DATE: April 2, 2007
SUBJ: Request for OMB Approval of a Survey for the P2Rx Regional Centers
FROM: Beth Anderson, Program Manager
Pollution Prevention Division
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances
TO: Carolyn Scully, OECA Desk Officer
Collection Strategies Division
Office of Environmental Information
Attached for your review are two surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) regional center websites in disseminating pollution prevention information and resources to states, local governments, and technical assistance providers. The surveys are identical except for the modification of similar questions tailored for the regulated community and the assistance provider community. Through this survey effort, EPA is seeking to gather information to evaluate the P2Rx program and better target the program’s resources to address key compliance assistance needs. This effort will promote pollution prevention as a tool to increase the effectiveness of compliance assistance resources and encourage the use of pollution prevention in meeting regulatory requirements and improving environmental performance. Since the survey contains behavioral questions, it will necessitate the maximum 30-day OMB review under the generic Information Collection Request (ICR).
The surveys will be made accessible to potential respondents through the P2Rx regional center program websites for roughly three months. During that time, we anticipate that approximately 500 P2Rx regional center program website users will respond to the survey. We estimate that it will take a respondent approximately five minutes to complete the survey. Given the limited number of responses and the brevity of the survey, we anticipate the burden to both EPA and the public to be low.
Note: EPA will not have access to names or addresses of facilities or individuals surveyed and will not use the information for inspection or enforcement purposes. There will be no way to link participant responses to specific facilities or individuals.
For comments or questions on the survey, please contact Hans Scheifele at
(202) 564-1459.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Attachments (2)
SUBJECT: Review of the P2Rx Regional Centers Survey under ICR No. 1860.03 (OMB 2020-0015)
FROM: Carolyn Scully, OECA Desk Officer (mailcode 2822T)
Regulatory Information Division
Office of Policy
TO: Amy Flynn, OIRA Desk Officer
Office of Management and Budget
Attached for your review are two surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) regional center websites in disseminating pollution prevention information and resources to states, local governments, and technical assistance providers. The surveys are identical except for the modification of similar questions tailored for the regulated community and the assistance provider community. Through this survey effort, EPA is seeking to gather information to evaluate the P2Rx program and better target the program’s resources to address key compliance assistance needs. This effort will promote pollution prevention as a tool to increase the effectiveness of compliance assistance resources and encourage the use of pollution prevention in meeting regulatory requirements and improving environmental performance. Since the survey contains behavioral questions, it will necessitate the maximum 30-day OMB review under the generic ICR.
The surveys will be made accessible to potential respondents through the P2Rx regional center program websites for roughly three months. During that time, we anticipate that approximately 500 P2Rx regional center program website users will respond to the survey. We estimate that it will take a respondent approximately five minutes to complete the survey. Given the limited number of responses and the brevity of the survey, we anticipate the burden to both EPA and the public to be low.
Note: EPA will not have access to names or addresses of facilities or individuals surveyed and will not use the information for inspection or enforcement purposes. There will be no way to link participant responses to specific facilities or individuals.
For questions about the ICR or this survey submission, please contact Hans Scheifele at
(202) 564-1459.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Attachments (2)
Request for Approval of Information Collection Activity
I. Background:
The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx™) is a consortium of eight regional pollution prevention information centers, funded in part through grants from EPA. These centers each operate a website for disseminating pollution prevention information and provide networking opportunities and other services to states, local governments, and technical assistance providers in their region. The centers represent a broad constituency, including state and local pollution prevention programs, manufacturing extension partnerships, and cooperative extension and nonprofit organizations.
II. Survey Purpose and Description:
Through this survey effort, EPA will gather information on the types of information and resources that P2Rx users are seeking out and how these entities are using this information—by tracking various outreach activities and behaviors as well as outcomes. This data will help EPA better evaluate the P2Rx program and its ability to meet the compliance assistance needs of its customers. Specifically, the survey will help EPA better target the P2Rx program’s resources to:
Address key compliance assistance needs,
Promote pollution prevention as a tool to increase the effectiveness of compliance assistance resources, and
Encourage the use of pollution prevention in meeting regulatory requirements and improve environmental performance.
The information obtained through this survey will not be used for regulatory development or to make broad generalizations or claims.
