Report of Service Interruptions, RM06-18-000 Final Rule, Revision of Regulations to Require Reporting of Damage to Natural Gas Facilities

Report of Service Interruptions, RM06-18-000 Final Rule, Revision of Regulations to Require Reporting of Damage to Natural Gas Facilities


Report of Service Interruptions, RM06-18-000 Final Rule, Revision of Regulations to Require Reporting of Damage to Natural Gas Facilities

OMB: 1902-0004

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Please read the instructions before completing this form. For additional forms or assistance in completing this form, contact your agency=s

Paperwork Clearance Officer. Send two copies of this form, the collection instrument to be reviewed, the Supporting Statement, and any additional

documentation to: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Docket Library, Room 10102, 725

17th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20503

1. Agency/Subagency originating request

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

2. OMB control number b. [ ] None

a. _1_9 _0__2__ - __0 __0__0__4 ___ ___ ___ ___

3. Type of information Collection (check one)

a. [ ]New Collection

b. [ x]Revision of a currently approved collection

c. [ ] Extension of a currently approved collection

d. [ ] Reinstatement, without change, of a previously approved

collection for which approval has expired

e. [ ]Reinstatement, with change, of a previously approved collection

for which approval has expired

f. G Existing collection in use without an OMB control number

For b-f, note item A2 of Supporting Statement instructions

4. Type of review requested (check one)

a. [ x] Regular

b. [ ] Emergency - Approval requested by: __/__/__

c. G Delegated

5. Small entities

Will this information collection have any significant economic impact on a

substantial number of small entities? G Yes [x] No

6. Requested expiration date

a. [x] Three years from approval date b. [] Other Specify: ____/_ _

7. Title Report of Service Interruptions, RM06-18-000 Final Rule, Revision of Regulations to Require Reporting of Damage to Natural Gas Facilities

8. Agency form numbers(s) (if applicable) FERC-576

9. Keywords 'gas pipeline operations, fuel supplies, fuels'

10. Abstract In RM06-18-000, FERC is amending its regulations to require natural gas pipeline companies to inform FERC promptly of damage to any natural gas pipeline facilities under its jurisdiction, instead of informing FERC merely of service interruptions arising from damage as is the current practice. The Commission is also eliminating regulatory language that refers to filing by telegraph and to require electronic filing or by facsimile. These changes are necessitated by widespread damage to natural gas production and transmission facilities caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in late summer of 2005 and provide for better reporting mechanisms during hurricane season of 2006.

11. Affected public (Mark primary with AP@ and all others that apply with AX@)

a. _ x__ Individuals or household d. ___ Farms

b. _P_ Business or other for-profit e. _x__ Federal Government

c. _X__ Not-for-profit institutions f. _x_State, Local or Tribal Government

12. Obligation to respond (Mark primary with AP@ and all others that apply with AX@)

a. [ ] Voluntary

b. [ ] Required to obtain or retain benefits

c. [ x] Mandatory

13. Annual reporting and recordkeeping hour burden

a. Number of respondents 15

b. Total annual responses 15

1. Percentage of these responses

collected electronically 90 %

c. Total annual hours requested 88

d. Current OMB inventory 18

e. Difference

f. Explanation of difference

1. Program change + 70

2. Adjustment

14. Annual reporting and recordkeeping cost burden (in thousands of dollars)

a. Total annualized capital/startup costs $

b. Total annual costs (O&M) $

c. Total annualized cost requested $

d. Current OMB inventory $

e. Difference $

f. Explanation of difference

1. Program change

2. Adjustment $

15. Purpose of information collection (mark primary with AP@ and all others that

apply with AX@)

a. __ Application for benefits e. _ x__ Program planning or management

b. _x_ Program evaluation f. ___ Research

c. ___ General purpose statistics g. _ P_ Regulatory or compliance

d. ___ Audit

16. Frequency of recordkeeping or reporting (check all that apply)

a. [ ] Recordkeeping b. G Third party disclosure

c. [ x ] Reporting

1. [ x ] On occasion 2. [ ]Weekly 3. [ ]Monthly

4. [ ]Quarterly 5. G Semi-annually 6. [ ] Annually

7. [ ] Biennially 8. [ ]Other (describe)

17. Statistical Methods

Does this information collection employ statistical methods?

[ ] Yes [x] No

18. Agency contact (person who can best answer questions regarding the content

of this submission)

Name: Howard Wheeler

Phone: (202)502-8688

OMB 83-I 10/95

19. Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions

On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with

5 CFR 1320.9.

NOTE: The test of 5 CFR 1320.9, and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3), appear at the end of the instructions. The certification is to be made with reference to those regulatory provisions as set froth in the instructions.

The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information, that the certification covers;

(a) It is necessary for the proper performance of agency functions;

(b) It avoids unnecessary duplication;

(c) It reduces burden on small entities;

(d) It uses plain, coherent, and unambiguous terminology that is understandable to respondents;

(e) Its implementations will be consistent and compatible with current reporting and recordkeeping practices;

(f) It indicates the retention periods for recordkeeping requirements;

(g) It informs respondents of the information called for under 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3):

(i) Why the information is being collected;

(ii) Use of information;

(iii) Burden estimate;

(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a benefit, or mandatory);

(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and

(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control number.

(h) It was developed by an office that has planned and allocated for the efficient and effective management and use of the information to be collected (see note in Item 19 of the instructions);

(i) It uses effective and efficient statistical survey methodology; and

(j) It makes appropriate use of information technology.

If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item below and explain the reason in

Item 18 of the Supporting Statement.

Item nos 19(g)(vi). See Item no. 17 of Supporting Statement.

Item no. 19(i). See Item no. 18 of Supporting Statement

Signature of Senior Official or designee

Michael P. Miller, Information Clearance Officer, FERC


OMB 83-I 10/95

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByMichael Miller
File Modified2006-08-17
File Created2006-08-17

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