This ICR is
approved on the understanding that: 1) This is a one-time data
collection which ACF anticipates completing by the end of FY 2007;
when the ICR expires, ACF will submit a revision request if it
wishes to continue using this IC and if it is making any
substantive changes to the survey instruments or study design (e.g.
new questions, different populations, etc.). 2) These ICs will be
used to evaluate CED and JOLI (and not RF). 3) The supporting
statement will be revised to clarify that the 1.5 hour burden
estimate is based on an anticipated 1 hour for the survey
instrument and 30 minutes for reading the instructions and
collecting pertinent data. 4) The supporting statement and
instruments will be revised to clarify that respondents should take
as much time as needed to complete the survey instrument, that they
should keep track of how long it takes them to complete the
instrument, and to solicit comment on how long it takes to complete
this survey. ACF will take these responses and report the average
burden when this ICR is next submitted to OMB. 5) Because it is
unclear whether ACF has the statutory authority to provide
assurances of confidentiality for this ICR, ACF will not use the
term "confidential" in its correspondence with respondents and will
use other appropriate language (such as "kept private to the extent
permitted by law") as necessary. 6) ACF will account for
non-response bias in its analysis and reporting of results.
Specifically, ACF will stratify results according to where the
grantees fall in their grant cycles, if necessary; ACF will conduct
secondary analysis of non-responders based on semi-annual reports
submitted by grantees and based on the administrative data ACF
already has for each grantee, as necessary. ACF will also include a
discussion of study limitations when it reports results from this
study. 7) ACF will take special effort in following up with
grantees with multiple grant awards (i.e. those respondents who
will be completing multiple survey instruments), to ensure that
they understand what is being asked of them, and to encourage their
participation in this evaluation to reduce non-response bias. 8)
ACF will develop separate cover letters for grantees in the CED
program and the JOLI program and revise them to include Lynda
Perezs signature, as new director of OCS. 9) ACF will submit these
revised ICs, supporting statement, and cover letters to OMB before
fielding them and within 30 days of receiving this approval.
Inventory as of this Action
Previously Approved
36 Months From Approved
The questionnaires are part of a
contract that addresses an evaluation of grantees that oversee
programs administered by OCS: Community Economic Development (CED)
and Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI). The
Legislative requirement for the CED program, is in Title IV of the
Community Opportunities, Accountability, and Training and
Educational Services Act (COATS Human Services Reauthorization Act)
of Oct. 27, 1998, Pub. L. 105-285, section 680(b) as amended. This
legislative directive states that "The Secretary shall require all
activities receiving assistance under this section to be evaluated
for their effectiveness. Funding for such evaluations shall be
provided as a stated percentage of the assistance or through a
separate grant awarded by the Secretary specifically for the
purpose of evaluation of a particular activity or group of
activities." OCS has chosen to evaluate the programs through a
separate contract awarded by the Secretary using the Office of
Management and Budget's (OMB) Performance Assessment Rating Tool
(PART) in order to critically review the overall design and
effectiveness of each program in its totality. The evaluation
initiative contract provides the central office with the mechanism
to ensure that all programs evaluated will have consistent data
that is in agreement with the direction of OMB and provides the
Secretary with information on program efficiency and effectiveness.
The evaluation questionnaire's primary purpose is to document and
systematically evaluate the program performance of two OCS
discretionary grant programs in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Each of the two OCS discretionary grant programs CED and JOLI--will
be assessed using qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods
that capture key information about program and grantee-level
performance in four general areas: (1) Program purpose and design;
(2) strategic planning; (3) program management; and (4) program
results-PART-(specific areas). The evaluation activities will build
on the option year 1 findings and methods, with the goal of
expanding data collection and analysis to improve the validity and
generalizability of findings. The questionnaire will be
administered online or by US mail distribution if the grantees
undergo technological challenges that prevent them from submitting
Pub.L. 104 - 193 505 Name of Law: Modications to the Job
Opportunities for Certain Low-Income Individuals Program
Pub.L. 105 - 285 680(b) Name of Law: Urban and Rural Community
Economic Development Program
The CED program evaluation has
legislative authority, which is Title IV of the Community
Opportunities, Accountability, Training and Educational Services
(COATS) Human Services Reauthorization Act of October 27, 1998,
(Public Law 105-285, section 680 (b) as amended. This legislative
directive states that "the Secretary shall require all activities
receiving assistance under this section to be evaluated for their
effectiveness." The JOLI program evaluation and assessment will
evaluate program effectiveness to measures project performance and
to establish program policy, that is currently needed for OCS/JOLI
management and decision-making on the program.
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that
the collection of information encompassed by this request complies
with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding
the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a
benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked
and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.