III. Survey Methodology and Use of Results
The potential target audience for the survey is the users of the P2Rx regional center program websites. EPA will post the survey instrument on-line on the P2Rx regional centers websites. Survey respondents will be anonymous to EPA. We anticipate that approximately 500 P2Rx regional center program website users will respond. We estimate that it will take a respondent approximately five minutes to complete the survey. The surveys will be made accessible to potential respondents through the P2Rx regional center program websites for roughly three months.
Through an independent third-party contractor, survey responses will be provided to EPA Pollution Prevention Division staff for analysis. In addition, the independent third-party contractor will aggregate all survey responses and summarize the findings. Aggregated survey results from four questions relating to actions taken, behavior change, and pollution reduction will be used for reporting to Congress under Goal 5 of our Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) reporting requirements for pollution prevention.
IV. Respondents’ Burden
Number of respondents: 500
Minutes per response: 5 minutes
Cost per hour: $79.61*
Cost per response: $79.61 x 5/60 = $6.63
Total burden hours: 500 x 5/60 = 41.7 hours
Total burden dollar cost: 41.7 hours x $79.61 = $3,319.74
*These rates are from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September, 2006, “Table 4. State and local government, by occupational and industry group.” The rates are from column 1, “Total compensation.” The rates have been increased by 110% to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.
V. Agency Burden
EPA Staff Time: 15 hours
Cost per hour: $38.04**
Total burden hours: 15 hours x $38.04 = $570.60
**Based on a 2007 GS 13/01 salary of $79,397 or $38.04/hr with overhead the hourly rate is $38.04.
OMB Control # 2020-0015
Survey Questions
The survey will begin with the same question for all respondents, which is listed below:
Please select one option from the following list:
____ I primarily use <P2Rx Regional Center> to find environmental assistance information to apply to my own organization or facility.
____ I primarily use <P2Rx Regional Center> in my capacity as a provider of environmental assistance to others outside my organization.
Based upon how the respondent answers this question, they will be given either the “Survey Questions for the Regulated Community” or the “Survey Questions for the Assistance Provider Community” to answer.
Survey Questions for the Regulated Community
What type of organization do you represent? (Check all that apply).
____ Federal government
____ State government
____ Local government
____ Manufacturing
____ Service industry
____ Educational institution
____ Nonprofit organization
____ Wastewater treatment industry
____ Other, please specify ______________________________
How often do you use <P2Rx Regional Center>?
____ First time user
____ Weekly
____ Monthly
____ Every three months
____ Other, please specify ______________________________
How did you hear about <P2Rx Regional Center>?
____ Search engine
___ Link from another website
____ E-mail message or listserv
____ Conference or meeting
____ Brochure or newsletter
___ Colleague
____ Vendor
____ Assistance program
____ Other, please specify ________________________________
OMB Control # 2020-0015
<P2Rx Regional Center> helps me to improve my awareness of environmental practices to reduce pollution
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree/Do Not Use
How useful were < P2Rx Regional Center> resources in meeting your needs? (Centers may choose to add to this list based on their products.)
Topic Hubs Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
P2 Programs Directory Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
News Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Library Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Industry Sector Information Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Vendor Database Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Case Studies Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Listservs Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Rapid Response Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
How did you utilize the P2RX website?
____ Attended a training, workshop, or conference promoted by a P2Rx Center
____ Asked for pollution prevention technical assistance
____ Requested additional resources from the P2RX Center
____ Contacted a technical assistance provider
____ Reviewed Topic Hub information
What action(s) have you taken to improve environmental practices, in whole or in part, due to information you have found through <P2Rx Regional Center>? (Check all that apply.)
____ Contacted a vendor
____ Changed handling of waste or emission
____ Changed a pollution prevention process or practice
____ Implemented material or waste recycling system
____ Installed pollution control equipment (e.g., scrubbers, control technique)
____ Installed a waste treatment system
____ Identified a pollution prevention opportunity
____ Purchased new process equipment to prevent pollution
____ Implemented energy conservation measures
____ Switched to renewable energy
____ No process changes were taken
____ Other, please specify ________________________________
OMB Control # 2020-0015
Please identify whether you reduced or eliminated pollutant(s) as a result of <P2Rx Regional Center> use. (Check all that apply.)
____ Reduced non-hazardous waste (solid waste)
____ Eliminated non-hazardous waste (solid waste)
____ Reduced hazardous waste or hazardous materials
____ Eliminated hazardous waste or hazardous materials
____ Reduced fugitive air emissions
____ Eliminated air emissions
____ Reduced waste water pollution
____ Eliminated pollutant waste water
____ Other, please specify _______________________________
____ None
____ Don’t know
Has using the <P2Rx Regional Center> or the action(s) taken above resulted in cost savings to you? (Cost includes time as well as dollars).
