailbox that physically transmits and receives financial aid data via the SAIG.
Every destination point is administered by a Destination Point Administrator (DPA) and has an
electronic mailbox number that begins with the letters “TG.” (See Destination Point Administrator.)
Destination Point Administrator (DPA). An individual representing an organization involved in the
administration of Title IV student financial aid programs, (such as a postsecondary institution, FFEL
lender, FFEL guaranty agency, third-party servicer, or software provider) who is enrolled on the SAIG
and assigned a destination point. To enroll as a DPA on the SAIG, an organization’s representative must
complete and submit for processing the Enrollment Form to Participate in the U.S. Department of
Education’s Student Aid Internet Gateway. (See Destination Point.)
EDconnect. ED’s telecommunications software that allows PC users to send and receive data via the SAIG.
EDExpress. A software product provided by ED that allows institutions to enter, edit, manage, and report Title
IV student financial aid application data and Federal Pell, ACG, and the National SMART Grant
payment data. This software also has functions that institutions can use to package financial aid awards,
originate Direct Loans, and print Direct Loan promissory notes.
Electronic Data Exchange Electronic Data Exchange (EDE). The ED-sponsored program that allows
participating destination points to exchange electronically federal student aid applicant data, and Direct
Loan data, for the SAIG.
Enrollment Reporting (formerly SSCR). Report completed by schools or their servicers and used in the
administration of the Federal Family Education Loan Program to track the enrollment status of
November 2006

Page 22

Free Application for Federal Student Aid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The application
that the student must file to apply for aid from any Title IV program, including the FFEL and Direct
Loan programs. The FAFSA is printed and distributed free of charge by the U.S. Department of
Education. Students can also apply electronically by using FAFSA on the Web
Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP). The annual report institutions file to report
on their use of campus-based program funds for the most recently completed award year and to apply
for new funds for an upcoming award year.
Guaranty Agency (GA). An organization authorized by the U.S. Department of Education to administer the
federal guarantee that Federal Family Education Loans will be repaid.
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). The ISIR is an electronic federal output document produced by
the CPS from FAFSA data. The ISIR is sent to the student’s school.
Lender Reporting System (LaRS). The LaRS allows lender institutions or their servicers the option to
send/receive financial reporting information to Federal Student Aid’s Financial Management System
(FMS) via their SAIG mailbox.
National SMART Grant. The Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 (the HERA), Pub. L. 109-171,
created the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant),
one of two new grant programs for full-time students at degree-granting institutions who are Federal Pell
Grant recipients and are U.S. citizens. The National SMART Grant is available starting with the 20062007 award year.
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). A national database of student loan-level information and
selected grant data on aid disbursed under the Title IV programs.
Student Aid Report (SAR). The paper federal output document produced by the CPS and mailed to the student.
The SAR contains the family’s information and other information as reported by the student on the
Social Security Number (SSN). Number assigned to an individual by the U.S. Social Security Administration
and used as identifying number for many federal purposes including federal student financial aid
program administrators and applicants.
SAIG (Student Aid Internet Gateway). The SAIG links thousands of destination points across the United States,
its territories, and certain ED-designated foreign countries to the Higher Education Act’s Title IV
student financial aid programs and delivery system. Organizations enroll individuals as Destination
Point Administrators (DPAs) on the SAIG. DPAs are assigned destination points (electronic mailboxes)
which receive and transmit data for various Title IV student aid program system services such as
NSLDS, Direct Loan, and CPS. (See Destination Point and Destination Point Administrator.)
SAIG User. An individual allowed access to a destination point by the assigned Destination Point Administrator
(DPA). A SAIG User must read and sign a SAIG User Statement which the DPA must maintain.
U.S. Department of Education (ED, Department). The federal agency responsible for the administration of
federal education programs including the federal student financial aid programs.

November 2006

Page 23

Attachment B: SAIG User Statement
Anyone who accesses Title IV program data and uses resources that access SAIG (such as computers or workstations)
must read and sign this statement. Keep a copy of the signed statement for your records. A signed original SAIG User
Statement must be completed and maintained by the Destination Point Administrator for each of the destination points
(electronic mailboxes) to which you have access.
A SAIG user understands that if he or she intentionally submits false or misleading information to the U.S. Department of
Education, he or she will be subject to a fine up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to five years, or both, under
provisions of the United States Criminal Code (including 18 U.S.C. 1001). The SAIG user also agrees to comply with
all provisions of Section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.
A SAIG user understands that the information provided to him or her by the U.S. Department of Education is protected by
the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Protecting this information, once it is entrusted to the SAIG user, becomes his
or her responsibility. Therefore, the SAIG user agrees to protect the privacy of all information that has been provided
to him or her by the U.S. Department of Education. The SAIG user understands that any person, including himself or
herself, who knowingly and willfully requests or obtains any record concerning an individual from an agency under
false pretenses shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be fined not more than $5,000.
Appropriate Use
At a minimum, appropriate use consists of the following:
• Using SAIG computing resources only for official government business. Any other use must be approved expressly
by the U.S. Department of Education.
• Knowing the SAIG Destination Point Administrator for each of the destination points you access and how to contact
• Protecting all SAIG information from access by or disclosure to unauthorized personnel.
• Reporting immediately to your Destination Point Administrator any security incidents, potential threats, or
vulnerabilities that involve SAIG resources.
• Protecting any tools, such as passwords, that allow you access to SAIG (these tools are called “authenticators”).
• Reporting to your Destination Point Administrator any compromise, suspected compromise, or incidents of sharing of
a password or any other authenticator.
• Accessing only systems, networks, data, control information, and software for which you are authorized.
• Ensuring that all information that comes from SAIG is marked according to its sensitivity and is properly controlled
and stored.
• Informing your Destination Point Administrator when you no longer need access to a SAIG resource, such as when
you change jobs or leave employment.
• Avoiding the introduction of any code that might be harmful to SAIG.

TG#__________ Destination Point Administrator (DPA) Name___________________________________
SAIG User Name ________________________________________________________________________
SAIG Job Title_____________________________SSN_______________Phone #(____)_______________
SAIG User Signature________________________________________Date_________________________
DPA Signature _____________________________________Date________________________________
(This statement with an original signature must be maintained by the Destination Point Administrator.)

Do Not Send In This User Statement Retain For Your Files
OMB NO: 1845-0002
Expiration Date: 12/31/2007
November 2006

Page 24

Attachment C: Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number of this information collection is 1845-0002
and will expire on 12/31/2007.
The time required to complete this form is estimated to average 45 minutes per initial application response and 15 minutes
per updated response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed,
and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time
estimates or suggestions for improving this form, please write to:
U.S. Department of Education
Union Center Plaza
830 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20202

November 2006

Page 25

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleStudent Aid Internet
AuthorDeb Hammond
File Modified2006-10-27
File Created2006-10-27

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