____ Yes
____ No
____ Do not know
If yes, please provide details. _____________________________
Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average five minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering information, and completing and reviewing the information. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimate, and any suggestions for reducing the burden, including the use of automated collection techniques, to the Director, Office of Environmental Information, Collection Strategies Division, United States Environmental Protection Agency (mail Code 2822), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20460; and to the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management & Budget, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20503, Attention: Desk Officer for EPA. Include the EPA ICR 1860.03 and the OMB control number 2020-0015 in any correspondence. Do not send your completed survey to this address. Approval expires March 31, 2008.
OMB Control # 2020-0015
Survey Questions for the Assistance Provider Community
1. What type of organization do you represent? (Check all that apply).
____ Federal government
____ State government
____ Local government
____ Manufacturing
____ Service industry
____ Educational institution
____ Nonprofit organization
____ Wastewater treatment industry
____ Business
____ Other, please specify ______________________________
How often do you use <P2Rx Regional Center>?
____ First time user
____ Weekly
____ Monthly
____ Every three months
____ Other, please specify ________________________________
How did you hear about <P2Rx Regional Center>?
____ Search engine
___ Link from another website
____ E-mail message or listserv
____ Conference or meeting
____ Brochure or newsletter
___ Colleague
____ Vendor
____ Assistance program
____ Other, please specify ________________________________
Access to the <P2Rx Regional Center> information has improved my ability to provide technical assistance to my clients.
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree/Do Not Use
OMB Control # 2020-0015
How useful were < P2Rx Regional Center> resources in meeting your needs? (Centers may choose to add to this list based on their products.)
Topic Hubs Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
P2 Programs Directory Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
News Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Library Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Industry Sector Information Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Vendor Database Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Case Studies Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Listservs Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
Rapid Response Very useful/Useful/Somewhat useful/Not useful/Unaware of-Do not use
What information did you use to improve or influence your client’s understanding of environmental practices to reduce pollution?
____ Provided training, workshop, and/or conference information
____ Provided information on technical assistance provider(s)
____ Provided Topic Hub information
____ Provided vendor information
____ Other pollution prevention technical assistance. If so, please specify ________
What action(s) have your clients taken to improve environmental practices, in whole or in part, due to information you have found through <P2Rx Regional Center>? (Check all that apply.)
____ Contacted a vendor
____ Changed handling of waste or emission
____ Changed a pollution prevention process or practice
____ Implemented material or waste recycling system
____ Installed pollution control equipment (e.g., scrubbers, control technique)
____ Installed a waste treatment system
____ Identified a pollution prevention opportunity
____ Purchased new process equipment to prevent pollution
____ Implemented energy conservation measures
____ Switched to renewable energy
____ No process changes were taken
____ Other, please specify ________________________________
Please identify whether your client reduced or eliminated pollutant(s) as a result of <P2Rx Regional Center> use. (Check all that apply.)
____ Reduced non-hazardous waste (solid waste)
OMB Control # 2020-0015
____ Eliminated non-hazardous waste (solid waste)
____ Reduced hazardous waste or hazardous materials
____ Eliminated hazardous waste or hazardous materials
____ Reduced fugitive air emissions
____ Eliminated air emissions
____ Reduced waste water pollution
____ Eliminated pollutant waste water
____ Other, please specify _______________________________
____ None
____ Don’t know
Has using the <P2Rx Regional Center> or the actions taken above resulted in cost savings to your client? (Cost includes time as well as dollars).
____ Yes
____ No
____ Do not know
If yes, please provide details. __________________________________
Has using the <P2Rx Regional Center> saved you time or money in serving your client(s)?
____ Yes
____ No
____ Do not know
If yes, please provide details. _____________________________
Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average five minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering information, and completing and reviewing the information. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimate, and any suggestions for reducing the burden, including the use of automated collection techniques, to the Director, Office of Environmental Information, Collection Strategies Division, United States Environmental Protection Agency (mail Code 2822), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20460; and to the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management & Budget, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20503, Attention: Desk Officer for EPA. Include the EPA ICR 1860.03 and the OMB control number 2020-0015 in any correspondence. Do not send your completed survey to this address. Approval expires March 31, 2008.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | MEMORANDUM |
Author | backadmin |
Last Modified By | Amy Flynn |
File Modified | 2007-05-02 |
File Created | 2007-05-02 |